Islam the heart of the world's terrorists

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I said:
Do you blame Christianity for the IRA, though?

Even if the IRA doesn't use Christianity principly as a shield, isn't it still, in its heart, a Christian terror group fighting other Christian terror groups and the British government?
Good point. Hence your logic must expand to include not blaming Islam for the extremist groups that are terrorizing, and using Islam as their rally cry.

Unfortunately because of the current scourge of terrorist groups using Islam as their justification for what they do, the the word Islam and the picture it puts into the current day mind brings loathing and disgust (if not outright fury), to those that aren't Muslim, and I suspect, an embarrassment and shame to a great many of those who are Muslim.

This could be a case of "shoot the messanger" to save the message. The problem is which messangers do we shoot? (neutralize)

And why is the Muslim world apparantely inept at or unwilling to police its own fold? Surely as human beings they should realize that a laisez fare attitude in this current situation will result in outsiders eventually coming into the Muslim back yard to hunt down and kill the "rabid animals" hiding there, with or with out the owner's permission. Hell, these people are blowing up their own neighbors and family as we speak! In Sudan, they're killing, raping and expelling Muslims like themselves because of the color of their skin, and ethnic origins.

Perhaps Islam itself is the unfortunate jewel that attracts the eyes of hardcore predator or tyrannical types.

Then again, I could be all wet. Come to think of it, I am all wet, and partially submerged because the storms here. ;-)


There are strong political elements in the entire "Islamist" issue - I was going to try and write an evaluation of how and why this may be - but it's simply too wide a subject.

Something to add, though - I had an important meeting in London to attend yesterday, and traveled by train. Before boarding, I noticed an obviously Islamic man also waiting, and my immediate reaction was to wonder whether he might be a train bomber, like in Madrid. Perhaps my mind is more sick than most, but the fact my instinct even noted the thought I found horrible. It is an association I don't at all agree with, but the constant association of Muslim=terrorist is an insiduous one.
if imam farts the community **** - a turkish saying

Let me go back a bit, with some help from quotations...

When Muhammad started out preaching his religion of Islam he was not violent. He was persecuted for preaching his religious ideas - Islam - and denigrating the pagan religions of the Meccans. Some of Muhammad's followers were tortured. Things were so bad for him and his few followers that he sent many of them to Ethiopia for refuge. Eventually, he and his followers moved north to a city called Medina, where some members of two Arab tribes wanted Muhammad to be their prophet.
Just prior to Muhammad's leaving for Medina, he received a "revelation" allowing him to fight the Meccans. He knew that in Medina, he had a group of armed men who would support him. God sent down to him: "Fight them so that there be no more seduction," suddenly "Allah" gave Muhammad his "revelation" to fight. Muhammad's circumstances changed, and Muhammad's Allah changed with them. Muhammad went from being only a "warner" to being an aggressor.
an interesting remark can be done here;
In Mecca, where Muhammad was weak, he attacked no one. He only preached his religion and insulted the Meccan's religions. But it was just prior to his leaving for Medina, where he had a limited amount of armed men to support him, that he received this "revelation" and began to use violence to further his desires. See the irony?

