Can Gays be Cured?


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I got a gay family member who kind of came out a couple of years ago.

Anyway I'm not going to lie I'am a homophobic, its part of my cultural programming I can't help it. I'm still pretty close with my uncle though(an actor no surprise there hehe). I’m not in anyway hostile towards Homosexuals but I totally think the religious view towards homosexuality is valid and I back them. Also looking into it on a biological view I can't see any reason why anyone should be gay from an evolutionary perspective, it’s kind of head itching how nature can produce someone that fancies their own sex type as they can't pass on the genes for this orientation. This leads one to believe its psychological or maybe stupidity and perversion and the only real reason for homosexuality is cultural. Ok I guess people can be sexually adventurous, try both sexes and consider themselves bisexual this allows them to reproduce aswell if they want, again to me from a religious point of view wrong and considering the current situation with sexually transmitted diseases this is one of the reasons why we have this world wide situation.

Anyway do people think that homosexuality can be psychiatrically cured?

I'm from a small minority that think yes.
I would think they can be cured, as can heterosexuals.

You can't cure something that isnt a condition.. There's alot of biological evidence that would suggest homosexuality isn't genetical. Therefore its created by the mind which conflicts with the natural order of your body and its functions.
Anyway do people think that homosexuality can be psychiatrically cured?

I'm from a small minority that think yes.

Why dont you take the compatability test from the gay dating site on the banner ad...... see if you need "a cure" :rolleyes:

Good luck big boy ;)
You know what gets me a guy can't be sensitive or feminine without being considered gay nowadays. Anyone polite, considerate about other people’s feelings, sensitive, softly spoken have a high likely hood of being considered Gay. Yet funny enough these people have a better chance with women then your average bloke. I've heard women say countless times, how come all the cute guys are gay!
You can't cure something that isnt a condition.. There's alot of biological evidence that would suggest homosexuality isn't genetical. Therefore its created by the mind which conflicts with the natural order of your body and its functions.
Do you think the coffee lovers will ever be able to "cure" the tea lovers of their "unproductive preference" and vice-versa?
You can't cure something that isnt a condition.. There's alot of biological evidence that would suggest homosexuality isn't genetical. Therefore its created by the mind which conflicts with the natural order of your body and its functions.

"There is a common belief that homosexuality is 'unnatural' - a condition only known to fallen humanity. The rest of the animal world allegedly knows no such practice, as their only motivation for mating is the age old instinct for procreation. But is that really the case? Numerous studies have shown that same-sex couplings occur among animals, both in the field and in the lab. Male-male and female-female sexual activity has been observed in numerous reptilian, avian and mammalian species, with arrangements ranging from short-term trysts to stable long-term pairings.
The purpose of pointing out the existence of homosexual behavior in both wild and domestic species is not to 'promote' homosexuality or persuade the opponents of homosexuality to change their minds. Each person is entitled to his/her own moral views. We are merely suggesting that opponents of homosexuality should probably not use 'nature' as an argument.
I am not at all implying that homosexuality should be put in the same box as incest or polygamy; merely stating the fact that humans have created their own moral standards quite independently of the behavior of other animals, and that those who take a certain stand about homosexuality should consider using other arguments to bolster their views."

The 'Unnaturalness' of Homosexuality vs Homosexual Behavior in the Animal Kingdom - ColorQ Articles Etc

Theres alot of things animals do that we shouldn't.. I rest my case
We are not talking about a drug habit, but a perception enhancement. I do not believe you can remove, in many, homosexual attraction. Not all processes are reversible, and a transition to homosexual attraction is likely a mental growing process not a reversible. As it is an innate biological process, possibly non reversible, the most effective reversals might actually be mental cauterization. Data about differences in the glands in homosexual's brains: 1. confirm there really is a bio-difference 2. add that it is a complex bio-difference (aka probably not reversible)

For men at least, life without a mate can be very difficult. There is jealousy, loneliness, an out-of-place feeling, yet a female/male companion is not always possible/supportable. At the same time, macho macho men are too macho to be close, but everyone needs closeness to thrive. A man that is too macho can change to become more feminine resulting in a happier more productive society. There is no question that this is a natural process. I think the question that needs to be addressed by religions is not how to 'cure' but how to better support singles.
I got a gay family member who kind of came out a couple of years ago.

Anyway I'm not going to lie I'am a homophobic, its part of my cultural programming I can't help it. I'm still pretty close with my uncle though(an actor no surprise there hehe). I’m not in anyway hostile towards Homosexuals but I totally think the religious view towards homosexuality is valid and I back them. Also looking into it on a biological view I can't see any reason why anyone should be gay from an evolutionary perspective, it’s kind of head itching how nature can produce someone that fancies their own sex type as they can't pass on the genes for this orientation. This leads one to believe its psychological or maybe stupidity and perversion and the only real reason for homosexuality is cultural. Ok I guess people can be sexually adventurous, try both sexes and consider themselves bisexual this allows them to reproduce aswell if they want, again to me from a religious point of view wrong and considering the current situation with sexually transmitted diseases this is one of the reasons why we have this world wide situation.

Anyway do people think that homosexuality can be psychiatrically cured?

I'm from a small minority that think yes.

I think we should cure you of your Greek background. :D
Theres alot of things animals do that we shouldn't.. I rest my case

Good. Did you read all of the short article? The author made the same point as you:

“Just because something occurs in the natural world doesn't make it 'right' for humans.”

My response was because you said “There's alot of biological evidence that would suggest homosexuality isn't genetical. Therefore its created by the mind which conflicts with the natural order of your body and its functions.”

Are you dismissing all this homosexual activity in the animal kingdom as nothing to do with genetic predisposition and nothing to do with “the natural order”, whatever you mean by that? Is the rest of the animal kingdom not part of this “natural order”?

I think you had it right in your OP, you can’t help it, it’s part of your cultural programming. Perhaps “gay people” can’t help it for more fundamental reasons.

@ Alex Well funny how things turn out now, it so happens Greece isn't very accpeting of Gays these days compared to other countries even though they used to encourage it back in the BC days..

@ Brian Sure if there is anything to suggest my culture is causing me to do harm to myself and others then way not cure me of it. I guess this applys to everyone hehe
LOOL. My view is they are people like anyone else. I got Turkish and Gay friends, never crosses my mind to treat them any differently, an ex Gay colleague of mine told me I’m a very non discriminate person, must be the vibes I give off.

I'd never target a gay person to convert them. If they ever asked for cognitive help towards releasing their inner heretrosexual I say its possible.