The 4 types of Sins



Sin is an act or thought which violate heavenly law

They are many kinds of sins but we can classify them as

-Original Sin : Only the Messiah (New Adam) can solve it

-Hereditary Sin: We are inheriting the good and bad from our own ancestors.

-Collective Sin: We are co-reponsible within our communities and nations

-Personal Sin: These are our individual violations
(note as usual the below is my beliefs and current understanding....just as the original post is not fact but someone elses beliefs or understanding)

-Original Sin : Interestingly enough, not believed by the folks that wrote the bible, that wrote the story, the allegory, the creation mythology...but suddenly thousands of years later becomes this horrific doctrine that we are all evil

-Hereditary Sin: It's a dna thing, and a way to explain away your ills in this life.

-Collective Sin: Now I'll buy this one....except in all cases sin means missing the mark and we are not punished for our sins but by each action causes and equal and opposite reaction or you reap what you sow.

-Personal Sin: Read above...I don't believe in no santy claus keeping records of who's naughty and nice and dispensing coal and gifts accordingly.
by hereditary sin do you mean..." i had a hard life, no one loved me, thats why I commit crime", or is this I must be punished because my grandparents did (insert sin here)
Think you have it about right there Wil.

I think there is a 5th sin. Obsession with sin.
Sol, she is asking you...I know from whence it comes but for me the first two are joke and non existent. The whole woe is me, I'm not worthy society is just not my bag.

Personal responsibility for everything. That is my understanding.
I thought all sins are personal...
hee hee... reminds me of the oft heard quote.

"It's not personal, it's just business"

In this case its one of the biggest businesses/industries in the's called religion.

Contemplate...the number of books sold...the number of TV and radio stations...the value of the land underneath 'places of worship' and sacred sites, the construction costs for these edifices, the trinkets sold, the classes taken...

Is there an industry larger?
hee hee... reminds me of the oft heard quote.
"It's not personal, it's just business"
In this case its one of the biggest businesses/industries in the's called religion.
Contemplate...the number of books sold...the number of TV and radio stations...the value of the land underneath 'places of worship' and sacred sites, the construction costs for these edifices, the trinkets sold, the classes taken...Is there an industry larger?
Yes pornography in all its forms. Have you not heard the expression "sex sells"
It is misused everywhere. We are surrounded with it 24/7
Yes pornography in all its forms. Have you not heard the expression "sex sells"
It is misused everywhere. We are surrounded with it 24/7
You got stats on that? How many billions in real estate that religious institutions hold and how much money goes thru their hands vs the porn industry?
-Original Sin : Interestingly enough, not believed by the folks that wrote the bible, that wrote the story, the allegory, the creation mythology...but suddenly thousands of years later becomes this horrific doctrine that we are all evil
Who says we are ALL EVIL ? I never heard that
We have two natures, our original nature and our fallen nature. (Dr Jackal and mr Hide if you want). I think that it is hard to dispute

-Hereditary Sin: It's a dna thing, and a way to explain away your ills in this life.
Actually it is real. It is not an excuse to justify our weakness or to compare with others. People can trace some of their challenges to past generation. Look at historical resentment going back far back that need to be overcome

-Collective Sin: Now I'll buy this one....except in all cases sin means missing the mark and we are not punished for our sins but by each action causes and equal and opposite reaction or you reap what you sow.
We have some responsibility as a nation or a member of group for our actions

-Personal Sin: Read above...I don't believe in no santy claus keeping records of who's naughty and nice and dispensing coal and gifts accordingly.
Our own spirit keeps record not somebody else.
I am so slow to catch on. Ok, 4 types of sin. Would it be possible to split two of these and come up with six? Then they would be the number of man! But there are four. That does not sound right to me. But that is just a petty opinion and really is ephemeral -- could just be intuition.

I'm going to slightly disagree with you Wil about the hereditary sin in the Bible. If you are talking about iniquity, the concept of iniquity is presented in the Torah to keep people aware that a culture must continually innovate to keep from backsliding. Just my opinion, I don't think it was ever about DNA. Cultures/nations/cities tend to degenerate until they self destruct. This is due (I am assuming) to iniquity in the cultures, or a human tendency to backward slide into ignorance and cruelty. Actually I do think I have noticed this tendency, and it does seem like a law of nature. Torah is put forward as a way for Abraham's descendents to continue moving forward, rather than self-destructively backward.

I think this also does not agree with Rev. Moon's interpretation, but no insult is meant. He is dead, and so I cannot discuss it with him.
You got stats on that? How many billions in real estate that religious institutions hold and how much money goes thru their hands vs the porn industry?
The porn industry is only one facet.
Sin is an act or thought which violate heavenly law

They are many kinds of sins but we can classify them as

-Original Sin : Only the Messiah (New Adam) can solve it

-Hereditary Sin: We are inheriting the good and bad from our own ancestors.

-Collective Sin: We are co-reponsible within our communities and nations

-Personal Sin: These are our individual violations

Shouldn't this be in the Abrahamic forum? That's where you'll find "sin" isn't it?

Who says we are ALL EVIL ? I never heard that
We have two natures, our original nature and our fallen nature. (Dr Jackal and mr Hide if you want). I think that it is hard to dispute
my bad used the wrong word...all fallen, all not worthy, all sinners...I'll say it again so I'm clear. I don't believe in original sin.
Actually it is real. It is not an excuse to justify our weakness or to compare with others. People can trace some of their challenges to past generation. Look at historical resentment going back far back that need to be overcome
historical resentment?? Oh so the black man is put down because of the sins of his seven generations above him?? Yup that has been used time imemorial to enslave...don't mean it is true.
We have some responsibility as a nation or a member of group for our actions
doh, responsiblity...isn't that what I said? Isn't this one I agreed with??
Our own spirit keeps record not somebody else.
again we seems.

I'm going to slightly disagree with you Wil about the hereditary sin in the Bible. If you are talking about iniquity, the concept of iniquity is presented in the Torah to keep people aware that a culture must continually innovate to keep from backsliding.
I'll buy that, but that is not the sin of my father being wreaked upon me without my being able to do something about it. I do not inherit my future...I make it along the way. Yes I play with the cards that are dealt but I still make choices.
The porn industry is only one facet.
Only one facet of the porn industry? What Industry (singular) is larger (more money, more assets) than religion (singular)

Shouldn't this be in the Abrahamic forum? That's where you'll find "sin" isn't it?

ah you is correct my snoop

and I'll correct that dawg.