Dreams, Visions and Expereinces in the Christian Faith



Joel2:28 And it shall come to pass afterward,
that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh;
and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
your old men shall dream dreams,
your young men shall see visions:
2:29 And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids
in those days will I pour out my spirit.

I opened this thread for those in the Christian Faith to share experiences, dreams, visions and special things from the Lord. I dont have a problem speaking of these things.

And pulled the original postings from here>

We do not need to examine, explain them or try to excercise, but rather edify each other simply by sharing.:)

No one has to feel awkward about recieving a gift or having something special from our Lord Jesus.

The night I recieved the Holy Ghost, I was praying and seeking God for about 2 hours. Others prayed with me. All I focused on was the cross, Jesus and the blood. He was on a hill and it was dark, in the distance and I was on my knees.
The blood trickled like a little stream down the hill toward me and in all different directions. The more I sought the face of God and His spirit, the closer the cross came to me. The image became clearer with a blue and clear sky and the dark sky faded away.

As I was being filled with the spirit of God, I found myself touching the cross with my face at the feet of Jesus and the blood was like a pool around me. It was the Holy Ghost with Power and Joy and Peace with claimed victory that came to me through the blood that Jesus shed and I will never forget that night and being so close to Calvary. Bandit
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New Member
Taken from this thread... 'Which part of Jesus's life...'

On a more personal note,
Being in the military, I am used to "standing Guard", and maintaining my post for several hours at a time. In this light I will describe a very lucid "dream" I once had.

I'm in uniform with a rifle, standing guard. I have orders to "shoot to kill" anyone who attempts to encroach my post. But I can't look back to see what it is I'm guarding. There is much more to the dream, but the end result is this.

I "hear" this long "breathy" sound behind me, and the sky grows dark, with the air becoming quite still. Finally, I can physically turn around. When I do, I see the body of a man hanging from a cross, then as I look at the face, I feel myself being pulled away from the whole scene (like a first person perspective view of a movie camera zooming backwards). Of course it caused me to bolt up straight in bed, wide awake, wondering what just happened. I was shaken to the point, that sleep for the rest of the night was impossible. It felt so real, that I remember it to this day, like it was something that really happened, not just a dream. People did approach from time to time. I dutifully I sighted my rifle on them. However, as I saw their faces in the cross hairs, each face was exactly the same, though the people were different (male, female, rich, ragged, etc.). They all had wretched faces, with pain and shredded visages. I felt pity for them, and lowered my weapon. They however, did not attempt to come closer, but simply walked away, only to have another approach a little time later, with the same expression and torn face as the one before.

What puzzled me the most was they all had similar faces. It was most disturbing. Was it the face of Jesus I was seeing? Can't be certain. Remember as I was finally able to turn around to see what I was guarding, and looked up towards the face of the hanging man, I was immediately pulled away (very fast I might add), and ended up back in my own bed, confused.

I know I was doing something important (besides the cryptic illusion of standing guard), I'm just not certain yet, what that important thing was.

Even so, if their ever is a discovery of a "lost painting or text" by a famous genius/artist/writer that shows or speaks of a shadowy figure in blue fatigues and looks like it is wearing a "combat" helmet, and carrying a stick at "port arms" that looks similar to an M-16, standing at the foot of the cross...Quahom1
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Senior Member
I'm actually a little jealous of all of you but I know that you received what you were supposed to and it was not for me to receive. The only experience I've ever had (sans visions) was the extreme sensation that the Holy Ghost was hugging me. I was at a normal (almost banal) Morning Prayer Service - nothing emotional or evocotive going on. The priest was delivering a so-so sermon and all the sudden I had the feel that someone behind me was hugging me - like a warm blanket - and a great sense of peace that regardless of how anything appeared, everything would always work out for the best. Now, this wasn't something I was yearning to know at that relatively untroubled time, but the sensation has stuck with me clearly ever sense and, of course, things do not always stay untroubled but in the ensuing years, I have gone back to that many times when real trouble has appeared and the sense of peace at that brief moment on that day has sustained me many, many times. timrevis
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New Member
I had one other experience (and I remember this well too but it was so long ago that I don't think about it often but when I do, I can remember it well) I was very young - four or younger because I know the house where we lived and my sister wasn't born yet - it was Sunday, we'd been to church and come home and I was outside playing on the swing set and I heard God laugh at me - a laugh like I was amusing him. It was a perfectly sunny day, cold but very clear - I went in the house and told my parents that God had laughed at me and they said it must have been thunder or something but it wasn't because it was a clear day. I didn't argue with them because I knew better but that felt good too, I recall, because it seemed like I was amusing God by just playing.

