Sound and Sacred Geometry?

I did listen...very unique....
I think you should finish that book, sounds like a fascinating read.
Thanks! Yes, Scriabin! I am very familiar with his work and Theosophy. I have studied most of the world's Meta-Musicians from ancient cultures to Plato's Myth of Er to present.

A fantastic, if not overwhelming plethora of myth, spirit, and magick can be found studying these musical al-khemists.

Many of my compositions have been influenced by any number of these great thinkers.
Have a listen . . . TAR KHEM - Home
Let's back up a bit here:

Where is the harmony in the symmetry of "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth?" I say "nay," as hate does not overcome hate.
When the Law of Karma is considered, hate is hate's own destruction...
give hate, and hate is received until the error is noticed...
Oh, you mean like not paying back evil with evil, and such? ;)

So yes, I can relax in such asymmetry, and balance and harmony can be achevied without symmetry.

We are getting away from sound and sacred geometry here. Maybe we can start another thread?

well, we didn't actually get to thoroughly link my comment with the topic.... but if you are done....
When the Law of Karma is considered, hate is hate's own destruction...
give hate, and hate is received until the error is noticed...
There is the karma that is the fruit of action, but then there is the karma of intent which affects ones mind. When your mind is overcome with greed, hate, or delusion, you do silly things like killing, lying, stealing, and telling others to do so, which escalates long term suffering. So no, when you apply the law of karma regarding hate, hate does not become its own destruction. Hate actually escalates suffering for everyone, especially if everyone symmetrically plays along.

well, we didn't actually get to thoroughly link my comment with the topic.... but if you are done....
If you want to start a thread, I'd be happy to continue there. We might even get wil to move these posts there too, if we ask him nicely.
Seatle, OM is not a note. OM is a expressed as verbiage/verbal likened to a word that is said to be associated with the sound Universe.

OM can be sung at as any note at any scale a human contain. There is no specific note tone etc associated with the word like text spelled OM.


My personal experience tells me that a mantra - of whatever verbiage - is an aid in achieving a specific vibration - which directly relates to states of consciousness...

putting a description to the frequency that would be perfectly suited to the individual would be tricky...
in advanced stages of meditation that personal vibration will completely envelop the individual and it would be "rememberable" and act as a "destination" for further meditations...
From the above linked "derail" thread:

Geometry is a Greek term - geo=earth, metria=measurement
It is the science of shape, size, relative position of figures, and the properties of space.

I would say it is simply the product of the Golden Mean and vibration which is behind the creation of everything known in the objective universe.



So geometry is mathematics expressed in terms of space, whereas music is mathematics expressed in terms of time?
From the above linked "derail" thread:

So geometry is mathematics expressed in terms of space, whereas music is mathematics expressed in terms of time?

I am speech-less.

I have to collect my thoughts and steady my mind and take in this maxim . . . I must explore the implications . . . . . . . . .
Oh, yes... there is something there. Like consciousness or life, an emergence. Because we (physicists) cannot express it in terms of math (yet) does not mean it is simply pseudo-science. The Japanese research on freezing water (and by extension on low-temperature physics) is showing up in some pretty mainstream physics blogs/discussions. Warning, if you go to one of these sites, realize they are opinions, conjectures, not truth writ with a capital "T".

I like very much the "music" as "mathematics in time". I happen to like XXth century violin music (very a-tonal and a-symmetric), "Space Music" (thank you Jerry), and Improg (UM, I love you). It is the manifestation of math (even fractals) in time.
This isn't about sacred geometry, but it is about the power of music


Excellent SG . . . the healing properties of sound is tremendous and only just being tapped. Ironically I'm reading a book right now called "Stambeli" music of Tunisia, it is ritual & trance based with an emphasis on its healing properties.
Interesting article from Science Daily

Music Underlies Language Acquisition, Theorists Propose

ScienceDaily (Sep. 18, 2012) — Contrary to the prevailing theories that music and language are cognitively separate or that music is a byproduct of language, theorists at Rice University's Shepherd School of Music and the University of Maryland, College Park (UMCP) advocate that music underlies the ability to acquire language.

"Spoken language is a special type of music," said Anthony Brandt, co-author of a theory paper published online this month in the journal Frontiers in Cognitive Auditory Neuroscience. "Language is typically viewed as fundamental to human intelligence, and music is often treated as being dependent on or derived from language. But from a developmental perspective, we argue that music comes first and language arises from music."

continued at link​
Here is some relevant data:
Chakra #
#8 False ego (ahankara) [Subtile Body]

#7 Inspiration (buddhi) [Subtile Body]

#6 Intelligence (Mana) [Subtile Body]

<Sounds: Ha (aspirant) - Ksha (gutteral Silibant)>

#5 Ether (Kham) [Gross Body]

<Sounds: Vowels ah aah eh eeh uh ooh rh reeh lr lree; ei ai o au am aha>

#4 Air (vayuh) [Gross Body]

<Sounds: Gutteral/Palatable/Cerebral: ka kha ga gha na ca cha ja jha nya tah thah>

#3 Fire (analah) [Gross Body]

<Sounds: Cerebral/Dentals/Labials: da dha na ta tha da dha na pa pah>

#2 Water (apah) [Gross Body]

<Sounds: Labials/semivowels: ba bha ma ya ra la>

#1 Earth (bhumi) [Gross Body]

<Sounds: va (semivowel); sha ssha Sa (Silibants)>

These are the Chakras along with the sanskrit sounds

(Yes, Sanskrit alphabet is listed as per the 'articulators' in the mouth
that produce the sounds).

This is NOT my own invention NOR my original idea

NOR my own discovery ---these are the sounds associated with each chakra.


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mystics melodies are 2 types,,,some coming from left and some coming from right side...true ones are coming from right side...there 5 vital ones coming from right side..thanks
the right sounds are inwards and uplifting the soul to higher realms...the left ones are outwards and decending or pushing the soul downwards back into matter...