Islam the heart of the world's terrorists

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In an unprecedented confession, in light of the death of the 150 plus children in Russia at the hands of militants, including 10 or more Arab/Muslim fighters (not even part of the Slavic people), the Arab and or Mulim heartland speaks out and declares the oness of responsibility for "terrorizing the world".

read and consider:

Al-Arabiya GM: Muslims are main perpetrators of terrorism

The Associated Press

Updated: 6:32 a.m. ET Sept. 4, 2004

CAIRO, Egypt - Muslims worldwide are the main perpetrators of terrorism, a humiliating and painful truth that must be acknowledged, a prominent Arab writer and television executive wrote Saturday, as Middle East media and officials expressed horror at the bloody rebel siege of a Russian school.

Unusually forthright self-criticism followed the end of the hostage crisis, along with warnings that such actions inflict more damage to the image of Islam than all its enemies could hope. Arab leaders and Muslim clerics denounced the school seizure as unjustifiable and expressed their sympathy.

Russian commandos stormed the school Friday in Beslan, Russia; it had been taken over by rebels demanding independence for Chechnya. Russian officials said Saturday that the death toll was at least 250, with twice as many wounded. Many of the casualties were children.

Images of terrified young survivors being carried from the scene aired repeatedly on Arab TV stations. Pictures of dead and wounded children ran on front pages of Arab newspapers Saturday.

“Holy warriors” from the Middle East long have supported fellow Muslims fighting in Chechnya, and Russian officials said nine or 10 Arabs were among militants killed.

“Our terrorist sons are an end-product of our corrupted culture,” Abdulrahman al-Rashed, general manager of Al-Arabiya television wrote in his daily column published in the pan-Arab Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper. It ran under the headline, “The Painful Truth: All the World Terrorists are Muslims!”

'Humiliating, painful' picture
Al-Rashed ran through a list of recent attacks by Islamic extremist groups — in Russia, Iraq, Sudan, Saudi Arabia and Yemen — many of which are influenced by the ideology of Osama Bin Laden, the Saudi-born leader of the al-Qaida terror network.

“Most perpetrators of suicide operations in buses, schools and residential buildings around the world for the past 10 years have been Muslims,” he wrote. Muslims will be unable to cleanse their image unless “we admit the scandalous facts,” rather than offer condemnations or justifications.

“The picture is humiliating, painful and harsh for all of us,” al-Rashed wrote.

Contributors to Islamic Web sites known for their extremist content had mixed reactions on the hostage crisis, with some praising the separatists. Others wrote that people should wait until the militants had been identified before implicating Arabs in the drama.

Ahmed Bahgat, an Egyptian Islamist, wrote in his column in Egypt’s leading pro-government newspaper, Al-Ahram, that hostage-takers in Russia as well as in Iraq are only harming Islam.

“If all the enemies of Islam united together and decided to harm it ... they wouldn’t have ruined and harmed its image as much as the sons of Islam have done by their stupidity, miscalculations, and misunderstanding of the nature of this age,” Bahgat wrote.

'A new low'
The horrifying images of the dead and wounded Russian students “showed Muslims as monsters who are fed by the blood of children and the pain of their families.”

An editorial in the Saudi English-language Arab News put some blame for the bloody end to the school siege on Russian President Vladimir Putin, saying he couldn’t afford to lose his “tough-man image.” But it added that “the Chechens, with the choice of their targets, had put themselves in a position where no one would shed tears when the punishment came. They reached a new low when they chose toddlers as bargaining chips.”

Heads of state from Egypt, Lebanon and Kuwait offered their sympathy Friday to Russian officials and to the families of people caught up in the hostage drama. A prominent Muslim cleric also denounced it.

“What is the guilt of those children? Why should they be responsible for your conflict with the government?” Egypt’s top Muslim cleric, Grand Sheik Mohammed Sayed Tantawi, was quoted as saying during a Friday sermon in Banha, 30 miles north of Cairo.

“You are taking Islam as a cover and it is a deceptive cover; those who carry out the kidnappings are criminals, not Muslims,” Tantawi, who heads Al-Azhar University, the highest authority in the Sunni Islamic world, was quoted by Egypt’s Middle East News agency as saying.

I did not make this up. Anyone caring to check the validity of this article need only go as far as the Associated Press, or to the source that authored this above piece.

There is hope...and there are some brave people out there who look themselves in a mirror and declare, that something is wrong...


This might be better in politics. But anyway, I heard today that MAYBE (big big maybe) a couple of the terrorists stood up and objected to the raping and torturing of children and were executed by fellow terrorists. Might just be Stockholm Syndrome. Beslan is unique to Chechen terrorism, in that apparently many of the hostage-takers weren't Chechen by Arab. Chechen Moslem terrorists have historically more closely resembled soldiers, than nuts with bomb-belts.

I don't really know what else to say about Islamic terrorism without basically voice my disdain for Islam and that's no good.
The heart of Islam is not terror:

My own reaction to these sad events is that we must keep our objectivity about Islam and how the majority of Moslems live and work...

