Dental Miracles

A golden tooth would be nice, but what I could really use is a grade A golden egg or maybe a golden arm or leg. How about a golden bowl of soup? A golden beard!
Path of One said:
Can I opt for the white teeth? I don't think gold teeth are really my style. :)

Path of One, please lets be more serious about this. Clearly gold teeth are better than white, and we have a miracle to prove it. Also, we already should have outlawed silver teeth a long time ago.
A golden tooth would be nice, but what I could really use is a grade A golden egg or maybe a golden arm or leg. How about a golden bowl of soup? A golden beard!

how about a Golden Shower ? :eek:
Seriously though, I don't think G!d is giving out any gold teeth. I saw no before and after pictures. I believe all I saw was folks who wanted some stage time, and notoriety (much like we see on shows like COPS)
There'd be a simple way to prove it. Have someone test the gold. If it matches the composition of dental gold crowns, then it's likely it came from the hands of a dentist... and not God.
May God bless all you cynical people.
May he soften your hearts and open your minds
and may dental miracles abound
In then name of Jesus
My mind would soften greatly if someone just took the time to prove it.

Gold teeth are not rare. People get them every day. So if you're going to claim that God put that gold tooth in your mouth I need more than just your word. Sorry.

What's next? God gave me this hair cut! I swear! I went to bed with long hair, and the next day I woke up with nice #2 Fade. God even straight razored the back of the neck. It is a miracle!
