Who Is Our God?


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In a field of grass singing to daisies
Only one is meant to be revered and adored and loved and no other. Deep, deep is wisdom and compassion. Deep is the knowledge of the unkown. Deep is his love for every single one of us. All beings have their purpose, all phenomena has its purpose.

Imagine that you are walking and you fall in a construction site. The fall is 100 meters deep. You are going to fall and meet your demise. You fall. And you didn't even suspect you would be caught...I mean, why would you? Why would someone magically catch you? That doesnt make sense.

But you are caught. Your beating heart relaxes. It recognizes the face of Love.

God never lets you down. He will never forsake nor abandon you. Its all for a great purpose. It all makes sense. He always catches you, even when you didnt believe. He always saves the day. He caught you millions of times before and he will catch you millions of times again. He's been watching your progress and he's proud. The Heavenly Father knows best. You can never go wrong with a Father who deeply understands his children...wise, wise. Only he Understands the meaning of existence and he made it possible. And he loves you. And he'll catch you.

My only true hero in all this mess...

How can you not love the one who made all this possible for all of us? How can you not revere him and tell him you love him each and every second of the day?

I wish I was a better writer. I wish all could see that infinite are the possibilites...there is so much more.

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Is it correct to assume "Our God" pertains to everybody even if an individual does not claim God as his God?
Everyone claims God is the one who catches you.
Is it really everyone though? As I read some posts, I can’t help but think how this type of blanket statement isn’t in accordance with interfaith. There are people who don’t claim that God is the one doing the catching. Some or many may feel that way, but not all.

So broadly speaking, how do we engage in interfaith dialogue when universal statements are made?
this type of blanket statement isn’t in accordance with interfaith. There are people who don’t claim that God is the one doing the catching.

Show me one argument for god where it isnt adjacent with the semantics "the one who catches you."

So broadly speaking, how do we engage in interfaith dialogue when universal statements are made?

So we cant say the earth is round, which would be a universal statement. For it to be an 'interfaith dialogue' we would have to accept that for some the earth is flat. The world is round is a blanket statement acording to you. Saying everyone consumes food is a blanket statement, some do it but not all.
For it to be an 'interfaith dialogue' we would have to accept that for some the earth is flat.
I’m not making the claim across topics, I’m saying specifically for the lens of interfaith.
I’m not making the claim across topics, I’m saying specifically for the lens of interfaith.
It’s amazing how if one simply says at the beginning “I believe that.......” or “In my opinion.......” a statement becomes less a doctrinaire line in the sand and more a sharing of thoughts and values that can be discussed and shared, not debated.
It’s amazing how if one simply says at the beginning “I believe that.......” or “In my opinion.......” a statement becomes less a doctrinaire line in the sand and more a sharing of thoughts and values that can be discussed and shared, not debated.
Couldn’t agree more.
It’s amazing how if one simply says at the beginning “I believe that.......” or “In my opinion.......” a statement becomes less a doctrinaire line in the sand and more a sharing of thoughts and values that can be discussed and shared, not debated.

In your opinion...

See what I did there?...ponder on that. The terms 'in my opinion' 'I think' 'I believe', etc., have been studied thoroughly in the science known as oratory. They are a form of passive language, bland, timid, weak, ashamed. Let people own what the say. Of course its 'in their opinion' everything we say is in 'our opinion.' It goes without saying.

Saying that facts are opinions is a wrong use of the word opinion.
"Brad Pitt is cute" is an opinion, cause its based on taste. "The red apple is red" is not an opinion. If you think it is, then colors would all be subjective, since there are color blind people in the world, so if we go to a car dealership we would have to say;
"I would like this model, but in a different color, that color which in my opinion is red"
"You mean you want the red car?"
"In my opinion the color I desire for it is red, yes"

"In my opinion I am hungry"
"In my opinion 2+2 is 4"
"In my opinion Bach is a great composer"

Its a silly way of talking. 2+2 is 4, Bach is a great composer, if you feel hunger you are hungry.
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All good, beautiful, but when it comes to the unknowns and unproveables we are leaving facts and back to belief and opinions.

And 2+2 only =4 if we accept some common ground first.
They are a form of passive language, bland, timid, weak, ashamed. Let people own what the say.
Around here, we own our opinions, and it is a matter of courtesy to state it when we do.
I think' 'I believe', etc., have been studied thoroughly in the science known as oratory. They are a form of passive language, bland, timid, weak, ashamed
But this isn't an oratory space. It isn't a soapbox. It's meant to be a reasonably civil discussion space, about faith issues between different faiths which are often quite delicate and where it can be easy to be misunderstood?
Bach is a great composer
Does Marilyn Manson agree, though?
Of course its 'in their opinion' everything we say is in 'our opinion.' It goes without saying.
Well that's ok. Let's take it as read, from now on?:)
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