The Prophecy of Daniel



Dan 7:13 " I saw in the night visions, and behold, with the clouds of heaven there came one like a son of man"

Matt 11:13 "For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John; and if you are willing to accept it, he is Elijah who is to come"

At the time of Jesus, people where expecting Elijah to come back on a chariot of fire but Jesus said that John the Baptist was Elijah. Trajically John denied that he was Elijah. (John1:19-21)
People were also expecting the Messiah to come on the clouds but he came in the flesh and they accused Jesus to be a deceiver and the antichrist (II John 7)

People read the old testament litterally, word for word and did not realized that the bible was a code for his propehts (Amos 3:7)

Many people today apply Dan 7:13 to the second coming but Matt 11:13 says that all the prophets (in the old testament) and the law prophesied until John the Baptist.

I find that very interesting.
Dan 7:13 " I saw in the night visions, and behold, with the clouds of heaven there came one like a son of man"

Matt 11:13 "For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John; and if you are willing to accept it, he is Elijah who is to come"

At the time of Jesus, people where expecting Elijah to come back on a chariot of fire but Jesus said that John the Baptist was Elijah. Trajically John denied that he was Elijah. (John1:19-21)
People were also expecting the Messiah to come on the clouds but he came in the flesh and they accused Jesus to be a deceiver and the antichrist (II John 7)

People read the old testament litterally, word for word and did not realized that the bible was a code for his propehts (Amos 3:7)

Many people today apply Dan 7:13 to the second coming but Matt 11:13 says that all the prophets (in the old testament) and the law prophesied until John the Baptist.

I find that very interesting.
Considering that the Bible says that a man can only be born once. True, Elijah was allegedly taken into the clouds before dying, but to be reborn without death first, is a stock no no in the Biblical philosophy. To be reborn as a "corporial" man again is doubly against the grain. Also, Elijah was allegedly seen with Jesus and Moses, by disciples. How could this be when John the Baptist was still alive on earth (albeit in prison)?

God may be able to be in two places at once, but so far as I know, man can not. :eek:
Considering that the Bible says that a man can only be born once. True, Elijah was allegedly taken into the clouds before dying, but to be reborn without death first, is a stock no no in the Biblical philosophy. To be reborn as a "corporial" man again is doubly against the grain. Also, Elijah was allegedly seen with Jesus and Moses, by disciples. How could this be when John the Baptist was still alive on earth (albeit in prison)?God may be able to be in two places at once, but so far as I know, man can not. :eek:

What it mean to be Elijah is to have a similar mission as Elijah or a similar role. Of Course Elijah was already in the spirit world. This is why he could appear to Jesus with Moses.

It does not mean that Elijah himself was going to come back physically
What it mean to be Elijah is to have a similar mission as Elijah or a similar role. Of Course Elijah was already in the spirit world. This is why he could appear to Jesus with Moses.

It does not mean that Elijah himself was going to come back physically
That, I can live with. And that would explain John's real or "false" modesty on the matter of being compared with one so biblically important, prior to himself and his role.

He would not be the only man of greatness to dissapoint God in his apparent lack of understanding...

...or worse, denying his role, out of fear...
That, I can live with. And that would explain John's real or "false" modesty on the matter of being compared with one so biblically important, prior to himself and his role.
He would not be the only man of greatness to dissapoint God in his apparent lack of understanding......or worse, denying his role, out of fear...
By doing so, John the Baptist pushed Jesus into a corner. John disciple could have join Jesus but instead Jesus had to recruit his own disciples.
John the Baptist later on wiaitin in prison to be beheaded sent tow of his disciples to Jesus to ask "Are you the one to come or shall we look for another"? (Matt 11:3)
The failure of John the Baptist to unite with Jesus was partially responsibe for the crucifixion of Jesus.