Iraq No Win Situation

I just posted that as the New Years rang in.. I hope this upcoming year is a good one for everyone.

Faithful Servant
Faithfulservant said:
There is also the belief that we should have done it in Desert Storm but we didnt and that was probably the mistake of a lifetime.
The world was certainly simpler then - there was an Arab army fighting and dying, along with troops from all over the world, beside the British and Americans then.
Happy New Year Faithfulservant

I realise that I have spread a bit of anti-American propoganda if you like to call it that but it wasn't my intention.

When you say that after 9/11 Bush said that he will get rid of all terrorists, and that you and alot of americans respect him for saying this. I would dissagree.

Just because he is going to do something that doesn't mean he is going to do the right thing.
An analogy is that a Bee stings you so you decide to go and break the beehive.
That is what Bush has done. He may have infiltrated some terrorist groups but I don't think this balances out to the amount of terrorist groups he has started.
You say
making sure this country was safe even going against the worlds popularity contest.
But who in the country are safer I ask? All the poor american soldiers and aid workers who have died in Iraq aren't safer.

You are scared of a Bogeyman who has infested America and I don't think this is the first place that the people have been scared of terrorist who are going to infiltrate their country. Do you think the people of Chile were scared when the CIA backed a cruel, War Criminal of a dicator - General Pinochet? Yes they were. They were very very scared.

America had been exporting violence, autocities and terrorism to other countries for a long time and it can be expected to bounce back someday.

When you say that people should see the american point of view it is quite simple. I know I definately am constantly reminded of the american point of view from TV, Radio, Magazines, the newspaper, new gang culture in my school that has come from america, food, practically all popular music etc. In england all we know about our english culture is how America takes the mic of it.

Although I suppose that doesn't mean I understand it. :D oh dear I proved that point wrong.

Anyway the point is that terrorists attack america beacuse they are angry at what america has done to them. Its like a cycle of Violence. Terrorists attack WorldTradeCentre, so Bush attacks Bagdad, so terrorists attack somewhere else and bush attacks back. In this cycle of violence I would recomend voting for a president who will do something peacefully not that Kerry would but that you should

lead by Example

If you don't like people (terrorists are people) committing acts of terrorism 9/11 then don't go bombing countries (which is equally destructive just with longer sideeffects).

Don't let this post bring you down beacuse to balance the Anti-Americanism I can assure you lots of people love America too.
Dear Faithfulservant

Sadly the american people believe their own propaganda. I have many friends in the US and there is not one that does not agree with what is being said here by Kasper.

You bought into the fear campaign. I have followed this all with interest since 9/11 how can you accept that 9/11 was created by your own government, that your own government killed your own people?

There is now three class action law suits against Bush and his warmongers underway. One is going for 7 billion pounds on behalf of 400 victims of 9/11.

The devil is within your own country within your own government and when these court cases come to court it will make watergate look like a tea party!

It brings me no pleasure to speak of these things but you have been deceived and we are not up for deception in the UK! Some of us can see right through the dark forces on this planet and their antics are so obvious and blatant it shocks some of us around the world to view how truly stupid they are. The worst of it is, that innocent lives are being lost while others have their heads in the sand to the atrocities that are going on under our noses.

I pray that the US on mass will wake up before these dark forces ruin your country. Every nation as destroyed itself with its own hand and it is no fun watching it happen to our brothers and sisters.

being love

Here's some more

News Alert: 9/13/04
[Courtesy of]

9/11 Truth Movement Marches On
by Robert Rabbin

"It has taken three years for the details of the terrorist plot of 9/11 to emerge. The fateful turns that led to the attacks have finally entered the public discourse. Their lessons, however, have yet to be learned. The first lesson is that the highest officials in government did not want us to know the truth." -- Bill Moyers, Andrew Meier, Sherry Jones

September 11, 2004 was a time of sad remembrance and deep reflection for all Americans. For some, it was also a day to ask for honest answers to troubling questions, as yet unanswered, about the events of 9/11.

A grass roots national movement of truth-seekers is gathering momentum and gaining credibility with each day. A growing library of evidence has been compiled, which refutes the "official" story of what happened with exhaustive research and precise analysis. Books by David Ray Griffin and Jim Marrs, along with numerous articles, DVDs, and web sites deconstruct the story presented by the government and used as the pretext for its international war on terrorism, leaving dozens of unanswered questions. The amassed material is as compelling as it is heartbreaking.

A new book, Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil by Michael C. Ruppert, promises to "name Vice President Richard Cheney as the prime suspect in the mass murders of 9/11" and to "establish that, not only was he a planner in the attacks, but also that on the day of the attacks he was running a completely separate Command, Control and Communications system which was superceding any orders being issued by the FAA, the Pentagon, or the White House Situation Room."

