Esoteric Christianity

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For the past few months I have been avidly researching a hidden sect. of Christianity in which, is similar to the Judaic sect. of Kabballah. This hidden sect. happens to be like Kabballah, in that it is a form of mysticism belonging to one of the world's utmost popular Abramic religions.

This 'hidden sect.' is known as Esoteric Christianity, and practices the Christian faith as though it were a 'magical' religion. They manage to follow the Christian doctrine, ten commandments, and a rede not unlike the one followed by Wiccan practioners, and follow Christianity in a more mysticaly involved form than any other sect. of Christendom. The rede in which they call the, "Christian Magick Rede" is quoted below:

The Christian Magick Rede
Bestow upon us the Kingdom's mysteries
That we may see. So we may hear
Love thy neighbour as thyself
For thy neighbour is thy mirror
Love thy God lest we offend Thee
To those who curse us, blessed be
Know within us lies the Kingdom
We are a part of the seen and the un-seen
Act in us, O Holy Spirit
In Jesus name we honour our magick
Come into our souls to bless our Craft
Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament
Merry Meet and Blessed Be
Should always greet those in our know
Harm none, and love all
In doing this we have fulfilled Christ's law
I have searched desperately, and have only been able to find two sources that have provided me with minimal information. The latter is more informative and professional whereas the former is the one which first informed me about this religion. The links are listed below:

Charmed-Boards - Esoteric Christianity: - The Cornerstone of Esoteric Christianity:

If anybody could provide me with any other information on this sect. of Christianity, it would be very much appreciated. Any further information would help me in extending my research and that is something I hope to be able to do on this subject in the near future. I would really like to hear from anyone who has heard of this before and who can give me any information at all regarding the subject.

Please do not reply to this thread if you are going to post about the on-going contridiction of magick v. Christianity v. mysticism. That is NOT what this thread is about. It is simply about my request to learn more about the mysticism sect. of Christianity called Esoteric Christianity. Thank you.


- Jay - (LothlorienHeadRush)
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Hi Jay, and welcome to CR. :)

As for the thread developing into the wider topics inherent in the topic - if that's the way it goes, then that's the way it goes. :)

I have to say, though, that I've not heard of this group, and it does sound like a rather modern invention - sort of like a version of Wicca for uncertain Christians. Especially as mixing magic with Christianity is usually seen as a contradiction - certainly in terms of the ritual magick that seems to be being suggested. :)
Thanks for welcoming me, and thanks for replying to the thread. :) I feel though that I must tell you Esoteric Christianity is more mystical than magical. If you read the latter link in the first post, it gives you some good insight on the faith. It is not as modern as you think, contrary to how it could make you precieve it that way. ;)

I am eagerly looking to find out more about it, and if you are interested, than I know I will; be buying a book called, Inner Christianity by Robert Smoley, which is supposedly a guide to Esoteric Christianity. I am simply wishing to also find out as much about it as I can on the internet as well. :D
I've been a big esoteric Christianity buff myself and I've never heard of that before, either. I dunno. If you get any info, share.
That, I will. I plan on buying the book myself tonight. Any information I can offer, I will post either tonight or tomorrow. :)
I'm always happy to be proved wrong. :)

Anyway, sounds like an interesting subject.
Anything that is clearly modelled on Wicca (such as the "Magickal Christian Rede") would have to necessarily be modern. Wicca is only traced back to Gerald Gardner and 1939 at the earliest (and more likely actually the 1940s or 1950s.)

The group and most of its philosophies might be older, of course, but the Rede stuff would have to be a recent addition.
Esoteric Christianity has been around since the beginning of time.

Alchemy is the secret of Esoteric Christianity: Al (God) Khem (Egypt). This is the science of Egypt. "Historical" Alchemy as an esoteric form sprung up out of the repression of the Roman Empire and within it all the secrets of the Bible are kept.

Likewise, the ancient Fraternities were Esoteric Christianity (they have since degenerated) even though for example the Masons are interfaith, it is still "Christian" because every religion contains the Christ principle (this is why they are interfaith). College fraternities and sororities are mostly Esoteric Christianity as well (very degenerated though). Pythagoras taught Esoteric Christianity.. Buddhism contains Esoteric Christianity.. Gurdjieff taught many aspects of Esoteric Christianity.. certain Lodges and Orders taught true Esoteric Christianity.. Jesus of course was a great “Magician” or “Priest” and the Pistis Sophia is a masterwork of Esoteric Christianity.

So this term cannot be applied to a specific group because the entire "right" half of the Occult Philosophy can be called "Esoteric Christianity."
This book is worth a read:

The Tragic History of Esoteric Christianity
The Church's War Against the Spirit of Sophia.

by Sam Byrne

ISBN: 0-9540255-0-4

If I remember correctly St Jerome mentions in one of his letter's about taking out the doctrines that Origen included in the bible to do with magic. For sure Jesus carried out a lot of secret initiations one-to-one. Clements letter about the 'Secret Gospel of Mark' is also interesting from memory, they were together alone for six days and six nights, states that Jesus was helping the other man to experience the Kingdom of God!