Muhammad, as could be expected, began to have conflict with the Jews and pagans in the Medina area. A quote from Guillaume, page 369:
"The apostle said, "Kill any Jew that falls into your power." Thereupon Muhayyisa b. Masud leapt upon Ibn Sunayna, a Jewish merchant with whom they had social and business relations, and killed him. Huwayyisa was not a Muslim at the time though he was the elder brother. When Muhayyisa killed him Huwayyisa began to beat him, saying, 'You enemy of God, did you kill him when much of the fat on your belly comes from his wealth?' Muhayyisa answered, 'Had the one who ordered me to kill him ordered me to kill you I would have cut your head off.'"
Here another man was murdered upon Muhammad's command. This man was 120 years old. He was no physical threat to Muhammad and he did not urge people to commit violent acts against Muhammad or the Muslims. There was no discussion with Jewish leaders, there was no dialogue with Abu Afak; it was just an outright murder of another one of Muhammad's critics. Abu Afak urged the people who lived in Medina to doubt and leave Muhammad. Abu Afak found that Muhammad's sayings were strange and dictatorial. He chided the Arabs that put their faith in Muhammad. Muhammad heard of this and viewed the 120 year old man as a threat to his credibility, not to his life. Nowhere does it say that Abu Afak urged his fellow Arabs to attack or harm Muhammad. But he was killed anyway, it is told that muhammed himself has killed him.
Ali Dashti's "23 Years: A Study of the Prophetic Career of Mohammad", [5], page 100:
and lets refer to quran: In Sura (Chapter) 47, paragraph 4 and 5 are:
And when ye meet those who misbelieve - then striking off heads until ye have massacred them, and bind fast the bonds!
Then either a free grant (of liberty) or a ransom until the war shall have laid down its burdens. That! - but if God please He would conquer them - but (it is) that He may try some of you by the others. And those who are slain in God's cause, their works shall not go wrong; He will guide them and set right their mind; and will make them enter into Paradise which He has told them of.
These two paragraphs seem to be the source of the problem.
I myself never ever could feel quran as a spritual book, but more like a book to keep yourself away from. Here in istanbull, just yesterday, i saw a child holding his father's hand pointing to some arabic letters he saw on the floor of an ottoman drinking fountain crying "Daddy, loook sin siiiin". The arabic letters resembles no signs of relieve but only sins to keep yourselves away from. Burn, torture, pain, more pain, a pain that can not be described with words.. How come a creator of me could do such horrible things to its vassals? If allah in its book itself tells that kind of torture scenes in detail... if allah is doing it cant be that wrong right?
Besides all those bad reputation i have explained above, i do give a lot credit towards the terrorists, regardless the adjectives they are using. Getting bored so i will really cut this short, just think of the places the terrorist attacks happen and not happening at all. and try thinking about the reasons lying beneath.

... you will suffer, you really will suffer ...
my colleague told me after reading this piece ov .. crap
The heart of Islam is peace:

I'm going to wave the Peace Banner again and suggest that the spiritual heart of Islam is still for peace and brotherhood.

As a Baha'i I'm well aware of the downside of fundamentalist Islam but we shouldn't forget that Islam is not a fanatic religion.

personanongrata wrote:

"But it was just prior to his leaving for Medina, where he had a limited amount of armed men to support him, that he received this "revelation" and began to use violence to further his desires."

I don't think this is what occurred. Defensive war was permitted if attacked... To me the change in Islam occurred well after the first four Caliphs and under the Umayyads, this is when to me the comncept of Jihad began to be abused...

But well before that time defense was permitted:

Read Surah 2 verses 190 and 191:

"And fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you and persecute you, but commit no aggression. Surely Allah does not love the aggressors."...


"Should they attack you (there) then slay them."

The attitudes today about middle easterners I think are very much like the war conditioning that occurred during the Second World War where anyone appearing oriental (Japanese, Chinese, etc.) were suspected as well as anyone using the German language for any purpose... Even during the First World War many German families changed their last names to sound more anglified... unfortunately, this is what happens in times of war, greater polarization and suspicion among people.

Re: if imam farts the community **** - a turkish saying

PersonaNonGrata said:
...Besides all those bad reputation i have explained above, i do give a lot credit towards the terrorists, regardless the adjectives they are using. Getting bored so i will really cut this short, just think of the places the terrorist attacks happen and not happening at all. and try thinking about the reasons lying beneath...
If your reference includes the United States, there is slight problem. The terrorists attacked the people, not the government (system). And it is the people who are going to fight back, with extreme predjudious. Unlike Vietnam (the only war who's battles we won, but lost the war anyway), the Vietnamese did not come after us in our own country, once we left theirs. This time, we know that if we back out, the terrorists will keep coming, and will never stop until we are dead. So, we are going to keep driving them, because we are left with NO CHOICE. We were dragged into this war. Now we are taking it over. All it is going to take is one more attack on US soil...once that happens I believe the world is going to see a military machine the likes of which has never been on this planet before.

The world continues to underestimate the US, as do the terrorists. We don't like to fight, but we are very good at it, and once committed, it becomes a task that we will finish.

I find it ironic, that Turkey (where I spent a month during 1999, in Anatalya), while predominantly Muslim, can also be democratic and basically peaceful, yet the rest of the Muslim world, can't figure out how to be the same. I know the change occured sometime during the 1920s, when a Turkish leader, or general put down the Muslim fanatics, clerics and such, and imposed a secular form of government.

