The Apostle Paul ?


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Why is so much of Christianity based on what Paul said, he never even met Jesus and apparently had his "Road to Damascus experience" some 30 odd years after Jesus had died.
Why is so much of Christianity based on what Paul said

Because otherwise Christianity becomes nothing more than a Jewish splinter group following the teachings of a radical Rabbi - whereas with Saul of Tarsus you get a Greek reinvention of a range of Asian theological systems?
Without Paul's letters it is not apparent that the gospels would have ever been written. It seems the gospels are in response to his letters and his vision, to clarify to others what the stories circulating about Jesus' life were. And each gospel also appears to try to clarify or corraborate or expand upon the previous as well.
Paul was given the responsibility of bringing the gospel message to the gentiles.. until then it was given only to the jews.. and still after the fact it was given to the jews before the gentiles in each city they visited. If you are interested in learning more about this let me know I can direct you to some very good literature on the historical beginnings of the church.
Why is so much of Christianity based on what Paul said, he never even met Jesus and apparently had his "Road to Damascus experience" some 30 odd years after Jesus had died.
Actually it was 7 years after the death of Jesus, and a few days after the death of Stephen, which Saul oversaw and approved of...
Because otherwise Christianity becomes nothing more than a Jewish splinter group following the teachings of a radical Rabbi - whereas with Saul of Tarsus you get a Greek reinvention of a range of Asian theological systems?
Not so sure about that, since the original "Disciples" were already busy taking to everyone in all other languages, right after pentecost. Maybe without Paul it would have spread slower, and more subtle, and have a different face than it does now.

Actually I was thinking about that last night. If I were to go back in time and observe what might have been the beginnings of Christianity back shortly after (within 10 or so years), the crucifixion of Christ...would I recognize anything? Furthermore, what would I appear to be to the new "Christian" people that lived back then?

How would I appear to the learned "Saul", after his vision on the road to Damascus?

When I say "appear", I mean, how would my thoughts of Christianity come accross to him? What would he think of my interpretations of his letters?

I opine that I would be considered an "alien", and some kind of "pagan" who worshipped what he did not understand (like the cannanites). I would also be considered uneducated in the Jewish traditions, unobservant of the 613 Mishvat (laws given to Moses), unclean for my penchant for eating unapproved meats and seafood, and arrogant for my failure to render myself prostrate to the great leaders...

Probably best to keep my mouth shut, or else suffer a stoning like Stephen did...:eek::eek:
Without Paul's letters it is not apparent that the gospels would have ever been written. It seems the gospels are in response to his letters and his vision, to clarify to others what the stories circulating about Jesus' life were. And each gospel also appears to try to clarify or corraborate or expand upon the previous as well.

can you elaborate on that please, i am not really sure what u mean.