More Left-Wing Media-Driven BS!

But oh, they'd shut down newspapers that oppose them tomorrow, if they only could. The will is there ...
But oh, they'd shut down newspapers that oppose them tomorrow, if they only could. The will is there ...
The angry left-wing 'liberals' would erase freedom too. Animal Farm. There's no understanding of freedom of speech and free expression in what's going on in your US cities.

"I may disagree with what you say, but will defend to death your right to say it." Get it right

It's quite frightening, really. Trump is the figure head for this angry and dangerous division, imo. After Trump, it may be someone worse. You'd better get it sorted out; you're supposed to be civilized, guys.

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The Sanders thing was not ok, the Biden thing was ok, the Obama thing was ok. If there are any other instances where a conservative did go to far in there opposing political figures?

Like I said, Ms. Sanders was dinning with her family in a restaurant as a private citizen when told to leave and apparently further harassed by the same person when she tried to dine elsewhere. By contrast, then Vice President Bidden was campaigning for re-election when his advance team asked to use a bakery as a photo op for the campaign and was denied. I wouldn't let a candidate that I did not endorse use my establishment for that purpose either, but would have no objection serving them simply as customers.

As previously stated, some of former Congressman Walsh's tweets very much crossed the line, which according to him, were not meant as threats. Be that as it may, they were directed at then President Obama alone, not members of his cabinet or his supporters nor were they a public call to harass them as was the case with Representative Waters.
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In my mind...the people that are supporting operations which restructure national monumnets and national parks to be mined, fracked and drilled...need to be told we are not happy about it. The people that institute zero tolerance on migrants coming across the border and separate families and lie and say they didn't change policy, need to be called on the carpet. The people that reverse environmental laws and say it is ok to pollute our rivers and air, need to know we do not approve...

Not just emails at the office that they can ignore, they can be told while they are eating, while they are shopping, while they are trying to get to work...just as pickets stand in front of planned parenthood with people disagreeing with their policies...I support folks standing up and telling people...we do not like what you are doing to our country. I do not supp]port violence, but I do support making them uncmfortable working
I pretty sure it was first they came for the Intellectuals and then teachers etc
They have already discounted science in NIH, Board of Ed... and this time...this time the first gatthered and jailed are the migrants, and I am not waitiing for the trest.
I rest my case. This is exactly the mindset that got Trump elected in the 1st place. The leftist attitude, "We know best and can speak for the rest of the nation". Touting non-violence while advocating the very thing that leads to it....

The far left needs to be told, not everyone shares the same view of what's best for the country. That's why we have elections. We had one, Trump won, get over it! You'll have your chance again in another 2 years.
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You are correct, you were alive duinf the 60s and 70s and saw the pollution when corporations were left to clean up their own act...these are the regulations and talk if abolishing the epa that are getting filled back.

Already people are being jailed for their actions in this administration and your boy is planning his Russia or NK when his time comes.

I am far from a leftist.... I'm just not a fascist. Every time I hope something good will happen this guy goes over the edge again.
I am far from a leftist... I'm just not a fascist. Every time I hope something good will happen this guy goes over the edge again.
Listening to a radio interview with Madeleine Albright re her new book: "Fascism: A Warning"

She deals with the phenomena and its historical antecedents, from Mussolini on. A significant point she makes is fascism in not a particular political ideology. Rather, fascism appeals to a particular element of society by playing up to difference and creating division. Immigration, of course, is the go-to target, Immigrants are to the 21st century what Jews were to the 20th.

Earlier heard Trump at a rally in North Dakota telling how his anti-immigrant policy was cleaning up South American criminals that were reducing US cities to 'something like war zones' (some such comment, the word 'war' was definitely used). Then the good guys roll up and 'into the paddy-wagons' and they're busted and their out ... the crowd loved it.

If we look at fascism as an apolitical methodology that creates division in society, and democracy as an apolitical methodology that rests on dialogue to resolve dispute and difference, then while in Albright's view Trump is not a fascist, he is nevertheless anti-democratic.

The question I am asking myself is where has Trump acted to heal the would and close the gap? Where has his policy not exacerbated the situation?

He's set American against American, America against the world (trade tariffs), Israel against Palestine (US embassy Tel Aviv), Iran. He's critical of Nato and the UN.

His dalliance with North Korea has really achieved nothing but elevate Kim Jong-un from an ignored despot to a leader on the world stage, which is something N Korea has wanted for generations and was denied by previous administrations... and what has America gained?

Heaven knows where the Putin-Trump dialogue is going ...