This is not the work of some fringe conspiracy theorist. Mr. Ruppert is an honors graduate of UCLA in political science and a former LAPD narcotics investigator. He is the editor and publisher of From the Wilderness, a newsletter he founded in March 1998 and which is now read by more than 16,000 subscribers in 40 countries--including 40 members of the U.S. Congress, the intelligence committees of both houses, and professors at 30 universities around the world. It is worth noting here that two weeks ago, on August 30, Zogby International, the official North American political polling agency for Reuters, released a poll that found nearly half (49.3%) of New York City residents and 41% of those in New York state believe U.S. leaders had foreknowledge of impending 9/11 attacks and "consciously failed" to act. Of the New York City residents, 66% called for a new probe of unanswered questions by Congress or the New York Attorney General.

On Saturday, to mark the third anniversary of these attacks, thousands of people across America attended conferences to confront the almost unthinkable: senior members of the Bush administration had prior knowledge of, or were complicit in, the attacks of 9/11. In San Francisco, Washington D.C., New York, and elsewhere, leading researchers, authors, videographers, and activists stood before thousands of their fellow citizens to shine a bright, inquiring light on this long dark shadow. In Toronto, the Bloor Cinema hosted the world premier of two films that cast new and skeptical light on the events of 9/11. In Japan, TV Asahi, Japan's 2nd largest television network, aired a two-hour investigative documentary on the unanswered questions of 9/11, starring David Ray Griffin, author of The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11.

David Ho, in his 9/9/04 article for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, quotes Kyle Hence, communications director of 9/11 CitizensWatch, "'The 9/11 commission report failed to answer the majority of questions posed by victims' family members.' He said unanswered questions concerning the attacks include those about 'multiple specific warnings from overseas, the spiking of FBI investigations, terrorist financing, the lack of defensive air response and the inadequately explained breakdown of the national chain of command that morning.'"

Other questions remain to be answered, including:
Why were standard operating procedures for dealing with hijacked airlines not followed that day?

Why were the extensive missile batteries and air defenses around the Pentagon not activated during the attack?

Why hasn't a single person been fired, penalized, or reprimanded for the gross incompetence we witnessed that day?

Why has Sibel Edmonds, a former FBI translator who claims to have knowledge of advance warnings, been publicly silenced with a gag order requested by Attorney General Ashcroft and granted by a Bush-appointed judge?

How could Flight 77, which reportedly hit the Pentagon, have flown back towards Washington D.C. for 40 minutes without being detected by the FAA's radar or the even superior radar possessed by the US military?

How were the FBI and CIA able to release the names and photos of the alleged hijackers within hours, as well as to visit houses, restaurants, and flight schools they were known to frequent?

What happened to the over 20 documented warnings given our government by 14 foreign intelligence agencies or heads of state?

Why did the Bush administration cover up the fact that the head of the Pakistani intelligence agency was in Washington the week of 9/11 and had $100,000 wired to Mohamed Atta, considered the ringleader of the hijackers?

Another unanswered question has to do with the rarely-mentioned third building to collapse on that fateful day: WTC 7. Larry Silverstein, the controller of the destroyed WTC complex, stated plainly in a PBS documentary that he and the FDNY decided jointly to demolish the Solomon Bros. building, or WTC 7, late in the afternoon of Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001. How could WTC 7 be intentionally demolished unless there was a prior decision to rig the building with explosives, a process which takes weeks, if not months, of expert planning and implementation?

Those who are demanding deeper inquiry now number in the hundreds of thousands, including a former member of the first Bush administration, a retired air force colonel, families of the victims, highly respected authors, investigative journalists, peace and justice leaders, former Pentagon staff, and the National Green Party.

What is the goal of this national 9/11 truth movement? Perhaps the most succinct summary is found on the web site of 911truth: "Truth is the point. Without truth, there can be neither choice nor Democracy. And without Democracy there can be neither peace nor justice. In other words, those who have sought peace and justice must now fight first for truth and freedom."

This story is of vital interest to the American public. invites all citizens, especially media professionals, to join in this search for truth, no matter where it leads. National security is best served by the truth, not by covering the truth.

# # # # #

Sources and Related Material:
The New Pearl Harbor by David Ray Griffin, Olive Branch Press, 2004
Inside Job: Unmasking the 9/11 Conspiracies by Jim Marrs, Origin Press, 2004
Hello Kaspar :)

#1 I realise that I have spread a bit of anti-American propoganda if you like to call it that but it wasn't my intention.

I know its not anyones intention. People like to talk politics and debators thrive on it. Im one of them. :)

#2 When you say that after 9/11 Bush said that he will get rid of all terrorists, and that you and alot of americans respect him for saying this. I would dissagree.

I only have one response for this.. I was at work with all my fellow employees when the President made this speech. There were cheers and hoots and hollars from 114 people throughout the building. I have a large family that also felt the same way. I have a lot of friends that also felt the same way.. The only people that have had a problem with it were a couple young guys that didnt want them to reinstate the draft. But knowing them like I do.. They're too busy smoking pot and listening to grunge to care about much of anything.

#3 Just because he is going to do something that doesn't mean he is going to do the right thing.An analogy is that a Bee stings you so you decide to go and break the beehive.That is what Bush has done. He may have infiltrated some terrorist groups but I don't think this balances out to the amount of terrorist groups he has started.

I agree.

#4 But who in the country are safer I ask? All the poor american soldiers and aid workers who have died in Iraq aren't safer.