In the US, there is an Arab population of roughly 400,000, the majority of which are Muslim. One quarter of that reside in the state of Michigan (in Dearborn, Detroit and the outlying suburbs). For the most part they are peaceful. Certainly, there are a few nut cases, but all in all they are part of the American community, and productive citizens/residents. They work, they raise families, they love, they vote, and they live in relative safety.

So, Islam and democracy can coinside, can blend.

The problem isn't Islam, it is the people (a few) professing to be Islamic that are the problem. It is the leaders who enjoy the chaos, and a vyeing for power that incite the young men and now women to do insane things, while they sit back and bask in their control over others.

And finally, the US doesn't need anyone else pointing out our faults, we do that well enough on our own, and don't keep it a secret from ANYONE.

I'd hate to see (and I think the world would hate it as well), the US go full tilt into fighting...because we won't stop, until we decide.



The most dangerous animal on earth is a man who wants peace...
Re: if imam farts the community **** - a turkish saying

PersonaNonGrata said:
dont be touchy... when i said terrorism why america comes to mind? let me provide some sites to broaden the view and have some fun...
Not at all Pers. I can only answer from my own perspective. I know lots of others have suffered, but I'd be a fool to try to answer for them. I also was ten minutes (DC time/traffic) from entering the parking lot of the Pentagon on 11 September 2001, for a meeting that was never kept. I also lost a dozen friends and language teachers on the 55th floor of the second tower, as well as two of my military ship mates, who were also fire fighters.

Your post is logical and well thought out. I sensed no animosity nor did I intend any. It's just my view.



p.s. I'll check out your links and let you know what I think. ;-)
Selam Quahom1,
Could you possibly think about the thousands of persons that now dont have a job that'll provide food, or a place to sleep or a child to care in iraq just because of your greed, so please please dont say me things like oh i was late to meeting and stuff, unfortunately it just sounds funny only. really ;
actually this is the wrong thread we are discussing this issue
fmi go to
PersonaNonGrata said:
Selam Quahom1,
Could you possibly think about the thousands of persons that now dont have a job that'll provide food, or a place to sleep or a child to care in iraq just because of your greed, so please please dont say me things like oh i was late to meeting and stuff, unfortunately it just sounds funny only. really ;
actually this is the wrong thread we are discussing this issue
fmi go to
No, Persona I can't think of the thousands who don't have jobs, or food, or a place to sleep. For you see, not Americans, nor any other western people are blowing up the oil pipe lines, or the road ways, or the police forces. The money and attempt to get all this infrastructure going to the point of letting go and letting the Iraqis soar, is being decimated on a daily basis, by those that live in the region, not the "foreigners".

No, I don't take the blame for this attrocity that is happening in the Middle East. It's not my burden to bear.

There has been alotted over 18 billion US dollars to help rebuild the Iraqi infrustructure, but only 2 billion has been spent. Why? Ask Mr. Armstrong's family, ask the foreign and Iraqi truck drivers. Ask the dead laundry women, dead police, dead government office holders...ask the kids in the damn streets of Bagdad why there is no money, and no more forthright attempts to help Iraq get on its feet. Because certain people do not want it.

Weather you like it or not, Christians and Jews (and yes Muslims) were busting their collective asses to try to get that country back on its feet, and with no unacceptable strings attached.

I have never been accused of being greedy before, so that eh, stunned me.

I think you have mistaken me for someone else. Otherwise I believe it would be best that we agree to disagree, and let it be.

Take care and good blessings unto you and yours sir.



Self important Priests, Rabbies, and Imams can kiss my blarney stone...
Quahom1 said:
No, Persona I can't think of the thousands who don't have jobs, or food, or a place to sleep. For you see, not Americans, nor any other western people are blowing up the oil pipe lines, or the road ways, or the police forces. The money and attempt to get all this infrastructure going to the point of letting go and letting the Iraqis soar, is being decimated on a daily basis, by those that live in the region, not the "foreigners".

No, I don't take the blame for this attrocity that is happening in the Middle East. It's not my burden to bear.

