'THE TRUTH' reality based belief system explanation.


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I do not expect to change what people believe or want anything for this.

Still feeling reluctant to say any of this through the worry of upsetting people, I apologise in advance if what I write offends anyone.

Here goes.


There is another belief emerging but one that is probably the oldest just being rethought about because the truth has always been the truth.

I cannot be the only person alive today who thinks about this stuff but have met no others, yet.

I called this belief 'The Truth' because it is based on facts, objects and processes from reality.

I then mix in some non-factual elements I choose to believe in because they makes sense to me and I like the idea.

At times it will sound like a science/history/chemistry lesson but it's all necessary if you want to understand what 'The Truth' is about.

I'm guessing if you read it to the end you will be enlightened but then you may already know it all.

Looking back a little way in history we hear that some of Earth's cultures have believed that the Sun was God before.

I'm not saying I believe the Sun alone is God, I choose to believe God is everything in the whole Universe/Multiverses, every last piece of energy, matter, anti-matter, dark matter and everything else within it, or, 'The All'

So imagine this was fact that God is 'The All,' it'd mean the Sun is the largest and most powerful lump of God at close proximity to us.

We are forever under its influence, Earth is locked in it's gravitational pull as we ride stuck on by gravity at the bottom of an ocean of air orbiting the ruler of our system which also happens to be our supplier of God's purest energy, Starlight.

It somehow seems just as close, even closer at times to us than Earth is when it extends out from 8 light minutes away and still touches us, as you must already know, it and every physical thing in it's system is constructed from bits of Universe that we call elements.

The other planets and moons in our system all affect us but they are somewhat disconnected from us in comparison to the Sun who's light is in constant contact with Earth (except during rare celestial alignment events). .

I'm not forgetting our Moon either, we know it has a massive effect on us, its gravity moving Earth's water around constantly, pulling the tide towards it as it orbits Earth reflecting some of the Sun's light back to us at night/day cyclically. It is abnormally large and close to us for a moon but that’s another story. I'll just say I know we are so lucky it's there and I believe it's also an important piece of God to us.


What is the most important thing on Earth after Earth? It IS Photosynthesis, here's why.

CO2 + H2O + Sunlight (+ Earth) + Photosynthetic Organisms/miracles = Carbohydrate + Free Oxygen/O2.

The first organisms to have learned to do this released the first free oxygen into Earth's atmosphere, oxygen that had all been locked up in CO2 for billions of years until the miracle happened and the first photosynthetic organism was born!

This phyto-bacteria did it's photosynthesis and split into two, they both did their photosynthesis and split in two and continued to multiply.

The first of the new oxygen molecules they released were all absorbed by the water, none were able to mix with the atmosphere or stay dissolved in the water yet, here's why.

A whole lot of iron and other oxidising elements were dissolved in Earth's oxygen free seas and oceans of the time, this chemically reacted on contact with the new free oxygen. Geology has proven that after the birth of the first photosynthetic organisms the planet started rusting and continued to for millions of years.

During that time new compounds were forming, most of which was iron oxide, it piled up layer by layer at the bottom of the seas/oceans, only once all of the iron and other oxidising elements had been oxidised could the free oxygen begin to stay dissolved in the water and start entering the atmosphere, beginning the change of it's composition that eventually made it possible for the evolution of complex life forms to occur.

The roots of complex plants and trees also need oxygen, obviously not for photosynthesis, they evolved much later than those first simple photosynthetic life forms they evolved from, at a time when oxygen had already filled into Earth's atmosphere to high enough levels to make this possible.

Fire/combustion requires the complete triangle to occur, heat, oxygen, and the fuel, whether it's wood, paper or coal they all burn because of the carbon they contain and the oxygen from air, both put there by photosynthesis, combustion engines burn fossil fuels with the same elements photosynthesis put there.

Our bodies burn calories from the food we eat by combining their carbon atoms with the oxygen we breathe both put there by photosynthesis.

