If you really know a spell that works answer

Did you find the link to the download of the program?

If you mean n.a.p. , I will post some links. It was part of a discussion on another forum A Journey for Your Delight These two site discuss n.a.p. and it may for down load from there MerlinWorld's Forums: Discussion forums on the Subconscious Mind, Law of Attraction • View forum - Forum dedicated to: Subconscious Mind/Law of Attraction The method to solve our financial problems? - Matrix Energetics Message Boards I have not used it , so I dont know much about it. desert rat
p.s. here is a link to the soft ware that the web sits says to use http://download.cnet.com/Audacity/3000-2170_4-10058117.html?tag=mncol;1 http://www.softpedia.com/get/Multimedia/Audio/Audio-Editors-Recorders/Audacity.shtml , I have not used it so I know nothing about it.
desert-rat are you still on this site. If you are I sent you a message on your profile page.
I check back from time to time. All you need to do is get what you need some where other than a .99 cent store. I buy a few things from the store close to me , but most stuff is in small packages and not a good value . Most stuff I get at Sams Club , its a better value. Use i.m. , l.o.a. , creative visualization , or your spell on your computer to manifest what you want. desert rat
The text on computer is more your idea , but you might try something like this. " I have created for my self $ 1000 to by food , to pay bills ect." or I have created for my self $20,000 for a work truck , tools and equment . or I have created for my self $100,000 for a house. You get the idea. desert rat
The text on computer is more your idea , but you might try something like this. " I have created for my self $ 1000 to by food , to pay bills ect." or I have created for my self $20,000 for a work truck , tools and equment . or I have created for my self $100,000 for a house. You get the idea. desert rat
Em hotep desert-rat,
I would be very interested in your magickal procedure in procuring these amounts of money, could you share them with us/me?
Can you explain this: "The text on computer is more your idea" - it sounds like you are saying I should NOT do my spells via computer.
What I was doing was , putting togher a method from the secret "I have created for myself " and lover 454's method of using a text program on the computer . I don not know if it will work. desert rat
Ahhh, I see . . . if you believe it will then it Will work! Good luck!
to Etu Malku I agree if you believe in it then it will work. And this is going to sound stupid but what is your reason for feeling this way
to Etu Malku I agree if you believe in it then it will work. And this is going to sound stupid but what is your reason for feeling this way
I've been a ceremonial magus for a couple decades now, performed many a ritual.
to Etu Malku what type of rituals
Oh, all kinds over the years. Recently I have been involved in one that opens the Gate to the Qliphoth in order to Pathwork on the Adverse Tree of Life. This is an involved ritual and is encompassing four weeks so far with a lot of work and energy spent.
Sounds good. So you agree with me that if I believe doing my spells on the computer then these spells will work because I believe this is the method that will work for me
Sounds good. So you agree with me that if I believe doing my spells on the computer then these spells will work because I believe this is the method that will work for me
Yes, I use the computer all the time . . . hell, we are 21st century Magi aren't we? :D
How do you use the computer to do your spells?

Here is how I do my spells:
This is how I do my spells. I copy and paste from the Internet a poem or lyric that represents my spell onto Microsoft Word or a computer graphic program. Then I copy clip art from the computer from the Internet on to the spell page (either on Microsoft or one of my clip art pages) I have open and save it on the computer and then close the document. I used to print them out but replacing cartridges got to be too expensive so I type this line at the end of the spell: "This spell will start to work immediately And this is a plea to the goddesses and gods to make magic happen SO mote it be and this magic spell does not have to be printed out to work"

I only do this when I create the spell on Microsoft Word, I copy and paste the spell over and over on the same page so the same spell is appearing on the 8 1/2 by 11 page three times instead of once this way it makes it stronger. I dont do this on the computer graphics - wont work

I use Microsoft Word word when I don't have to put graphic(s) and/or name(s) on top of each other. I use the graphic program when I have to put graphic(s) and/or name(s) on top of each other (SUPERIMPOSE).
I use the computer to loop any trance inductions I've created (audio & visual) to be played during the ritual.

As for written parts, I find it best to have everything committed to memory and able to recite it.