There has been alotted over 18 billion US dollars to help rebuild the Iraqi infrustructure, but only 2 billion has been spent. Why? Ask Mr. Armstrong's family, ask the foreign and Iraqi truck drivers. Ask the dead laundry women, dead police, dead government office holders...ask the kids in the damn streets of Bagdad why there is no money, and no more forthright attempts to help Iraq get on its feet. Because certain people do not want it.

Weather you like it or not, Christians and Jews (and yes Muslims) were busting their collective asses to try to get that country back on its feet, and with no unacceptable strings attached.

I have never been accused of being greedy before, so that eh, stunned me.

I think you have mistaken me for someone else. Otherwise I believe it would be best that we agree to disagree, and let it be.

Take care and good blessings unto you and yours sir.



Self important Priests, Rabbies, and Imams can kiss my blarney stone...
Hello Quahom1,

first of everything let me correct a misunderstanding: it was USA's foreign policy i was referring as greedy not you. Why on earth i would call you a greedy person as i have never ever been in contact with you and not know you at all.

I really dont want to discuss with you about USA here, as its really is not the topic of this thread.
But please keep in mind that whatever you say above is not making sense at all, sorry i cant be polite as my hatred towards america is gradually increasing though im a very loving person (maybe thats actually why;)

Oh man, i cant hold my thoughts, so there they go... Of course they will bomb the oil pipes as they are going directly going to your treasury, you cant be so blind or think me as a fool, even aristo's logic could be able to reach to that conclusion but you... YOU ARE NOT WANTED there, get your f8ck8ng arrogant behinds off of there plaisez.
OR else nothing will happen ... true as you are paying billion of dollars for arms, no one can do anything to you but only as ive seen most americans are doing in (buddhist places, nothing to do with muslims) you have to cover your little flags on the back of your packpacks with canadian flags instead!

USA is not alone in this place we called earth, and if it will continue its foreign policy in this way its citizens are binded to live in fear. Actually thats what g.bush and his ass lickers or brain pumpers wanted to be probably. Live in fear so give us the right to kill, murder, slaughter, rape, invade.... Do you really believe, please TRY to free yourself from bias, is this policy is to end up terrorism or trying to gain more sources to fill your ongoing, unfinishing never ending consuming-mania? States is/are consuming like hell man. You are putting 2 pounds sugar in a simple small cake dude, of course you need to jump unto other countries' *sses.

....Terrorism and sugar... they are some kinda related ;

nothing reaaaaallly personal, i still love americans as i said my colleagues are mostly americans here in istanbull its just your beyond-idiot foreign policy that is killing me.. how can you bust your own empire??

PersonaNonGrata said:
Hello Quahom1,

first of everything let me correct a misunderstanding: it was USA's foreign policy i was referring as greedy not you. Why on earth i would call you a greedy person as i have never ever been in contact with you and not know you at all.

I really dont want to discuss with you about USA here, as its really is not the topic of this thread.
But please keep in mind that whatever you say above is not making sense at all, sorry i cant be polite as my hatred towards america is gradually increasing though im a very loving person (maybe thats actually why;)

Oh man, i cant hold my thoughts, so there they go... Of course they will bomb the oil pipes as they are going directly going to your treasury, you cant be so blind or think me as a fool, even aristo's logic could be able to reach to that conclusion but you... YOU ARE NOT WANTED there, get your f8ck8ng arrogant behinds off of there plaisez.
OR else nothing will happen ... true as you are paying billion of dollars for arms, no one can do anything to you but only as ive seen most americans are doing in (buddhist places, nothing to do with muslims) you have to cover your little flags on the back of your packpacks with canadian flags instead!

USA is not alone in this place we called earth, and if it will continue its foreign policy in this way its citizens are binded to live in fear. Actually thats what g.bush and his ass lickers or brain pumpers wanted to be probably. Live in fear so give us the right to kill, murder, slaughter, rape, invade.... Do you really believe, please TRY to free yourself from bias, is this policy is to end up terrorism or trying to gain more sources to fill your ongoing, unfinishing never ending consuming-mania? States is/are consuming like hell man. You are putting 2 pounds sugar in a simple small cake dude, of course you need to jump unto other countries' *sses.

....Terrorism and sugar... they are some kinda related ;

nothing reaaaaallly personal, i still love americans as i said my colleagues are mostly americans here in istanbull its just your beyond-idiot foreign policy that is killing me.. how can you bust your own empire??

