Happy Birthday, bob x!


Mercuræn Buddhist
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Pacific Ring of Fire
Happy Birthday, bob x!
Happy Birthday Bob! We share the same birthday! American independence day!
Cheers. Drinks all round


And for our people who don't drink alcohol

Just got back from an extended road trip, eight days in Yosemite, then some excursions to Lake Tahoe, Berkeley, and Santa Cruz. Planning to kick back today: my horoscope says,

July 04, 2009

  1. Cancer (6/22-7/22)

    It's usually much more fun to run along and live life to the fullest than it is to sit back and take stock of your situation, but today it won't seem like such a bad idea to do the latter. In fact, your energy is well-suited for an evaluative approach to what's been going on and what will be going on soon. Reflecting on your own life isn't selfish -- it's extremely wise. Besides, if you try to keep things shallow and light today, you won't have much sense of fulfillment.
I'm also a Rat in the Chinese calendar haha.

I don't believe in commerical horoscopes, they are nothing but cold readings. But I’m not saying there isn't a genuine skill in astrology and future events.

I used to have a Gypse friend that could read my mind though, rest in peace Jim! He used to freak me out cause he knew EXACTLY what I was thinking.
I'm also a Rat in the Chinese calendar haha.

I don't believe in commerical horoscopes, they are nothing but cold readings. But I’m not saying there isn't a genuine skill in astrology and future events.

I used to have a Gypse friend that could read my mind though, rest in peace Jim! He used to freak me out cause he knew EXACTLY what I was thinking.

I love the Greek word for Gypsy....Giftos. I met many in Greece...difficult to gain their trust but wonderfully warm once you do.
The one I knew was Irish Gypsy decent became very wealthy after he cut a deal with a supermarket.

I came across many in Greece aswel, some street performers, some beggars or some offering to tell your fortune. I remember sitting down in Rhodes eating and one came up to me and started telling me stuff about my life, told her I'd give her money if she left me alone, but the stuff she was coming out with was accurate. Gypsy circus are amazing.

What does Giftos mean? I think it comes from the word Egypt as it was assumed this was their place of origin. But I think Gypsies originate from Indian, escaping oppression, and first settling in Romania.
I'm also a Rat in the Chinese calendar haha.
I'm a Monkey (as if everybody didn't already know that :p)
What does Giftos mean? I think it comes from the word Egypt as it was assumed this was their place of origin. But I think Gypsies originate from Indian, escaping oppression, and first settling in Romania.
That's correct. The English "Gypsy" is a distortion of "Egyptian" also; India is actually where they are from, but Egypt was a common guess (of course the Romany themselves wouldn't say where they were from, and nobody would have believed anything they said anyway).