
Re: Banned! What about doing me that favor?

This, right here, is my 10th post. I can post links now. Yay!


Here is some food for thought to a new denizen in the world of message boards, from my spirit guide, Pes Oir Amsus:

First they welcome you in, then they ban you, throw you out without ceremonies; and you do not demand, insist on an explanation before an impartial panel of reasonable people -- because you are a beast of burden. -- Pes Oir Amsus.

Think about that.

I am now involved in the advocacy of bringing message boards to a higher level of civilization and culture, so that they will do without all those banning practices; just like in the highly civilized and cultured nations members of the European Union, where no applicant nation need seek incorporation which has not outgrown and abolished the death penalty.

Smile now, okay? Nothing overly serious as to spoil your evening.

Susma Rio Sep

I think your posts reflect tha frustration that most of us feel when. "You'd think that somebody who claims X, Y and Z would be more tolerant!"

I come and go in most chat rooms myself. I'll read a few posts, see something I think needs clarifying, go one for a few days about things that have been "done to death" (Hi! juantoo3) then get back to the tangible world.

If I were ever a mod, I'd probably focus most on those making personal attacks, expecially trolls. But then "personal attacks" are in the eye of the beholder, I suppose.

I don't know about being a beast of burden, but I know that they're not my fora, so whatever they do to me really costs me nothing. There's plenty of places to go and plenty of people to chat with in webdom, and many more in the tangible world.

I do think you could start with a listing of tolerant fora. This certainly seems to be one.

Have fun!
Re: Banned! I want to change the world for the better, ambitious, hahaha.


I think your posts reflect tha frustration that most of us feel when. "You'd think that somebody who claims X, Y and Z would be more tolerant!"

I come and go in most chat rooms myself. I'll read a few posts, see something I think needs clarifying, go one for a few days about things that have been "done to death" (Hi! juantoo3) then get back to the tangible world.

If I were ever a mod, I'd probably focus most on those making personal attacks, expecially trolls. But then "personal attacks" are in the eye of the beholder, I suppose.

I don't know about being a beast of burden, but I know that they're not my fora, so whatever they do to me really costs me nothing. There's plenty of places to go and plenty of people to chat with in webdom, and many more in the tangible world.

I do think you could start with a listing of tolerant fora. This certainly seems to be one.

Have fun!

Thanks, Libertylover. Wait, that is a violation of the rules, to write your name with the first letter in upper case; I got an almost warning from a mod at IIDB for that practice of mine, always writing a proper name with the first letter in upper case. See? that's the kind of moderating they or some mods do in the IIDB. [More bellyaching from yours truly..., yet if there be no one bellyaching we would not know anything about human nature, would we?]

You see, libertylover, I have this bad habit of self-introspection and come to the following conclusions about myself in this unsavory incident of life in being banned in a forum known to be advocating enlightened views of secular humanistic learning and unhindered free inquiry, free thought, and free speech; whereas I have always believed to my own flattery that I could not write anything so offensive as to deserve being banned in any message board, at least not with powers there that are gentlemen of great exposure to all kinds of opinions and convictions and possessed also of the utmost in humanitarian values like life, liberty, equality, fraternity, and free speech.

What am I driving at with my griping about being banned in the IIDB? Here, the following (not in the order of importance):

1. To fish for some solace from guys like myself, so that they will sympathize with me against the mods and admins of the IIDB who will also appear before them to be unreasoning despots for possessing powers.

2. To show why banning in message boards is not up to the level of civilization an culture in today's world of man's eternal discourse for the achievement of more knowledge first of himself and then of the whole universe. [Waxing transcendental, hehehe.]

3. To contribute to the universal norm of behavior on the part of powers that be in web message boards to no longer feel the need nor and much less the urgency to resort to banning as an instrument of peace and order, because that is one very wrong and primitive measure for maintaining peace and order and productivity in a forum, unless they want to run a cemetery but not a beehive of a message board.​

Okay, so that the powers here, starting with the owner, Brian, will not be wondering when I am going to contribute something more substantive than bellyaching in this off-topic board, please proceed to the board on Buddhism where I have a theory about the end destiny of mankind in Buddhism. That should make a lot of Buddhists here do some really serious thinking, if they want to or are in the habit of, instead of meditating on emptiness.
