Stephen Fry in America


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I watched this tonight and actually found it quite stimulating! Stephen Fry's high brow humour kind of goes over most people's heads but I particularly laughed when he was in Kentucky at a thorough-bred horse ranch when the owner said

"Males horses don't get to have sex with females until after their retirement."
Stephen: "Surely that's slightly cruel for the male horses"
Owner: "Well, no not really, as after they're retired they get as much as they want.... put it this way, if you believed in reincarnation, after you'd died, you'd wanna come back as a thoroughbred male horse"

:D:D:D I don't think Stephen wanted to divulge his true sexual orientation at that point lol!!

Also, wow!! What is going on in Knoxville?? I can't remember which state it was... was it Tennessee?? But having a garden full of dead bodies is something I'd never heard of before. They use it to observe all the stages on death which obviously helps police and such decide how long people have been dead etc. Very morbid but exceptionally interesting.

I was also stunned to see how beautiful the South of America is (apart from Florida). Very unique... I can imagine spending time there.

If anyone here in Britain gets the channel Dave, I suggest you watch it because it's actually really good.
Stephen Fry.....saw him in Cold Comfort Farm (funny) and in IQ (also funny). How did I remember that?
yeah, funny comic..

yes the US is quite diverse...the museums and touristy stuff is fun, but you could spend a lifetime on the backroads...I'm over 50, have driven to every state but Hawaii have camped in 80% of our national parks and many times more state parks across this land there is an amazing amount to see.... even in Florida...I spend my time there in the glades, the keys and the panhandle...

and the dead body farm...yup seen a couple of specials on that, if nobody wants my organs, and nobody will start a pyre, I may just spend eternity there...
yeah, funny comic..

yes the US is quite diverse...the museums and touristy stuff is fun, but you could spend a lifetime on the backroads...I'm over 50, have driven to every state but Hawaii have camped in 80% of our national parks and many times more state parks across this land there is an amazing amount to see.... even in Florida...I spend my time there in the glades, the keys and the panhandle...

and the dead body farm...yup seen a couple of specials on that, if nobody wants my organs, and nobody will start a pyre, I may just spend eternity there...

Ah well there's always a need for unused organs lol.

It was quite spectacular. It was very American... like the countryside here in Britain is very unique just as the American countryside is.... very red leaved trees :D
Stephen Fry.....saw him in Cold Comfort Farm (funny) and in IQ (also funny). How did I remember that?

He is a funny guy... and exceptionally intelligent. Have you seen Blackadder by any chance?? And the program I believe you are referring to is QI... misleading title I know :p
Fry sucks..... He's way over rated... Blackadder he was nothing but an average extra.... So he went on to what? Fry and Laury? Or something like that.. with that other "hilarious" comedian... Yeah that went "well" lol.. then thankfully jogged on and never saw him again... Well until now... With that what's it House? And QI and whatever this is lol..... His movements and ways... Are way to homo for me lol.... Specially in the days of adder... Although he does have quite a slap-able face... I'll give him that, that would give me hours of entertainment :D
the Bluesgrass music sounded really good, I'd quite like to learn some Banjo stuff
Fry sucks..... He's way over rated... Blackadder he was nothing but an average extra.... So he went on to what? Fry and Laury? Or something like that.. with that other "hilarious" comedian... Yeah that went "well" lol.. then thankfully jogged on and never saw him again... Well until now... With that what's it House? And QI and whatever this is lol..... His movements and ways... Are way to homo for me lol.... Specially in the days of adder... Although he does have quite a slap-able face... I'll give him that, that would give me hours of entertainment :D

No he's not in House, that's Hugh Laurie. Very good incidentally.

I think he is a bit like marmite. You either like him or hate him. I think he did Jeeves & Wooster, and he was Jeeves. lol
lol @ Alex ... No comment on his very public 'freak outs' and his openness over his manic depression? Shame. Truth is he does have a certain talent that appeals to a certain type of person and while his campiness, expressed in only the occasional joke, indicates his sexual preference I think his appeal is unaffected by that. He is a good man I think. I suppose he can seem a bit 'headmasterlly' and would break up the fights of bullies like you ;) So maybe not your rhubarb... but a good guy nonetheless.

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Wait.... *paws* *clogs move in his head* I got them mixed up..... :/ I still not fond on him... But, I was confusing him for his boyfrie... Er I mean the other guy... Laurie.... I was confused!!! *kicks Laurie in the nuts* It's your fault Laurie!
It seems that you folk know this Fry guy a lot better than me, who am actually just on the fringe. I have never heard of QI. IQ is a fanciful comedy about the people surrounding Albert Einstein, played by Walter Matthau. The other leads were: Steven Fry, Meg Ryan, and Tim Robbins. Fry plays a creepy fiance of Einsteins daughter whose heart gets stolen away by a hot auto mechanic.

In cold comfort farm, Fry was again placed into a creepy role as this guy who liked to pick up girls using the question "Do you think that women have souls?" Hey, lets start a new thread on that!!

I don't know Mr. Fry but I think he could play a decent non-creepy role. I could imagine him playing the My Hero from Ultron. I am not saying they will cast him as the next James Bond. They should though! I would go see that three times in the theatre.
Wait.... *paws* *clogs move in his head* I got them mixed up..... :/ I still not fond on him... But, I was confusing him for his boyfrie... Er I mean the other guy... Laurie.... I was confused!!! *kicks Laurie in the nuts* It's your fault Laurie!

Lmao!! Clogs eh?? Are you in Holland :p
It seems that you folk know this Fry guy a lot better than me, who am actually just on the fringe. I have never heard of QI. IQ is a fanciful comedy about the people surrounding Albert Einstein, played by Walter Matthau. The other leads were: Steven Fry, Meg Ryan, and Tim Robbins. Fry plays a creepy fiance of Einsteins daughter whose heart gets stolen away by a hot auto mechanic.

In cold comfort farm, Fry was again placed into a creepy role as this guy who liked to pick up girls using the question "Do you think that women have souls?" Hey, lets start a new thread on that!!

I don't know Mr. Fry but I think he could play a decent non-creepy role. I could imagine him playing the My Hero from Ultron. I am not saying they will cast him as the next James Bond. They should though! I would go see that three times in the theatre.

Firstly, Dream.... that avatar is ameeeeaazin!! lol... love those dogs.

Second, lol @ the My Hero thing. We had an Irish guy over here play him. Stephen Fry is good at playing stereotypical posh English gentlemen :p
l like d him in..america..makes you want to visit.

l think hes got integrity and an unassuming manner

one of those books youve never read though