Terrorists are only too happy to exploit any opportunities they have on the media and claim they represent Moslems.

- Art
Re: The heart of Islam is not terror:

arthra said:
My own reaction to these sad events is that we must keep our objectivity about Islam and how the majority of Moslems live and work...

Terrorists are only too happy to exploit any opportunities they have on the media and claim they represent Moslems.

- Art
I know that my parent's neighbors are sick over the events (war in the gulf included). I think they feel like the Japanes-Americans and German-Americans did during World War II. Their eyes ask the question of me "Do you judge us too?" I do not, but that doesn't stop people from beating themselves with guilt by association.

I also would not be surprised if we find Russian soldiers standing en masse beside coalition soldiers in the not too distant future, and Chechnya may find itself a wasteland. As President Putin stated, Russia does not hold talks with "bastards" that shoot children in the back.

I fear that if the Arab and Muslim world does not, or can not contain the fringe extremists that claim association with them, eventually the rest of the world will do so for them, and I don't think it will be a 'surgical' procedure.

If the extremists are counting on 'civilized societies' not retaliating in kind or worse, they are sadly mistaken. History shows it is far easier for a civilized man to act a barbarian, than it is for a barbarian to act civilized. And a peaceful man enraged is the most dangerous animal on earth, because he will do what ever it takes to regain that peace.

Come to think of it, even the Qu'ran warns that a time will come when not even the peace loving faithful will be spared...

One can not torment one's neighbors and expect not to feel retribution.

America is angry, now Russia is more nation to complete the recipe...

This is not a good thing for mother earth and her inhabitants.


Re: The heart of Islam is not terror:

Moslems need to embrace their self-hating side like the Jews and Christians have. LOL
Re: The heart of Islam is not terror:

The trouble with talk about "Muslim Terrorists" is that we have the language all wrong - if a person commits an atrocity, and is Christian, they are simply a "terrorist"; but if a person commits an atrocity, and is Muslim, then they are a "Muslim terrorist".

I don't believe that Western media ever covers UDA punishment shootings, and "Real IRA" bombings, as acts of "Christian Terrorism".

In my opinion the problem is the language - not Islam.

(And Chenya is already a wasteland - check out any footage you see of the capital, Grozny, and it looks like a hang-over from WWII carpet bombing).
Re: The heart of Islam is not terror:

I said:
The trouble with talk about "Muslim Terrorists" is that we have the language all wrong - if a person commits an atrocity, and is Christian, they are simply a "terrorist"; but if a person commits an atrocity, and is Muslim, then they are a "Muslim terrorist".

I don't believe that Western media ever covers UDA punishment shootings, and "Real IRA" bombings, as acts of "Christian Terrorism".

In my opinion the problem is the language - not Islam.

(And Chenya is already a wasteland - check out any footage you see of the capital, Grozny, and it looks like a hang-over from WWII carpet bombing).

I understand your thinking and I would agree with you save one thing. The terrorists of late keep claiming their actions are based on the will of Allah. Even the KKK of the United States do not throw the shield of Christianity to the forefront. The IRA seems to be more interested of ridding Ireland of British influence, as opposed to stating a war between Protestants and Catholics.

Islam begins as a religion of peace and a point. The second half of the Qu'ran instructs Muslims on the art of war, conquest and annhilating non-believers, or else enslaving the infidels. (those that do not eventually convert).

And I don't rest the blame of terrorism squarely on Arabs. America has its own Muslim terrorists, and one was even in the US Army.

Perhaps we should agree to disagree on this issue.


Re: The heart of Islam is not terror:

Yeah, not just that but the IRA never got the media disclaimer of 'we're sure these are just extremists even though a good chunk of the middle east is dancing in the street'. That's not to say I don't think the KKK should be recognized as a Protestant organization. And I love the Euro-media that excludes 'Moslem' from any of its identification, as if there are Buddhists and Agnostics in the mix. Or refer to terrorists as Activists. LOL Gee, a Palestinian activist fired an RPG into an Israel kindergarten. He must've been protesting fur or neo-globalism.

And the worst Moslems I've met are the honkies that converted straight out of neo-nazism. As an American I can testify that they're the prevailing group here. One of the more recent arrest was of an adorable little hate-monger convert from Texas no less, who used the word bigot against those who objected to his ideals of Jewish extermination. Ishmael Royer. Pulled over with an AK-47 in his backseat. I blame racial profiling!


I've really had to bite my tongue with the Lefties who cry racist when Islam is criticized. Similiar dynamic when you complain about people who BBQ in a congested neighborhood, or play car stereos too loud and the PC crowd assume you're referring to Hispanics.
I'm not sure if this belongs here or on the Politics section of the forum, but here goes...

How often do you hear about terrorists of other religious backgrounds? Heck, there is one group that is considered "terrorist" that isn't condemned by Israel, and that is the JDL (Jewish Defense League.) And (oftentimes) these attacks aren't done by a particular group or a rogue member of the particular terrorist group (an American jewish person opening fire at one of the holiest sites in the Muslim world, or good ol' Tim McVeigh [] who was a "white bread" Christian boy or the bomber of Centennial Park during the Atlanta Olympics [another Christian American who I don't recall the name of off-hand].)

