How prepared are you?


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a figment of your imagination - Prepare. Plan. Stay Informed.

What are you doing to be prepared?

Now just to forstall all the gloom and doom, I'm not talking in this case being 'prayed up' or born again... we've got threads for that, and not saying there is anything wrong with that...

But what does your storehouse look like?

For me it is my camping supplies, with some added canned, boxed foodstuffs. 2 bins ready to go, with sleeping bags, clothes, tents, water food, flashlights...water filters, sanitizing tabs.

I've simply took the stuff I'd have to search for to prepare to go camping and put it in two large bins in the garage ready to toss in the the car to go camping...or beat feet from the DC area...or use to hole up in my basement should any of those needs arise.
.....Ready for what? lol.
Ready for anything. If anything occurs I'd like to be ready to take care of my kids without waiting for or relying on gov't assistance.

I live on a penninsula ('round here they call it a 'neck') and our power comes from one direction and we have regular outages, during the winter for days at a time is not unusual.

Flood, I live about 16 feet above sea level, near a river off the Chesapeake Bay, flooding has occurred upto about 4 feet so mom and sister are closer to sea level and in the past 20 years they've seen the water come upto the house thrice and surround the house once.

Hurricane... we live in an area that gets one every few years and a bad one every decade...they've hit quite close to home before.

Fire...could hit anyone anytime.

Evacuation, I live less than thirty miles from the White House and ground zero for a terrorist attack of any kind. Am I concerned, no, I'm prepared.
Ready for anything. If anything occurs I'd like to be ready to take care of my kids without waiting for or relying on gov't assistance.

I live on a penninsula ('round here they call it a 'neck') and our power comes from one direction and we have regular outages, during the winter for days at a time is not unusual.

Flood, I live about 16 feet above sea level, near a river off the Chesapeake Bay, flooding has occurred upto about 4 feet so mom and sister are closer to sea level and in the past 20 years they've seen the water come upto the house thrice and surround the house once.

Hurricane... we live in an area that gets one every few years and a bad one every decade...they've hit quite close to home before.

Fire...could hit anyone anytime.

Evacuation, I live less than thirty miles from the White House and ground zero for a terrorist attack of any kind. Am I concerned, no, I'm prepared.

no wonder youre prepared wil, l would too living there. lts very handy having stuff prepared, even if getting off camping in a hurry [you know how long it actually takes filling up the car with everything but the kitchen sink!]. l initially thought you meant a nuclear strike..hope there are some underground caves around for that one..
Always good to have a few extra supplies on hand, just the basics will do fine.
But I have a feeling that whatever the next big crisis is, if it even happens, will be of a nature that the only preparation that will prove useful is spiritual.
Those that just look to the material necessities will not have enough.
That being said, still one must close the barn door and tether the camel and all that jazz as well.
What are you doing to be prepared?

you would be jealous of my pantry. I keep and rotate a two year supply for about 4 people of canned goods, dry goods like rice & sugar, oils, peanut butter, candles, batteries, candle oil with several railroad lanterns, tea, salts, popcorn, all kinds of dry beans, cooking grills/griddle and butane... etc. You do need to know how to store things properly. Plenty of blankets. Lots of water that I rotate. Juices keep for about 6 months to a year. If I see something I wont be able to use before it goes bad, I will take it to catholic charities. Of course I get my gasoline storage for power tools during the summer/winter, 6 months in advance and keep a six to eight month supply of hardwood for the wood stoves cut and on hand each year. Some amounts of cleaning supplies but not too much extra. Fire extinguishers, smoke alarms and I am probably the only person in this city who has a 100 foot garden water hose under my kitchen sink that can reach just about every corner of this big old house and, I have used it once to put out a fire in the basement. I have body soap, detergents, toothpaste and things like that to last for about 3 years and that gets rotated with new stock. I also have a 20 year supply of edge shaving cream in the attic that I obtained for free through a sampling company. THAT was an awesome thing that I could not pass up. Two gasoline generators in which I have used quite often during emergency. The last episode we had I was laughing at people every 10 minutes walking by the house with a tiny container for gas. It was amusing. LOL!

Freezer goods and meats about a 6 month supply of food there with turkeys and hams, pork chops, whole chickens and bacon, butter etc... I grow quite a few of my own veggies too. Sandbags, sub pumps, police scanner, all hazards weather box, led flash lights, band-aids and first aid, Plenty of good wines, cognac and liqueurs. know the basics. In the fall I get 8 months supply of dog food for my doggies because trodding thru snow and ice for that is a pain. I also keep a network of good people who can help me out as well. Good old-fashioned trading will also come in handy when the paper dollar fails and we slip into a depression. My biggest concerns for weather are the deadly winters, flooding and a slight chance of a tornado about every 20 years. I can handle heat waves with no A/C, no problem. I figure this way I could take in a couple of people for a while and help them get through it if need be.

