Skipped Heart Beats

How does your health stand at the start of 2016, NJ? Hopefully you're feeling well.
I apologize for hijacking your thread here but I was just diagnosed with atypical cardiac arrhythmia and was just put on a beta-blocker.

My cardiologist told me that arrhythmias usually accompany a heart attack, but I showed no signs of a cardiac incident, plus my blood pressure is well within normal parameters (if not going a tad low) and my pulse is excellent.

Sometimes I hate my anatomy... :rolleyes:

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
I apologize for hijacking your thread here but I was just diagnosed with atypical cardiac arrhythmia and was just put on a beta-blocker.

My cardiologist told me that arrhythmias usually accompany a heart attack, but I showed no signs of a cardiac incident, plus my blood pressure is well within normal parameters (if not going a tad low) and my pulse is excellent.

Sometimes I hate my anatomy... :rolleyes:

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Watch the beta blockers if your BP and pulse are normal. They'll lower both! Doc had me on Bystolic for a while. BP and pulse went way too low. He switched me to Metoprolol, but even the lowest dose had the same effect. Not to mention the damn side effects. Headaches, dizziness, chest pain, fatigue, you name it. So I dumped them all. Once I shed some pounds though, mostly by cutting out junk food, things settled down considerably.

The danger with arrhythmias, as I understand it, is increased risk of blood clots, which in turn increases the risk for heart attack and stroke. Doc told me to just take a couple low-dose aspirin a day and to watch what I eat. I also take Magnesium, B12 an C, but the best thing I did was stop worrying about it.;)
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Watch the beta blockers if your BP and pulse are normal. They'll lower both! Doc had me on Bystolic for a while. BP and pulse went way too low. He switched me to Metoprolol, but even the lowest dose had the same effect. Not to mention the damn side effects. Headaches, dizziness, chest pain, fatigue, you name it. So I dumped them all. Once I shed some pounds though, mostly by cutting out junk food, things settled down considerably.

The danger with arrhythmias, as I understand it, is increased risk of blood clots, which in turn increases the risk for heart attack and stroke. Doc told me to just take a couple low-dose aspirin a day and to watch what I eat. I also take Magnesium, B12 an C, but the best thing I did was stop worrying about it.;)

I'm on metoprolol (the PtBs in Washington and Madison don't recognize "alternative medicine", including :kitty:s!) Unfortunately, my BP has been a tad low, but my cardiologist wants me on it until they can figure out WTF is going on with my ticker. Y'ken my meaning?

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
I'm on metoprolol (the PtBs in Washington and Madison don't recognize "alternative medicine", including :kitty:s!) Unfortunately, my BP has been a tad low, but my cardiologist wants me on it until they can figure out WTF is going on with my ticker. Y'ken my meaning?

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
The wife takes a very low dose of Metoprolol. Currently a half tablet in the morning and the other half in the evening. She was taking two full tabs, but her BP dipped a bit low as well. Me, I can't take beta blockers at all. I did concede to taking a mild calcium channel inhibitor once a day though. Don't know how much it helps, but more importantly in my case, it doesn't seem to hinder.;)
This makes me wonder, @Namaste Jesus, how are you feeling?
Not bad, not bad at all Steve. Thanks for asking.:cool:
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So got the meds and flutter under control?


I just took a tums (antacid) for the first time in my life...when you've never had heartburn, the first time at 61 is wtf?!
So got the meds and flutter under control?


I just took a tums (antacid) for the first time in my life...when you've never had heartburn, the first time at 61 is wtf?!

Amazing! Lucky you... I've been battling heartburn most of my life. My dad struggled with it mightily, even resorting to baking soda from time to time to neutralize the acid. I'm trying to watch what I eat. Staying away from fried foods seems to help quite a bit.

Got to keep those tickers going as long as we can. My dad also suffered from afib, looks like this is something my new doc will be investigating soon. I rarely miss a day of work but sometimes don't feel right and have some weird symptoms. This has been going on for quite a few years.

This getting old business is no fun. :)
[QUOTE="stranger, post: 321826, member: 1816]
This getting old business is no fun. :)[/QUOTE]

Beats the alternative in the majority of cases. <(^x^)>

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
So yesterday had another bout....on the way to the cabinet at the house I was at, there was a bowl of fresh strawberries...despite the heartburn they called to me...and I hate a big juicy one. That flavor hit my mouth...satisfaction, and as I walked down the hall it worked as fast as tums did the other day....instant relief...
So yesterday had another bout....on the way to the cabinet at the house I was at, there was a bowl of fresh strawberries...despite the heartburn they called to me...and I hate a big juicy one. That flavor hit my mouth...satisfaction, and as I walked down the hall it worked as fast as tums did the other day....instant relief...

Never heard that one before, will have to try. Medicine is supposed to taste bad. :)
no hernia, but another gallstone attack in the middle of 8 days in the woods....luckily my doctor was in camp and i hung out in a hammock for 3 days and didn't have to leave... also a couple of bouts of heartburn... and starting to experience arthritis in my right wrist making passing clubs with folks short a my neighbor said years ago...these golden days ain't so golden....and just starting in my 60's...yay!
no hernia, but another gallstone attack in the middle of 8 days in the woods....luckily my doctor was in camp and i hung out in a hammock for 3 days and didn't have to leave... also a couple of bouts of heartburn... and starting to experience arthritis in my right wrist making passing clubs with folks short a my neighbor said years ago...these golden days ain't so golden....and just starting in my 60's...yay!

As long as you're not "fertilizing the daisies", you're copacetic, eh?

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
no hernia, but another gallstone attack in the middle of 8 days in the woods....luckily my doctor was in camp and i hung out in a hammock for 3 days and didn't have to leave... also a couple of bouts of heartburn... and starting to experience arthritis in my right wrist making passing clubs with folks short a my neighbor said years ago...these golden days ain't so golden....and just starting in my 60's...yay!

Glad to hear it's not worse, although the above doesn't sound so good either. I think we're about the same age. Let the fun begin... :eek: