Here is Practical Explanation about Next Life, Purpose of Human Life, philosophical/religious facts,

lol, you know my answer**********skip**********just sayin.

now begone ( blind sheep ) cuz there is no meaning in beating the dead horse ( s ) like you ( all ). ( simply waste of time.)
We were just having a discussion on another thread about how one cannot change another, that one has to want the advice prior to advice being accepted.

I am sorry for being brusque, this is a discussion forum... I've answered your very pointed questions, and countered a tad I believe. Gonna knock the dust off your feet in our sandbox? Really?

Since there are folks that can remember every second... If they can't remember a previous life...does that mean there isn't one?
We were *****nonsense bluff*****one?

Why we should waste our time talking with such foolish men? "I don't believe." No You believe or not believe; fact is fact. You are going to be old man. If you say "I don't believe," then is that a very good proposition? It does not depend on your believing or not believing. The nature's course will take place.

That will go on. What is there in your believing and not believing? If you keep yourself in such darkness that "If you believe, then it is fact," then you are a fool, rascal. If you depend only on your belief, then you are a fool.

What is the meaning of your belief?
I do believe....I need a translator.

and ( shameless pig ) although my english is not very grammatically, rhetorically correct and Rascals are concerned with grammar. Actual workers are concerned with thoughts.
now begone ( blind sheep )
I say he can have his own thread, but I'll report him if he goes into other peoples threads and call them blind sheep and shameless pigs (I don't know what he has against animals).
It has been my experience that those few that I have met who have obviously learned a great deal of wisdom during their time in this reality - they are without fail humble, gentle folk.

As opposed to those who Know It All who tend to be obnoxious, puffed up, and belittling to others who don't see their infinite wisdom for what it is. Pet7 you are the latter, not the former. You have failed the test of someone who has genuine wisdom. I hope that at some point you will be guided towards genuine wisdom and will begin to understand what that really means.
and ( shameless pig ) although my english is not very grammatically, rhetorically correct and Rascals are concerned with grammar. Actual workers are concerned with thoughts.
now begone ( blind sheep )

pet7... I have grossly misjudged you. I had thought that you were quite noble for posting this thread knowing it would likely be misunderstood. Now I see that it was me who misunderstood. I had thought that such a deed represented someone who was surely worthy of, Krishna Consciousness. Now however, you have resorted to name calling and lashing out in spiteful retort. Clearly, you are just as unworthy of Krishna Consciousness as I.......
I admit, I have a prejudice. I enjoy the discussions, the repartee, the people that partake here.

I am averse to those that use it as one of their many internet sounding boards. Writing some diatribe, posting it in whatever forum they can find and expecting acceptance of it carte blanche without actually taking part in the community. We've had more than our share of driveby prophets and evangelists over the years.

It was obviously I that called pet7 out right away.... I didn't encourage discussion, I accused and boxed him into a corner...that often causes folks to come out swinging.

I for one would love for my opinion to be changed, and will attempt to not rush to judgement in the future... While pet7 is responsible for his original post, I am responsible for many of his responses.
meh... You know I knew how he would respond... It was my choices to respond in a negative manner that caused him to take offense. I could have done better. The very thing I was accusing him of I was participating in by the sword...
We all react badly to one thing or another, realization and moving away from it is obviously the right response. Unfortunately we haven't seen much of anything else from pet7 but bad reactions. Let us hope for more diversity.
The very thing I was accusing him of I was participating in by the sword...

Yes maybe, but remember, my initial response to pet7 was quite positive and I was the first one he lashed out at. Those engaged in Krishna Consciousness are supposed to do what they see as their duty without regard to success or failure. In other words, just deliver the message, not to stick around and debate about it. Especially not in anger. Quite sad really. I almost feel bad for him.
We were just having a discussion on another thread about how one cannot change another, that one has to want the advice prior to advice being accepted.

I am sorry for being brusque, this is a discussion forum... I've answered your very pointed questions, and countered a tad I believe. Gonna knock the dust off your feet in our sandbox? Really?

Since there are folks that can remember every second... If they can't remember a previous life...does that mean there isn't one?

I am the kid who worked out the principles of reincarnation and past lives. The first thing you need to be able to do this is learn to understand telepathy. Like light or sound, telepathy too has a threshold intensity below which you can't perceive it.
In order to understand reincarnation cycles you need to be able to talk to people on the other side, or be able to understand your own recollection. As children we were taught to speak and understand language. Later we were taught to read. Here I am saying to understand telepathy you need to learn it, it does not just happen. You need to train your mind to it.
A cut-and-paste of the OP of this old thread was posted today under a different username @veras and was removed. But am bumping the original to see if it attracts new discussion ...
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A cut-and-paste of the OP of this old thread was posted today under a different username @veras and was removed. But am bumping the original to see of it attracts new discussion ...

if you fear so much heated discussions than why dont you lock in padded cell this entire western empire into it ? since this is an cheap random forum, filled with full of hypocrites who are making show of being good people. and even youtube, google and facebook or whatever western platforms is there they are all fearing these things have locked themselves into a padded cell with there policies.
if you fear so much heated discussions than why dont you lock in padded cell this entire western empire into it ? since this is an cheap random forum, filled with full of hypocrites who are making show of being good people. and even youtube, google and facebook or whatever western platforms is there they are all fearing these things have locked themselves into a padded cell with there policies.

Why do you spend your time associating with hypocrites on cheap websites? What do you hope to gain or achieve?
if you fear so much heated discussions than why dont you lock in padded cell this entire western empire into it
Where are you from?