bruno the hassidic jew?

Francis king

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hello all... I have just watched a trailer for the Sasha Baron Cohen film about the gay fashion man Bruno... hahahaa

he was in the jewish neighbourhood, and all around him are guys in funny hats with ringlets- he too wears a black hat, black suit combo, too, except... he shows his midriff, and the trousers are cropped...

just thought I'd mention it... it looked like a funny moment... I dont know if he went to synagogue dressed like that- and I can't wait to find out if he did...

would ur average jew find this offensive? and why do some jews dress like that in the first place? any links, or great wisdom to share, ppl?
Shows his midriff?? Doesn't he wear a Tzizit!

I don't think they would... I got oodles of jews in my collection! And they all seem to like sasha... As for the Jew squad on here... I think BB went to school with him (might be wrong?) And Dauer likes him, as for Avi dunno... I'd say though the uber-orthodox Jews wouldn't see the funny side.... Then again most of them don't see a funny side to anything, all the ones I've met are full of hate.
I was at a synagogue where Borat and Kramer with both discussed, both Jews in the limelight at the time, and the Rabbi was contemplating how Jews and others view Jews in the News.

While it was an interesting discussion the most interesting parts to me were.

1. The Rabbi looks around the room, knowing what he plans for a topic and knowing the topical topic has adult undertones to it he says. "I was wondering what our makeup would be tonight and had another talk in the wings, but since we only have one babe in arms and Joseph here just had his bar mitzvah, we can talk openly" I thought it discussion no problem...

2. Most loved Sasha and the fact that his characters brought out, highlighted Jewish stereotypes, they were a more than a little concerned as to his methods and treatment of others.

3. There was also a concern as to the number/% of Nobel Prize winners, Congressman, Politicians, folks in high gov't appointments/positions that were Jews as the number was double and triple the national Jewish average and would there eventually be backlash and more anti-semitism created by thier success....
Of course, he's a man.... Now. lol.

I am sure there are many 13yrs over the world talking about much more "adult" things. :p

I wonder if envy can be mistaken for anti-semitism... Anyway.. Not for this thread.

Why did you find numero.... two, interesting?
Yeah you said you found point two one of the most interesting parts of the service, I was just curious to why? Didn't know if it was that you were surprised they liked sasha or something?

After the Borat film and TV series' I am suprised that they take him so lightly lol....
hello all... I have just watched a trailer for the Sasha Baron Cohen film about the gay fashion man Bruno... hahahaa

he was in the jewish neighbourhood, and all around him are guys in funny hats with ringlets- he too wears a black hat, black suit combo, too, except... he shows his midriff, and the trousers are cropped...

just thought I'd mention it... it looked like a funny moment... I dont know if he went to synagogue dressed like that- and I can't wait to find out if he did...

would ur average jew find this offensive? and why do some jews dress like that in the first place? any links, or great wisdom to share, ppl?

I watched the trailer and personally did not find it offensive.....I found it insane !!

I didn't see the earlier film, Borat, but I saw a preview and that was enough for me too.

I used to enjoy the Woody Allen movies which often portrayed stereotypical Jewish people and ideas in very funny ways. This guy looks more like slapstick to me, I have nothing against it. If my kids wanted to see it I would probably go along. Fortunately they haven't noticed it yet. :)

As far as the dress for Chassidic Jews, I think it is sort of a combination of traditional Jewish and Eastern European dress. Of course it looks pretty funny by western standards.


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*gets out his acoustic guitar, sing with me people!!*

In my country there is problem,
And that problem is transport.
It take very very long,
Because Kazakhstan is big.

Throw transport down the well,
So my country can be free.
We must make travel easy,
Then we have big party!

In my country there is problem,
And that problem is the Jew.
They take everybody's money,
They never give it back.

Throw the Jew down the well,
So my country can be free.
You must grab him by his horns,
Then we have big party.

If you see the Jew coming,
You must be careful of his teeth.
You must grab him by his money,
And I tell you what to do...


Throw the Jew down the well
So my country can be free
You must grab him by his horns
Then we have big party

Throw the Jew down the well
So my country can be free
You must grab him by his horns
Then we have big party!

Throw the Jew down the well
So my country can be free
You must grab him by his horns
Then we have big party!

The only thing I find messed up about it, is he is cool and a courageous jew...... BUT say a 'goy' made a show like this... The cry (which is always quick to be screamed) of anti-semitism would be heard.
francis king said:
just thought I'd mention it... it looked like a funny moment... I dont know if he went to synagogue dressed like that
i doubt it, but you never know with sacha, the guy has balls of steel.

would ur average jew find this offensive?
don't know, really, i know i don't.

and why do some jews dress like that in the first place? any links, or great wisdom to share, ppl?
basically, the same reason the amish do. a lot of sects have dress codes, these are no exception, but the costumes themselves are based on wherever the leader of the individual hasidic sect (the "rebbe") came from in eastern europe. there are loads of different variants.