Carbon atoms are the centre pieces of complex molecules, they hold the rest of it together by connecting their 4 valences to the valences of other compatible elements, carbon is the only element with 4 valences, all of the other elements, have 2, 1 or 0 valences, this is why carbon is so important and the same reason we are carbon based life forms.

We are reversing what photosynthesis is doing as we exhale CO2, the rate we do this at is not the problem, the rate that fossil fuels are burnt at is reversing photosynthesis's hard work in fast forward and is a serious problem.

Photosynthesis is fundamental to our continuation, necessary for the food we eat and fuel we burn, it releases the free oxygen we breath while locking carbon from air at the same time and is the ONLY process that does, constantly regulating Mother Earth's precious, thin blue strip of Atmosphere.

They failed at trying to artificially reproduce photosynthesis but who would need to when it already exists?

It needs to be protected.


In this section I will refer to the Sun as God simply because it is our supplier of God's purest energy.

What drives photosynthesis? God.

What stops Earth from dropping close to absolute zero? God.

What creates weather? God.

What do we orbit? God.

What would we be without God? Dead.

What makes up roughly 99.89% of the whole of the matter in our solar system? God.

What releases more energy in 1 second than all the electrical energy ever produced by mankind in our entire recorded history? God.

What is 4.5 billion years old? God.

What do some say God once said? 'let there be light' and then there was light.

We all have or at 1 time have had a mother and father but I like to believe we actually have 2 mothers and 2 fathers, your real mother and father then Mother Earth and our Father who art in heaven, God.

I see planets as female, the fertile ones like Earth contain all of the ingredients needed for life to occur but only with the injection of the male seed, Starlight.

I went to a church of England primary school in the UK, I had trouble believing what was read to me from the bible.

Who first brought Christianity to millions of people? The Roman empire.

Did the Romans believe in Christianity? No.

Why did the Romans spread Christianity? To control the masses.

Who was Jesus Christ? A renowned being.

Do I believe it would be fair on all the other renowned beings who've lived if I worship just one but not them? No

Do I believe Jesus Christ was the son of God? Yes, I believe we are all the sons and daughters of God.

Can God help me in life? Yes, God is constantly helping me by emitting the electromagnetic radiation we need.

The most special celestial body within it's sphere of gravitational influence, our home planet, deflects with it's magnetic field the majority of the deadly radiation our closest Star also produces (God's S.A.P./electrically charged sub-atomic particles) which would otherwise kill us.

Our Sun and Earth do all of this constantly, while our moon orbits us pulling the tides, keeping our seas and oceans oxygenated, they all work together to perform this miracle for us for our whole lives, for free and without fail!

Do I pray to God? Sometimes, when I enjoy feeling the Sun's warmth or watch a beautiful sunrise/sunset or look at the clouds or hear a bird singing or gaze at the Stars or even when I just sit and think indoors sometimes, I say how I appreciate it all but not verbally, I just think it and I have sometimes felt as if my thoughts were received, when got a buzz from thinking it.

I don't know much about other religions but I will say that no matter what religion anyone already believes in, they could also believe 'The Truth.' If their religions do not permit that they sounds to me like prisons for their minds.

Is this a religion or just a belief? I'm not sure if it could be called religion because it doesn't require I have do anything other than understand it and believe it so I'd say it's not religion but just belief, it's definitely belief because I believe it.

To sum it up 'The Truth' means to me I should firstly appreciate and respect the Earth (and everything on Earth, all made of it's elements and part of it), the Sun, the Moon, the Universe/God/'The All,' in the knowledge they are all made of the same stuff and also understand that photosynthesis is the number 1 process we all depend on.


No more elaboration is required but I will still elaborate some more.

I’ll tell you, sometimes I simply choose to believe things because I got a buzz when I thought about them, when they made sense and I liked the sound of them, we are all a product of our own design and can reinvent the structure of our minds for the purpose of finding a happier and more stable mental state.

We all know right from wrong.

I call this Universal Law, it is the unwritten law we all somehow know without ever having been told it, I believe this is the same throughout the whole Universe/Multiverse.