My father told me once that he had felt he might have been visited by the Holy Ghost. His father died the year before I was born and he and his father were very close; Dad said they were more like friends. He came home from the funeral and felt desolate and laid down on the sofa and said he felt like he wanted to die and he said a spot of light - like a penlight - formed near the ceiling and drifted down and setteled on the arm of the sofa near his head and he had an overwhelming sense of peace. (that "everything's going to be o.k." feeling) He said he thought it was his father's spirit for a moment but he later decided it was the Holy Ghost - I don't know why he made that decision - I never asked and he never clarified. timrevis
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New Member
That is really neat. The penlight is a good description.
I had the same thing happen. On the day of spreading her ashes, I was up to 3 a.m. crying over her loss. When I felt a spirit come into the room from above. It was her voice that called out my name saying, "I am alright. Everything is going to be alright."
Then it left and I immediately fell to sleep.
I think it was her and not the Holy Ghost, because the Holy Ghost seems to operate a little different, kind of like the warm hug you got.
I suppose it could have been the Holy Ghost or an angel revealing that she is ok, but the presence was much smaller, more like that of a person in the room instead of filling me and surrounding me completely.

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New Member
From the other thread I agree with you Quahom1, that God is subtle and persistant. With that in mind He can surely guide and reveal things to us when we allow Him to.

I just have one question about the dream Standing Guard and the cross...
Can you remember what you were feeling in the dream? and do you remember what you were feeling when you woke from the dream?
I am just kind of wondering and do not want to imply or try to figure anything out about it, I am just wondering out of curiousity:)
Whenever you have time to reply and you don't have to feel obligated to answer if you don't want to.
My dream

I was in a dark dingy house.. the feeling was depressed or oppressed. There wasnt any light it was like I was looking at everything through a dark fog or like a shadow. There was a sick child sleeping on a mat on the floor. I looked at the parents and they were just standing there apathetic. Not caring that the child was sick. I went to the kitchen to get the child something to eat. She looked like she was starving and the lights kept going out.. I turned the lightbulbs and they would flicker but go out again. I opened the fridge and the food inside was all rotten. Then I realized there was someone else in the house.. a man. And I knew it when I looked at this man that he was the reason the child was sick why the food was rotten why the lights kept going out and why the parents didnt care. I started praying out loud that Jesus would bind this man from doing more harm and he just stared at me with this smirk on his face I looked at the parents and they just looked at me like "what the hell are you doing?" Like I was nuts.They didnt see that anything was wrong. Then the scene changed. I was in a car driving away from there and it was beautiful .. like a green pasture and the sun was shining so brightly.

Then I woke up. I had prayed for a dream before I went to bed. This is what I got.I asked for God to tell me what it meant. I called my mom later that day. I need to tell you that my mom has always had visions and dreams. I believe she gets them because she doesnt need them to increase her faith. Shes the one that taught me to pray for dreams. Anyways she helped me with the symbols.

The sick child represents Faith.
The uncaring parents represent apathy.
The lights going out represents the Light of Christ.
The rotten food is the Word.
The smirking man was the influence of or the person of satan.
Driving away is leaving that world behind because I lived in that world for 9 years.
The green pastures.. hmm .... :) "He maketh me to lie down in green pastures..." It was so beautiful.

On reflection.. I see how this can be a multifold dream.. there are more personal aspects to this dream that Im choosing not to share because its something that Im dealing with now. I believe I had a prophetic dream about something thats going on in my life and I need to get it sorted out without sharing it.

I still remember this dream like it really happened. It was such a profound experience for me. It has radically changed my life. I will never forget it.
I think that is a hard thing when you see something that is not right and you try to help or make it better, but some cannot see that there is a better way and God has promises and blessings for us and others.

I have had similiar dreams that way, where I was trying to change and move something for the better, but no one understood or cared about what I was trying to do. It was hard to take control because I was alone (or so it appeared), doing it and seeing it by myself. As the end result, turning to God and His ways makes everything come out alright.

Dreams can have multifold meanings. Especially when I consider Solomon. Then sometimes a dream may not mean anything. And other times a dream or vision can hold a specific answer to a question that has been needing an answer. I do believe God deals with us in dreams and vision and in many different ways we just cannot see sometimes.