Another esoteric scripture I feel is the Gospel of Mary Magdalene, beautiful narrative by Jean-Yves Leloup.

I don't buy the 'mirror' of each other as Jesus honoured the individual as unique.

Although I do agree with the 'mirror of consciousness' within.

I do have a dictation from Archangel Michael on this if you are interested.

Hope that helps.

Esoteric Christianity is alive and... well, alive (but hidden)


Esoteric Christianity can be found practiced by individuals or small groups today, as has been the case thru history. It is the Christianity practiced by the Pneumatics (spiritually minded people), as opposed to the Somatics (body oriented, or earthly minded people–to use Origen's terminologies). This distinction has always existed, and always will exist. For its historical antecedents, read about the Originist controversies.

In more recent times, even the first Lutherans had an esoteric bent–the rosy cross was their symbol. The Ephrata community in Pennsylvania in colonial times in America had an openly esoteric side. Beginning in the early 20th century, the Liberal Catholic Church began as a sacramental church with decidely esoteric teachings. These are just a few examples of the known groups, and many there are that were and are hidden.

The flavors of esotericism range from the original inner, mystical traditions of Christ and the Apostles, to sycretic creations of those dissatisfied with the modern ignorance which has been grafted on the body of Christianity thru the centuries.

I hope that this helps.

[Admin edit by I, Brian - links deleted - please add to your personal profile/signature]
Dear Lothlorien,

I've just joined this forum and would be interested to know what you've found on esoteric (or inner) Christianity. I too was intrigued by Smoley's 'Inner Christianity' book (which I'm currently rereading).

I haven't found much in the way of groups, meetings or otherwise in the UK (and I suppose expecting much in the West Midlands is pushing things too far).

My own experience to date is that it is more Gnostic than Kabbalistic (certainly the money grabbing modern Kabbalah that homes in on the wallets of big Hollywood stars/startelts and the like of Madonna and Sting). Furthermore I would state that the modern contemplative mediation scene (or Christian Meditation or Centering prayer or whichever variation you wish to include) may be the nearest thing we have openly active in UK society.

Perhaps I am too ungenerous there, and as an afficianado of contemplative meditation I do not belittle that discipline. But it seems difficult to date to find any active esoteric christian movement.

Best wishes to all, and a Happy New Year,
Moonviews :)
Moonviews said:
Dear Lothlorien,

I've just joined this forum and would be interested to know what you've found on esoteric (or inner) Christianity. I too was intrigued by Smoley's 'Inner Christianity' book (which I'm currently rereading).

I haven't found much in the way of groups, meetings or otherwise in the UK (and I suppose expecting much in the West Midlands is pushing things too far).

My own experience to date is that it is more Gnostic than Kabbalistic (certainly the money grabbing modern Kabbalah that homes in on the wallets of big Hollywood stars/startelts and the like of Madonna and Sting). Furthermore I would state that the modern contemplative mediation scene (or Christian Meditation or Centering prayer or whichever variation you wish to include) may be the nearest thing we have openly active in UK society.

Perhaps I am too ungenerous there, and as an afficianado of contemplative meditation I do not belittle that discipline. But it seems difficult to date to find any active esoteric christian movement.

Best wishes to all, and a Happy New Year,
Moonviews :)
Perhaps it is because there are many names, but one face.

Try looking up "Arthurian Christianity", or Wiccan Christian, or Druidic Christianity. I think you will not be disappointed.


and a book by O.B. Duane is a delight on the origin of wisdom and the history of Christian Mysticism a fascinating journey spanning 2,000 years. Martin Palmer adds in the foreward. 'For through the chronicling of history and development of Christian Mysticism, it becomes clear that such experiences and the quest to both understand and be part of them, is as old, indeed older then Christianity itself."

In the Christian context, it would be more accurate to substitute the word mysticism with the word contemplation. since the term mysticism was not widely used until the Middle Ages. Contemplation is the word used by St Augustine, St Gregory and St Bernard to describe what is now commonly referrred to as 'the mystical experience'.

How does the Christian then achieve this 'intimate union' with the Divine?

How does he arrive at a unity of the self with GOD? The philosopher Plotinus said this "GOD is external to no man, even if the eye could not behold the sun unless it were itself sunlike, so neither could the soul behold GOD if it were not GODlike".

Socrates and Plato seem to be the first exponents of speculative mysticism.

"Do you not see that in that region alone where he sees beauty with the faculty of seeing it, will he be able to bring forth nor mere reflected images of goodness but true goodness, because he will be in contact not with reflection but with the truth? And having brough forth and nurtured true goodness he will have the privilege of being beloved by GOD, and becoming, if ever man can, immortal himself' Plato

Plato understood spirit better then any other philosopher.

being love

Kim xxx
Maybe the following article in Wikipedia may aid on your search, dear friend:

Creed or Christ

No man loves God who hates his kind,
Who tramples on his brother's heart and soul;
Who seeks to shackle, cloud, or fog the mind
By fears of hell has not perceived our goal.