We dont know that. We dont know what might have happened had we not taken down Saddams regime.. How many more of his people do you think would have died from his tyranny. We dont know what kinds of evil this man and his sons could have committed in the future. They were horrible men. They hated everyone.

#5 You are scared of a Bogeyman who has infested America and I don't think this is the first place that the people have been scared of terrorist who are going to infiltrate their country. Do you think the people of Chile were scared when the CIA backed a cruel, War Criminal of a dicator - General Pinochet? Yes they were. They were very very scared.

Yes.. I said that we arent the only ones.. I was stating from an American point of view. Its tragic when it happens anywhere. Im not a fan of the CIA. Just because I love my country doesnt mean I agree with everything they have done.

#6 America had been exporting violence, autocities and terrorism to other countries for a long time and it can be expected to bounce back someday.

Was that necessary? I can speak the same of the UK. Your history is a lot longer than ours.

#7 When you say that people should see the american point of view it is quite simple. I know I definately am constantly reminded of the american point of view from TV, Radio, Magazines, the newspaper, new gang culture in my school that has come from america, food, practically all popular music etc. In england all we know about our english culture is how America takes the mic of it.

Its quite simple. Turn the television off its mostly trash anyways. Throw the magazine in the garbage.. its trash. Use the newspaper to line your cat box.. new gang culture.. ugh. yeah thats one of the things Im least proud of. I think our food IS better. Just stay away from Mcdonalds the stuff will kill you. The music is debatable. Your Simon Cowell brought American Idol here.. I think theres some general resentment for that fact.

#8 Although I suppose that doesn't mean I understand it. :D oh dear I proved that point wrong.

I Dont think my intention was to ask for understanding more like looking for some compassion before people formulate generalizations about Americans.

#9 Anyway the point is that terrorists attack america beacuse they are angry at what america has done to them. Its like a cycle of Violence. Terrorists attack WorldTradeCentre, so Bush attacks Bagdad, so terrorists attack somewhere else and bush attacks back. In this cycle of violence I would recomend voting for a president who will do something peacefully not that Kerry would but that you should

So you are saying that we should just sit back and let them do their best to make us suffer waiting for the hate to die down? No sir, sorry I must disagree on that matter. Peaceful world leaders? Huh? think thats an oxymoron.

#10 lead by Example

Ok.. think the UK will be the first to start the trend? :)

#11 If you don't like people (terrorists are people) committing acts of terrorism 9/11 then don't go bombing countries (which is equally destructive just with longer sideeffects).

Ok.....We should just let them bomb whoever they hate first? Who do you think would have their attention if it wasnt us? The UK? maybe Israel.. wait Israel gets bombed everyday. Yeah we should let them bomb Israel and we should just stay out of it. Maybe we should have stayed out of WWII also Im sure that generated a lot of hate towards us.. or Bosnia yeah we didnt need to be there. So we should just keep to ourselves and let everyone fend for themselves. Ok :)

#12 Don't let this post bring you down beacuse to balance the Anti-Americanism I can assure you lots of people love America too.

Yeah lol I know that also.. considering the amount of immigrants we allow in everyday.

Thanks for your reply Kaspar :)
Faithful Servant
Hello Sacredstar

#1 Sadly the american people believe their own propaganda. I have many friends in the US and there is not one that does not agree with what is being said here by Kasper.

Why am I not surprised?

#2 You bought into the fear campaign. I have followed this all with interest since 9/11 how can you accept that 9/11 was created by your own government, that your own government killed your own people?

Yep Im afraid. How can I accept what?

#3 There is now three class action law suits against Bush and his warmongers underway. One is going for 7 billion pounds on behalf of 400 victims of 9/11.

You believe everything you read?

#4 The devil is within your own country within your own government and when these court cases come to court it will make watergate look like a tea party!

The Devil is everywhere. If you're saying that our president is the anti-christ I might laugh. *yawn* we live in a sue-happy society.. everyone sues everyone about anything to get some easy cash. We had people with lawsuits against Mcdonalds blaming them for getting fat. hogwash.

#5 It brings me no pleasure to speak of these things but you have been deceived and we are not up for deception in the UK! Some of us can see right through the dark forces on this planet and their antics are so obvious and blatant it shocks some of us around the world to view how truly stupid they are. The worst of it is, that innocent lives are being lost while others have their heads in the sand to the atrocities that are going on under our noses.

lol not up for deception in the UK? dark forces.. like Darth Vader? ohh thats right Bush is the anti-christ.

#6 I pray that the US on mass will wake up before these dark forces ruin your country. Every nation as destroyed itself with its own hand and it is no fun watching it happen to our brothers and sisters.

I dont think we are the only ones in a dream state.

#7 being love
Alot of hate in your post

Faithful Servant
Hello Sacredstar

The writer and Michael Moore must be friends.. Or he's just a wannabe Sorry dear it was bogus propaganda and theres no proof of any of it. I challenge YOU to watch FarenHYPE 9/11 and see for yourself that every bit of it was taken out of context or flat out lies. You cannot argue a case without having both sides and be convincing.