FaithfulServant, your dream is a blessing and I can relate to the things you were seeing.

'He maketh me to lie down in green pastures' Thanks so much.:)
I will say that a even now over a year later after having had that dream. I know that God was telling me it was time to leave a situation. That Christ was not in the man I was spending my life with. My struggle leading up to that dream was being with someone who didnt know Christ or care to know him. We can pray for someone but it doesnt mean they are going to choose to listen to God when he speaks. I was praying that Jesus would please bind satan from harming my home and as long as satan is in my home of someone elses will I cannot do anything but leave.

I believe that God is lopping off some branches in my life and is allowing things to get nasty so its easier for me to leave. Its a long story and probably boring to anyone that doesnt know me so I wont go into details.

I think its multifold also because its showing the World today in regards to Christ. If you look at the symbols with whats going on in the world today it makes a sick sort of sense.
Bandit said:
From the other thread I agree with you Quahom1, that God is subtle and persistant. With that in mind He can surely guide and reveal things to us when we allow Him to.

I just have one question about the dream Standing Guard and the cross...
Can you remember what you were feeling in the dream? and do you remember what you were feeling when you woke from the dream?
I am just kind of wondering and do not want to imply or try to figure anything out about it, I am just wondering out of curiousity:)
Whenever you have time to reply and you don't have to feel obligated to answer if you don't want to.
Good evening Bandit,

Glad to see this thread became real... :D

Funny you should ask these questions, for they cause the memory and "feelings" to re-emerge. I forgot about the feelings I was having.

At first I was angry and wrathful, self righteous and powerful, because the "people" were the reason I had to stand guard over what ever was behind me and I had the power to do something, maybe destroy them, or stop them before they could do anymore damage. Then pity, when I saw their "broken" faces and fear when I realized I did have the power as noted above, and almost used it on broken people. Then shock when I finally saw what I was guarding...and when I woke up in my real bed, I felt a sense of loss, or having something taken away from me. I almost had it, but was wisked away because the "it" I wanted was already gone. Oh my...Now I know that I was mistaken. It was right there in front of me.

Thank you Bandit, I now know what the dream means, and that has given me a healthy humility. Mt 25:40


I just got chills when you described that then I had to reread your dream and then I read the verse. I felt that applied to be also on a personal level and Im very glad you shared that revelation.

Faithfulservant said:
I just got chills when you described that then I had to reread your dream and then I read the verse. I felt that applied to be also on a personal level and Im very glad you shared that revelation.

Good Morning Faithful,

Yes, we all have power, and God does not attempt to stop us from using it. He just points out that, maybe we might be affecting more than just our "target". This can be in our every day life, or in the greater scheme of things...God also "takes" His faithful out of the rage of battle some times, in order for rest and healing to take place. We, don't always know when to leave a fight, but He does. Maybe you needed a rest...there was a time when I did, I just didn't know it until years later...


After visiting the Greeks Islands with my family we bought home an Icon of the Virgin Mary with Jesus as a child. We put the Icon in my sister’s room. Weeks later and a clear oil substance cryed out of both eyes but no possible way for any oil to come out of anywhere. This went on for weeks and mysteriously stopped. The oil actually covered the window seal but you would turn the icon round on its back and no oil would be there, it was a true miracle. My sister was 13 little brother 10 and I was 15 none of us had anything to do with it. I heard it does happen and even preists from our villages have clamied they witnessed such a thing.
It all looks good to me:) I see that God may use dreams and visions and different experiences for direction and answers. Maybe because when we are fully awake we are distracted by the material things of earth.

We do not have to fear these things, because GREATER is he that is in us than he that is in the world. God did not give us a spirit of fear, but He gave us a spirit of POWER.

I want to share an experience, that may help others be aware of the difference, in how a good spirit and a bad spirit will act. A good spirit will come gently, subtle and bring warmth and comfort and power and deliverance, like that of the Holy Ghost, making it's presence known.
A bad spirit will make its presence known and will appear cold and forceful, tricking and cunning, bringing uncertainty and doubt, trying to defeat a child of God.

I want to share another experience from about 10 years ago. I was sleeping, yet it was a conscious sleep. I saw a bad spirit enter the room through the window. It was black and hovered over me, then began to smother me by holding my body down and was relentless in choking me about the throat. I could not wake up. I struggled with it, calling on the name of Jesus and rebuking it.

