Deconstruction / Reconstruction


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Moved from Judaism sub-forum

Originally Posted by Avi
Happy Jewish Holidays to all !! :)

By the way, anyone care to try to deconstruct and reconstruct the significance of these holidays in ways which are significant to us today ?

I could from a Christian perspective... but alas.. wrong forum :)
Im especially excited about The Feast of Trumpets! Happy Holidays to everyone!

By all means, please give us your thoughts !! :)
my perspective is a biblical Christian one.. following the belief that Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of the Old Testament and the feasts follow Gods prophetic timetable.

Heres a list of the Feasts as reference

The Passover Supper (Pesach)- Leviticus 23:4-5
The Feast of Unleavened Bread - Leviticus 23:6-8
The Feast of Firstfruits - Exodus 23:19; Leviticus 23:9-14
The Feast of Weeks - Leviticus 23:16-21
(Also called Pentecost- meaning 50 days after Feast of Firstfruits)
(Also called The Feast of Harvest)
Rosh Hashanah - New Year's Day - Leviticus 23:23-24
(Also called The Feast of Trumpets)
Yom Kippur - The Day of Atonement - Leviticus 23:26-32
The Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) - Leviticus 23:33-34, 42-43
(Also called The Feast of Ingathering)

Since that time several others have been added, such as
Purim and
The Feast of Lights (Hanukkah).

"Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ." (Colossians 2:16-17)

The belief is that of the feasts of Moses the first three all have something to do with the first coming of Jesus Christ the last three may have something to do with the second coming and the one in the middle...pentecost is the birth date of the church. I go as far as to say that these important Christian events happened on these important Jewish feasts...

The Last Supper being the observance of the Passover -the fourteenth of Nisan

The purification of His disciples being the Feast of Unleavened Bread- the fifteenth of Nisan the result of His death was to be delivered from the penalty of sin.

Jesus rose from the dead on the third day being the Feast of Firstfruits -the seventeeth of Nisan... showing that Jesus was the very substance of that shadow.

Pentacost (birth of the Church when the Holy Spirit was given) 50 days after the feast of firstfruits being the feast of harvest/feast of weeks - sixth of Sivan

The next bit by NO MEANS is an attempt at date setting... its just a thought and something interesting to ponder.

The Rapture of the Church... being Rosh Hashanah - the first of Tishri or the Feast of Trumpets.. the day begins with the blowing of the shofar or trumpet starting a day intended for rest and sacrifce. The rapture is to happen at the sound of trumpets and this feast is the next feast on the timetable. This could also be the birthday of Jesus or 2 weeks later during the feast of tabernacles. Once again... not setting dates here.. its just a thought.

Jesus Christs second coming being Yom Kippur / the day of Atonement -the tenth of Tishri it speaks for itself I think.

Jesus ushering in His Kingdom age being The Feast of Tabernacles /Feast of Booths... the fifteenth of Tishri When He will dwell with mankind again.
dwell----Greek skenoo - "to tent or encamp"
He could also have been born during this time and 9 months prior to this would have his conception at the Feast of Lights or Hanukkah in December the previous year which could maybe lend some credibility to our celebrating Christmas :)

So you see.. they are very relevant today for some of us.
no website.. sorry wil... sometimes I actually do research things that interest me... and those are all from notes taken from Christian writers I have read and pastors and their various sermons I have listened to... AND... I left out more than I put in this post.. I didnt, for example, add all the scripture references.

I can direct you to some authors if you are really interested.
Here are references...
Happy Reading.

Grant Jeffries
Pastor Bill Quinn
Rabbi Jim Pace
Matthew Henry
Chuck Missler
Nelsons Illustrated Bible Dictionary
Pastor Ray Stedman
Pastor Jon Graff
William Alnor
Joyce Baldwin
Paul BEnware
William Beiderwolf
Arnold Fruchtenbaum
Billy Graham
David Hocking
Lambert Dolphin
John Kinsella
Tim Lahaye
Hal Lindsey
Don Stewart
Pastor Leo Giovinetti
Pastor Chuck Smith for their study resources and commentaries
Ok... so I felt snappish towards wil because its a bit insulting that if other people ( bsides mee and a few others) speak knowledgeably.. he never asks them to provide reference for their knowledge.. so I was a bit miffed. that post took me an hour.. I started it pretty much after Avi posted the initial thread and thumbed through notes in my notebook and PC and my bible looking for what I needed.

So.. my apologies for the tone of that last post. It was me being too sensitive..again.

Ok... so I felt snappish towards wil because its a bit insulting that if other people ( bsides mee and a few others) speak knowledgeably.. he never asks them to provide reference for their knowledge.. so I was a bit miffed. that post took me an hour.. I started it pretty much after Avi posted the initial thread and thumbed through notes in my notebook and PC and my bible looking for what I needed.

