Can Gays be Cured?

He initially posted something, thought the better of it, and removed it.

Knowing when to shut up is a valuable life skill, one that I am still trying improve upon.

I truly hope to get better at it... I sure some here hope I do too.
Knowing when to shut up is a valuable life skill, one that I am still trying improve upon.

I truly hope to get better at it... I sure some here hope I do too.
You're fine CZ...just a little more passionate than expected, for a Zen Buddhist...:D
Good G*d.... you guys are still blathering on about this stale fish.

Oh, this is going to be a topic for a looooong time.

This fish is still as fresh as the day it was plucked out of the ocean. :D
I was gona add but thought better of it. (no I am not maturing, just that I already had one post pulled today).
I can listen to a starving child in Africa all day, I can sympathise, I can try to help, I can believe they are starving and feel bitter toward the rich west BUT I can never know what that child feels or experiences.

So, you should refrain from telling those children that the starving feeling is a "wrong choice" they made, and that they must be liars when they tell you it wasn't something they got to decide about, given that the children know, and you do not.
No, you see if I was judging you I would decide you are a bad person because in my mind you do a bad thing sexually ... that's judging a person and as I have not said you are a bad person I don't feel I am judging you based purely on your sexuality.

I don't know what metaphysical distinction you draw between telling me I am "wrong" and telling me I am "bad"; it doesn't appear any different to me.
I have not told you what I think you should do and I have not given you counsel, therefore I have offered no advice, just opinion.
And then you go on to tell me, again, what I should and shouldn't do:
So if you know what to expect and still come to such forums to discuss your sexuality then you shouldn't play the drama queen and say how hurt you feel by the comments.

I have as much right to express how hurtful you are being as you do to express what you do. Why is it that religious people think freedom of speech means that they get to talk, and nobody is allowed to talk back?
No it is the impression you WANTED to get ... I talked about sexual fantasies .. you then turned that into reality.

On the spectrum of sexuality, you are more bisexual than I am insofar as you are capable of having fantasies about women, which I never have, as well as about men. I did not take into account that you have a disjunction between what you fantasize and what you are capable of enjoying in reality, because you had not shared that part yet: why was I supposed to assume that such was the case?
If you are going to tell me that you decided to be the kind of person who has fantasies about women, I would have to ask you how you went about doing that: I don't seem to have such an on/off switch installed in me. If you are going to tell me you decided to be the kind of person who has fantasies about things you cannot actually enjoy in reality, I would say that sounds exceedingly unlikely: why would anybody decide such a thing?
Perhaps you want me to consider the feelings of swingers and how offended they might be if I express my revulsion for their chosen sexual habits?
OF COURSE you should. If nobody is asking for your opinion, to attack someone verbally without provocation would be exceedingly rude.
and I believe adulterers should be flogged in the town square, so we probably won't get any further with that conversation.
Here you blithely call for torturing people who have done nothing to you, and you wonder why we consider your religion despicable and dangerous.
If a vast majority of people in a country follow one religion and that religion states something is wrong, therefore a majority of people believe it, then why should the majority be forced to accept a minority view?
If a majority thinks some thing is wrong, then they don't have to do that thing. If others have a different view, what's it to you?
So, you should refrain from telling those children that the starving feeling is a "wrong choice" they made, and that they must be liars when they tell you it wasn't something they got to decide about, given that the children know, and you do not.

Good Lord above, are you going to start comparing yourself to a starving child now ... how long before you are mother Teresa or a Saint? You should become a Muslim radical, you would do well on the matyr stakes.

I have as much right to express how hurtful you are being as you do to express what you do. Why is it that religious people think freedom of speech means that they get to talk, and nobody is allowed to talk back?

You most certainly do. My point is you also have a choice to not jump into a forum thread titled "Can Gays Be Cured" and state you are gay, then throw a hissy fit when people say they do not accept your way of life.

If you are going to tell me you decided to be the kind of person who has fantasies about things you cannot actually enjoy in reality, I would say that sounds exceedingly unlikely: why would anybody decide such a thing?

Just read the internet or chat to people about their sexuality, there are plenty of people that fantasise about being beaten, humiliated, group sex, etc etc but who would not enjoy the reality of such lifestyle choices. The taboo can often be erotic in fantasy.

OF COURSE you should. If nobody is asking for your opinion, to attack someone verbally without provocation would be exceedingly rude.

