Obama's speech.


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a figment of your imagination
Did anyone listen to Obama yesterday?

Quite the lengthy speech on the economy...

Some interesting things, he discussed the parable of building your house upon sand and said we must not build our new economy on sand...


We must build our house upon Iraq!

And then went on to state his FIVE PILLARS to do so.

I can't wait for the conspiracy theorists and right wing talk shows to come out and have a heyday with this....
Did anyone listen to Obama yesterday?

Quite the lengthy speech on the economy...

Some interesting things, he discussed the parable of building your house upon sand and said we must not build our new economy on sand...


We must build our house upon Iraq!

And then went on to state his FIVE PILLARS to do so.

I can't wait for the conspiracy theorists and right wing talk shows to come out and have a heyday with this....

lol.... no link?
I can't wait for the conspiracy theorists and right wing talk shows to come out and have a heyday with this....
Why should we care? Zero substance controversies regarding a President can be created without a speech.
lol.... no link?
Obama On The Economy's Mixed Picture : NPR

The right wing has been going round and round about him being Muslim, do you think he used the phrase five pillars just to tempt them? to see if they will bite?

Of course the constuction analogy doesn't hold water...you put pillars on foundations not foundations on pillars (the apologetics will say the pillars are pilings (but you only use those when you are building on sand...or bad ground, not when you are building on rock))

We cannot rebuild this economy on the same pile of sand. We must build our house upon a rock. We must lay a new foundation for growth and prosperity — a foundation that will move us from an era of borrow and spend to one where we save and invest; where we consume less at home and send more exports abroad.

It's a foundation built upon five pillars that will grow our economy and make this new century another American century: new rules for Wall Street that will reward drive and innovation; new investments in education that will make our work force more skilled and competitive; new investments in renewable energy and technology that will create new jobs and industries; new investments in health care that will cut costs for families and businesses; and new savings in our federal budget that will bring down the debt for future generations. That is the new foundation we must build. That must be our future — and my administration's policies are designed to achieve that future.
Obama On The Economy's Mixed Picture : NPR

The right wing has been going round and round about him being Muslim, do you think he used the phrase five pillars just to tempt them? to see if they will bite?

Of course the constuction analogy doesn't hold water...you put pillars on foundations not foundations on pillars (the apologetics will say the pillars are pilings (but you only use those when you are building on sand...or bad ground, not when you are building on rock))
Hi Wil,

Where's the part about the plan to "build our house upon Iraq!"?
Hi Wil,

Where's the part about the plan to "build our house upon Iraq!"?
It appears different when I read the text than when I heard it... :eek:
Obama said:
We cannot rebuild this economy on the same pile of sand. We must build our house upon a rock.
Must I apologize for my twisted humor?

to continue my pillar analogy...

Obama said:
The first step we will take to build this foundation is to reform the outdated rules and regulations that allowed this crisis to happen in the first place.
"There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of God."

Obama said:
The second pillar of this new foundation is an education system that finally prepares our workers for a 21st century economy.
The second pillar of Islam is Salah, the requirement to pray 5 times a day at fixed times during the day

Obama said:
The third pillar of this new foundation is to harness the renewable energy that can create millions of new jobs and new industries.
Zakat or alms-giving, is the practice of charitable giving by Muslims based on accumulated wealth, and is obligatory for all who are able to do so.

Obama said:
The fourth pillar of the new foundation is a 21st century health care system where families, businesses and government budgets aren't dragged down by skyrocketing insurance premiums.
The fast is meant to allow Muslims to seek nearness to Allah, to express their gratitude to and dependence on him, to atone for their past sins, and to remind them of the needy

Now I've read his text over and over and can't find the fifth pillar.... Every able-bodied Muslim is obliged to make the pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their lifetime if they can afford it

Unless this is the trip to Mecca...

Obama said:
All of these efforts will require tough choices and compromises. But the difficulties can't serve as an excuse for inaction. Not anymore.
This brings up one final point I'd like to make today. I've talked a lot about the fundamental weakness in our economy that led us to this day of reckoning. But we also arrived here because of a fundamental weakness in our political system.
For too long, too many in Washington put off hard decisions for some other time on some other day.
Was a good speech mostly. Very good. Especially for a youth audience. But in this viewing split in two at the nib at what you refer to I am loathe to comment on the religious references other than they isolate non-believers.. His speech showed his ongoing commitment to positive changes, something that can only be good after the Bush years.
Obama On The Economy's Mixed Picture : NPR

The right wing has been going round and round about him being Muslim, do you think he used the phrase five pillars just to tempt them? to see if they will bite?