Considering we live in a time when a cell phone picture and an ipod is more important than food to so many people, I do not expect most Americans to be prepared for any kind of long term serious disaster, lay offs, marshal law, depression or whatever, let alone have the knowledge or vigor to live off the land. I can't help but think of 7 years of feasts and 7 years of famine and keeping a storehouse. The only things I feel I am lacking on are weapons. Of course all of this brings no guarantees of an extra day of survival and no pain, but it can't hurt either. It isn't always just about survival. I just happen to watch for bargains:) and that is when I buy in bulk. Being prepared makes for very comfortable and wise living.

And that Wil, is how I do it.
you would be jealous of my pantry. I keep and rotate a two year supply for about 4 people of canned goods, dry goods like rice & sugar, oils, peanut butter, candles, batteries, candle oil with several railroad lanterns, tea, salts, popcorn, all kinds of dry beans, cooking grills/griddle and butane... etc. You do need to know how to store things properly. Plenty of blankets. Lots of water that I rotate. Juices keep for about 6 months to a year. If I see something I wont be able to use before it goes bad, I will take it to catholic charities. Of course I get my gasoline storage for power tools during the summer/winter, 6 months in advance and keep a six to eight month supply of hardwood for the wood stoves cut and on hand each year. Some amounts of cleaning supplies but not too much extra. Fire extinguishers, smoke alarms and I am probably the only person in this city who has a 100 foot garden water hose under my kitchen sink that can reach just about every corner of this big old house and, I have used it once to put out a fire in the basement. I have body soap, detergents, toothpaste and things like that to last for about 3 years and that gets rotated with new stock. I also have a 20 year supply of edge shaving cream in the attic that I obtained for free through a sampling company. THAT was an awesome thing that I could not pass up. Two gasoline generators in which I have used quite often during emergency. The last episode we had I was laughing at people every 10 minutes walking by the house with a tiny container for gas. It was amusing. LOL!

Freezer goods and meats about a 6 month supply of food there with turkeys and hams, pork chops, whole chickens and bacon, butter etc... I grow quite a few of my own veggies too. Sandbags, sub pumps, police scanner, all hazards weather box, led flash lights, band-aids and first aid, Plenty of good wines, cognac and liqueurs. know the basics. In the fall I get 8 months supply of dog food for my doggies because trodding thru snow and ice for that is a pain. I also keep a network of good people who can help me out as well. Good old-fashioned trading will also come in handy when the paper dollar fails and we slip into a depression. My biggest concerns for weather are the deadly winters, flooding and a slight chance of a tornado about every 20 years. I can handle heat waves with no A/C, no problem. I figure this way I could take in a couple of people for a while and help them get through it if need be.

Considering we live in a time when a cell phone picture and an ipod is more important than food to so many people, I do not expect most Americans to be prepared for any kind of long term serious disaster, lay offs, marshal law, depression or whatever, let alone have the knowledge or vigor to live off the land. I can't help but think of 7 years of feasts and 7 years of famine and keeping a storehouse. The only things I feel I am lacking on are weapons. Of course all of this brings no guarantees of an extra day of survival and no pain, but it can't hurt either. It isn't always just about survival. I just happen to watch for bargains:) and that is when I buy in bulk. Being prepared makes for very comfortable and wise living.

And that Wil, is how I do it.

That sounds like a good template to work with. :)
you would be jealous of my pantry. I keep and rotate a two year supply for about 4 people of canned goods, dry goods like rice & sugar, oils, peanut butter, candles, batteries, candle oil with several railroad lanterns, tea, salts, popcorn, all kinds of dry beans, cooking grills/griddle and butane... etc. You do need to know how to store things properly. Plenty of blankets. Lots of water that I rotate. Juices keep for about 6 months to a year. If I see something I wont be able to use before it goes bad, I will take it to catholic charities. Of course I get my gasoline storage for power tools during the summer/winter, 6 months in advance and keep a six to eight month supply of hardwood for the wood stoves cut and on hand each year. Some amounts of cleaning supplies but not too much extra. Fire extinguishers, smoke alarms and I am probably the only person in this city who has a 100 foot garden water hose under my kitchen sink that can reach just about every corner of this big old house and, I have used it once to put out a fire in the basement. I have body soap, detergents, toothpaste and things like that to last for about 3 years and that gets rotated with new stock. I also have a 20 year supply of edge shaving cream in the attic that I obtained for free through a sampling company. THAT was an awesome thing that I could not pass up. Two gasoline generators in which I have used quite often during emergency. The last episode we had I was laughing at people every 10 minutes walking by the house with a tiny container for gas. It was amusing. LOL!

