can anyone help me?


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i need to find out about a certain religion my friend is involved with. she won't tell me exactly what it is but she has hinted about some things. im looking for a religion similer to christianity with a concept about nature and the beauty of nature. it's not a main world religion or and denomination of wicca. i dont think her faith could be dangerous but i am interested in why she insists on keeping it a secret from everyone. not even her long term boyfriend knows. please help me, any ideas will do. :confused:
Namaste Hamrah,

thank you for the post.

if your friend is taking these steps to keep their religous views private, do you think that it would be wise to repect their wishes?

thank you for saying that. I like puzzles.

dauer said:

thank you for saying that. I like puzzles.

Good evening Dauer,

If your friend claims any part of Christianity, and based on your description, she may be an Arthurian Christian. Otherwise known as a WiccanChristian or DruidicChristian. You could ask her about the "Green Cross", and see her reaction.

An Aurthurian Christian, follows the path of the Anglo-Saxon Christians of the 600-1000 AD era. During this time the Britons blended the two religions together. Usually the women were stronger in the wiccan part, than the men. "Magic" was left to the woman of the house, for healing, and warding away the wicked. Men acknowledged it, however, concentrated their efforts on providing physically, and defending the home and hearth.

Any spells cast by women were normally of peace and good will, bountiful harvest, and healthy children, and on certain occasions, healing an injured man of battle wounds.

If she considers nature to be a spirit, or that there are minor spirits roaming the earth (benign spirits), that can help us if we only stop to see and hear them, then this guess becomes more of a probability.

If you are a man, then, I'm not surprised that she is closed mouthed on this issue. The masculine cannot fully appreciate the delicateness of the feminine faith.

I wouldn't push it any further. Just by observation over time, you will find out what she is.

The facts of life are immutable:

The sky is blue
The water is wet
There will always be taxes
We all die
Women have their secrets:D



not me; hamrah. I was simply thanking Vaj because I would have put much effort into analyzing this situation, and it helped me stop and think before investing in this.

hamrah said:
i need to find out about a certain religion my friend is involved with. she won't tell me exactly what it is but she has hinted about some things. im looking for a religion similer to christianity with a concept about nature and the beauty of nature. it's not a main world religion or and denomination of wicca. i dont think her faith could be dangerous but i am interested in why she insists on keeping it a secret from everyone. not even her long term boyfriend knows. please help me, any ideas will do. :confused:
Indeed, to agree with Vaj here - if she thinks you cannot respect her choice of silence, how can she believe you may respect her choice of religion? :)

Sounds like a lot of distrusting going on overall.
If your friend claims any part of Christianity, and based on your description, she may be an Arthurian Christian. Otherwise known as a WiccanChristian or DruidicChristian. You could ask her about the "Green Cross", and see her reaction.
Wow, I totally had never heard of that faith before...learn something new everyday! :D

Indeed, to agree with Vaj here - if she thinks you cannot respect her choice of silence, how can she believe you may respect her choice of religion? :)
Or maybe she likes being mysterious, and enjoys watching people fumble about in the dark...:p
KnightoftheRose said:
Or maybe she likes being mysterious, and enjoys watching people fumble about in the dark...:p
There's that as well - the fun of the chase and being seen to be mysterious. :D
KnightoftheRose said:
Or maybe she likes being mysterious, and enjoys watching people fumble about in the dark...:p
she loves being a lil mysterious but she never manages it beause she enjoys talking abt herself, not in a conceited way but she has had a very troubled life and believes that talking about it helps.

i am female and we have been close friends for well over 2 years now. i kno she is not of any wiccan faith because i was a hedge witch for a while and even though she respected it and listened when i spoke about it, she never agreed with it.

i totally respect her religion whatever it will turn out to be, but i am an observer of religion, and i am intrigued s to what faith my friend could possibly have. she has always been person who's so strong nd so set in her opinion and ability to argue her opinion that she does not need a religion to do so.

anyway, thank you all for your help and suggestions. i will post more if i find out what it is.

Hamrah x
I have had friends I have Knoow for years they know I am sometype of Christian but other than that I am sure wonder what.

Maybe this is the same type story I dont know
I Have friends whose beliefs are so diferent than mine I dont even try anymore it just ends up in an arhuement with bothsides being offened

My God Jesus was not accepted around his Family and friends and one went to his town once at the very beginning of his ministry. It seemd and I am quit sure that the Bible say a prophet in his own twon is wothout honor.

Her silence could be out of respect for your friendship. As my slilence is towrads my friends I do not want to offend them I am not shamed of the gospel but believe they will be much better served hearing it from somebody else. I mean reall would the guys I used to perty with really take me serious

Your concern for your friend is wonderful watch for signs that are detremental to her physical well being listen careful for thoughts that would be harmful to her or others. If you are not seeing and not hearing those things than let her grow in her faith when she blooms you will be able to Identify the flower.

By their fruits ye shall know them :)
What you can do is tell her you would like to go to one of her prayer services. Not to convert but just to have an understanding of her religion. She might not want you or her bf to know about it because she is afraid you will criticize her about her religion.