Sacredstar said:
Here you go check out this interview with one of the lawyers just for starters
Faithful Servant
Hello Sacredstar

News Alert: 9/13/04
[Courtesy of]

9/11 Truth Movement Marches On
by Robert Rabbin

#1 "It has taken three years for the details of the terrorist plot of 9/11 to emerge. The fateful turns that led to the attacks have finally entered the public discourse. Their lessons, however, have yet to be learned. The first lesson is that the highest officials in government did not want us to know the truth." -- Bill Moyers, Andrew Meier, Sherry Jones

-Watch FarenHYPE 9/11

#2 September 11, 2004 was a time of sad remembrance and deep reflection for all Americans. For some, it was also a day to ask for honest answers to troubling questions, as yet unanswered, about the events of 9/11.

-Michael Moore said this first..

#3 A grass roots national movement of truth-seekers is gathering momentum and gaining credibility with each day. A growing library of evidence has been compiled, which refutes the "official" story of what happened with exhaustive research and precise analysis. Books by David Ray Griffin and Jim Marrs, along with numerous articles, DVDs, and web sites deconstruct the story presented by the government and used as the pretext for its international war on terrorism, leaving dozens of unanswered questions. The amassed material is as compelling as it is heartbreaking.

-Yep its a great opportunity to make some money. Remember your own Princess Diana and all the miserable people that used that tragedy to make a buck.

#4 A new book, Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil by Michael C. Ruppert, promises to "name Vice President Richard Cheney as the prime suspect in the mass murders of 9/11" and to "establish that, not only was he a planner in the attacks, but also that on the day of the attacks he was running a completely separate Command, Control and Communications system which was superceding any orders being issued by the FAA, the Pentagon, or the White House Situation Room."

-Everyone has a book. Do we believe what everyone has written? Sorry the only book that I read and take for pure fact is the bible. Its a real shame that my hard earned money might be spent on this lame excuse of a lawsuit.

#5 This is not the work of some fringe conspiracy theorist. Mr. Ruppert is an honors graduate of UCLA in political science and a former LAPD narcotics investigator. He is the editor and publisher of From the Wilderness, a newsletter he founded in March 1998 and which is now read by more than 16,000 subscribers in 40 countries--including 40 members of the U.S. Congress, the intelligence committees of both houses, and professors at 30 universities around the world. It is worth noting here that two weeks ago, on August 30, Zogby International, the official North American political polling agency for Reuters, released a poll that found nearly half (49.3%) of New York City residents and 41% of those in New York state believe U.S. leaders had foreknowledge of impending 9/11 attacks and "consciously failed" to act. Of the New York City residents, 66% called for a new probe of unanswered questions by Congress or the New York Attorney General.

- *cough* LAPD? Can we say corrupt? Everyone can get a degree here. It doesnt mean squat. I bet those men in congress wont admit they read that trash newsletter. Who believes poll numbers? Seems to me that the writer was trying very hard to prove this man credible.

#6 On Saturday, to mark the third anniversary of these attacks, thousands of people across America attended conferences to confront the almost unthinkable: senior members of the Bush administration had prior knowledge of, or were complicit in, the attacks of 9/11. In San Francisco, Washington D.C., New York, and elsewhere, leading researchers, authors, videographers, and activists stood before thousands of their fellow citizens to shine a bright, inquiring light on this long dark shadow. In Toronto, the Bloor Cinema hosted the world premier of two films that cast new and skeptical light on the events of 9/11. In Japan, TV Asahi, Japan's 2nd largest television network, aired a two-hour investigative documentary on the unanswered questions of 9/11, starring David Ray Griffin, author of The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11.

Hmm must not have been a big deal I never heard about it. Sounds like Michael Moores Farenheit 9/11.. wonder why they didnt just come out and say the name of the film? Maybe because it would LOSE credibility???

#7 David Ho, in his 9/9/04 article for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, quotes Kyle Hence, communications director of 9/11 CitizensWatch, "'The 9/11 commission report failed to answer the majority of questions posed by victims' family members.' He said unanswered questions concerning the attacks include those about 'multiple specific warnings from overseas, the spiking of FBI investigations, terrorist financing, the lack of defensive air response and the inadequately explained breakdown of the national chain of command that morning.'"

-I think this is saying we should have acted if we had prior knowledge beforehand. Hmm interesting thing our constitution is.. before 9/11 agencies couldnt share information with each other hence The Patriot Act. Funny thing also.. the people that most want to see Bush's neck in a noose also are against The Patriot Act as being a voiolation of our rights. Irony at its finest.

#8 Other questions remain to be answered, including:
Why were standard operating procedures for dealing with hijacked airlines not followed that day?

-Think you should take that up with the airlines. Some flights that were supposed to be hijacked werent that day. I wouldnt sue President Bush for it. Interesting also is that the plane that went down in Pennsylvania was headed for the White House. Maybe Bush needed a new wardrobe.

#9 Why were the extensive missile batteries and air defenses around the Pentagon not activated during the attack?

heh time.. they didnt know we were under attack. Who the heck wrote these questions. lol

#10 Why hasn't a single person been fired, penalized, or reprimanded for the gross incompetence we witnessed that day?

