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a figment of your imagination
gonna be driving a day, prolly thru snow soon, to go up to my uncles funeral ... My dad was one of five brothers, there will now only be one, one uncle left.

My acceptance of death as a part of life, bookends with birth... Comes off as cold and callous to some. It was my own father's death which I think was the turning point.

And now that I am almost the age my dad was when he died...and accept my inevitable demise at anytime it is worse.

The ones (passings) that get to me are those that went thru life way to quick, died way to young. It is all relative I suppose.
Thanx and he will... when I was a child this uncle had those kind of crutches that clamped to your arms...he was born with a defect in his legs... as a kid he got around using his arms to climb stairs and crutches as his legs never worked right. My dad said, just like brothers they'd fight and taunt each other... this uncle they had to stay out of his reach...because if he got ahold of you his armstrength dominated them all. Last few decades he has been in a wheel chair...and last year they had to put he and his wife in a center for care...she has Alzheimer disease and with he in a chair, home care was just two much in their little place.

He always had a great sense of humor, his disability I think tempered his mood, I can rarely recall him mad... he loved to have others tell stories, "Tell about the time..." He and his brothers built the house that he and my aunt raised their two girls in....back in the 50's, that and his daughters were his proudest achievements... two daughters, five grandkids, two greatgrandkids... he did well. Somewhere in his 80s I believe.

My last uncle on that side of the family...his brother...I simply don't know how he copes. He lost one daughter to cancer, another and his only 3 grandchildren in a fire... I say I have an acceptance with death...that one haunts cousin and her kids died way to young.
Condolences. I'm currently 3 years older than my dad was when he died. Very strange feeling.... Unfortunately, I have no fond memories of him. A nice guy he was not....
I'm sorry to hear of his passing, wil. My sympathy to your family.
Condolences. I'm currently 3 years older than my dad was when he died. Very strange feeling.... Unfortunately, I have no fond memories of him. A nice guy he was not....
My dad and I fought like cats and dogs... we had our moments when I was young and he wasn't fully into the bottle...but that was prior to 5th grade... after I left home, I realized he was hella smart, but alcohol had its hooks in him and did its damage. I learned to choose when, where and how I dealt with him... While my health isn't the greatest...I think my personal outlook, attitude and perspective will benefit me and I don't have 40 years of booze and cigarettes adding insult to injury.
Is it? Are all your ancestors still walking the earth?
everything is just a process that is changeing all the time.Being born and dying are words we use, Labels we stick on the process.
everything is just a process that is changeing all the time.Being born and dying are words we use, Labels we stick on the process.
I'll buy that...doesn't change the fact that we die to this world, this time, this place this existence...

All conjecture where/how/when we go... based on our various beliefs of that process.
I'll buy that...doesn't change the fact that we die to this world, this time, this place this existence...

All conjecture where/how/when we go... based on our various beliefs of that process.
oh i forgot to mention death isnt personal lol
non-duality means that everything is one process but we think there is a me that is seperate thing that is born and dies
just because the individual mushroom that has raised its head from the forest soil is connected to a web of myceleum bleow doesn't mean the mushroom that appears and then withers in the sunshine wasn't an entity, wasn't there, didn't live in and grow in the morning dew and die.

Just because my skin cell is part of me, doesn't deny its existence...and that which started umpteen layers down didn't slowly move to the top as other cells sloughed off...they are all real...then that cell acted as a protection layer for this imaginary body until it too dried up and died.

I may be part of a larger whole...but that does not deny my existence.... of course it seems if I understand your logic... You are not talking to response is you talking to yourself.
just because the individual mushroom that has raised its head from the forest soil is connected to a web of myceleum bleow doesn't mean the mushroom that appears and then withers in the sunshine wasn't an entity, wasn't there, didn't live in and grow in the morning dew and die.

Just because my skin cell is part of me, doesn't deny its existence...and that which started umpteen layers down didn't slowly move to the top as other cells sloughed off...they are all real...then that cell acted as a protection layer for this imaginary body until it too dried up and died.

I may be part of a larger whole...but that does not deny my existence.... of course it seems if I understand your logic... You are not talking to response is you talking to yourself.
you cant be part of everything,everything doesn't have parts.
lol, everything has parts, and my uncle exists in this plane of existence only in our memories.
see if you can find the boundery between what you think is you and what you think is outside you