Sound and Sacred Geometry?

I've studied and worked with Cymatics as well as Harmonagraphy, been very interested in the esoteric aspects of music for a while.

I will have a book finished 'someday' (lol) on music and metaphysics, been writing it for a few years now.

Great topic!
As a child, I remember how beads is a pie pan would form shapes like squares and stars if you gently tapped on the side of the pie pan.

That's about the extent of my hands on experience regarding this. Would love to learn more.
I've studied and worked with Cymatics as well as Harmonagraphy, been very interested in the esoteric aspects of music for a while.

I will have a book finished 'someday' (lol) on music and metaphysics, been writing it for a few years now.
Well heck! What's holding you back from finishing your book? Need an editor or ghost writer?

Great topic!
Indeed! {I hope you will share some of your research!}
One of my favorite ideas concerning Cymatics is that after the Big Bang there existed a soup of cosmic dust so to speak, and resulting from this tremendous super nova there also was put into motion the Primordial Vibration.

Called the Word in the Judeo-Christian Bible, Hindu Scriptures call it Naad and Shruti, Persian scriptures Sraosha, Kalma in Muslim scriptures, ‘the Sonorous Light' in Buddhism, Naam or Shabd by the Sikhs, in Patanjali Yoga Darshan, the God/dess Ishwara is a Being expressed by this original vibration (Pranav) and Madam Helen Blavatsky and the Theosophists call it ‘the Voice of Silence'.

The most popular word for this is OM, and through the influx of vibration all things in the physical Universe were created through sacred geometry such as the Fibonacci sequence, the Golden Mean.
Is the OM a "C" note? I think I remember something from about 9 years ago about black holes resonating at B-flat. I'm still waiting for it to bubble up from my memory.
Is the OM a "C" note? I think I remember something from about 9 years ago about black holes resonating at B-flat. I'm still waiting for it to bubble up from my memory.

Excerpt from "Tarkhem: Musiq and the Black Arts" by R.L. Fleckenstein
The Big Note (4,080,000,000 Hertz), is calculated to be 972.75 Hz. This is slightly lower than B 4 at 987.77 Hz and somewhat higher than B Flat 4 at 932.33 Hz, in equal-tempered tuning. Therefore, the Universe is resonating at a tone a little flatter than B, as defined by standard tuning.
Excerpt from "Tarkhem: Musiq and the Black Arts" by R.L. Fleckenstein
The Big Note (4,080,000,000 Hertz), is calculated to be 972.75 Hz. This is slightly lower than B 4 at 987.77 Hz and somewhat higher than B Flat 4 at 932.33 Hz, in equal-tempered tuning. Therefore, the Universe is resonating at a tone a little flatter than B, as defined by standard tuning.
Is this as we measure it from earth, or is it adjusted for any Doppler effect that might be added due to the expansion of space? (like redshift we observe in stars)
I do not know how to translate the 160.2 GHz and 283 GHz frequencies (see Cosmic microwave background radiation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). What this is is the microwave background of the big bang which corresponds to the time ~ 400,000 years after the big bang when things had cooled off enough for hydrogen to form (before that the Kosmos was a plasma and light did not propigate). The original temperature this correspond to is about 3,000 Kelvin (real, real hot).

Panta Rhei!
(Everything Flows!)
I do not know how to translate the 160.2 GHz and 283 GHz frequencies (see Cosmic microwave background radiation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). What this is is the microwave background of the big bang which corresponds to the time ~ 400,000 years after the big bang when things had cooled off enough for hydrogen to form (before that the Kosmos was a plasma and light did not propigate). The original temperature this correspond to is about 3,000 Kelvin (real, real hot).

Panta Rhei!
(Everything Flows!)

3,000 Kelvin is in the incandescent light bulb range of color temperature, no?
Right in the middle of "cool colors". Incandescents are 3000 plus or minus about three hundred (special lamps for artists and such). Bullseye!
Excerpt from "Tarkhem: Musiq and the Black Arts" by R.L. Fleckenstein
The Big Note (4,080,000,000 Hertz), is calculated to be 972.75 Hz. This is slightly lower than B 4 at 987.77 Hz and somewhat higher than B Flat 4 at 932.33 Hz, in equal-tempered tuning. Therefore, the Universe is resonating at a tone a little flatter than B, as defined by standard tuning.

Have you calculated it in pythagorian tuning?
I do not know how to translate the 160.2 GHz and 283 GHz frequencies (see Cosmic microwave background radiation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). What this is is the microwave background of the big bang which corresponds to the time ~ 400,000 years after the big bang when things had cooled off enough for hydrogen to form (before that the Kosmos was a plasma and light did not propigate). The original temperature this correspond to is about 3,000 Kelvin (real, real hot).

Panta Rhei!
(Everything Flows!)

3,000 Kelvin is in the incandescent light bulb range of color temperature, no?

Right in the middle of "cool colors". Incandescents are 3000 plus or minus about three hundred (special lamps for artists and such). Bullseye!
Now we have another means of calibration to compare with sound: light. :)
Watch "The Exorcist Part Two" Louise Fletcher (?... Nurse Ratched in OFOTCN) plays with a direct sound-to-light translator used in early bio-feedback (kinda kwel).
From bass drum to fluttering of Butterfly wings to sopranos to colors to microwaves to radio to sonar to sun light ---anything ommited from the spectrum?

What frequency is dirt? Is Water? Is Fire? Is Mind? Is Ego? Is Spirit Shakti?

Do Computer screens Vibrate at a certain [absolute] frequency?

Is Brahman devoid of Frenquencies?

Is Life composed of vibrating frequencies?

Is cosmopolitan civilisation a cocaphony of intersecting frequencies parading past eachother marching to different drummers?

With the chart below one can guage how all forms are related by degrees of separation measured in frequencies.

Just see the maliablity of emotive music . . . while considering that the difference between Middle 'A' [400bps ~eq to 400hz -?] differs from the next note in the scale . . . and how hopping from one Key to the other causes melodies to isuue forth and eminate spectrums of 'mellows'.


  • Spectrum of Wave Lengths.jpg
    Spectrum of Wave Lengths.jpg
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Watch "The Exorcist

I saw it 8 times as a kid!

My friend Mario said he watched it 18 times!

Max Von Sidow has always been a Hero of mine.

The movie had some pointers that the Nuns never informed us on . . . specifically.
The reason why I was asking about chaotic noises syncopated into a drumbeat rhythm is this:

A while ago, someone told me to try meditating on "absolute space." I took that to mean "non-relative" space, instead of "infinite space." {Which is what I think he meant now.}

Anyway, I tried a couple of different approaches to this, and each time I would wind up getting so cold and shaking that even a hot shower wouldn't warm me back up. (I also became quite sensitive to random noises as well.) Then I tried switching back and forth between two different approaches/perspectives, going from one to the other, thinking "not this" and "not that" in order to keep moving between the two. It solved the problem of the shaking and shivering, but the moving between the two became a vibration in and of itself, and would create relativistic space so that I could only get glimpses of what I was looking for.

I was thinking that some sort of syncopated rhythm might help to inoculate against the sensitivity to random sounds, and by associating each different "chaotic noise" with a different technique/approach/perspective, it might help out with the "not this" via the natural disaffinity with chaotic noise in general, and help out with the moving from each perspective/technique via the rhythm. This way you can utilize more than two perspective/techniques as well--and maybe the movement between them won't wind up as a wave-type vibration, either.

**end babble session**