-eh? well the pilots are already dead. Cant really fire them. Why compound the problem by putting blame on someone other than the guilty party.

#11 Why has Sibel Edmonds, a former FBI translator who claims to have knowledge of advance warnings, been publicly silenced with a gag order requested by Attorney General Ashcroft and granted by a Bush-appointed judge?

-how about to protect our informants?

#12 How could Flight 77, which reportedly hit the Pentagon, have flown back towards Washington D.C. for 40 minutes without being detected by the FAA's radar or the even superior radar possessed by the US military?

-because it didnt happen?

#13 How were the FBI and CIA able to release the names and photos of the alleged hijackers within hours, as well as to visit houses, restaurants, and flight schools they were known to frequent?

-they had the profiles and couldnt do anything about it because of this thing called a constitution... hence The Patriot Act. You cant blame Bush for the constitution.. its just silly.

#14 What happened to the over 20 documented warnings given our government by 14 foreign intelligence agencies or heads of state?

-Do you know how many warnings we must get a DAY. and do you know how often we are on alert now since 9/11??

#15 Why did the Bush administration cover up the fact that the head of the Pakistani intelligence agency was in Washington the week of 9/11 and had $100,000 wired to Mohamed Atta, considered the ringleader of the hijackers?

- This is heresay.. and it sounds like this person watched Michael Moores propaganda film as well. Watch FarenHYPE 9/11

#16 Another unanswered question has to do with the rarely-mentioned third building to collapse on that fateful day: WTC 7. Larry Silverstein, the controller of the destroyed WTC complex, stated plainly in a PBS documentary that he and the FDNY decided jointly to demolish the Solomon Bros. building, or WTC 7, late in the afternoon of Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001. How could WTC 7 be intentionally demolished unless there was a prior decision to rig the building with explosives, a process which takes weeks, if not months, of expert planning and implementation?

-oh give me a break.. this writer is now getting desperate.

#17 Those who are demanding deeper inquiry now number in the hundreds of thousands, including a former member of the first Bush administration, a retired air force colonel, families of the victims, highly respected authors, investigative journalists, peace and justice leaders, former Pentagon staff, and the National Green Party.

-And I bet some American celebrities are in that mix too.. ROFL

#18 What is the goal of this national 9/11 truth movement? Perhaps the most succinct summary is found on the web site of 911truth: "Truth is the point. Without truth, there can be neither choice nor Democracy. And without Democracy there can be neither peace nor justice. In other words, those who have sought peace and justice must now fight first for truth and freedom."

-Saw the site.. Have seem tons just like it. People take a tragedy and make some money off it. pretty disgusting if you ask me.

#19 This story is of vital interest to the American public. invites all citizens, especially media professionals, to join in this search for truth, no matter where it leads. National security is best served by the truth, not by covering the truth.

-Wouldnt it be nice if they focused all the attention on something thats REAL? Something that could really make a difference in this society.

# # # # #

Sources and Related Material: -Read it.. -Read it -Read it -Read it -Read it -Read it
Read the one below too.
The New Pearl Harbor by David Ray Griffin, Olive Branch Press, 2004
Inside Job: Unmasking the 9/11 Conspiracies by Jim Marrs, Origin Press,

Some things to think about.. Would the President of the United States.. the most VISIBLE man in the media be so very stupid as to set up something like this? Just an example of how obsessed we are with our leader.. Remember Clinton? Remember Monica Lewinsky? yeah.. the guy couldnt have himself some fun without the whole world knowing about it. Use some logic in this. Its believable that some people screwed up. But to think that the president and his staff would set something up like this?

If you really have the desire for truth and you want your opinion to be respected try researching an unbiased viewpoint. I watched Farenheit 9/11 because I crave truth I wanted to know what the man had to say.. then I watched FarenHYPE 9/11 and was very embarrassed for Michael Moore. People want conflict. They want dissention. They dont want peace. Most of all.. the biggest accusation that was made against Bush was that he did it for the money. What is peoples fascination with money? or OIL. do you know how silly it sounds? And the men that are making this accusations... they are doing it for the money. Its pretty sick.

We should all try to be compassionate and loving in an uncompassionate and unloving world. We should ALL seek the truth and the truth is not always hidden by some scary conspiracy. Sometimes the truth is right in front of your face.

Faithful Servant
Michael Moore might have a grudge against Bush&Co.

But the thing about hurricaines is definately true.

Not all of it but the main point. Bush isn't doing anything about global warming which is actually a problem, not just that cheesy film. "The day after tommorrow"

Back to the post.
The only people that have had a problem with it were a couple young guys that didnt want them to reinstate the draft. But knowing them like I do.. They're too busy smoking pot and listening to grunge to care about much of anything.
I hate to quote you out of context but im not sure I get what your saying. Do you mean to suggest that because they're busy smoking pot and listerning to grunge that it is justifyable to send them to their death because of a problem that they have nothing to do with?
We dont know what might have happened had we not taken down Saddams regime.. How many more of his people do you think would have died from his tyranny. We dont know what kinds of evil this man and his sons could have committed in the future. They were horrible men. They hated everyone.
Lets get this straight.

