End Goals of Your Faith?

I wonder what evidence convinces the theists?
THere is an existence of 50%:50% chance of hell and heaven. If i belive in their existence and live a justified life avoding sins in this world then after death if really hell and heaven exists then it is benifitial for me. When a devotee is preaching spiritual knowledge to the world, he has no power to show hell to the atheist. In such a case, the 50-50 probability will bring the same solution of believing in hell on seeing it. One may not see hell directly in the 50-50 probability argument, but, the logic in the 50-50 probability argument will certainly provoke the intelligence to take a decision on the safer side and control the sin even as benefit of doubt avoiding the risk of doubt. When you can achieve a result by logic itself, why should you bother about direct perception? In inference, the same knowledge of perception is attained even though there is no direct perception. Sometimes logic gives better, finer results than perception. If you show hell to a person, the person may be so much frightened that, from that day onwards, he stops eating, drinking and sleeping, and dies in few days, is it worthwhile?
At time of death in the death bed all our relatives will surround us. That time a flash of knowledge will be given to us by God. "All my life i have spent time for these people who cannot save me now, God who can save me now is not arriving at all since i have not spent any time or effort for Him" thinking this way the soul undergoes tremendous pain and agony then and there after in hell.
They may not be there. My grand daughter is in Karnataka for her studies, elder grand son is in Bhubaneshwar. My son frequently goes on tours, So he might also not be there. Why would I ask to be saved from death, something which cannot be done? It is the natural end of one's life. Even God cannot do that. Do not the religious die? What proof of existence of soul or hell? Kindly know that at the time of death, the pain centers of the brain are first to close down. There is not much pain involved in death. Your post does not carry any meaning.
If i belive in their existence and live a justified life avoding sins in this world then after death if really hell and heaven exists then it is benifitial for me. When a devotee is preaching spiritual knowledge to the world, he has no power to show hell to the atheist. If you show hell to a person, the person may be so much frightened that, from that day onwards, he stops eating, drinking and sleeping, and dies in few days, is it worthwhile?
Oh, I also live a justified life accroding to 'dharma' without believing in God, heaven, hell or rebirth. That is because of my 'samskaras'. Why should a devotee be preaching something if he has no power to show any evidence? And why should anyone believe a thing without any evidence? I like food, and would go on eating the things I like till I can manage it (at the moment there is no problem, I am an 80 year-old). I do not care about the horrible pictures that you like to preach to frighten the ignorant and gullible.