Dalai Lama says India a model of religious harmony

Nick the Pilot

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Tokyo, Japan
Dalai Lama says India a model of religious harmony - Salon.com

"The Dalai Lama says the enduring harmony between India’s many religions is proof to the world that different communities can live peacefully and solve problems together.

"The Tibetan Buddhist spiritual leader has lived for decades in exile in India’s Himalayan foothill city of Dharamsala, after fleeing China after a failed 1959 uprising.

"He said Saturday that “India is the only country where all major world religions live together, not only in modern time, but over 1,000 years.”

"The Dalai Lama was speaking to leaders from nine religious groups invited for two days of meetings to mull some of India’s biggest problems, including poverty, attacks on women, environmental degradation and communal violence.

"He stressed that there was no justification for fighting in the name of faith, calling it “unthinkable.”
Perhaps a quote from Nick's post will explain:

"The Tibetan Buddhist spiritual leader has lived for decades in exile in India’s Himalayan foothill city of Dharamsala, after fleeing China after a failed 1959 uprising."

Aup. Adds: with his people who fled Tibet are living in various parts of India and in various cities. So, since the last 55 years.
"Has he ever been to India?"

--> This is a joke, right?

Perhaps time to disenchant the magic spell with some realism?

'Over 2005 to 2009 period, an average of 130 people died every year from communal riots, and 2,200 were injured.[8] In pre-partitioned India, over the 1920–1940 period, numerous communal violence incidents were recorded, an average of 381 people died per year during religious violence, and thousands were injured.[212]
According to PRS India,[8] 24 out of 35 states and union territories of India reported instances of religious riots over the 5 year 2005–2009 period. However, most religious riots resulted in property damage but no injuries or fatalities. The highest incidences of communal violence in the 5-year period were reported from Maharashtra (700). The other three states with high counts of communal violence over the same 5 year period were Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Orissa. Together, these four states accounted for 64% of all deaths from communal violence. Adjusted for widely different population per state, the highest rate of communal violence fatalities were reported by Madhya Pradesh, at 0.14 death per 100,000 people over 5 years, or 0.03 deaths per 100,000 people per year.[8] There was a wide regional variation in rate of death caused by communal violence per 100,000 people. The India-wide average communal violence fatality rate per year was 0.01 person per 100,000 people per year. The world's average annual death rate from intentional violence, in recent years, has been 7.9 per 100,000 people.[10]
For 2012,[9] there were 93 deaths in India from many incidences of communal violence (or 0.007 fatalities per 100,000 people). Of these, 48 were Muslims, 44 Hindus and one police official. The riots also injured 2,067 people, of which 1,010 were Hindus, 787 Muslims, 222 police officials and 48 others. Over 2013, 107 people were killed during religious riots (or 0.008 total fatalities per 100,000 people), of which 66 were Muslims, 41 were Hindus. The various riots in 2013 also injured 1,647 people including 794 Hindus, 703 Muslims and 200 policemen.[9][213]

Distress sale: Muslim homes go cheap in riot-hit Muzaffarnagar | The Indian Express
But then he a feminist of all things.
[QUOTE "The Dalai Lama says the enduring harmony between India’s many religions is proof to the world that different communities can live peacefully and solve problems together.

"The Tibetan Buddhist spiritual leader has lived for decades in exile in India’s Himalayan foothill city of Dharamsala, after fleeing China after a failed 1959 uprising.

"He said Saturday that “India is the only country where all major world religions live together, not only in modern time, but over 1,000 years.”

"The Dalai Lama was speaking to leaders from nine religious groups invited for two days of meetings to mull some of India’s biggest problems, including poverty, attacks on women, environmental degradation and communal violence.

"He stressed that there was no justification for fighting in the name of faith, calling it “unthinkable.”[/QUOTE]
Yes, until a Hindu shot and killed Mahatma Gandhi. So nice and peaceful!
"The Dalai Lama says the enduring harmony between India’s many religions is proof to the world that different communities can live peacefully and solve problems together.

"The Tibetan Buddhist spiritual leader has lived for decades in exile in India’s Himalayan foothill city of Dharamsala, after fleeing China after a failed 1959 uprising.

"He said Saturday that “India is the only country where all major world religions live together, not only in modern time, but over 1,000 years.”