George w Bush Senior and Junior have the same intentions. Fact. because they are from the same family, have the same friends. Have had the same people at work telling the what to do. If George w Bush juniors didn't have all George Bush Seniors old friends in Government. If he was on his own. He would be nothing. All he is, is a face, a speech giver and a poor debater. He doesn't run things. His crew do.

So George w Bush senior and George w Bush junior have the same intentions for going into IRAQ.

Now why didn't he get rid of Saddam the first time? when he had the world with him 1, and 2 a good Iraqi opposition that could run the country, after Saddams removal. Because that wasn't his intention. Plain and simple. Bush S and Co. didn't want to remove saddam.

I don't think Bush J and Co. do either. I genuinely don't think that Bush J and Co care about the livelihood of the Iraqi people. If he really did care about saving peoples lives and improving standards of living think of what he could have done about Aids in africa with the money he has spent on Iraq!
Was that necessary? I can speak the same of the UK. Your history is a lot longer than ours.
Feel free. One reason why I am so involved in the Iraq war is because my prime minister dragged the UK into it. Anyway I don't need to justify the history of my country and I don't think you have to justify yours.
So you are saying that we should just sit back and let them do their best to make us suffer waiting for the hate to die down? No sir, sorry I must disagree on that matter. Peaceful world leaders? Huh? think thats an oxymoron.
I said
I would recomend voting for a president who will do something peacefully not that Kerry would
Nothing about a world leader. I don't think the USA is the whole world. Peaceful leader isn't an Oxymoron but if people see it as that then it will lose any of its meaning.

Ok.....We should just let them bomb whoever they hate first? Who do you think would have their attention if it wasnt us?
Your are mislead. I hold it to be true that IRAQ DIDN'T BOMB THE USA
Never has. That was Al-Quaida. You seem to be deliberately misguided by Bush&Co Propoganda. Mixing up enemies so that he can do what he wants.
The UK? maybe Israel.. wait Israel gets bombed everyday. Yeah we should let them bomb Israel and we should just stay out of it. Maybe we should have stayed out of WWII also Im sure that generated a lot of hate towards us.. or Bosnia yeah we didnt need to be there. So we should just keep to ourselves and let everyone fend for themselves. Ok :)
You sound very very paranoid, who are you talking about when you say "they"? Iraqis? Al-quaida? Bin-Laden? Anti-American Properganda? Palestinian Terrorists?

There is a BIG difference between defending your country from being bombed and occupied (like in Iraq) or being under a terrorist attack. You don't need to bomb and occupy another country to stop your country from being under a terrorist attack. In my opinion that is.

By the way who do you vote for in the election faithfulservant? If Bush, Why?

For more Peaceful leaders ;)
Last edited:
I'm so sick of this...

It's easy to talk about what's going on thousands of miles away while innocent people on both sides die-in the end, it doesn't really effect us, so we can solve all the problems of the world and play with other people's lives without having to feel guilty. When you label war justified we can do anything we want. We can sit on our laurels and watch it on TV with our tub of popcorn on our lap and talk about how horrible it is while the bodies are dragged away.

I lived in a country where as a foreigner someone could blithely charge me with a crime I didn't commit and detain me indefinately. I could be accused of being divisive because of the books I read, the music I listened to, the friends I had. My family came here because we thought we would at least have the right to live our lives regardless of race, color, creed, religion, personal beliefs, and without having to worry about-for God's sake-what book I picked up at the bookstore.

Now what the hell difference does it make?

I don't live in the best part of town, and I see people every day who are desperate. Unemployment is soaring, the gap between the privalaged and the rest of us is growing by the minute. I've been homeless for the first time in this country, I've watched my loved ones starve. Forgive me if I don't really look at the prospect of saving the world for democracy with optimism.

As for attacking Bush, this has nothing to do with Bush. This is a problem that goes far, far beneath the surface. Bush, Bush senior, Clinton, whoever....the problem is the system. We are encouraged to live in the dark, and our fears and hopes are used to manipulate us. This isn't about Iraq or 9/11 or "terrorism". This is about the way the country is run, the way it has always been run.

The fact of the matter is that none of us have a say in anything, not really. The power does not rest with us, and it never has. So frankly, arguing is a moot point. Whatever is planned for the next four years and beyond has already been planed, and there is nothing you or I or anyone else in the lower caste can do about it. Talking about it one way or the other just makes us feel better about it.

So if you're all for bombing the rest of the world and screaming "Bin Laden" now and then to get people to join you, shoulder your rocket launcher and wave your American flag on the front lines, have fun. If you want to deem Bush Satan and put him in the middle of all kinds of conspiracy theories, do so, and enjoy. But please don't delude yourselves into believing that it makes an ounce of difference in the world. Because it doesn't.
Dear mirrorinthefog

My father taught me that the power is with the people when they unite, and I have experienced this in my own lifetime. When the petrol strike was on and the British public supported the strikers all the way. I have never seen so many happy people in traffic chaos. Children sitting in petrol stations and on crossings, walking out school to join it. The general public are being pushed to their limits and I think you are going to see a lot more people power in the coming yearsl

The people have even shamed governments with their donates to South Asia.