But the more frightening still is the election of similar leaders around the world. Trump. Putin. Xi in China. Erdogan is moving towards a despot state after winning elections and an endorsement to dismantle the machinery of government...

Fascism is on the rise, and its buffoonery figure frontmen mask a dangerous scenario.

“If we could learn to look instead of gawking,
We'd see the horror in the heart of farce,
If only we could act instead of talking,
We wouldn't always end up on our arse.
This was the thing that nearly had us mastered;
Don't yet rejoice in his defeat, you men!
Although the world stood up and stopped the bastard,
The bitch that bore him is in heat again.”

Bertolt Brecht, The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui

I live in hope of the quote widely but wrong attributed to Winston Churchill:
"The question is whether there is any reason to believe that such a new era may yet come to pass. If I am sanguine on this point, it is because of a conviction that men and nations do behave wisely once they have exhausted all other alternatives. Surely the other alternatives of war and belligerency have now been exhausted."
Abba Eban (Israeli politician and diplomat) in 1967 Eban to the UN.
Like I said, Ms. Sanders was dinning with her family in a restaurant as a private citizen when told to leave and apparently further harassed by the same person when she tried to dine elsewhere. By contrast, then Vice President Bidden was campaigning for re-election when his advance team asked to use a bakery as a photo op for the campaign and was denied. I wouldn't let a candidate that I did not endorse use my establishment for that purpose either, but would have no objection serving them simply as customers.

As previously stated, some of former Congressman Walsh's tweets very much crossed the line, which according to him, were not meant as threats. Be that as it may, they were directed at then President Obama alone, not members of his cabinet or his supporters nor were they a public call to harass them as was the case with Representative Waters.
Seems you think I'm accusing you of something. Never mind, I'll just let it go.
I guess I'm a bit cynical about government these days. I think Trump and his administration is a big problem. Thing is I don't see or hear anything that makes me think something is gonna really change the direction of the country. I'm not moved by the democrats and I don't think this new Aggressive Protesting is gonna produce solutions.

When George W was in the WH there was a lot of dissatisfaction with the government - very low approval - and it was starting to look like people had really had enough, but then Obama came in and everyone was happy - it was over, and here we are. Is that what's gonna happen again? We get a democrat in the WH and everybody calms down cause change is a comin? Just bounce back & forth between Red and Blue in an endless cycle.

I guess we'll eventually become either socialist-communist or imperialist - what other options are there - a theocracy under Pence?

It'll probably just be the same old crap - at least for the rest of my life.
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I guess I'm a bit cynical about government these days.
Aren't we all!

I think Trump and his administration is a big problem.
Here in the UK we have what's called 'the special relationship' with the US. as one UK commentator said recently, 'Look at what he's doing. Really, morally, we shouldn't be having anything to do with people like this.'

It's easy for use to look from the outside, but what we see is a narcissistic fantasist with the attention span of a gnat, a liar, a racist and, judging by reports of his property empire, a criminal landlord ... and yet there's no-one else on the horizon ...

Thing is I don't see or hear anything that makes me think something is gonna really change the direction of the country.
We have Jeremy Corbyn and the labour Party. He would take the country off in a new direction, but the chances of his winning an election, with Big Corporates in the opposition camp, and a lazy, London-centric media instinctively against him ...

It'll probably just be the same old crap - at least for the rest of my life.
Well the rise of narcissist seems to be the trend. What's happening in the US is happening in many other places.
I rest my case. This is exactly the mindset that got Trump elected in the 1st place. The leftist attitude, "We know best and can speak for the rest of the nation". Touting non-violence while advocating the very thing that leads to it....

The far left needs to be told, not everyone shares the same view of what's best for the country. That's why we have elections. We had one, Trump won, get over it! You'll have your chance again in another 2 years.

Thoko! Thoko!
Those upset with Sanders being refused service perhaps you might mention how you felt when Biden was also refused some years ago?
They have, "that's different" that was our guy dissin your guys....not your guys dissin our guys...

The only difference between a patriot and a terrorist is what side you are on....that never changes.
I've never had a "guy" in the WH - or in congress or a governor.

I do see a difference in refusing service and refusing to endorse.

Many years ago I had a peach stand right by the highway - during the local elections I allowed all the candidates to put up their signs, Democrats & Republicans (there were no 3rd parties running) - I could have picked one if I'd wanted or allowed none, and I don't think that would have been wrong. I never refused to sell anyone peaches for any reason - I would have felt wrong to do so, but that's just me.
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