"The Dalai Lama was speaking to leaders from nine religious groups invited for two days of meetings to mull some of India’s biggest problems, including poverty, attacks on women, environmental degradation and communal violence.

"He stressed that there was no justification for fighting in the name of faith, calling it “unthinkable.”
My guess is that the Dalai Lama would not know harmony if he saw one, especially not in India.
My other guess is that he is not even the REAL DALAI LAMA, but one of the four brothers who stepped in when the real one vanished. So, where is HE?
The Dalai Lama (impersonator?) says you know you are enlightened when everyone you see you see as enlightened...

Harmony.... when it comes to total population and population density and religious diversity, India fairs pretty well on the crime and homicide scale...
Is it just me or have there been a lot of judging from the new posters the last few weeks?
It is never hard to find an example to prove the rule is there? Can you imagine if India had the murder rate of the US?
Of course domestic murders of women are not counted. Of course women who have been widowed need to throw themselves on to the husband's funeral pile because they have no way to support themselves and their families don't want them back.
Have you some data, any info on how often this happens?

I've never been to India... While I know many first and second generation immigrants this has not come up in discussion.
No. Perhaps time to disenchant the magic spell with some realism?
In a population of 1250 million people it happens. Especially when 170 million of them are Muslims, and a Muslim neighboring country hell-bent on dividing us to take revenge for creation of Bangladesh, and Saudi Arabia and Gulf States providing the money. And then, there are Al-Quaeda and Islamic State, Lashkar-e-Tayyaba and so many others preaching violence. No. With all this too, normal relations between Hindus and Muslims have not been disturbed.
Of course women who have been widowed need to throw themselves on to the husband's funeral pile because they have no way to support themselves and their families don't want them back.
You living in 18th Century? :) I do not say that the life of a widow is easy in the middle-income prestige conscious society. The rich do not care about it, the poor remarry, and they are the bulk. The last Sati incident happened in 1987, so 37 years ago. Every year on the day, police is present in the village, so that the Sati is not eulogized. India has very strict laws against Sati.
I'm sorry there is actually a need for you to explain these things Aupmanyav, but prejudice is abound. I'm glad you do explain for the benefit of the passersby who may read those posters ignorance as some sort of fact.
In a population of 1250 million people it happens. Especially when 170 million of them are Muslims, and a Muslim neighboring country hell-bent on dividing us to take revenge for creation of Bangladesh, and Saudi Arabia and Gulf States providing the money. And then, there are Al-Quaeda and Islamic State, Lashkar-e-Tayyaba and so many others preaching violence. No. With all this too, normal relations between Hindus and Muslims have not been disturbed.You living in 18th Century? :) I do not say that the life of a widow is easy in the middle-income prestige conscious society. The rich do not care about it, the poor remarry, and they are the bulk. The last Sati incident happened in 1987, so 37 years ago. Every year on the day, police is present in the village, so that the Sati is not eulogized. India has very strict laws against Sati.

Easy to blame this on the muslims. It is widely documented that there is widespread violence occuring beween Hindu's and Sikhs as well. Not to mention the fact that the Hindu religion while a model of religious co-existence is not champion of human rights. India has 24 million slaves living in bondage and many of them are untouchables.
just wait 50 years...the Muslims in India are out-breeding Hindus, So India they are already 15% of the population. They are doing this in virtually all corners of the planet, without considering family planning, economics, or demographics...this is the reason why they are so many disenchanted youth ready for unspeakable acts in certain Muslim countries.
In a population of 1250 million people it happens. Especially when 170 million of them are Muslims, and a Muslim neighboring country hell-bent on dividing us to take revenge for creation of Bangladesh, and Saudi Arabia and Gulf States providing the money. And then, there are Al-Quaeda and Islamic State, Lashkar-e-Tayyaba and so many others preaching violence. No. With all this too, normal relations between Hindus and Muslims have not been disturbed.You living in 18th Century? :) I do not say that the life of a widow is easy in the middle-income prestige conscious society. The rich do not care about it, the poor remarry, and they are the bulk. The last Sati incident happened in 1987, so 37 years ago. Every year on the day, police is present in the village, so that the Sati is not eulogized. India has very strict laws against Sati.