Is Islam a myth?

What gives one faith the right to claim God's word above all others? Their own scripture says so? But the other faiths insist that no -- it is their own scripture alone which is God's true word. How is it to be decided?

Surely if God speaks to my soul, that is between me and God. Why should I need to go out there trying to correct and educate others that their own faith is wrong, and mine alone is right? God knows the heart of every human being. God meets us where we are. Wherever we are?

It's understood that rulers use religion to oppress and to gain power and so on. But why do the people need to?
Genuine missionary activity of bringing 'church' medicine and schools etc, to remote people is not the same -- although it can also be abused.
The NT is about the birth of a new way of approaching G-d, a way that had always been there but people had forgotten or grown away from or politically stifled from pursuing..

If that's what you think. I'll stick to "the old way", thanks. One God, and no "persons".
Surely if God speaks to my soul, that is between me and God. Why should I need to go out there trying to correct and educate others that their own faith is wrong, and mine alone is right? God knows the heart of every human being. God meets us where we are. Wherever we are?

Come on .. you know that's rubbish..
"Wish for others what you wish for yourself"

Education is very important. There would be no true guidance without it. Human beings aren't THAT clever.
Only God's messengers are in a position to know the truth, and have a good chance against satan.
We need to know what they taught.

Why should you be right or I be right just because we happened to inherit some particular faith?
Rational debate is important. We ignore it at our peril.
Come on .. you know that's rubbish..
Why do I know that?

Education is very important.
All round education is.
There would be no true guidance without it
But which guidance is true? I disagree that Islam's guidance is the only true guidance. I strongly disagree with you about that. I dispute that it is the only true guidance.
Only God's messengers are in a position to know the truth, and have a good chance against satan.
The messenger that approved by Islam? Others have their own messengers -- and which are not limited by the constraints placed upon them by the Quran .
We need to know what they taught.
Fair enough. But then we can disagree with what they taught?
Why should you be right or I be right just because we happened to inherit some particular faith?
But that's what I've been saying all along. G-d made EVERYBODY, and it was VERY good. Your path is not the only way, and neither, frankly, is mine. I don't believe a loving, merciful G-d would create 9/10s of all the people ever born just to be kindling for an eternal bonfire.

We are placed where He deems appropriate, and the "offer" if you will is made to reach back to Him, and from there it is on the individual to make that reach. Those individuals, no matter the customs or culture or tradition they are born into, who make the effort to reach out will find Him, He isn't hard to find. But no one path is exclusive and all the rest doomed to fail.
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OK, but is this not "that you have preconceived ideas. You interpret the Bible in light of them."?

We all have preconceived ideas, naturally.
The thing is, where did they originate and are we prepared to have a rational debate and update them?

Almighty God knows why we say what we say, and on the day of judgement there is nowhere to hide. one path is exclusive and all the rest doomed to fail.

I would agree that it is not as simple as that.
However, if somebody knowingly embarks on a path purely out of whim or desire, that is highly
unlikely to lead to success.
Life is a journey. Some people make spiritual progress, and some don't.
Death is final. If we forget God or compromise our faith for worldly benefit, we reap the consequences.
We all have preconceived ideas, naturally.
The thing is, where did they originate and are we prepared to have a rational debate and update them?

Almighty God knows why we say what we say, and on the day of judgement there is nowhere to hide.
Yes, as long as you not just realize, but internalize that "we" includes you personally.

And since G-d is the judge, I will leave to Him the determination whether anybody has properly fulfilled their obligations to Him. That is not my call to make.
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The thing is, and not limited to any one faith, so many get caught up in "my way is the right way for you!" that they lose sight of their way being the right way for themselves.
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Well, that's for you decide. It appears that you think that faith is not about rationality.
So we all decide what to "choose" for our own reasons.
But what makes a person insist that 'God' needs to be 'rational' by their own immediate human standard? It sounds a bit like casting attributes?
But what makes a person insist that 'God' needs to be 'rational' by their own immediate human standard? It sounds a bit like casting attributes?
To my way of thinking, G-d set in motion the laws of the universe (or laws of nature if you prefer), and those laws are inviolable. G-d doesn't bend the rules, and He sure doesn't break them (or He would be no less capricious than any of the Greco/Roman/Egyptian gods attributed to their whims and fancy). That said, what we collectively view as "supernatural" insomuch as it truly exists must operate within the realm of the laws of the universe. I don't think science FULLY grasps those laws yet - a good start, but not fully, not even close.
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To my way of thinking, G-d set in motion the laws of the universe (or laws of nature if you prefer), and those laws are inviolable. G-d doesn't bend the rules, and He sure doesn't break them (or He would be no less capricious than any of the Greco/Roman/Egyptian gods attributed to their whims and fancy). That said, what we collectively view as "supernatural" insomuch as it truly exists must operate within the realm of the laws of the universe. I don't think science FULLY grasps those laws yet - a good start, but not fully, not even close.
Fine. The two slit experiment isn't rational, but it's the truth. Quantum entanglement isn't rational but it's the truth? A single electron can be everywhere at all times backwards and forwards through time, with less than zero probability, is not rational but it's the truth?

So it's a bit dicey insisting what God has to be?
Fine. The two slit experiment isn't rational, but it's the truth. Quantum entanglement isn't rational but it's the truth? A single electron can be everywhere at all times backwards and forwards through time, with less than zero probability, is not rational but it's the truth?

Do you expect to understand all scientific phenomena? I don't.
That is a bit different to basing a faith in God on something other than the first commandment.
It implies that God is a fool, imo :)

The suggestion that a particular creed might not be rational but is true, could be claimed by a multtiude of polytheists.
Do you expect to understand all scientific phenomena
Ah no. But I'm grateful to be allowed to check it out.

In fact all electrons are really just point observance manifestation of one single electron field, thtough all the infinite universe and infinite time -- so how fortunate we are to be living at a time when instead of limited luddite theocracies we have elected secular governments not only to allow but actively encourage and finance such research?