God-sent are all religions blest;
And Christ, the Way, the Truth, the Life,
To give the heavy laden rest
And peace from sorrow, sin, and strife.

Behold the Universal Spirit came
To all the churches, not to one alone;
On Pentecostal morn a tongue of flame
Round each apostle as a halo shone.

Since then, as vultures ravenous with greed,
We oft have battled for an empty name,
And sought by dogma, edict, cult, or creed,
To send each other to the quenchless flame.

Is Christ then twain? Was Cephas, Paul,
To save the world, nailed to the tree?
Then why divisions here at all?
Christ's love enfolds both you and me.

His pure sweet love is not confined
By creed which segregate and raise a wall.
His love enfolds, embraces human kind,
No matter what ourselves or Him we call.

Then why not take Him at His word?
Why hold to creeds which tear apart?
But one thing matters, be it heard
That brother love fill every heart.

There's but one thing the world has need to know.
There's but one balm for all our human woe:
There's but one way that leads to heaven above--
That way is human sympathy and love.

by Max Heindel, founder of The Rosicrucian Fellowhip, in The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception (1909)
GalaazV said:
Maybe the following article in Wikipedia may aid on your search, dear friend:

Welcome to CR, GalaazV.

Just a friendly reminder to everyone that we're trying to encourage people to share their own ideas and discuss topics in a respectful manner rather than just copy and paste material from other sources. I'm going to leave the quote as is as I believe it's old enough to be in the public domain now (but if it proves to not be public domain, it will be removed...)

It's OK to include relevant links in posts but we encourage actual discussion rather than just using the forum as a way to post links. And links may be removed at the discretion of the moderators here if they feel the links are merely being posted as a way to promote the sites rather than genuinely sharing information.

GalaazV -- what is your own experience with esoteric Christianity? What have you learned about it and can share with us here in your own words? Is it your own spiritual path or is it a topic you happen to know a bit about?

; )

Ben Gruagach
moderator, Alternative section of Comparative-Religion.
Thank you dear Ben Gruagach for your warm and welcome words. I understand your point and I apologize for not having made a comment in my own words. Nevertheless, the article (and its discussion page) from the Wikipedia link above is written with my own words (except the words of the authors I have come in touch with).
I didn't know this forum, I just saw, while finishing the article, a question from someone at the page of this thread which still needed an answer and as I was working on it too...

English is not my mothertongue, so I may not be able to give a deeper writing or so clear as I intend to. Below some answers to your questions; they are in the way I am able to grasp reality, meaning they are just my own perspective of it at this time. Yours, in Friendship.

GalaazV -- what is your own experience with esoteric Christianity?
All my current life has been and it is my experience into esoteric Christianity: it is the way I conceive the world, it is the way I see you and me, it is the way I struggle within me to be and live... Truly esoteric Christianity are the teachings of Life and Being.

What have you learned about it and can share with us here in your own words?
Esoteric knowledge is not only to be acquired by the mind (as a child) but to be lived daily with a pure and unselfisheness heart devoted to aid all mankind, even and maybe specially in the most insignificant aspects of on'es life; it is not theoretical knowledge, it is knowledge of our existence and aiming one's evolution.

I subscribe neoxenos and tarakanada words; however we and the world are changing.

Esoteric Christianity it is the Way which is going to lead us all into next step in evolution, into the spiritual worlds, it is the universal religion as we walk as an universal brotherhood.
And at this time, it is already starting, with us, although not visible to the majority, perhaps even to those who deeply study esoteric teachings.
It has left the exclusivity of past centuries of those ones prepared in secrecy (although there will always be those who advanced faster through the direct Path) and it is given as public teaching available to all: this has happened already from beginning of 20th century and already since then a few more all over the world are taking and have taken the first small steps in their present or last physical lifetime during the past century and many more will from now on.
When the Sun enters Aquarius by precession; then we really have entered into this universal religion environment, the majority at least, at the same time more near will be our connection with next planes and our dear deceased beloved ones will truly be seen among us.
But that is not yet that time which no one knows (a bit like when death occurs); to enter that time and live permanently in the new environment - New Galilee - it will be need a special Golden garment: « soma psuchicon », the Christ Within that must be born: this is our task and the aim of esoteric Christianity, as I am able to understand it.

Is it your own spiritual path or is it a topic you happen to know a bit about?
It is the Path.

17, the Star
I have been reading a little myself about esoteric christianity and have found it to be intriguing. Jesus and the way in which he spoke was very secretive and even cryptic at times. I encourage anybody with an interest in this area to read whatever thay can get their hands on. God's spirit will guide you in your search and you will discover many truths about God and yourself. That which you find to be false or not convincing can be discarded and take the good stuff with you.
Glad to be back. I hope to participate in the forum this time without engaging in heated debates. I felt that it was affecting me negatively.