There are always going to be rectal thermometer orifices in any group, including people who claim to be Muslim but, after the "props" are removed, are found to be far from it.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Re: The heart of Islam is not terror:

Actually, you are quite right about the religion being used as a shield - I was going to play a counter argument to my own comments, but it's already been called. :)
Re: The heart of Islam is not terror:

The abortion-clinic bombing guy wore Christianity on his sleeve and I was thoroughly peeved that no one wanted to address that. Christianity Identity pre-911 was the most visible religious terrorist group active in America.

But like the Christian Identity guys, I think its more than a shield. When Fred Phelps can ellicit apologetics, and so can Bin Laden, and every beheading has a banner behind it saying, 'Allah is God and Mahomet is his prophet' and no one objects, and the Catholic and Protestant church say they don't support assasination of doctors by quoting the same scripture as the terrorists... well, you have to admit there's a sizable amount of casual support behind such things.

Centennial Park during the Atlanta Olympics
Did they even ever identify/find that guy?
Re: The heart of Islam is not terror:

Mus Zibii said:
The abortion-clinic bombing guy wore Christianity on his sleeve and I was thoroughly peeved that no one wanted to address that. Christianity Identity pre-911 was the most visible religious terrorist group active in America.

But like the Christian Identity guys, I think its more than a shield. When Fred Phelps can ellicit apologetics, and so can Bin Laden, and every beheading has a banner behind it saying, 'Allah is God and Mahomet is his prophet' and no one objects, and the Catholic and Protestant church say they don't support assasination of doctors by quoting the same scripture as the terrorists... well, you have to admit there's a sizable amount of casual support behind such things.

Did they even ever identify/find that guy?
Mus, there are those that might argue that the act of aborting a child is an act of terror, pedophilia is an act of terror, spousal abuse is an act of terror, corporate downsizing is an act of terror, euthinasia is an act of terror, rioters are terrorists, riot control personnel are terrorists, serial killers, arsonists, rapists, gangs, drug dealers, school bullies, racists, and let's not forget DIVORCE LAYWERS (now they are scary people).

I guess the bottom line is that any act done to another person not out of love or concern for the well being of that person or other persons who can not defend themselves, can be construed as an act of terrorism or abuse.

The whole purpose of terroizing is to enforce compliance with the will of the terrorist, without regard for the one being terrorized.

There is a lot of poison out there, both home and abroad.


Namaste all,

whilst it is, currently, true enough that Buddhists aren't terrorists, i fear that this will soon no longer be the case.

it is my opinion that, when HH the 14th Dalai Lama ceases to manifest on this earth, the youth in Tibet that have grown up in their parents houses, will take to the streets in protest... violently if needs be.

1 million monks and nuns have been tortured and murdered in Tibet since the Chinese occupation and there is nothing that anybody can do about it. which nation is going to force China to give up all that mineral and resource rich land?

the situation is tenous at best as the youth in Tibet have largely grown up without the mediating influence of a sense of self worth and respect. the native Tibetans are relegated to menial farm labor.. they are not permitted to own shops, except in very rare circumstances.

my fear is that, due to their Buddhist beliefs and the anger they feel, since they've not been permitted to actually practice their Buddhist teachings, they cannot readily mitigate their anger. anger undealt with is anger that manifests in the most unlikely of places.

of course, China has it's own Muslim terrorist problems to deal with... so perhaps, there is still a chance that Tibet will be granted the automony to practice it's religion freely.
LOL Yeah, human beings being killed by Moslem terrorists. Seriously, are you saying Islamic society ISN'T making a supremely negative impact on the world? This unwillingness to blame radical Moslems is just really blowing my mind, lately. I'm seeing it everwhere. Ireland has been used as a reference. Would it have been appropriate to ignore the IRA in favor of the woes of human weakness? To blame WW2 on a few bad apples rather than national socialism? To blame disproportionate wealth on fate rather than capitalism?
Vajradhara said:
they sure did.

Eric Rudolph was his name. you can read about it here:
D'oh. That was the Christian identity guy I was talking about. I didn't know he was good for the Olympic bombing. I figured the FBI dropped it after poor ole Richard Whatshisname was publically humilated.

Everytime I think of Rudolph I think of when he called the media the 'Electric Jew'. LOL That would make such a kick-ass band name.
Mus Zibii said:
LOL Yeah, human beings being killed by Moslem terrorists. Seriously, are you saying Islamic society ISN'T making a supremely negative impact on the world? This unwillingness to blame radical Moslems is just really blowing my mind, lately. I'm seeing it everwhere. Ireland has been used as a reference. Would it have been appropriate to ignore the IRA in favor of the woes of human weakness? To blame WW2 on a few bad apples rather than national socialism? To blame disproportionate wealth on fate rather than capitalism?
Do you blame Christianity for the IRA, though?

Even if the IRA doesn't use Christianity principly as a shield, isn't it still, in its heart, a Christian terror group fighting other Christian terror groups and the British government?
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