Tea Party

Sponsored by FAUX News.

I'll pass.

I think I don't pay enough taxes!
Yeah, pretty much sponsored by Fox Noise.

Where were the protests for the last eight years? The Repubs spent like drunken sailors but I guess that was okay.
Yeah, pretty much sponsored by Fox Noise.

Where were the protests for the last eight years? The Repubs spent like drunken sailors but I guess that was okay.
Exactly what a joke.

However in reality many of those interviewed were speaaking of the need of a new Rep party for that very reason.

What we really need is to eliminate the entrenched two party system which the businesses and enitities that support both really don't care who wins because they are both bought and paid for.
Sponsored by FAUX News.

I'll pass.

I think I don't pay enough taxes!

You don't. Congress will shortly pass a bill instituting the new Aggravation Tax. Anyone proven to be aggravating by a top secret committee called the "Definers of Aggravation" will pay an additional 10% surcharge on their Federal Income Tax. You should meet the criteria since it is rumored that you are already being watched. Be veerrry careful.

YouTube - Susan Boyle

I think you should all watch this clip

and feel good, at least for a moment.

Now back to our regularly scheduled cynicism...
I think there should be a fat b@st@rd tax.
If you can afford to become more than 50 pounds overweight you should have to pay, either that or do community service until the weight is under control.
It is not different than the other consumption laws which restrict people from eating certain kinds of things (spices of life for example).
That sets a certain kind of precedent IMO.
What we really need is to eliminate the entrenched two party system which the businesses and enitities that support both really don't care who wins because they are both bought and paid for.
Wil, I believe the US needs a vigorous two-party system. How sad that this is what the US conservative movement has come to. The Republican party just keeps grasping for straws - just about any straw that comes along.

It's fairly clear who is getting mileage from the event - and it isn't the Republicans/conservatives. The left wing blogs are just basking in it. The folks who underwrite these kinds of events are in effect underwriting leftist blogosphere culture.

There are no doubt many liberal media supporters who'd pay to help make a Tea Party event like this happen. Huffingtonpost.com already has 125 pages of comments on this!!

Individual left wing blogs all carry the same story about Texas Gov. Rick Perry supposedly siding with secessionists and equating patriotism with secessionism. Huffington in particular will have no trouble getting advertising dollars for months to come. Unless Huffington supported the Tea Party event financially, this will have been a real boon.

So was Fox news bought up by a left wing outfit? They're the only media people besides the leftist blogosphere who will stand to benefit from this.

Maybe Rick Perry will benefit. See if he is re-elected next year. He'll be starting his re-election campaign shortly with a little more grist than he had before.
I'm proud of the young people that wish to pay more taxes in loyalty to Obama even though it will cost them a great deal more in the future. But one has to admire the benevolent sacrifice of their own finances in the future for Obama's redistribution efforts for the sake of financial equality for all. A fine loyal gesture that will last their lifetime.
Hey Nick,

That off-topic post that I threw in the thread?

You follow that link yet?

Let me know what you think.

I had previously seen it but she is excellent. I usually don't like those kinds of shows since so much is based on ridicule. Yet she showed them all up and more power to her.
Wil, I believe the US needs a vigorous two-party system.
So where's the other political party? (I only see one.)
How sad that this is what the US conservative movement has come to. The Republican party just keeps grasping for straws - just about any straw that comes along.

It's fairly clear who is getting mileage from the event - and it isn't the Republicans/conservatives. The left wing blogs are just basking in it. The folks who underwrite these kinds of events are in effect underwriting leftist blogosphere culture.

There are no doubt many liberal media supporters who'd pay to help make a Tea Party event like this happen. Huffingtonpost.com already has 125 pages of comments on this!!

Individual left wing blogs all carry the same story about Texas Gov. Rick Perry supposedly siding with secessionists and equating patriotism with secessionism. Huffington in particular will have no trouble getting advertising dollars for months to come. Unless Huffington supported the Tea Party event financially, this will have been a real boon.

So was Fox news bought up by a left wing outfit? They're the only media people besides the leftist blogosphere who will stand to benefit from this.

Maybe Rick Perry will benefit. See if he is re-elected next year. He'll be starting his re-election campaign shortly with a little more grist than he had before.
Like I said, I only see one political party here, the republicrats.
I had previously seen it but she is excellent. I usually don't like those kinds of shows since so much is based on ridicule. Yet she showed them all up and more power to her.

I thought it said much about the human condition.

So much is assumed.

I'm going try harder not to let assumptions lead me astray.

And be a little more open to the songs we all sing.

And now... back to our regularly scheduled programming.
Who said that Republicans are conservative? :confused:

Who said that Republicans are conservative?

Republican and "conservative" are not interchageable. The theory/practice distinction certainly applies here, and it could even be highlighted in a self-enhancing way for those who would proclaim true conservatism. No doubt there has been a failure to match the ideal. But the fact remains: most Republicans seem to allign themselves with conservative ideas.

Specifically, a majority of Republicans say that their hopes for the future as a party lies with the ability to "move to the right and back to conservative principles" Republicans also identify with "traditional values" (63%)

There's also indirect support. Palin's appeal was related to her perceived identification with the conservative Christian demographic (she is an Evangelical) and her visible efforts to market herself as somone who personifed traditional values. McCain's picking her was widely considered a cynical attempt to tap into these conservative voter demographics. Palin was in fact described as having rallied "the conservative rank-and-file" with her profamily spiel.

Her identity as a conservative was apparently obvious to the target group that the Republicans were pitching to. Conservatives clearly identified with her, calling her "a conservative American." Almost 80% of Republicans said Palin was good choice for McCaine. Maybe it was her looks rather than her political persona?....

Anyway, none of these data surprise me. I doubt they surprise you.

I don't think it's a stretch to suggest that Republicans are conservative. I would even go so far as to suggest that a "Liberal Republican" is more of a paradox than a "Conservative Democrat." Just my opinion.
Republican and "conservative" are not interchageable. The theory/practice distinction certainly applies here, and it could even be highlighted in a self-enhancing way for those who would proclaim true conservatism. No doubt there has been a failure to match the ideal. But the fact remains: most Republicans seem to allign themselves with conservative ideas.

I don't think it's a stretch to suggest that Republicans are conservative.
I think it's quite a stretch.
I would even go so far as to suggest that a "Liberal Republican" is more of a paradox than a "Conservative Democrat." Just my opinion.
Both democrats and republicans seem to be more interested in growing government, rather than shrinking it.