Ok, Persona. That was simple. We (the US withdraw), and leave the Middle East to its own devices. Oil? No friend, we don't need oil. It is merely a convenience and good for commerce. We can bust France's nut and build 500 nuclear power plants in half the time, if we were desperate for energy. No, we (I thought) were in the middle east for a noble reason. Free the oppressed, get them on their feet, and get the hell out of there so they can rule themselves and become productive, thriving citizens of the world.

As for President George W. Bush, well I don't really think he'll ever worry about money again, and sir, I don't think he cares about money. But then you don't know him as well as I do, and I don't know him much at all. He is only my commander in Chief.

I am a military man Pers, I have two young military men of my own fold, serving over in the Middle East. They are medics. They help heal 100 locals for every coalition soldier they treat (and 99 of the locals have injuries/ailments that have nothing to do with bombs, bullets or fighting).

When you look at America, you I fear are looking at the wrong picture.

And you have to remember sir, you appear to be Turkish, and if are not wanted there either... in fact right now, no one is wanted in the Middle East, but the Middle Easterners. But should we attempt to pull out, who do you think is going to scream the loudest against it? Hmmm? The UN, Turkey, and most of all, the Iraqis.

I don't hate you (collectively or personally). But I now know where you stand concerning me and my countrymen. I am saddened by that knowledge.

I can't fight that.

peace to you as well.


It would be a shame to work in generalisations - I myself sometimes offer pretty critical comment on the US. But it's not criticisms of America as a nation or people, but simply aspects of government policies. It would be genuine shame if there were to be a perceived blurring of the distinction.
no title

Quahom1 said:
Ok, Persona. That was simple. We (the US withdraw), and leave the Middle East to its own devices. Oil? No friend, we don't need oil. It is merely a convenience and good for commerce. We can bust France's nut and build 500 nuclear power plants in half the time, if we were desperate for energy. No, we (I thought) were in the middle east for a noble reason. Free the oppressed, get them on their feet, and get the hell out of there so they can rule themselves and become productive, thriving citizens of the world.
No friend we dont need oil? ROFLMAO! Please im quite sure that the members of at least this site, really could understand why you are "helping" countries like Iraq or Sudan. (though at least for now your cure for Sudan has been dismissed) Quahom1 please consider that I am not one of those americans or puppies of it that doesnt know anything but money and self succeed on his mind and doesnt read nothing but 'how to books'. I can "read" in terms of everything. Noble reason you have said? I wonder if you yourself really believe what you are saying after seeing all those brutal things you have done there... What were you expect? People of Iraq, at first welcomed you, not flowers in their hands maybe, but neutral. It was your hellish actions that made people go against you, because you were actually not caring anything but f*cking oil there. Hungry, dont care, in need of social help, huh?, build, you mean oil pipes? How did you expect these people to be thriving citizens of the world while your soldiers were raping the women? i do wonder...

Quahom1 said:
As for President George W. Bush, well I don't really think he'll ever worry about money again, and sir, I don't think he cares about money. But then you don't know him as well as I do, and I don't know him much at all. He is only my commander in Chief. Q
Funny and ironic you name him commander, not a ruler. Yes, dude, he is a stupid moron that knows nothing but fighting so your terminology makes sense there.

Quahom1 said:
I am a military man Pers, I have two young military men of my own fold, serving over in the Middle East. They are medics. They help heal 100 locals for every coalition soldier they treat (and 99 of the locals have injuries/ailments that have nothing to do with bombs, bullets or fighting).

When you look at America, you I fear are looking at the wrong picture. Q
Deity bless their souls Quahom1.

Quahom1 said:
And you have to remember sir, you appear to be Turkish, and if are not wanted there either... in fact right now, no one is wanted in the Middle East, but the Middle Easterners. But should we attempt to pull out, who do you think is going to scream the loudest against it? Hmmm? The UN, Turkey, and most of all, the Iraqis. Q
We know that we didnt wanted there so we didnt intervine, sir.
Have you any idea what turkey is doing? (hate to be look like a patriot, but facts should talk) each and every month 200 iraques children are brought to mediternian costs and having 2 months 'forgetting theraphy' from the deadly scenes that was caused by american troops also the country is sending nothing but nourishments and first-aid materials.
If you really were/are there to help them sincerely why didnt you wait for UN? And still not respecting UN? Did you, could you understand what Annan was trying to say after your commander's barkings the other day? (Terribly sorry but as a real peace wanter in the world, i cant stand seeing him as most of people in the world) Honestly, why dont you really go back to 1919-1922 period? Oh man, the world would take a breath really...

