MOVED: Which history would you visit?


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Yorkshire, UK
Probably much better off in the actual history section. :)

i would love to have been around before the flood. yeah more and likely God would have taken me out with the flood but i can only imagine the sights there. angels were among us, giants! people were living more than 100 yrs! everything was just so chaotic. i just find it fascinating.
Would have to be the time of the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) of course. I would love to meet him and see how history has distorted him.

Second choice:

The court of Queen Elizabeth I. An intriguing time in our history and I love the dresses :D (for an intelligent woman I can be so fickle sometimes lol)

Erm what history section?
Well I thought long on this but think we are lucky enough to life in the most fantastic time to date. As a second choice, perhaps north America prior to the invasion of Europeans or 2000 yr old China.
Would have to be the time of the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) of course. I would love to meet him and see how history has distorted him.
hi muslimwoman, and what would you talk about with him and what would you ask him?

The court of Queen Elizabeth I. An intriguing time in our history and I love the dresses :D (for an intelligent woman I can be so fickle sometimes lol)
why in that era, i mean it can't be just for the dresses!
Well I thought long on this but think we are lucky enough to life in the most fantastic time to date. As a second choice, perhaps north America prior to the invasion of Europeans or 2000 yr old China.
hello tao, just curious, why would you choose north america and china during those times?
Ireland way back before there were too many invasions..(there were always invasions), but maybe to when the "Tuatha De Dannan" (peoples of the goddess Danu) were around. They were the fifth group of inhabitants of Ireland according to the "Book of Invasions" tradition.. there are more myths about them than anything else, but there is truth there...

Or some parts of North America, say the Hopi and Pueblo Native Americans before the Europeans landed
hello tao, just curious, why would you choose north america and china during those times?

North America so I could get to know all about the native beliefs and more especially observe and partake in the land management practices they were said to employ.

China at that time, or perhaps a little earlier - say around the time of Lao Tzu. Just to more fully understand what people were thinking and doing in that time and place. It was the Asian equivalent of the heyday of classical Greece, an age of enlightenment and I know little about it. Much of the science they knew back then has been lost to us and I would love to see the true extent of their knowledge.

hi muslimwoman, and what would you talk about with him and what would you ask him?

I would ask for the truth of all the silly things we Muslims now 'discuss' (argue about), which are true and which are man made? What was his real vision for the Ummah? But most importantly I would ask what I can do on a personal level to please Allah.

why in that era, i mean it can't be just for the dresses!

Hee, hee, no. I just love the Elizabethan era, the architecture, the art, the literature and of course it was one of the great turning points of our countries history, a time of discovery and boy was that a strong woman. Can you imagine a life where women are still considered legal property of men and to be Queen of England, bastard (to some) daughter of Henry VIII, amid hundreds of powerful men. She must have hidden in her bed and wept a few times. Gosh I would love to meet her, she was strong, powerful and yet never lost her feminine side.
hi muslimwoman,
I would ask for the truth of all the silly things we Muslims now 'discuss' (argue about), which are true and which are man made? What was his real vision for the Ummah? But most importantly I would ask what I can do on a personal level to please Allah.
i see what you mean. during the flood there was a guy named Enoch. well, he walked with God just enough to be taken to heaven. i would have loved to talk to someone who was going to be taken to heaven. i would ask him so many questions.
Hee, hee, no. I just love the Elizabethan era, the architecture, the art, the literature and of course it was one of the great turning points of our countries history, a time of discovery and boy was that a strong woman. Can you imagine a life where women are still considered legal property of men and to be Queen of England, bastard (to some) daughter of Henry VIII, amid hundreds of powerful men. She must have hidden in her bed and wept a few times. Gosh I would love to meet her, she was strong, powerful and yet never lost her feminine side.
i ask because i would have loved to witness that era, too, but for all the wrong reasons! lol.:D
hi tao,
North America so I could get to know all about the native beliefs and more especially observe and partake in the land management practices they were said to employ.
that is very interesting, especially from someone who lives in europe. but don't you think that these practices are archaic and obselete compared to the way land is managed today?

China at that time, or perhaps a little earlier - say around the time of Lao Tzu. Just to more fully understand what people were thinking and doing in that time and place. It was the Asian equivalent of the heyday of classical Greece, an age of enlightenment and I know little about it. Much of the science they knew back then has been lost to us and I would love to see the true extent of their knowledge.
yeah, that is a pretty cool era to have seen, but i would have learned martial arts from the greatest in that period. that's just me. but the knowledge and lifestyle in that era is amazing.
hi muslimwoman,
i see what you mean. during the flood there was a guy named Enoch. well, he walked with God just enough to be taken to heaven. i would have loved to talk to someone who was going to be taken to heaven. i would ask him so many questions.

What sort of questions would you ask?

i ask because i would have loved to witness that era, too, but for all the wrong reasons! lol.:D

What, you wanted to discover the potato or you want to wear a ruff?