I was aware that my wife was awake in the other room watching television and so I struggled to call her name also.
I wrestled with the bad spirit for probably 10 minutes but it seemed like a very long time. My breath was being cut off and while I tried calling out for Jesus, I realized I could only utter small sounds to have the bad spirit release me. So I repeated over and over "In Jesus Name, In Jesus Name!"

Somehow my wife heard my struggling and opened the door calling my name and she came in and stood in the room. When at that instant I woke up and sat up in bed and the bad spirit left.
We both heard several loud thumps across the roof, then sounds of loud walking footsteps from outside the bedroom wall as it dissipated away from the property.
She thought it was an animal. I said, "No. It was a bad spirit that came to tempt me." I went on the explain to her what had just happened.

That very same week another brother at the church testified of the same EXACT trouble that visited him. Knowing how to defeat these things we all know to call on the name of Jesus to deliver us and give us the power we need for victory.

The only difference was when he woke up and looked out the window, there was a black bird (he was not sure what kind of bird) that flew away from the balcony ledge instead of hearing any noise or sound.
We were both in awe that the same thing happened to us and we both could rejoice that God delivers us from the enemy.

So God wants to reveal himself to us and give us direction. We just have to be still, wait on his timing, and allow Him to show his greatness. God is willing and able to fight our battles for us, if we allow Him.
Every dream and vision. Every situation and trouble. Every mountain and valley. Every storm and battle, makes us stronger in the power of His might.

So that when we look back, look forward and look at the now, all we see is Victory:)

"For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the
flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but
mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)
Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that
exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing
into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;"
2 Corinthians 10:3-5, KJV

"Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life,
whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good
profession before many witnesses."
1 Timothy 6:12, KJV

"Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus
Christ. No man that warreth entangleth himself with the
affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen
him to be a soldier."
2 Timothy 2:3-4, KJV

"I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I
have kept the faith:"
2 Timothy 4:7, KJV

"Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the
power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye
may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we
wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against
principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the
darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high
Ephesians 6:10-12, KJV

"For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper
than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing
asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow,
and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the
Hebrews 4:12, KJV
Postmaster said:
After visiting the Greeks Islands with my family we bought home an Icon of the Virgin Mary with Jesus as a child. We put the Icon in my sister’s room. Weeks later and a clear oil substance cryed out of both eyes but no possible way for any oil to come out of anywhere. This went on for weeks and mysteriously stopped. The oil actually covered the window seal but you would turn the icon round on its back and no oil would be there, it was a true miracle. My sister was 13 little brother 10 and I was 15 none of us had anything to do with it. I heard it does happen and even preists from our villages have clamied they witnessed such a thing.
I believe things like this can happen too:)
Postmaster said:
After visiting the Greeks Islands with my family we bought home an Icon of the Virgin Mary with Jesus as a child. We put the Icon in my sister’s room. Weeks later and a clear oil substance cryed out of both eyes but no possible way for any oil to come out of anywhere. This went on for weeks and mysteriously stopped. The oil actually covered the window seal but you would turn the icon round on its back and no oil would be there, it was a true miracle. My sister was 13 little brother 10 and I was 15 none of us had anything to do with it. I heard it does happen and even preists from our villages have clamied they witnessed such a thing.
Hello Postmaster,

What a strange thing you describe. Wood contains resin and sap, not oil or water. Even if the Icon was hewn from unseasoned wood, it still would not leak "oil" or water. If anything it would be resin (very sticky and eventually hardens upon contact with air), not a viscous liquid. I seem to remember something from the past about a statue and my grand mother...

I'll have to get back with you on it. Very interesting.


The Icon wood was made out of MDF and the image of Mary and Christ was a stuck card. These Icons are actually made by the church and sold to tourists for charity. I'm the biggest skeptic in the world, there is a part of me that says a beautiful unexplained thing happened and the other side of me says there is an explanation. I suppose it takes a leap of faith to accept it, something I'm on the boarder of. The phenomenon of Crying icons is not uncommon, well it is but it’s not unheard of. It takes a leap of faith to say irrational things can and do happen and there is a hidden beauty to miracles. I can say it was oil because after we cleaned it off the crying stoped, but when you touched it it wouldnt come off and the way it reacted to water.