I choose to believe in re-incarnation because the alternatives are not an option for me, I don't like the sound of them. Other religions also say we all have two bodies, a physical body and a light body, I believe that is a fact, it could also be called the soul.

I know for sure when we die the elements our physical bodies were constructed from will return to the Earth we borrowed them from one way or another (via atmosphere if cremated, via Earth when buried etc) but where does the light body go?

I choose to believe they go back to the Star that created them to pay penance for doing wrong and/or be rewarded for doing good things in life, then be allotted their next tasks/or maybe not, if they had been utterly evil, constantly violating Universal law and never doing any good at all in their lives.

Earth's prison's are full of people who broke governmental laws (and also innocent people that got the blame) but I don't believe this means they are all behind in Universal Law credits.

Most of us will have broken some Universal laws, a lot of them even (actually probably everyone has), I believe it's about whether or not we continue to make the same mistakes or learn and choose not to make them again, some do say God loves a sinner. Others may be well in Universal law credits through the good they'd done in their lives already, this could even apply to some of those who have been convicted for the ultimate crime of murder, they may have been forced to kill evil that was trying to kill them, they may have also made the world a better place for many others in the process, I believe they would therefore have earned Universal law credits for managing this, even more so after taking punishment for it in life.

I don't want any other religion or belief, 'The Truth' is the only one that makes sense to me, don't get me wrong, there are some other great aspects within the current world religions such as the ancient following of Moon cycle calendar but at the same time, there are segments that sound totally illogical to me, I could never believe them, plus, none of them were mine, the Romans destroyed those.

I believe 'The Truth,' self designed to suit my mind, it helps feel a part of 'The All,' it rewards me with a natural high at times when I think and gain understanding, I can describe it in one word, 'Universal'.

Bonus poem:-

My God I love.

My God I feel.

My God I see.

My God is real.

It's really big,

It's really hot,

It's really there,

Can't say it's not.

Thanks for reading.

Thank you @SidT

Bookmarked to read it properly when more relaxed and on PC
I do not expect to change what people believe or want anything for this.

Still feeling reluctant to say any of this through the worry of upsetting people, I apologise in advance if what I write offends anyone.

Here goes.


There is another belief emerging but one that is probably the oldest just being rethought about because the truth has always been the truth.

I cannot be the only person alive today who thinks about this stuff but have met no others, yet.

I called this belief 'The Truth' because it is based on facts, objects and processes from reality.

I then mix in some non-factual elements I choose to believe in because they makes sense to me and I like the idea.

At times it will sound like a science/history/chemistry lesson but it's all necessary if you want to understand what 'The Truth' is about.

I'm guessing if you read it to the end you will be enlightened but then you may already know it all.

Looking back a little way in history we hear that some of Earth's cultures have believed that the Sun was God before.

I'm not saying I believe the Sun alone is God, I choose to believe God is everything in the whole Universe/Multiverses, every last piece of energy, matter, anti-matter, dark matter and everything else within it, or, 'The All'

So imagine this was fact that God is 'The All,' it'd mean the Sun is the largest and most powerful lump of God at close proximity to us.

We are forever under its influence, Earth is locked in it's gravitational pull as we ride stuck on by gravity at the bottom of an ocean of air orbiting the ruler of our system which also happens to be our supplier of God's purest energy, Starlight.

It somehow seems just as close, even closer at times to us than Earth is when it extends out from 8 light minutes away and still touches us, as you must already know, it and every physical thing in it's system is constructed from bits of Universe that we call elements.

The other planets and moons in our system all affect us but they are somewhat disconnected from us in comparison to the Sun who's light is in constant contact with Earth (except during rare celestial alignment events). .

I'm not forgetting our Moon either, we know it has a massive effect on us, its gravity moving Earth's water around constantly, pulling the tide towards it as it orbits Earth reflecting some of the Sun's light back to us at night/day cyclically. It is abnormally large and close to us for a moon but that’s another story. I'll just say I know we are so lucky it's there and I believe it's also an important piece of God to us.


What is the most important thing on Earth after Earth? It IS Photosynthesis, here's why.

