If you really know a spell that works answer



I need a spell to put on myself not to go into a few 99 cent stores. There are a few 99 cent stores that I frequent but I want to stop going to these stores so can you give me a spell or tell me what type of spell I can use to stop going. I start to feel curious as to what is in these stores so I go to satisfy my curiousity but I want to not feel curious as to what are in those stores. I REALLY NEED TO STOP GOING. I dont use candles.
What you need is a program called n.a.p. night audio programing. It works on the computer and you use your own voice. The link is on another forum when I find the link I will post it here. The audio plays all night. You record on it things like , the 99 cent store sells small soap bars and are not a good value. The 99 cent store only sells 10.5 oz. cans of chilly , not a good value. The 99 cent store sells razzors that are dull and relly hurt when you shave with them. The 99 cent store sells out of date milk and cookies. You get the idea. desert rat
p.s. I will read the forum rules and see if I can post outside links , if not and you want that link I will send it to in a p.m.
I do not know if you read your posts after you post them lover454 . My suggestion was not exactly what you asked for , if you want me to post a link you need to let me know. desert rat
I read them but this one I havent had a chance to. NO I really need a spell
do you know a spell I can use to get these stores to close? I dont use candles or fire at all
I am more into visualization , and l.o.a. than spells. What I was suggesting was some thing called n.a.p. I have not tried it yet so I dont know much about it. If this forum allows out side links here is a link to another forums discussion that included n.a.p. A Journey for Your Delight desert rat
How can I visualize these stores closing? I really want them to close. If they close I wont be tempted to go in. One of the stores I keep visualizing closes because a bank (not naming which one on here) takes over.
You could close the stores by visualization , but think about all the people that work at that store , they would be out of work. If you rely dont like that store get what you want at another store. Close to me there is a 99 cent store , I get a few things there that are a good value for 99 cents, others just are not a good value , I get thoes at another store. desert rat
Most of the workers are young kids that can get cashiers/stock boys(girls) jobs anywhere. The managers also can get jobs elsewhere. How do I do the visualization to close these stores. In other words what are the steps?
I am not following this answer at all. I still want these six 99 cent stores to close. Also what do you think of people who try to tell you that you must do your spells the way they do or it is wrong. And isnt intent the same thing as belief?

Here is how I do my spells:
This is how I do my spells. I copy and paste from the Internet a poem or lyric that represents my spell onto Microsoft Word or a computer graphic program. Then I copy clip art from the computer from the Internet on to the spell page (either on Microsoft or one of my clip art pages) I have open and save it on the computer and then close the document. I used to print them out but replacing cartridges got to be too expensive so I type this line at the end of the spell: "This spell will start to work immediately And this is a plea to the goddesses and gods to make magic happen SO mote it be and this magic spell does not have to be printed out to work"

I only do this when I create the spell on Microsoft Word, I copy and paste the spell over and over on the same page so the same spell is appearing on the 8 1/2 by 11 page three times instead of once this way it makes it stronger. I dont do this on the computer graphics - wont work

I use Microsoft Word word when I don't have to put graphic(s) and/or name(s) on top of each other. I use the graphic program when I have to put graphic(s) and/or name(s) on top of each other (SUPERIMPOSE).

I feel that it is the belief in the spell that will make it work, not so much burying it, or printing it out or lighting candles.
I am not following this answer at all. I still want these six 99 cent stores to close. Also what do you think of people who try to tell you that you must do your spells the way they do or it is wrong. And isnt intent the same thing as belief?

Here is how I do my spells:
This is how I do my spells. I copy and paste from the Internet a poem or lyric that represents my spell onto Microsoft Word or a computer graphic program. Then I copy clip art from the computer from the Internet on to the spell page (either on Microsoft or one of my clip art pages) I have open and save it on the computer and then close the document. I used to print them out but replacing cartridges got to be too expensive so I type this line at the end of the spell: "This spell will start to work immediately And this is a plea to the goddesses and gods to make magic happen SO mote it be and this magic spell does not have to be printed out to work"

I only do this when I create the spell on Microsoft Word, I copy and paste the spell over and over on the same page so the same spell is appearing on the 8 1/2 by 11 page three times instead of once this way it makes it stronger. I dont do this on the computer graphics - wont work

I use Microsoft Word word when I don't have to put graphic(s) and/or name(s) on top of each other. I use the graphic program when I have to put graphic(s) and/or name(s) on top of each other (SUPERIMPOSE).

I feel that it is the belief in the spell that will make it work, not so much burying it, or printing it out or lighting candles.

A question : What is the difference between white witch craft and black when either can be good or bad?
I dont agree with the people who say if you do manipulative magic spells, or spells similar to that then bad luck will fall upon the spell caster. I believe if you tell yourself something bad will happen because you did these type of spells then the bad thing will happen. If you tell yourself good things will happen because you did these type of spells then good things will happen.

It is all post hypnotic suggestions. Doing black magic is not going to make bad things happen to the spell caster UNLESS the spell caster tells themselves that something bad will happen if they do these type of spells

Ok , I guess I must explain . The secret and creative visualization are books , you read , understand and use the methods in the book. The secret uses l.o.a. or law of atraction , or you create in your life what you think. In creative visualization you visualize what you want in a ritual. It helps to understand if you do read the books. Spells do work , just a differnt ritual. There is also karma , you need to under stand the consequences of your actions. There is no point in wanting to close a store just because you dont want to shop there. If I tell you to do something bad , I might share that karma . It has been said "karma is a bitch " desert rat
I dont believe in Karma. I believe that is a lot of crap. If you tell yourself bad things will happen then it will - plain and simple.

Explain a little further: "The secret and creative visualization are books , you read , understand and use the methods in the book. The secret uses l.o.a. or law of atraction , or you create in your life what you think. In creative visualization you visualize what you want in a ritual."
There is a movie and audio cd on the secret, the best thing is to watch the movie to fully understand how it works. Local video stores may have it. On creative visualization you use a method to fill your self with light and visualize what you want in a white circle. It is beyond the space limit of this post to fully explain the methods , you need to read the book . desert rat

Here is how I do my spells:
This is how I do my spells. I copy and paste from the Internet a poem or lyric that represents my spell onto Microsoft Word or a computer graphic program. Then I copy clip art from the computer from the Internet on to the spell page (either on Microsoft or one of my clip art pages) I have open and save it on the computer and then close the document. I used to print them out but replacing cartridges got to be too expensive so I type this line at the end of the spell: "This spell will start to work immediately And this is a plea to the goddesses and gods to make magic happen SO mote it be and this magic spell does not have to be printed out to work"

I only do this when I create the spell on Microsoft Word, I copy and paste the spell over and over on the same page so the same spell is appearing on the 8 1/2 by 11 page three times instead of once this way it makes it stronger. I dont do this on the computer graphics - wont work

I use Microsoft Word word when I don't have to put graphic(s) and/or name(s) on top of each other. I use the graphic program when I have to put graphic(s) and/or name(s) on top of each other (SUPERIMPOSE).

I feel that it is the belief in the spell that will make it work, not so much burying it, or printing it out or lighting candles.
As I understand things , it works through the subconscious and the higher self. If having a spell on the hard drive of your computer gets through to your higher self it will work . I think it would be a matter of how hard you believe in the method. desert rat
I believe in the method (using the computer) very strongly. What do you mean by "higher self"