Freezer goods and meats about a 6 month supply of food there with turkeys and hams, pork chops, whole chickens and bacon, butter etc... I grow quite a few of my own veggies too. Sandbags, sub pumps, police scanner, all hazards weather box, led flash lights, band-aids and first aid, Plenty of good wines, cognac and liqueurs. know the basics. In the fall I get 8 months supply of dog food for my doggies because trodding thru snow and ice for that is a pain. I also keep a network of good people who can help me out as well. Good old-fashioned trading will also come in handy when the paper dollar fails and we slip into a depression. My biggest concerns for weather are the deadly winters, flooding and a slight chance of a tornado about every 20 years. I can handle heat waves with no A/C, no problem. I figure this way I could take in a couple of people for a while and help them get through it if need be.

Considering we live in a time when a cell phone picture and an ipod is more important than food to so many people, I do not expect most Americans to be prepared for any kind of long term serious disaster, lay offs, marshal law, depression or whatever, let alone have the knowledge or vigor to live off the land. I can't help but think of 7 years of feasts and 7 years of famine and keeping a storehouse. The only things I feel I am lacking on are weapons. Of course all of this brings no guarantees of an extra day of survival and no pain, but it can't hurt either. It isn't always just about survival. I just happen to watch for bargains:) and that is when I buy in bulk. Being prepared makes for very comfortable and wise living.

And that Wil, is how I do it.

hmm now I know where to go if the Russian and Chinese ever attack. You can just PM me your address. ;)

I can never stock up I live paycheck to paycheck and too many times we are using the stored up items to get us through till payday. *sigh*
hmm now I know where to go if the Russian and Chinese ever attack. You can just PM me your address. ;)

I can never stock up I live paycheck to paycheck and too many times we are using the stored up items to get us through till payday. *sigh*

Of course you can come:). I know not everyone can do this and it took me quite awhile to get it built up. Now just the rotating part is what I do. My dad being retired has built this awesome network that would amaze you and he enjoys doing peoples grocery shopping as a hobby. He knows how to walk with 100 dollars in name brand food for $25, everytime, all the time. He is smart and focussed with it and the families at the church & around town love him for helping them that way.
Ready for anything. If anything occurs I'd like to be ready to take care of my kids without waiting for or relying on gov't assistance.

Yet another reason to not have kids.
What are you doing to be prepared?

I'm wondering is this notion restricted to the US? I've not heard of it in the UK; maybe the rest of the country is "prepared" but I must have missed that particular news article or government initiative. I'm with Faithfulservant on this one; as we get closer to each pay day we end up looking more and more enviously as the cat food. :rolleyes:

OMG Bandit! You have assault rifles, machine guns, a howitzer and your lawns mined too?

The next major assault we have to worry about will not be nuclear I think. It will be a biological agent, (Iran and N.Korea, Libya and China all have substantial programs, as does the US). So you better get your 'hole' airtight Bandit and fit air scrubbers.
Of course you can come:). I know not everyone can do this and it took me quite awhile to get it built up. Now just the rotating part is what I do. My dad being retired has built this awesome network that would amaze you and he enjoys doing peoples grocery shopping as a hobby. He knows how to walk with 100 dollars in name brand food for $25, everytime, all the time. He is smart and focussed with it and the families at the church & around town love him for helping them that way.

I really do love you. *hugs* You are an awesome person.
Namaste wil,

Ready for anything. If anything occurs I'd like to be ready to take care of my kids without waiting for or relying on gov't assistance.

it's good to be a gangsta!

i can survive in the field with very little in terms of prepared supplies though i have several full sets of camping equipment, tents, bags, shelters, rain gear and a whole host of other outdoor items.

as we've just moved to the washington d.c. area i'm going to have to come up with some alternate evacuation routes.. the stupid river is between me and freedom and there are few bridges that are easy to get to.. i could ford the river or fashion a raft if the situation were that dire.

about the only thing that i really need to get is a few more filters for my portable water filtration system... i am not a fan of the taste of water after using the tabs to clean it and boiled water requires too much time/energy to be efficient.

in truth our store of dried goods is dangerously low but we live in an area with a plethora of small game which could be trapped easily enough, if it came down that quickly.


I'm mentally prepared. :D And I have Wal Mart, Meijer, Home Depot, and Lowes, to clean out just up the road if I have the need. I'd rather not pay for that stuff if I can help it, lol, sorry for drudging up an old thread, I just saw it and couldn't help myself.