CO2 + H2O + Sunlight (+ Earth) + Photosynthetic Organisms/miracles = Carbohydrate + Free Oxygen/O2.

The first organisms to have learned to do this released the first free oxygen into Earth's atmosphere, oxygen that had all been locked up in CO2 for billions of years until the miracle happened and the first photosynthetic organism was born!

This phyto-bacteria did it's photosynthesis and split into two, they both did their photosynthesis and split in two and continued to multiply.

The first of the new oxygen molecules they released were all absorbed by the water, none were able to mix with the atmosphere or stay dissolved in the water yet, here's why.

A whole lot of iron and other oxidising elements were dissolved in Earth's oxygen free seas and oceans of the time, this chemically reacted on contact with the new free oxygen. Geology has proven that after the birth of the first photosynthetic organisms the planet started rusting and continued to for millions of years.

During that time new compounds were forming, most of which was iron oxide, it piled up layer by layer at the bottom of the seas/oceans, only once all of the iron and other oxidising elements had been oxidised could the free oxygen begin to stay dissolved in the water and start entering the atmosphere, beginning the change of it's composition that eventually made it possible for the evolution of complex life forms to occur.

The roots of complex plants and trees also need oxygen, obviously not for photosynthesis, they evolved much later than those first simple photosynthetic life forms they evolved from, at a time when oxygen had already filled into Earth's atmosphere to high enough levels to make this possible.

Fire/combustion requires the complete triangle to occur, heat, oxygen, and the fuel, whether it's wood, paper or coal they all burn because of the carbon they contain and the oxygen from air, both put there by photosynthesis, combustion engines burn fossil fuels with the same elements photosynthesis put there.

Our bodies burn calories from the food we eat by combining their carbon atoms with the oxygen we breathe both put there by photosynthesis.

Carbon atoms are the centre pieces of complex molecules, they hold the rest of it together by connecting their 4 valences to the valences of other compatible elements, carbon is the only element with 4 valences, all of the other elements, have 2, 1 or 0 valences, this is why carbon is so important and the same reason we are carbon based life forms.

We are reversing what photosynthesis is doing as we exhale CO2, the rate we do this at is not the problem, the rate that fossil fuels are burnt at is reversing photosynthesis's hard work in fast forward and is a serious problem.

Photosynthesis is fundamental to our continuation, necessary for the food we eat and fuel we burn, it releases the free oxygen we breath while locking carbon from air at the same time and is the ONLY process that does, constantly regulating Mother Earth's precious, thin blue strip of Atmosphere.

They failed at trying to artificially reproduce photosynthesis but who would need to when it already exists?

It needs to be protected.


In this section I will refer to the Sun as God simply because it is our supplier of God's purest energy.

What drives photosynthesis? God.

What stops Earth from dropping close to absolute zero? God.

What creates weather? God.

What do we orbit? God.

What would we be without God? Dead.

What makes up roughly 99.89% of the whole of the matter in our solar system? God.

What releases more energy in 1 second than all the electrical energy ever produced by mankind in our entire recorded history? God.

What is 4.5 billion years old? God.

What do some say God once said? 'let there be light' and then there was light.

We all have or at 1 time have had a mother and father but I like to believe we actually have 2 mothers and 2 fathers, your real mother and father then Mother Earth and our Father who art in heaven, God.

I see planets as female, the fertile ones like Earth contain all of the ingredients needed for life to occur but only with the injection of the male seed, Starlight.

I went to a church of England primary school in the UK, I had trouble believing what was read to me from the bible.

Who first brought Christianity to millions of people? The Roman empire.

Did the Romans believe in Christianity? No.

Why did the Romans spread Christianity? To control the masses.

Who was Jesus Christ? A renowned being.

Do I believe it would be fair on all the other renowned beings who've lived if I worship just one but not them? No

Do I believe Jesus Christ was the son of God? Yes, I believe we are all the sons and daughters of God.

Can God help me in life? Yes, God is constantly helping me by emitting the electromagnetic radiation we need.