17th Angel said:
As for the Jew squad on here...
not sure i entirely care for your phraseology here.

I think BB went to school with him (might be wrong?)
yep, we have a number of family and social links with his family. i haven't seen the guy in 20 years though i don't think.

I'd say though the uber-orthodox Jews wouldn't see the funny side.... Then again most of them don't see a funny side to anything, all the ones I've met are full of hate.
hmmm. i think that deserves its own thread, i'd be interested to hear what that's based on.

wil said:
2. Most loved Sasha and the fact that his characters brought out, highlighted Jewish stereotypes, they were a more than a little concerned as to his methods and treatment of others.
well, it does seem that his modus operandi involves getting people to reveal more than they intend of their internal world, that is necessarily going to involve a certain amount of subterfuge. i suppose one could presumably say that if you are exposing ignorance, racism and stupidity and holding it up to ridicule, that isn't going to be achieved by politely asking people on the street.

3. There was also a concern as to the number/% of Nobel Prize winners, Congressman, Politicians, folks in high gov't appointments/positions that were Jews as the number was double and triple the national Jewish average and would there eventually be backlash and more anti-semitism created by thier success....
that, in my view, is the sort of timid, namby-pamby liberalism that makes me foam at the mouth. i detest the sort of people who apologise for the success of others. quietist assimilation and keeping your head down didn't save many people during the holocaust.

Avi said:
I watched the trailer and personally did not find it offensive.....I found it insane !! I didn't see the earlier film, Borat, but I saw a preview and that was enough for me too.
well, his sense of humour is quite savagely close to the knuckle, but i think it is incredibly important and very clever indeed, even if it is sometimes very painful to watch.

BUT say a 'goy' made a show like this... The cry (which is always quick to be screamed) of anti-semitism would be heard.
i don't know about that. i know the kazakhs were pretty annoyed about borat, but nobody ever accused the ali g character of being racist. the point is that in many cases he's exposing anti-semitism, even if that was a non-jew doing it i dare say it would not be found objectionable. of course there are always people who are paranoid.


*The only thing I find messed up about it, is he is cool and a courageous jew...... BUT say a 'goy' made a show like this... The cry (which is always quick to be screamed) of anti-semitism would be heard.
Of course. tis a brand of self depricating humor that says you can say what you want about yourself, your race, your religion, your sex etc. you can push bounds that those that aren't in your gene pool can't.

The other option is the equal opportunity comedian. Like Don Rickles he insulted everyone, continually, every race, every gender, every religion, every person.

If the goy focuses on just the jew or just the black and not his own insecurites and stereotypes that indicates an issue.

well, it does seem that his modus operandi involves getting people to reveal more than they intend of their internal world, that is necessarily going to involve a certain amount of subterfuge. i suppose one could presumably say that if you are exposing ignorance, racism and stupidity and holding it up to ridicule, that isn't going to be achieved by politely asking people on the street.

Its more than that, he sets folks upto be fools in borat and other skits. His modus operandi is a lie. In Borat he indicated he was a reporter from Kazakstan, got interviews and introductions and invitations on that basis. Then the camera crew, the director, the whole shabang shows up without sasha...the folks are waiting well past the appointed hour...and then after numerous times of deciding to call it off they finally say they will, are ready to walk out and in he comes. "Have they signed the release yet?" as he gets his makeup checked and mike checked. "No, well we need our release or we violate my visa" And they sign away a statement saying they are doing a comedy sketch, they know everything about it, and they are consenting to any editing of their speech and likeness by the film company....walla...folks made out to look extraordinarily stupid and racist after being baited and out of context....
Its more than that, he sets folks upto be fools in borat and other skits. His modus operandi is a lie. In Borat he indicated he was a reporter from Kazakstan, got interviews and introductions and invitations on that basis. Then the camera crew, the director, the whole shabang shows up without sasha...the folks are waiting well past the appointed hour...and then after numerous times of deciding to call it off they finally say they will, are ready to walk out and in he comes. "Have they signed the release yet?" as he gets his makeup checked and mike checked. "No, well we need our release or we violate my visa" And they sign away a statement saying they are doing a comedy sketch, they know everything about it, and they are consenting to any editing of their speech and likeness by the film company....walla...folks made out to look extraordinarily stupid and racist after being baited and out of context....

Cool....aint it!! :D:D