There is a bigger plan and that is to bring down the US, I pray the people will unite and not allow this to happen.

Onwards and upwards

Amen MirrorInTheFog
Which country have you moved too?
I have been threatened with deportation in my adopted land. It was a very minor beurocratic stuff up (mine, I filled in some forms wrong) and all taken care of now, but still a worrying experience at the time.
Hello Kaspar :)

Michael Moore might have a grudge against Bush&Co.

-Might? lol

But the thing about hurricaines is definately true.

-We should blame Bush for the hurricane.. you have to be kidding me. do you own a car? how many people do you know that own cars? oh yeah Bush also is responsible for the decimation of the rain forest.. or the coral reef. He must also be responsible for the hole in the ozone layer. Please.

Not all of it but the main point. Bush isn't doing anything about global warming which is actually a problem, not just that cheesy film. "The day after tommorrow"

-Hmm so he should be blamed for this because he hasnt done enough in YOUR mind in the 4 years he has been in office?

Back to the post.

I hate to quote you out of context but im not sure I get what your saying. Do you mean to suggest that because they're busy smoking pot and listerning to grunge that it is justifyable to send them to their death because of a problem that they have nothing to do with? Lets get this straight.

-Im talking about pure apathy. They dont care.. period.

George w Bush Senior and Junior have the same intentions. Fact. because they are from the same family, have the same friends. Have had the same people at work telling the what to do. If George w Bush juniors didn't have all George Bush Seniors old friends in Government. If he was on his own. He would be nothing. All he is, is a face, a speech giver and a poor debater. He doesn't run things. His crew do.

-*yawn* more Michael Moore stuff.. Why cant you be more original?? instead of taking your words and opinions from someone else.

So George w Bush senior and George w Bush junior have the same intentions for going into IRAQ.

-Oh.. I didnt know you knew them.. hey can you tell him something for me? Tell him thanks for the tax cut.

Now why didn't he get rid of Saddam the first time? when he had the world with him 1, and 2 a good Iraqi opposition that could run the country, after Saddams removal. Because that wasn't his intention. Plain and simple. Bush S and Co. didn't want to remove saddam.

-lol because of money right? *yawn*

I don't think Bush J and Co. do either. I genuinely don't think that Bush J and Co care about the livelihood of the Iraqi people. If he really did care about saving peoples lives and improving standards of living think of what he could have done about Aids in africa with the money he has spent on Iraq!

-You think that he doesnt care about saving lives? He took a very strong stance against partial birth abortions.. He took a very strong stance against embryonic stem cell research. At the risk of losing electoral votes he stood up against a very controversial subject. As far as aids in Africa.. its a global problem.. not limited to Africa.

Feel free. One reason why I am so involved in the Iraq war is because my prime minister dragged the UK into it. Anyway I don't need to justify the history of my country and I don't think you have to justify yours.

-How are you involved with Iraq war? are you over there giving relief to the civilians? or do you spend your time reading bogus websites to form your opinion so you can speak out against it. Try doing something a little more active. I dont know if the UK has anything like Red Cross .. I think your time would be better spent actually helping then being judge jury and executioner.

I said Nothing about a world leader. I don't think the USA is the whole world. Peaceful leader isn't an Oxymoron but if people see it as that then it will lose any of its meaning.

-Sorry the only peaceful leader I know is Jesus Christ and im still waiting for him to run for office. HE would have my vote.

Your are mislead. I hold it to be true that IRAQ DIDN'T BOMB THE USA
Never has. That was Al-Quaida. You seem to be deliberately misguided by Bush&Co Propoganda. Mixing up enemies so that he can do what he wants.

-ok lets take this break down in comminication apart...

You said 'If you don't like people (terrorists are people) committing acts of terrorism 9/11 then don't go bombing countries (which is equally destructive just with longer sideeffects).' --- We bombed Al Qaida?

I said "Ok.....We should just let them bomb whoever they hate first? Who do you think would have their attention if it wasnt us? The UK? maybe Israel.. wait Israel gets bombed everyday. Yeah we should let them bomb Israel and we should just stay out of it. Maybe we should have stayed out of WWII also Im sure that generated a lot of hate towards us.. or Bosnia yeah we didnt need to be there. So we should just keep to ourselves and let everyone fend for themselves. Ok :)" ---- I pretty much figured you werent talking about US bombing Al Qaida so I went ahead and approached it as a general example of sitting ducks.

You sound very very paranoid, who are you talking about when you say "they"? Iraqis? Al-quaida? Bin-Laden? Anti-American Properganda? Palestinian Terrorists?

- Yep Im paranoid. Anyone that would fly a plane into a World Trade Center. Anyone that would strap a bomb onto their chest and run into a mess tent with their own people in it. Anyone that would sent Anthrax via snail mail. Anyone that would slaughter thousands of his own people. Anyone that would decapitate a reporter on television. Anyone that would call justice injustice. The list could go on.

There is a BIG difference between defending your country from being bombed and occupied (like in Iraq) or being under a terrorist attack. You don't need to bomb and occupy another country to stop your country from being under a terrorist attack. In my opinion that is.