The most special celestial body within it's sphere of gravitational influence, our home planet, deflects with it's magnetic field the majority of the deadly radiation our closest Star also produces (God's S.A.P./electrically charged sub-atomic particles) which would otherwise kill us.

Our Sun and Earth do all of this constantly, while our moon orbits us pulling the tides, keeping our seas and oceans oxygenated, they all work together to perform this miracle for us for our whole lives, for free and without fail!

Do I pray to God? Sometimes, when I enjoy feeling the Sun's warmth or watch a beautiful sunrise/sunset or look at the clouds or hear a bird singing or gaze at the Stars or even when I just sit and think indoors sometimes, I say how I appreciate it all but not verbally, I just think it and I have sometimes felt as if my thoughts were received, when got a buzz from thinking it.

I don't know much about other religions but I will say that no matter what religion anyone already believes in, they could also believe 'The Truth.' If their religions do not permit that they sounds to me like prisons for their minds.

Is this a religion or just a belief? I'm not sure if it could be called religion because it doesn't require I have do anything other than understand it and believe it so I'd say it's not religion but just belief, it's definitely belief because I believe it.

To sum it up 'The Truth' means to me I should firstly appreciate and respect the Earth (and everything on Earth, all made of it's elements and part of it), the Sun, the Moon, the Universe/God/'The All,' in the knowledge they are all made of the same stuff and also understand that photosynthesis is the number 1 process we all depend on.


No more elaboration is required but I will still elaborate some more.

I’ll tell you, sometimes I simply choose to believe things because I got a buzz when I thought about them, when they made sense and I liked the sound of them, we are all a product of our own design and can reinvent the structure of our minds for the purpose of finding a happier and more stable mental state.

We all know right from wrong.

I call this Universal Law, it is the unwritten law we all somehow know without ever having been told it, I believe this is the same throughout the whole Universe/Multiverse.

I choose to believe in re-incarnation because the alternatives are not an option for me, I don't like the sound of them. Other religions also say we all have two bodies, a physical body and a light body, I believe that is a fact, it could also be called the soul.

I know for sure when we die the elements our physical bodies were constructed from will return to the Earth we borrowed them from one way or another (via atmosphere if cremated, via Earth when buried etc) but where does the light body go?

I choose to believe they go back to the Star that created them to pay penance for doing wrong and/or be rewarded for doing good things in life, then be allotted their next tasks/or maybe not, if they had been utterly evil, constantly violating Universal law and never doing any good at all in their lives.

Earth's prison's are full of people who broke governmental laws (and also innocent people that got the blame) but I don't believe this means they are all behind in Universal Law credits.

Most of us will have broken some Universal laws, a lot of them even (actually probably everyone has), I believe it's about whether or not we continue to make the same mistakes or learn and choose not to make them again, some do say God loves a sinner. Others may be well in Universal law credits through the good they'd done in their lives already, this could even apply to some of those who have been convicted for the ultimate crime of murder, they may have been forced to kill evil that was trying to kill them, they may have also made the world a better place for many others in the process, I believe they would therefore have earned Universal law credits for managing this, even more so after taking punishment for it in life.

I don't want any other religion or belief, 'The Truth' is the only one that makes sense to me, don't get me wrong, there are some other great aspects within the current world religions such as the ancient following of Moon cycle calendar but at the same time, there are segments that sound totally illogical to me, I could never believe them, plus, none of them were mine, the Romans destroyed those.

I believe 'The Truth,' self designed to suit my mind, it helps feel a part of 'The All,' it rewards me with a natural high at times when I think and gain understanding, I can describe it in one word, 'Universal'.

Bonus poem:-

My God I love.

My God I feel.

My God I see.

My God is real.

It's really big,

It's really hot,

It's really there,

Can't say it's not.

Thanks for reading.

And these things write we unto you that your joy may be full.

This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light and in him is no darkness at all.
1John 1:4-5

The universe and light of the stars move through me. Rumi
And these things write we unto you that your joy may be full.

This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light and in him is no darkness at all.
1John 1:4-5

The universe and light of the stars move through me. Rumi

I forgot to mention I'm not anti religion, hope it didn't sound that way.

