The great White Throne Judgement

You don't recall that Jesus had similar problems with the religious leaders?

Lol, recall is a funny word... I wasnt there...were you?

But beyond who are you equating yourself to? The religious leaders or Jesus.

Darkness? Sky falling?
You inquire, I give answers, but you don't like them, Cino.
I don't like your impersonal preaching. I can go to any generic Christian site for that. It's not your voice I hear there. Are you hiding behind "safe" statements by other people? That's annoying to me. We're a nice bunch here, you can drop the guard.

You went into more immediate, personal things only once, that I remember, and that was great! I'd like to see more of Geo and way less Bible Bot.
Lol, recall is a funny word... I wasnt there...were you?

But beyond who are you equating yourself to? The religious leaders or Jesus.

Darkness? Sky falling?

Wil? You're a moderator.
Cino? An administrator.
Atheists? Controlling the, "Interfaith Forums"?
I guess I can see why there isn't a'lot of activity here.

Would the Lord, today, confirm what the Wachowski's passed on to the world..?

Well, for one, with a little study one can see how He was brought up in the Essene community, who saw the other religious branches as corrupt.
The Sadducees questioned Jesus about a dialogue they entertained, about the woman with many husbands...
Mathew 22 -
"Last of all, the woman died.
28 In the resurrection, therefore, whose wife of the seven will she be?
29 But Jesus answered and said to them,
“You are mistaken, since you do not understand the Scriptures nor the power of God.
30 For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven
. (Again, Rev. 12:4)
31 But regarding the resurrection of the dead, have you not read what was spoken to you by God:
32 ‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’?
He is not the God of the dead, but of the living.”
33 When the crowds heard this, they were astonished at His teaching."
Are you going to say that if He were on Earth today, He wouldn't confirm Matrixism?
The greater reality and truth involves the timeless, and eternity. <~

To the Pharasees -
41 Now while the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them a question:
42 “What do you think about the Christ? Whose son is He?”
They *said to Him, “The son of David.”
43 He *said to them,
“Then how does David in the Spirit call Him ‘Lord,’ saying,
44 ‘The Lord said to my Lord,
“Sit at My right hand,
Until I put Your enemies under Your feet”’?
45 Therefore, if David calls Him ‘Lord,’ how is He his son?”

Whatever your issues are involving your atheistic perspective, resolve it.

You know, a number of gays have given their NDE accounts at
There is no obstacle involving God's love.
This is just a short and temporary organic experience, in the overall reality of the Truth.


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Are you going to say that if He were on Earth today, He wouldn't confirm Matrixism?
The greater reality and truth involves the timeless, and eternity. <~
If Christ were here today He would punt the Wachowski cult?

The fact that "greater reality and truth involves the timeless, and eternity" does not lead to: Matrixism. It's incomplete logic. The fact that (many) Muslim men have beards, does not mean (all) men who have beards are Muslim?
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You know, a number of gays have given their NDE accounts at
The gays have?

Blacks and Muslims and Hindus oh my.

The hallucinations were incredible in my NDEs...not any semblance of reality beyond the curtain or validating any matrix programming...and yeah more than a few religionists wish I would have thanked G!d for modern open heart surgery techniques, but I thank the docs, nurses, techs, staff, and the folks that gave 110 units of blood...they are the miracle workers.
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Because, the prophetic scriptures wil, confirm that this organic "reality, is a known.


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The greater reality and truth involves the timeless, and eternity. <~
The above us something accepted by many/most faiths. The fact Matrixism accepts it, does not give Matrixism a unique claim on it. It's faulty reasoning all the way, imo -- but also interesting as an example of how such fallacious/devious reasoning/argument pervades?
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A half-truth is a whole lie, runs the proverb ...
Whatever your issues are involving your atheistic perspective, resolve it.

Unfortunately, you are the one taking issue at my perspective. It is for you to resolve.

This place can help you to get better at having peaceful dialogue with people of other faiths (and by extension, world views like atheism).

You know, a number of gays have given their NDE accounts at
There is no obstacle involving God's love.

That's nice of you to say, if a bit condescending.
Would the Lord, today, confirm what the Wachowski's passed on to the world..?
I am at a loss to see what you think the Wachowski's passed on in terms of Christianity?

There is nothing that wasn't already in the public domain. The Wachowski's, as far as I know, make no claim to be the source of the ideas, it's all derivative, given the gloss of a Hollywood action movie.

Baudrillard, a stated inspiration, has disassociated himself from the movie, claiming that the movie is in fact the very thing he warns of – it's a hyper-reality 'fantasia-on-a-theme' blue pill, Matrixism in that sense distracts from the Real.