-We are not occupying least not like the UK did with Scotland and Ireland and India and Africa or even the Americas. We are simply wanting to leave with the entire objective met.. That a democratic government be established so those people can have normal human civil rights with the right to choose their own leaders. If we left now the Iraqis would be worse off than they are now. It would be another corrupt psycho taking over where Saddam left off.

By the way who do you vote for in the election faithfulservant? If Bush, Why?

-I thought I made it pretty clear with my stauch support of my president. I voted for Bush. Why? Because I dont have to stand by and watch my country continue to decline morally. I can VOTE. Im against partial birth abortions, Im against abortions as a method of birth control Im against embryonic stem cell research. Im against cloning. Im standing up for what God wants and franky, Kerry sucks. He was for all of them. Bush is not perfect but he is by far the lesser of two evils.

For more Peaceful leaders ;)
Yes Come quickly. Lord

Faithful Servant

My initial post I wasnt trying to spark up this debate. I was asking for some compassion and asking for others to please not be judgemental because we suffered too.

Instead I get nailed with flames. And YES im going to respond to them with sarcasm and Im not going to bow my head and shame and say Yes Im a horrible person because Im an American. I am perfectly aware of how blessed I am in my life because Im an American citizen I know that there are a hell of a lot worse places to live than here.

I am currently unemployed.. Ive had months of feeding my kids Macaroni and cheese and Ramen noodles. I KNOW what your saying.

I personally dont live in the dark. I live in the light and my Father God keeps it pretty well lit. Politicians are corrupt. They lie. Its a fact. but its not just a democratic plight.

I may not get to choose how Bush spends the next 4 years but at least I was able choose that Kerry doesnt spend 4 years in office.

I never said I was for anyone bombing anything. That was just implied and I didnt nay-say it. my original post I said I was afraid of the boogeyman not that I wanted thousands of ppl to die for it. What has irritated me more than anything is that everyones worried about the speck in our eye and doesnt look to the plank in theirs.
And I agree that there is nothing we can do about any of this. I know God set this chessboard up for a reason and we are the pawns.

Faithful Servant
But the thing about hurricaines is definately true.

-We should blame Bush for the hurricane.. you have to be kidding me. do you own a car? how many people do you know that own cars? oh yeah Bush also is responsible for the decimation of the rain forest.. or the coral reef. He must also be responsible for the hole in the ozone layer. Please.
Everyone is responsible for the problems you mentioned thats the whole point of environmental problems, and because Bush has a significantly higher position of power than me I think its only fair to blame him more.

I hate to quote you out of context but im not sure I get what your saying. Do you mean to suggest that because they're busy smoking pot and listerning to grunge that it is justifyable to send them to their death because of a problem that they have nothing to do with? Lets get this straight.
-Im talking about pure apathy. They dont care.. period.
How do you know that they don't care about their lives? What happened to their free will?

Feel free. One reason why I am so involved in the Iraq war is because my prime minister dragged the UK into it. Anyway I don't need to justify the history of my country and I don't think you have to justify yours.

-How are you involved with Iraq war? are you over there giving relief to the civilians? or do you spend your time reading bogus websites to form your opinion so you can speak out against it. Try doing something a little more active. I dont know if the UK has anything like Red Cross .. I think your time would be better spent actually helping then being judge jury and executioner.

Hold on a minute. Bit of miscommunicatinon. One when I said I am involved in the Iraq War I meant why I am interested I wsn't trying to be judge jury or executioner. And yes I would like to join the red Cross and help the Iraqi people but errr I'm 15 so I don't really think they'd let me.
Your are mislead. I hold it to be true that IRAQ DIDN'T BOMB THE USA
Never has. That was Al-Quaida. You seem to be deliberately misguided by Bush&Co Propoganda. Mixing up enemies so that he can do what he wants.
-ok lets take this break down in comminication apart...

You said 'If you don't like people (terrorists are people) committing acts of terrorism 9/11 then don't go bombing countries (which is equally destructive just with longer sideeffects).' --- We bombed Al Qaida?
Afganistan? wasn't that the intention? To kill Bin laden?

-We are not occupying least not like the UK did with Scotland and Ireland and India and Africa or even the Americas. We are simply wanting to leave with the entire objective met.. That a democratic government be established so those people can have normal human civil rights with the right to choose their own leaders. If we left now the Iraqis would be worse off than they are now. It would be another corrupt psycho taking over where Saddam left off.
- Thats debatable

"Everyone is responsible for the problems you mentioned thats the whole point of environmental problems, and because Bush has a significantly higher position of power than me I think its only fair to blame him more."

Yes but Bush more the most, because the US uses 30% of the global resources, perhaps if you paid the same price in the US for petrol as we do in the UK people would be prepared to cut their consumption. I only ever use my car for essentials. Same with saving water, washing up gets done once a day.

Dear Kaspar

Yes you are correct again dear one, my son tried to sign up for the Red Cross yesterday, one must be 25 year's old.

Love beyond measure

And as far as Iraq is concerned, as an historian said to me yesterday it is just going to be a change of dictatorship.