Of course the constuction analogy doesn't hold water...you put pillars on foundations not foundations on pillars (the apologetics will say the pillars are pilings (but you only use those when you are building on sand...or bad ground, not when you are building on rock))

Is America ready for sharia?
Was a good speech mostly. Very good. Especially for a youth audience. But in this viewing split in two at the nib at what you refer to I am loathe to comment on the religious references other than they isolate non-believers.. His speech showed his ongoing commitment to positive changes, something that can only be good after the Bush years.
The Bush years will be known for a few things, not the least of which the largest move towards socialism in our nation's history. The presciption medication bill which added to Medicare/caid which was passed with a Republican Congress and Senate and President is unheard of...add to that the first 800 billion which turned into 1.8 trillion before he left office of bailout was the start that the Obama administration has followed. If a liberal democrat had initiated either of these the conservative republicans would be up in arms...it is interesting time.

When we have a two party system both of which cow tow to big business who writes the laws and the bailouts for us, which congress doesn't read but just adds their earmarks and passes...change is a relative thing...more like smoke and mirrors... and same old stuff in a new wrapper.
Scary stuff. The Great Beast will become more "beastly." Lord knows what this "education" will consist of. Secularism has destroyed education so the way to fix it will be seen as making it more secular.

At times like this I fear reincarnatin. I'd hate to be born again into this madness..

The second pillar of this new foundation is an education system that finally prepares our workers for a 21st century economy. In the 20th century, the GI Bill sent a generation to college, and for decades, we led the world in education and economic growth. But in this new economy, we trail the world's leaders in graduation rates and achievement. That is why we have set a goal that will greatly enhance our ability to compete for the high-wage, high-tech jobs of the 21st century: By 2020, America will once more have the highest proportion of college graduates in the world.
To meet that goal, we have already dramatically expanded early childhood education. We are investing in innovative programs that have proven to help schools meet high standards and close achievement gaps. We are creating new rewards tied to teacher performance and new pathways for advancement. I have asked every American to commit to at least one year or more of higher education or career training, and we have provided tax credits to make a college education more affordable for every American.

Workers of the world unite! Seen enough of that. No thanks.

Notice how fast it hs grown. Hillary said "it takes a village." And, just a few years later: "It takes a federal government." Now that's Progress. :)
It appears different when I read the text than when I heard it... :eek: Must I apologize for my twisted humor?
Helps me. I'm allergic to twistedness that's not humorous.

The second pillar of Islam is Salah, the requirement to pray 5 times a day at fixed times during the day
I think you may have identified a real point of contention. I'd say praying 5 times a day is not nearly enough.

We cannot rebuild this economy on the same pile of sand. We must build our house upon a rock.
Sound like a takeoff: “You are Peter, and on this rock I'll build my Church.” (Matthew 16:18) I think Obama hopes to usher in a new Christian era. Maybe Nick will have a new soap box theme - how Obama is violating church/state separation. Should be good for at least 1500 posts. :eek:
new soap box theme - how Obama is violating church/state separation. Should be good for at least 1500 posts. :eek:
Ah no, the constitutionalist knows there is no such thing as a separation of church and state (ie congress shall pass no laws etal). Despite supreme court rulings and convention today we are not a country of case law either. Our deist masonic forfathers established one nation under G!d. (and another under the dollar)

twistedness that's not humorous??....you puttin me between Iraq and a hot place.

No sacred cows round here...nothin I hate worse than an Indian giver...no I take that back.
Cradle to grave Nick...

That is what we need is the highest number of college graduates...

What we really need is 8th graders that can pass the Salinas County 1895 8th grade test!

The 8th grade education of 100 years ago prepared you more for life and work than a college education today.

Our education system is so watered down that my sister a librarian, needs to go back and get her masters to advance.

What was that statement about a thorough knowledge of the bible is worth more than a college education? If one would substitue Torah or Quran, or Upanishads, or Lao Tzu, or the classics...I could agree with all the statements.

Take a look at Gingrich on adolescence.

ps, how did you do on the test?
Cradle to grave Nick...

That is what we need is the highest number of college graduates...

What we really need is 8th graders that can pass the Salinas County 1895 8th grade test!

The 8th grade education of 100 years ago prepared you more for life and work than a college education today.

Our education system is so watered down that my sister a librarian, needs to go back and get her masters to advance.

What was that statement about a thorough knowledge of the bible is worth more than a college education? If one would substitue Torah or Quran, or Upanishads, or Lao Tzu, or the classics...I could agree with all the statements.

Take a look at Gingrich on adolescence.

ps, how did you do on the test?

Gingrich is right in the sense that adolescence becomes an excuse. There is of course a natural transition between a 5 year old and a 21 year old but when it becomes an excuse, then we end up with all this PC nonsense that kills kids.

When I was around twelve or so I was listening to Jean shepherd one night and he began one of his old stories with "Well gang, there are two kinds of people: the punctuators and the rest of us." I immediately knew that I was one of "the rest of us." Since then I've been very wary of captivation into punctuation so avoided that part. The artist in me cannot sacrifice substance for style.