HELLO earth calling Bobx ... this is a forum, it is a place for discussion and the whole point of it is it IS asking for my opinion ... just as this thread did.

Here you blithely call for torturing people who have done nothing to you

I disagree with you, they have done something to me. On a social level they have caused problems for society as a whole. Leaving aside the rights and wrongs of the act itself, statistics show they are more than likely going to be caught out by a spouse. Then there's the divorce, the harm done to the children, the money I pay in taxes to keep all these one parent families in government funded homes, their school fees, etc, etc, etc. I would much rather have a cruel and humiliating punishment in place in order to encourage people to keep it in their pants before these balls start rolling (no pun intended).

If a majority thinks some thing is wrong, then they don't have to do that thing. If others have a different view, what's it to you?

So now we are just going to throw social norms out of the window to suit you. Interesting ... so everyone that believes a parent has a right to beat their child should be free to do so, even though the majority disagree?
I got a gay family member who kind of came out a couple of years ago.

Anyway I'm not going to lie I'am a homophobic, its part of my cultural programming I can't help it. I'm still pretty close with my uncle though(an actor no surprise there hehe). I’m not in anyway hostile towards Homosexuals but I totally think the religious view towards homosexuality is valid and I back them. Also looking into it on a biological view I can't see any reason why anyone should be gay from an evolutionary perspective, it’s kind of head itching how nature can produce someone that fancies their own sex type as they can't pass on the genes for this orientation. This leads one to believe its psychological or maybe stupidity and perversion and the only real reason for homosexuality is cultural. Ok I guess people can be sexually adventurous, try both sexes and consider themselves bisexual this allows them to reproduce aswell if they want, again to me from a religious point of view wrong and considering the current situation with sexually transmitted diseases this is one of the reasons why we have this world wide situation.

Anyway do people think that homosexuality can be psychiatrically cured?

I'm from a small minority that think yes.

You are all over the map.

You admit to be programmed by your culture, yet lack the insight to see the problem with this?

You play the religion card, and then talk about evolution?

I can't believe you consider homosexuality a dis-ease. The only dis-ease is in your own mind as you contemplate these ridiculous thoughts.
Probably sunning himself on the beaches of Cyprus, with the woman of his dreams. :)
Good Lord above, are you going to start comparing yourself to a starving child now ...
YOU chose the analogy. I did not.
how long before you are mother Teresa or a Saint? You should become a Muslim radical, you would do well on the matyr stakes.
You can go straight to hell. I am sick and tired of your rudeness and personal attacks.
My point is you also have a choice to not jump into a forum thread titled "Can Gays Be Cured" and state you are gay, then throw a hissy fit when people say they do not accept your way of life.
And I absolutely refuse to make such a choice. Why should I stand by and say nothing while people call me evil for no reason?
Just read the internet or chat to people about their sexuality, there are plenty of people that fantasise about being beaten, humiliated, group sex, etc etc but who would not enjoy the reality of such lifestyle choices. The taboo can often be erotic in fantasy.
I did not say it was unheard-of for you to fantasize about what you do not enjoy in reality, simply that I had no reason to assume that was the case from the limited information you had provided at the time. In any case, the point remains that you are capable of having fantasies about women, which I am not, and neither of us chose that aspect of our makeup.
I disagree with you, they have done something to me. On a social level they have caused problems for society as a whole.
It is exceedingly rude to speak to me in the third person, as if I were not here.
Leaving aside the rights and wrongs of the act itself, statistics show they are more than likely going to be caught out by a spouse.
The only reason that happens is because we are under social pressure to marry people we cannot possibly love, instead of being allowed to marry those we do actually love. I am not totally impotent with women, and it would be possible for me to marry a woman I could never have any feelings for, and use her as a sperm receptacle and baby factory: but THAT is what I would consider a "sin"; I have met some who have gone down that path, and it is grossly unfair to the woman. What you are advocating is to put more pressure on people to do what is wrong.
I would much rather have a cruel and humiliating punishment in place in order to encourage people to keep it in their pants before these balls start rolling (no pun intended).
You are very fond of cruelty and humiliation, aren't you? Did your religion teach you that, or were you always that way?
So now we are just going to throw social norms out of the window to suit you. Interesting ... so everyone that believes a parent has a right to beat their child should be free to do so, even though the majority disagree?
As I said, you have every right to intervene when you or someone else is being harmed, otherwise you are simply doing evil yourself.
I know this is an emotive subject, but's let's try and keep the discussion away from personal attacks please.