So.. my apologies for the tone of that last post. It was me being too sensitive..again.

Wow, here I thought I had complimented you on your knowledge and asked where I might find more....but instead I get a lecture??? That makes an alarm go off, 'me thinks thou dost protest to much' so you make me look....

Your post...
Heres a list of the Feasts as reference

The Passover Supper (Pesach)- Leviticus 23:4-5
The Feast of Unleavened Bread - Leviticus 23:6-8
The Feast of Firstfruits - Exodus 23:19; Leviticus 23:9-14
The Feast of Weeks - Leviticus 23:16-21
(Also called Pentecost- meaning 50 days after Feast of Firstfruits)
(Also called The Feast of Harvest)
Rosh Hashanah - New Year's Day - Leviticus 23:23-24
(Also called The Feast of Trumpets)
Yom Kippur - The Day of Atonement - Leviticus 23:26-32
The Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) - Leviticus 23:33-34, 42-43
(Also called The Feast of Ingathering)

Since that time several others have been added, such as
Purim and
The Feast of Lights (Hanukkah).

"Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ." (Colossians 2:16-17)
And then I found this.... the dirty dogs copied your hour and a halfs work exactly, bolded just like you, I"d sue their buns off

Chapter 2 of 'The mystery of the church' scroll down to The Feasts and Fulfilled Prophecy
The Passover Supper (Pesach)- Leviticus 23:4-5
The Feast of Unleavened Bread - Leviticus 23:6-8
The Feast of Firstfruits - Exodus 23:19; Leviticus 23:9-14
The Feast of Weeks - Leviticus 23:16-21
(Also called Pentecost- meaning 50 days after Feast of Firstfruits)
(Also called The Feast of Harvest)
Rosh Hashanah - New Year's Day - Leviticus 23:23-24
(Also called The Feast of Trumpets)
Yom Kippur - The Day of Atonement - Leviticus 23:26-32
The Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) - Leviticus 23:33-34, 42-43
(Also called The Feast of Ingathering)
Since that time several others have been added, such as
Purim and
The Feast of Lights (Hanukkah).
These holy days were symbolic of things to come.
[SIZE=-1]"Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ."[/SIZE][SIZE=-1] (Colossians 2:16-17)[/SIZE]
It gets worse, as I continue reading the chapter more of your words are written there!

and they didn't reference you either....of course they didn't copy everything exactly they missed some stuff and added some others...
Hi FS, thanks for sharing your thoughts on the convergence between Judaism and Christianity with respect to the High Holidays. :)

I think this is a very interesting issue, and in the past there has been much hesitancy to discuss openly (I am speaking from a Jewish perspective here). I think this was because of the extreme sensitivity of some of the historic issues.

Lets hope that an interfaith forum, like this one, provides a setting where we can have some interesting discussions about these topics, in a supportive environment.

I have some ideas about deconstruction and reconstruction which relates to issues of relevency, which I will start in the Judaism sub-forum and, if pertinent, continue here as well.
Dang those trumpets are hard to digest. Maybe it's mistranslated. Feast of that makes more sense. I do love the little kippurs. They're so yommy! Nothing like that nasty gifelte. Passover the the butter, won't you?

Wow, here I thought I had complimented you on your knowledge and asked where I might find more....but instead I get a lecture??? That makes an alarm go off, 'me thinks thou dost protest to much' so you make me look....

Your post...And then I found this.... the dirty dogs copied your hour and a halfs work exactly, bolded just like you, I"d sue their buns off

Chapter 2 of 'The mystery of the church' scroll down to The Feasts and Fulfilled Prophecy
It gets worse, as I continue reading the chapter more of your words are written there!

and they didn't reference you either....of course they didn't copy everything exactly they missed some stuff and added some others...

You got me wil ...Im busted...caught red-handed and make sure to put a scarlet letter on me..

Feel better that you can once again embarrass someone?
wil, I'd be astonished if everyone here actually went through all the references they used on IO and wrote them up individually. :)
You got me wil ...Im busted...caught red-handed and make sure to put a scarlet letter on me..

Feel better that you can once again embarrass someone?
No, I was just confused as to your response to me. There had to be some reason I caught such grief for asking where to look for more info.

And yes, I guess if I would've thought longer I wouldn't have posted such a response...guess we are in a similar boat.

Tis not my intent to embarass anyone... but if truth is what we are all seeking... shouldn't truth be what we provide?

That is why I am so willing and insistent on putting the cards on the table about Christianity. If there are issues we know about, inconsistencies we are aware of, I don't see how it does any good to sweep them under the rug or deny them. We've seen repeatedly how deceipt and coverups come back and destroy people and institutions.