Quahom1 said:
I don't hate you (collectively or personally). But I now know where you stand concerning me and my countrymen. I am saddened by that knowledge.
Concerning you.. concerning you... It is YOU concerning humanity and my earthmen! And i am becoming frustrated by your arrogant behaviours.

I can't fight that.;)

peace to you as well, (regardless the fact that you know nothing about it...)

Re: no title

Now, now - let's calm tempers here a little. :)

I doubt that Quahom1 is George W. Bush, so therefore criticisms of the policies of the American collective government should not be dumped on individual American citizens.
Re: no title

I said:
Now, now - let's calm tempers here a little. :)

I doubt that Quahom1 is George W. Bush, so therefore criticisms of the policies of the American collective government should not be dumped on individual American citizens.
I didnt dump it Brian, as i am not Mr.Erdogan, im pretty aware that he is not Mr. Bush, we are two civilized people trying to understand what out countries are trying to do? arent we Quahom1?
Re: no title

PersonaNonGrata said:
I didnt dump it Brian, as i am not Mr.Erdogan, im pretty aware that he is not Mr. Bush, we are two civilized people trying to understand what out countries are trying to do? arent we Quahom1?
No harm no foul,

I understand your frustration, and appreciate the strength of your convictions. I just do not agree with all of them, and that's alright too.

I have to go for now (just finishing my "How to become a successful Diplomat in one hour or less" book). ;-)))

Pretty dry and boring reading...


PersonaNonGrata said:
is it my new avatar? ))))))
Main Entry: av·a·tar
Pronunciation: 'a-v&-"tär
Function: noun
Etymology: Sanskrit avatAra descent, from avatarati he descends, from ava- away + tarati he crosses over -- more at [size=-1]UKASE[/size], [size=-1]THROUGH[/size]
1 : the incarnation of a Hindu deity (as Vishnu)
2 a : an incarnation in human form b : an embodiment (as of a concept or philosophy) often in a person
3 : a variant phase or version of a continuing basic entity

Depends Pers, on what concept you are using "Avatar" as a descriptor of...;)

Oh, and what in the world are you doing up so late? Insomnia?


an incarnation in human form b : an embodiment (as of a concept or philosophy) often in a person

jesus inside )

no sir, i am working for an american firm so we are working according to eastern standart us time, thats why ))
told you i love you, your government is paying my bills sir ) or similar...
PersonaNonGrata said:
an incarnation in human form b : an embodiment (as of a concept or philosophy) often in a person

jesus inside )

no sir, i am working for an american firm so we are working according to eastern standart us time, thats why ))
told you i love you, your government is paying my bills sir ) or similar...
(chuckle) If the US Gov'mt is paying your bills sir, then that literally would be me, and 300 million others like me. Who ever gave you that screwed up work schedule must be out of his/her mind, since your home is about 10 hours different from Eastern Standard time. Some one aught to fire your employer for stupidity...oh wait, that's me!:confused:

It may be my dime for your time, but I don't really pull the strings to get you to dance Pers...I'd much rather you dance to your own tune, and let me enjoy the performance that I can't be actively part of (I can't dance with you).

Unfortunately representitives of the people in government positions lose sight sometimes of the will of the very people who put them in office. Getting the attention of the oblivious ones sometimes takes awhile. Getting the people to take notice of impropriaraties by elected officials sometimes takes a bit longer. Being attacked by outside forces screws that process up royally. Because now we are looking at the obvious physical threat, and not the subtle, hidden one within our own fold.

If anything, terrorism exponentially increases the difficulty in getting the right people to represent the US Government, in the right offices.

It's this way Pers. If one is on fire, one is taught to stop, drop and roll...not take off your clothes and put on new ones. The last thing a burning person is interested in is changing their set of clothes...they just want the fire to be put out.

[admin edit by I, Brian - a-hole analogy removed]


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