Well, for one, with a little study one can see how He was brought up in the Essene community ...
Doubtful. What are your sources of study?

Are you going to say that if He were on Earth today, He wouldn't confirm Matrixism?
Absolutely! Read the Beatitudes. He'd certainly condemn the violence and the methods of resistance, don't you think?
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am at a loss to see what you think the Wachowski's passed on in terms of Christianity?
Doubtful. What are your sources of study?
It's the usual loose reasoning: Jesus and John the Baptist appear to have been influenced by the Essenes, but what entitles @Geo to conclude therefore that Jesus 'was bought up in the Essene community'?
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And were He brought up in such a community, I'm afraid the commentary would be:
"He's not the Teacher of Righteousness, He's a very naughty boy!"
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And were He brought up in such a community, I'm afraid the commentary would be:
"He's not the Teacher of Righteousness, He's a very naughty boy!"
The Qumran Essenes were a monastic community of celibate adult men, I believe? I don't know if Essenes family communities existed?
The Qumran Essenes were a monastic community of celibate adult men, I believe? I don't know if Essenes family communities existed?
Seems so, although there are graves of women and children at Qumran, but there is an all-male cemetery, so there are questions.

Notably is that the claims for asceticism and celibacy, put forward by Philo, Josephus and Pliny the Elder, reflect a contemporary Hellenic poor opinion of the feminine, and an heroic ideal of celibacy, but there is no supporting evidence in the Scrolls themselves – it appears there is evidence to the contrary – so we need tread carefully. We can't even be sure the Qumran community were, in fact, Essenes!

Interestingly – what we do know about, in some detail, is the toilet habits of the Essenes! I kid you not!

The problem arose because an Essene rule was that one should not defecate within a given distance of the Temple, so the Essenes in Jerusalem built latrines outside the city. The problem is compounded in that the distance of the latrine is roughly twice that one is allowed to walk on the Sabbath. So there's a problem, and one solution is that the Essenes fasted so as not to require the latrine on the Sabbath ... a risky business, in my opinion. Hence we have instructions on what to do and how to do it.

Long story short, it's seen that the Qumran community would appear to be Essene, or at least follow Essene rules. Qumran was modelled on the Holy City, therefore a similar rule applied. Scholars have identified the latrine areas, at some distrance and out of sight, and examined the soil (pun) samples there. The Essenes, with ultra-heightened sensitivity to ritual pollution, buried their excrement. The Bedu who subsequently settled in the region do not, they leave their excreta on the surface, where is is rapidly broken down and dispersed by nature. The latrines however, show the burying community suffered various intestinal infestations, one of which is really very, very rare, and would have flourished under the Essene regime ... so while we might view the idea of just leaving your poo on the ground as unpleasant, it is in fact the more hygienic course.

And, sadly, the Qumran community suffered some rather unpleasant intestinal visitations ... where would we be without scholars, eh?
I don't like your impersonal preaching. I can go to any generic Christian site for that. It's not your voice I hear there. Are you hiding behind "safe" statements by other people? That's annoying to me. We're a nice bunch here, you can drop the guard.

You went into more immediate, personal things only once, that I remember, and that was great! I'd like to see more of Geo and way less Bible Bot.

Is a topic about, "The Great White Throne Judgement", and concerning how the Revelator John reports how he witnessed every person who has ever lived, in the history of humanity, were before the Throne of God.
Which topic I posted involving how the space in which we abide, which is illusory according to various physics theory, which I provided evidence of with quotes, and with books,
apparently doesn't exist! Because?
Of a program running.
In which our core, or spirits, are expressing themselves in this organic form.
Which the "god of this world" instigated at the Fall of the "first man".

You went into more immediate, personal things only once, that I remember, and that was great! I'd like to see more of Geo and way less Bible Bot."

How does my personal information add, or subtract, from this information provided?
In a topic entitled, "The Great White Throne Judgement", in the CHRISTIANITY FORUM?

Excuse me Cino, wil, Thomas?
Involving your atheism.

Time for me to give willy a thrill, and move on. Sorry to have disturbed you.
Enjoy yourselves.
The great white throne of judgement?

Is is just me or does anyone else think of the porcelain god many get on their knees and bow their head to when they have had to many spirits?

I know there is a parable or allegory in here that relates to the current landscape.

< flush >
How does the event in Revelation 20:11 differ from that in Revelation 7:9?
Also, how does it take place..?
"And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them.
12. I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened..."
Rev 20:11 is talking about all of the people from the 2nd resurrection. Revelation 7:9 is talking about those from the 1st resurrection. The 1st resurrection is for those who resisted the Beast and are God's saints. They will never know death. The 2nd resurrection is everyone else who ever lived.