The great White Throne Judgement


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How does the event in Revelation 20:11 differ from that in Revelation 7:9?
Also, how does it take place..?
"And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them.
12. I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened..."
I can see how a matrixist would find enjoyment in Revelation.

It is the manga, anime, Gulliver travels, aesops fables book of the bible.

Of all the stories of healing and rising and miracles it is the stuff.that inspires movies, fantasy and science fiction...(without the science).

It will literally be a revelation when the masses catch up.with the scholars.and quit looking to take revelation literally
Sure. Why not go that route...

Lets not take the verses to correlate with what physicists have been telling us.

That time and space which we experience here, is not real.

Hi @Geo, such guerilla poster action can be effective to raise awareness, but the method is also routinely used by advertising, which is a very "matrix" part of our cities.

How to tell whether one is dealing with some surrogate presented by the Mayrix, or with reality?

For example, in Buddhism, they have the "three marks" - suffering, not-self, impermanence - which are held to be constants of a sort, dependable properties which are always observable, which can be counted on, so to speak. Bits of reality poking through our "ignorance" (Buddhist technical term), in a way.

What do matrixists hold on to, when they can't decide what is real and what isn't? If some idea or concept or external perception arrives in the consciousness of a matrixist, how to reality-test it, how to decide whether it is just matrix stuff or whether it is real, or leading there?

What are the special phone booths and mobile phones, in other words?

This also applies to the Revelation to John. If John had been a Matrixist, how would he have decided whether it was Matrix special effects he was witnessing, or whether he was talking to the crew of the Nebuchadnezzar?
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With regard to John, Time being a non existent quality, he was simply taken in spirit, (the greater reality), to the future. To our future.
Which he tried to describe in a a first century person's description.
Revelation also, I believe is a threefold account of the same 7 year time period, from different perspectives, which makes it that much more complicated for the reader.
The point is though, that time and space being part of the unreal, as it is written, the heavens and earth fled away from the Throne, "and there was no place found for them".
Mankind in front of the Throne were in the greater reality and truth.
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Is it just me or is there a common thread with our prophets....when they cant find a foothold in other forums they come here to see if they can gain any traction?

Geo...tell me about the friends that grace your dinner table, that you play intramural sports or board games with, the folks you go camping with, and your family....what percentage of them glom on all glassy eyed when you enlighten them with your "truths" and how many have run to get a covid test like they just met a rabid antimasker/antivaxxer
With regard to John, Time being a non existent quality, he was simply taken in spirit, (the greater reality), to the future. To our future.
But how does a Matrixist distinguish between some superhero comic with time travel in it, and what you just wrote? What is the gold standard to decide which bit of the unreal timespace of the Matrix to trust, and which not to?
Non of that wil. Matrixism is but a perspective, on Christianity.
It's a declaration, and Revelation.
If anyone ask's I tell them what the Wachowski's brought out.
And with respect to Physics.
But of course, as most are wil,
Your part of the "system".
And, whether you realize it or not, you are fighting to protect it.
Traction? Matixism is already established.

Cino, it is what both the Lord, and Baha'u'llah both stated. It starts with being born again.
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Cino, it is what both the Lord, and Baha'u'llah both stated. It starts with being born again.

Okay, so what to look for, if one wants to assess whether an event in one's life was a "born again" event and not just any old peak experience?
Well, what I was contemplating Cino, was that questions of, "What's the draw?", and other strange comments, are the indications of a non believer.

Perhaps ask yourself what was in it for The Lord, for his disciples, and those martyrs for not relenting of their faith?
Well, what I was contemplating Cino, was that questions of, "What's the draw?", and other strange comments, are the indications of a non believer.

Contemplating doubt, that's a deep practice. Not for everyone. Cypher didn't profit from it, in the movie.

Perhaps ask yourself what was in it for The Lord, for his disciples, and those martyrs for not relenting of their faith?

Martyrdom, evidently. But they are not here, we can't ask them. You are here, however. What, short of martyrdom, draws you? I'm not asking you to change your mind or to use your answer against you, I'm genuinely interested.
Perhaps your not objective enough to think about the situation properly, Cino.
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Perhaps your not objective enough to think about the situation properly, Cino.
I was objectively wondering about your frequent incoherent-seeming non-sequitur replies. Crazy Wisdom or a bot out of canned replies?

You inquire, I give answers, but you don't like them, Cino.
You don't recall that Jesus had similar problems with the religious leaders?
"Something else that the infinity showed me was that the earth will get into a very dark state, and then a sudden explosion of increased consciousness, awareness and Happiness will be like a global awakening, like a new morning that will begin of earth.

God is allowing the earth to fall into darkness, so the surprise of the contrast when seeing the explosion of light will cause a very strong awakening of all humanity into everlasting peace and happiness."
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