I do agree with a lot of what's in the bible but there are older versions of the same stories.
Thanks, @SidT, for trusting us with this. And welcome agsin!
Hi @SidT
Here is my own quick personal response to the first section of your post. More later. All comments are obviously IMO, and obviously open for discussion, lol

Looking back a little way in history we hear that some of Earth's cultures have believed that the Sun was God before.
In The I Ching the ‘primal’ (Spiritual) yin-yang polarity is replaced in the ‘inner world’ (natural) arrangement by the symbols of fire and water. They shift from the horizontal axis in the Spiritual world arrangement, to the vertical axis in the natural world arrangement.

The spiritual polarity becomes visible in nature as opposites. Fire and water are opposites in nature, but light and darkness are not true opposites -- darkness is not the opposite of light, but the lack of light. This leads to confusion.

The darkness at the bottom of a mine is total. It is totality of darkness. But a single candle chases it back, and even the light of ten million suns is never totality of light.

Light (nature) is the shadow of God (Spirit)

Evil (devil) in nature is not the opposite, but the lack, of God (good). Evil is something that 'slips through the cracks'. In nature, death is the ultimate evil. Either the zebra dies or the lion starves. What's life for one is death for the other.

Original sin is the fact that as natural beings, we are forced to take other life to sustain our own, even if by destroying tiny creatures in the water that we have to drink. But we are also spirituals beings. This gives us the knowledge and capability of right and wrong. That is our fate here in the natural dimension.

I'm not saying I believe the Sun alone is God, I choose to believe God is everything in the whole Universe/Multiverses, every last piece of energy, matter, anti-matter, dark matter and everything else within it, or, 'The All'
God (Spirit) may be present in all nature, which includes all time and space, but God is far more, for Spirit surrounds and contains and permeates all nature time and space. The dimension of nature is like one room in a greater house of Spirit. The walls of the room of nature are time and space. The 'house' of Spirit contains not just the dimension of nature, but many -- perhaps infinite -- other different dimensions.

My Father's house has many mansions.

The greater wheel of Spirit turns the lesser wheel of nature, but is not turned by it.

So imagine this was fact that God is 'The All,' it'd mean the Sun is the largest and most powerful lump of God at close proximity to us.
Our sun is one average sun in a galaxy that contains tens of billions of suns, in a universe that contains tens of billions of galaxies. So our own sungod should be subordinate to something greater?

We are forever under its influence, Earth is locked in it's gravitational pull as we ride stuck on by gravity at the bottom of an ocean of air orbiting the ruler of our system which also happens to be our supplier of God's purest energy, Starlight.

It somehow seems just as close, even closer at times to us than Earth is when it extends out from 8 light minutes away and still touches us, as you must already know, it and every physical thing in it's system is constructed from bits of Universe that we call elements.

The other planets and moons in our system all affect us but they are somewhat disconnected from us in comparison to the Sun who's light is in constant contact with Earth (except during rare celestial alignment events). .

I'm not forgetting our Moon either, we know it has a massive effect on us, its gravity moving Earth's water around constantly, pulling the tide towards it as it orbits Earth reflecting some of the Sun's light back to us at night/day cyclically. It is abnormally large and close to us for a moon but that’s another story. I'll just say I know we are so lucky it's there and I believe it's also an important piece of God to us.
But can the sun hear or respond to human thought?
But can the sun hear or respond to human thought?
I should be sleeping but couldn’t resist. In occult teaching, the only thing doing anything is sunlight; that everything is light. So sunlight is texting these words; sunlight is thinking these thoughts (that I mistakenly think I am thinking) and sunlight is the thoughts. Sunlight drives down the street, flies through the air, walks down the side walk - it takes form as everything that exists and is the doer of all. We think that we are all doing our own thing, with our own agendas and plans, but That which moves the heavens with all the rotating revolving spinning cycles and systems and seasons and times, is That Which is moving in us as us (we aren’t doing anything- we only think we are).

The Son of God comes forth as all the suns in the universe, and it is the light that moves all creation: and it’s indivisible. The One Lord.