My family has a massive history is these sorts of phenomenon happening, my great grandfather was the founder to one of the churches of our village when a saint came to him in a dream and told him to go to a place where he will dig and find his Icon from the past. When he told the villagers they thought he was insane. It wasn't until he returned to the village with the icon that they took him seriously and went about building a church in that saints name. That church is famous for the miracle that has gone on there. Many ill children and adults have been miraculously cured of all sorts of problems. We've had dreams of holy people to there images appearing on fruit. To many people this may sound far fetched, and hoaxs are what ruin it, which make people think they are scams. But these hoaxs actaully come about from the myth of when they really do happen and they do!
Ok Im going to post another dream I had. I was dealing with persecution at work because of my faith. I had scoffers and ppl sneering at me because I would read my bible at break.. anyways I had this dream which I took to mean as a warning.

I was driving in my car.. I had just left a bible study.. my bible was sitting on the passenger seat of my car. I was listening to worship music and I get pulled over by a couple of policemen. One was a male and one was a female.. I had done nothing wrong to get pulled over it seemed like it was just a random stop.
I step out and am asked what I was doing I said im going home.. where were you at I said I was at a bible study.. Immediately the female cop starts sneering at me just being really foul.. the male was standing back not getting involved. I felt persecuted. Then I woke up.

This dream seemed to me a warning about being persecuted by authority figures and how its going to get that bad in the future.

Its not as big a dream to me as the first one I posted but I felt blessed by it anyways.
Faithfulservant said:
I believe that God is lopping off some branches in my life

Hmmm interesting statement check out the 'Tree of Life' thread GOD showed me a vision of a tree that was dying and the branches were breaking off. The tree of life is rotting at its roots due to selfishness. But we will plant a new tree with new roots, once we have pulled out the old roots.

GOD bless you

Dear Faithfulservant

dreams of persecution are natural as more and more unconscious memories of past lives are coming to the fore in dream state, it has an important purpose and it shows us what we need to heal within.

Dear Bandit

What a wonderful thread. The most important one for me this last year was in January 2004, I just woke up and saw myself beyond the veil being dressed in a white gown by angels, I asked why I was being dressed like this and the angels replied 'You are a Bride of Christ'. Up to this point I had never heard of this term, following this I received the Christ Vision of Peace and the 'Sacred Union with the Divine' article.

If anyone else as this experience of the 'Bride of Christ', hearing wedding bells or wedding songs, please let me know as I am recording others experiences for a future book. After this experience I kept hearing the song 'I'm getting married in the morning' from My Fair Lady.

Love beyond measure

'I'm getting married in the morning' from My Fair Lady.
That is a nice dream SacredStar:) . You know I think we are getting married in the morning to Jesus. That revelation in full has not been out real long. maybe the last 100 years that I am aware of.

I just wonder, do you remember any feelings of preparation in that dream? Did the adorning of the gown seem like perfection? Like no wrinkles or spots.

The first I learned about the bride of Chirst was in 3rd grade sunday school. There was a bride manican dressed for a wedding that stayed in the class all year. I remember the teaching was awesome how this woman prepares for the wedding and banquet so that when the time comes all she has to do is put on the wedding dress and walk down the isle.
Because the groom does not want his bride to meet him in ripped blue jeans and t shirt and dirty and she does not want to be late. But clean, beautiful and pure and true to Him.
Then through the preparation, they go right to the marriage supper with no problems a live together forever.:)
Hello Sacredstar :)

I use the parable of The Barren Fig Tree a lot in my life. When I say that God is lopping of branches I mean that he's removing things from my life that arent bearing fruit. He does this quite a lot.. and some of the time its without my willing participation. lol
God Bless
Dear Bandit

Bandit said:
That is a nice dream SacredStar:) .

Oh it wasn't a dream Bandit, I was woken up and saw the vision beyond the veil with my eyes wide open. There was no other preparation, yes the gown was as perfect as any wedding dress and veil an so were the angels dressing me.

Bandit said:
You know I think we are getting married in the morning to Jesus. That revelation in full has not been out real long. maybe the last 100 years that I am aware of.

Oh yes the lover and the beloved.

Which revelation are you referring to? It is in the Bible and also mentioned in the Gnostic Gospels I discovered afterwards.

Dear Faithfulservant

Do you ever consider that some of your experiences are for humanity and not just for yourself? When this happens do you ask for guidance and to understand the message? For instance when I was shown the tree that day, I sat down in prayerful meditation until I received the responses to my questions.

Blessings in abundance
