Raising Children in religion

What sort of freedom are we talking about? Divine given freedom? Moral freedom? Certainly not law given freedom, it is restrained in all societies.

I'm not sure if you have the same kind of law system because America is always a little different than Europe... but we have the constitutional law of freedom of opinion. You're free to have an opinion about religion, about common problems and the goverment and you are free to show that opinion and to tell others about it. That freedom is limited in that you are not aloud to act racist against other persons and that you're not aloud in forcing others to believe the same.

Limiting the things a parents could teach their children will interfere with this freedom because parents are aloud to tell their kids what their opinion is.

And then my reaction to Thomas, which is a little hard for me. It could be that my English isn't good enough to truly understand all what you're stating.

Parents are not free, any more than the individual is free, within the state. It all depends on what freedoms the state allows (and how bonkers the state is).

The laws of your country or state does not determine the thinking of all the individuates. People are free to bend and twist between the boundaries of the laws. If people are not happy with certain laws they are free to try and change them.
All societies Im aware of has laws governing the physical and mental treatment of it's children. Opinion is free but what constitutes brainwashing and is fluid and often connected with the well-being and ability to function in the society. How states choose to justify action or inaction varies.
The laws of your country or state does not determine the thinking of all the individuates.
No, but it does determine what is allowable and what is not, and what is acceptable and what is not.

Can the US Govt. not prosecute someone if they teach what the state considers unacceptable? Hate crime, or sex crimes?

People are free to bend and twist between the boundaries of the laws.
And it's made a lot of people very rich.

If people are not happy with certain laws they are free to try and change them.
But until the law is changed, it stands, and binds the people.
It seems to me the Pew states are a statement of what most people might consider obvious.

Same-religion couples tend to raise children in that religion.

Differing religions, or religion-non-religion, will have different outcomes.

Secularism is on the increase generally, for a number of reasons, some I have issues with, some I don't.

My biggest bugbear is 'scientism', the blind-faith belief that science can/will answer any questions we have; that because science operates in the empirical domain it insists that's the only reality there is; that people tend to compare contemporary (mis)understandings of science to medieval (mis)understandings of religion and ... lo and behold ... find religion wanting... stuff like that ...
Every worldview, Bahai/Christian/Buddhist, etc., requires a certain set of underlying presuppositions and parents pass those on to their children. Parents are setting their children to believe and behaviour in a certain way even if they are unaware of it.

~ Aetius
It is an almost hilarious concept... That an adult think that as a child they were lucky enough to be born into the one and only true religion and sect of that religion... G!d really does smile down on them!
It is an almost hilarious concept... That an adult think that as a child they were lucky enough to be born into the one and only true religion and sect of that religion... G!d really does smile down on them!
Hopefully the divine isn't as condescending as you and I!
It is an almost hilarious concept... That an adult think that as a child they were lucky enough to be born into the one and only true religion and sect of that religion... G!d really does smile down on them!

It is equally hilarious concept...that an adult might think, that as a child they were lucky enough to be born as a blank slate, and hold to a completely neutral position regarding truth claims.

It is equally hilarious concept...that an adult might think, that as a child they were lucky enough to be born as a blank slate, and hold to a completely neutral position regarding truth claims.

Well...hmmm....every child is born a completely blank slate...they can't even see color, or discern corners, takes a while for the static supplied by the optic nerve to the brain to discern anything...and then only slowly do the lines and colors take on meaning and then depth of field and ears same thing... Parents could tell them the sky is Green or Verde and until they tried to communicate with others they'd believe it.

But then through parenting, indoctrination, brainwashing...whatever you want to call teaching a child to read, write and develop social skills....they become thinking individuals whose thoughts are definitely not in a neutral position, but one that has been formulated by those years of parenting and experience.

We see this clearly with the number of people that stay in their beliefs whether they are raised Muslim, Hindu, Protestant, Catholic, or whatever.... for most that teaching is enough remain in the belief of their parents (unfortunately for racism, nationalism, negativism)...they keep their religion...even if only socially....some may convert to another religion, but most who stray will give up on religion....the majority have those beliefs cemented.

The question being asked here if what if folks were just given instruction on the beliefs of the various religions and it wasn't till they were adults and their minds fully formed prior to making those decisions that are typically made on their behalf by their parents?

As I wrote this, it is my contention that there would surely be even more atheists and agnostics in our world today...
With respect I disagree.

A new born crying for a bottle with enough rage to kill demonstrates personality traits, consciousness and self awareness. Hardly a blank slate. One simply has to look a toddler to see they are little ‘me monsters’ until instructed in morals and virtue.

This idea of ‘tabula rasa’ has been debunk many times.


~ Aetius
Lol, yes, a child cries for food and warmth.... That is not what I was describing as blank slate... and we have a temperment, and a way of being and some dna health indicators...but our minds... are a blank slate...all those automatic responses are always there...not once have you asked your heart to beat...the blood flow and breathing is automatic once we are kickstarted. Very few tendrils built..the neuro net gets built by the thousands after birth... but I am sure you knew that.