It’s the physical level of course or the living garment of God. But it’s all God. What I believe is Consciousness.

I don’t often meditate on this anymore but it’s quite fun because we are inseparable from the whole, and the whole thing moves us.
I should be sleeping but couldn’t resist. In occult teaching, the only thing doing anything is sunlight; that everything is light. So sunlight is texting these words; sunlight is thinking these thoughts (that I mistakenly think I am thinking) and sunlight is the thoughts. Sunlight drives down the street, flies through the air, walks down the side walk - it takes form as everything that exists and is the doer of all. We think that we are all doing our own thing, with our own agendas and plans, but That which moves the heavens with all the rotating revolving spinning cycles and systems and seasons and times, is That Which is moving in us as us (we aren’t doing anything- we only think we are).

The Son of God comes forth as all the suns in the universe, and it is the light that moves all creation: and it’s indivisible. The One Lord.

It’s the physical level of course or the living garment of God. But it’s all God. What I believe is Consciousness.

I don’t often meditate on this anymore but it’s quite fun because we are inseparable from the whole, and the whole thing moves us.
In Plato’s cave analogy, humans are chained in a cave facing the inner wall, and all they perceive of the true world is the shadows cast by it on the wall, by the light from outside. The light we are able to perceive with our limited natural senses is really just a shadow of the true spiritual light.

Perhaps the infinite spiritual light is ever receding, never attainable. No matter how great a light, it can never attain totality of light. There will always be a higher. No matter how close a great angelic being is to God, there is always a distance from God. Such a great spiritual being may walk between worlds -- may choose whether or not to reveal itself to our natural senses -- to us mortal beings will appear to be God because the closer a being is to God, the more like God that being becomes?
But can the sun hear or respond to human thought?

We probably wouldn't know if it did due to our limited perceptions. I don't think it does but choose to believe the Universe can hear us. I am made of Universe, so is the Sun, I hear myself and I am Universe, therefore the Universe hears me.
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The Son of God comes forth as all the suns in the universe, and it is the light that moves all creation: and it’s indivisible. The One Lord.

It’s the physical level of course or the living garment of God. But it’s all God.

I agree with that, but the Sun's the one controlling us.
SidT said:
I am made of Universe, so is the Sun, I hear myself and I am Universe, therefore the Universe hears me.

That reminds me of the monk who said "The Eye with which I see God is the same Eye with which God sees me".
It does seem pretty logical to me, as well.

SidT said:
..but the Sun's the one controlling us..

How so?
That reminds me of the monk who said "The Eye with which I see God is the same Eye with which God sees me".
It does seem pretty logical to me, as well.
Nice to hear that. I like that.
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Looking What is the most important thing on Earth after Earth? It IS Photosynthesis, here's why.

CO2 + H2O + Sunlight (+ Earth) + Photosynthetic Organisms/miracles = Carbohydrate + Free Oxygen/O2.

The first organisms to have learned to do this released the first free oxygen into Earth's atmosphere, oxygen that had all been locked up in CO2 for billions of years until the miracle happened and the first photosynthetic organism was born!

This phyto-bacteria did it's photosynthesis and split into two, they both did their photosynthesis and split in two and continued to multiply.

The first of the new oxygen molecules they released were all absorbed by the water, none were able to mix with the atmosphere or stay dissolved in the water yet, here's why.

A whole lot of iron and other oxidising elements were dissolved in Earth's oxygen free seas and oceans of the time, this chemically reacted on contact with the new free oxygen. Geology has proven that after the birth of the first photosynthetic organisms the planet started rusting and continued to for millions of years.

During that time new compounds were forming, most of which was iron oxide, it piled up layer by layer at the bottom of the seas/oceans, only once all of the iron and other oxidising elements had been oxidised could the free oxygen begin to stay dissolved in the water and start entering the atmosphere, beginning the change of it's composition that eventually made it possible for the evolution of complex life forms to occur.

The roots of complex plants and trees also need oxygen, obviously not for photosynthesis, they evolved much later than those first simple photosynthetic life forms they evolved from, at a time when oxygen had already filled into Earth's atmosphere to high enough levels to make this possible.

