Can straights be cured?


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With a world population of about 6.7 billion, it's a simple enough question.

With a world population of about 6.7 billion, it's a simple enough question.

You've just struck on the reason we need more gay folks!!

There would always be those hetero hold outs...continuing to do the nasty and spitting out unwanted children...which the gays could adopt.

It is the only thing that will save the planet.

(wil here, waiting for this thread to be determined as an indication of the end of times)
You've just struck on the reason we need more gay folks!!

There would always be those hetero hold outs...continuing to do the nasty and spitting out unwanted children...which the gays could adopt.

It is the only thing that will save the planet.

(wil here, waiting for this thread to be determined as an indication of the end of times)

humanity is becoming androgynous and we will all become hermaphrodites:D
nooooo.. I dont WANT a penis!!!

Hate to burst your bubble but you have is called a clitoris. It may shock many to learn that some normal and healthy genetic females have a penis, or at least a clitoris that looks very similar to a penis. Actually, all females have a penis, we just prefer to call their penis a clitoris. While some object to this analogy, it is accurate from a sexual and biological perspective. A penis and clitoris are made up of the same tissues and function the same, because they develop from the same fetal structure. The only actual difference between a clitoris and penis is the average size of the portion we can see with our naked eyes. Three fourths of the clitoris is hidden from view within a woman's body. The average clitoris is about four inches in length, the same as a flaccid penis.

I hope that this isn't too much information...
What two consenting adults choose to do to get their rocks off is no bidness of mine.

Gays need no cure.

Straights need no cure.

We need to more love in this world.

In all of its fruity flavors.
With a world population of about 6.7 billion, it's a simple enough question.


Theres nothing to be cured, straught people have a healthy sexual orientation.. Also what makes you assume that 6.7 billion is a large number, it's no way near infinity.
Nope. I assumed you ment it was a large number, was I correct in my assumption?