Question regarding the age of human kind

Can you point out where I was rude? I try to see others point of view..but when it contradicts reality i need more help...2+3=8 is not something I can grasp.
Hmmm. Is it that Wil doesn't understand some points of view? Or is it that he understands them fine; he simply doesn't accept them as valid. Should one accept any and all views as equal? That would be difficult for me to accept.

Some views are just loony. "Man never went to the Moon" is loony. Take any mildly competent telescope and one can see the landing portions of the Apollo landers left on the surface. It wasn't faked by being filmed on some set. The landers are there in plain site. On the Moon!
Can you point out where I was rude? I try to see others point of view..but when it contradicts reality i need more help...2+3=8 is not something I can grasp.

Haha, your reality that is!

But I do have issues with folks who hold on to things long after they are known to be completely false.
Assuming they 'know' thing the way you do, and being dismissive

am thankful their hands are not so tied as some...
a rather open insinuation open for much interpretation.

Wil, this is just my point of view, I know you're a good guy who mean no ill, these are just your, very, human limitations as I see it. Just as I and Dan have our limitations. Just want to make sure you know that.
Should one accept any and all views as equal? That would be difficult for me to accept.

Understanding why a person view the world as they do and promoting it as a good way to see things are not the same thing for me. As I said, there might not even be anything good in that anyway. That is my point of view, my faith, what I bring to the table. Feel free to dismiss that, I can't defend the position.
I'm still confused. Are you saying that your desire is to understand why someone believes as they do? That judging someone's point of view as right or wrong is not appropriate? Or that we, being fallible mortals, should not presume to decide that someone else's point of view is wrong?

I don't want to dismiss, I want to understand.
I'd still like to know how they get less than 6 from 10 plus 13 plus 400 plus 40000 etc.
I'm still confused. Are you saying that your desire is to understand why someone believes as they do? That judging someone's point of view as right or wrong is not appropriate? Or that we, being fallible mortals, should not presume to decide that someone else's point of view is wrong?

I don't want to dismiss, I want to understand.

I'm not sure of any of those thing. I think that deciding of something is good/bad, right/wrong affect how/if we understand a point of view. I also think that it is often unnecessary to make such judgements.

I feel that if I intellectually let all things be equal in a grey mess of things I have a greater opportunity to take what is good out of any point of view and to show greater understanding of foreign thoughts that are simply out side my experience.

When the time comes to make a judgement I feel I can be more intellectually honest in every unique situation then if I had already made up my mind about an ideology, a religion or culture. I also think the mindset opens up for other than yes/no solutions.

My patients is limited and I have things I don't react well to, but I don't this as a virtue. I uphold diplomacy and cooperation as the greatest good. I also don't think anyone wants to be dismissive, it's simply a product of other priorities.
I'd still like to know how they get less than 6 from 10 plus 13 plus 400 plus 40000 etc.

What is 10 plus 13 plus 400 plus 40000?
I'm assuming that your asking why certain literalists get to 6000 years? I doubt they get to it by adding the periods science has divided earth into. If they go by the biblical events over the scientific they would discard the science, no? The protozoic plus Paleozoic plus Mesozoic would be irrelevant.
THAT is the crux of the bisquit...

How can you discard all that science?

That is what you've said about me being dismissive and rude...

I've said, I'm ok with metaphor, metaphysics, spiritual notions...but sitting there and ignoring the fossil record, carbon dating, layers of earth, and insisting that the stories are factual and true... I'd love to be able to understand and make sense of it.
THAT is the crux of the bisquit...

How can you discard all that science?

That is what you've said about me being dismissive and rude...

I've said, I'm ok with metaphor, metaphysics, spiritual notions...but sitting there and ignoring the fossil record, carbon dating, layers of earth, and insisting that the stories are factual and true... I'd love to be able to understand and make sense of it.

Haha! Is that really so strange!? There must be loads of things you and I discard that other people put stock in. Take eyewitness accounts of..aliens, big foot. I don't put any stock in those and the stories about either because of what I think I know about eyewitness accounts, that they are unreliable.

I don't think it's rude to dismiss a system out of scepticism or disinterest, even though I think you can be rude and dismissive about it. It might be only me who believe there is a distinction.

The scientific fields have become rather wide and complicated to understand, and if in your initial encounter with it science reject things you hold as self-evident everything points to a rocky start. If someone don't understand the scientific method and the results over the last couple of hundred years I don't see why anyone would put much stock in it in the first place. It takes time and effort to get there, something I have gotten for free in my time at school.

The thing I have a problem with is when you make a half hearted effort to understand science with the only purpose to undermine it, then you get the mangled corpse of science that is the modern creationist "theory". And you get the idea that matter can't cause itself to exist because it isn't logical. I know enough about some matters to state some things with some confidence. But on a lot of matters, like religious, I bow for the insights of others.