Fire/combustion requires the complete triangle to occur, heat, oxygen, and the fuel, whether it's wood, paper or coal they all burn because of the carbon they contain and the oxygen from air, both put there by photosynthesis, combustion engines burn fossil fuels with the same elements photosynthesis put there.

Our bodies burn calories from the food we eat by combining their carbon atoms with the oxygen we breathe both put there by photosynthesis.

Carbon atoms are the centre pieces of complex molecules, they hold the rest of it together by connecting their 4 valences to the valences of other compatible elements, carbon is the only element with 4 valences, all of the other elements, have 2, 1 or 0 valences, this is why carbon is so important and the same reason we are carbon based life forms.

We are reversing what photosynthesis is doing as we exhale CO2, the rate we do this at is not the problem, the rate that fossil fuels are burnt at is reversing photosynthesis's hard work in fast forward and is a serious problem.

Photosynthesis is fundamental to our continuation, necessary for the food we eat and fuel we burn, it releases the free oxygen we breath while locking carbon from air at the same time and is the ONLY process that does, constantly regulating Mother Earth's precious, thin blue strip of Atmosphere.

They failed at trying to artificially reproduce photosynthesis but who would need to when it already exists?

It needs to be protected.
The huge complexity of even one single living natural cell is absolutely stunning. Too great to get the human mind around:

ATP “Organisms require an extraordinary amount of energy to live. The energy ‘currency’ used by all living cells is a molecule called ATP (adenosine triphosphate). ATP works like a coin in a slot machine. It powers one turn on a machine that promptly shuts down again afterwards … ATP powers a change from one stable state to another, like flipping a switch from up to down. To flip it back up again requires another ATP, just as you have to insert another coin into the slot machine to have another go.

Picture the cell as a giant amusement arcade, filled with protein machinery, all powered by ATP coins in this way. A single cell consumes around ten million molecules every second! The number is breathtaking. There are about 40 trillion cells in the human body, giving a total turnover of ATP at around 60-100kg a day – roughly half our own body weight.

In fact we contain only about 60gm of ATP, so we know that every molecule of ATP is recharged once or twice a minute … When ATP is ‘split’ it releases free energy that powers the conformational change, as well as releasing enough heat … It then costs energy to reform the ATP again … The energy of respiration – the energy released from the reaction of food with oxygen – is used to make ATP … endless cycle …"
(Nick Lane: The Vital Question. Chapter Two: What is Living)

The ATP Synthase is a truly miraculous machine:

The formation of ATP from ADP and P is energetically unfavourable and would normally proceed in the reverse direction. In order to drive this reaction forward, ATP synthase couples ATP synthesis during cellular respiration to an electrochemical gradient created by the difference in protein (H+) concentration across the inner mitochondrial membrane in eukaryotes or the plasma membrane in bacteria. During photosynthesis in plants, ATP is synthesized by ATP synthase using a proton gradient …
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SidT said:
They failed at trying to artificially reproduce photosynthesis but who would need to when it already exists?

It needs to be protected.

Yes, I'm also an environmentalist. I take it very seriously.
Almighty God does not favour those who are greedy and corrupt.
In Plato’s cave analogy, humans are chained in a cave facing the inner wall, and all they perceive of the true world is the shadows cast by it on the wall, by the light from outside. The light we are able to perceive with our limited natural senses is really just a shadow of the true spiritual light.
Hi. Yes, we live in the Mother, or lunar consciousness. I listen to lectures from a teacher who I really like and he walked in different realities and talked about it a lot. During sleep he would be somewhere else teaching the gospel. Or walking down the street and a different reality opened up and stepping into it.

Only once I entered a different reality. I had been reading the Gnostic gospels then went to bed. When I closed my eyes I was standing in an ancient city, it was nighttime. I was at the side of a wall looking down. There was a temple to the left and lights in the windows of the homes, from what I assume were lamps. Then I bolted upright in my bed I was so startled. It’s not like I travelled in time I was just there. My consciousness changed.