'Amir Alzzalam

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What are the differences between LaVey's concept of Baphomet, and Lévy's?
La Vey was basically a con-artist, imo

What are the differences between LaVey's concept of Baphomet, and Lévy's?

Do you mean Eliphas Levi's? In my opinion, there actually isn't as much difference as it seems made out to be. To Levi, Baphomet was the Demiurge, but not a malevolent one. He was equated with the God of Pantheism. Levi said that Baphomet's epithet was "Lucifer" and said that it was the being erroneously referred to as Satan by mainstream Christianity.

LaVey also equates Baphomet with Satan, and apparently a form of Pantheism was originally implied in the Satanic Bible and practiced by the Church of Satan, according to his daughter, Karla LaVey, who formed the Pantheistic First Satanic Church and his ex-associate Michael Aquino who went on to found the Temple of Set, which is also (loosely) Pantheistic.

The main difference is that, to Levi, Baphomet is a lesser figure that acts a servant or emanation of God, acting as the personification of God's astral light supervening into the material realm. That being is more or less denied any existence by LaVey. This actually gives a firm foundation for the Church of Satan's atheism; since Baphomet basically represents the natural world, to affirm that he exists and the God above him doesn't can pretty comfortably be interpreted as a form of nontheism.

Also, Baphomet's depiction was drawn to symbolize the alchemical Magnum Opus and the unification of opposites. I don't know how or if that plays into LaVeyan Satanism.
The main difference is that, to Levi, Baphomet is a lesser figure that acts a servant or emanation of God, acting as the personification of God's astral light supervening into the material realm
I get this
That being is more or less denied any existence by LaVey. This actually gives a firm foundation for the Church of Satan's atheism; since Baphomet basically represents the natural world, to affirm that he exists and the God above him doesn't can pretty comfortably be interpreted as a form of nontheism.
Nature independent of Spirit? What arrant foolishness. Spirit weaves nature. The greater wheel of spirit turns the lesser wheel of nature, and is not turned by it. Imo
Bhaphomet is a very confused image and depiction of nothing to do with anything that nature in all it's creativity has ever yet thrown up in all it's inventiveness to-date?

To believe this ugly critter supercedes and deserves precedence is ... wow ... each to his own, lol
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Bhaphomet is a very confused image and depiction of nothing to do with anything that nature in all it's creativity has ever yet thrown up in all it's inventiveness to-date?

To believe this ugly critter supercedes and deserves precedence is ... wow ... each to his own, lol
Beauty in the eye of the beholder, my friend.
You are correct, the Baphomet/Goat of Mendes pentagrams has nothing to do with the objective universe, just the opposite.
However, this is the Iblis Pentagram not LaVey's.
Forgive me for changing the description. After reading the comments I realized I needed to make this Symbol truer to the ÆON Of IBLIS and our Philosophy. To everyone . . . I thank you.
Bhaphomet is a very confused image and depiction of nothing to do with anything that nature in all it's creativity has ever yet thrown up in all it's inventiveness to-date?

This is deliberate. Here's what Eliphas Lévy had to say:

“[Baphomet] is a knowledge rising in opposition to idolatry, protesting though the very monstrosity of the idol.
The Israelites were forbidden to give divine concepts the figure of a man or of any animal; thus, on the ark of the covenant and in the sanctuary, they dared sculpt only cherubs, that is, sphinxes with the bodies of bulls and the heads of men, eagles or lions.
These mixed figures reproduced neither the complete form of any man, nor that of any animal.
These hybrid creations of impossible animals gave to understand that the image was not an idol or reproduction of a living thing, but rather a character or representation of something having its existence in thought.
Baphomet is not worshipped; it is God who is worshipped, this faceless God behind this formless form, this image which resembles no created being.
Baphomet is not a God; He is the sign of initiation.”

So you got that right :)
Forgive me for changing the description. After reading the comments I realized I needed to make this Symbol truer to the ÆON Of IBLIS and our Philosophy. To everyone . . . I thank you.

You're welcome.

So, another aeon? The don't seem to last that long any more, to this onlooker... Aeon of Horus, age of Aqarius, Aeon of Maat, and now the Aeon of Iblis.

What do you make of it? Were the other Aeons proclaimed by false prophets?
You're welcome.

So, another aeon? The don't seem to last that long any more, to this onlooker... Aeon of Horus, age of Aqarius, Aeon of Maat, and now the Aeon of Iblis.

What do you make of it? Were the other Aeons proclaimed by false prophets?
Not sure what you mean by 'false' prophets, but an aeon is an attitude that one chooses or is conditioned to adopt. The Deity of an æon is a spiritual creature encompassing the total majiqal and philosophical energy of material beings who are initiates of that æon, i.e. who are aware that they are "components of the deity".
Not sure what you mean by 'false' prophets, but an aeon is an attitude that one chooses or is conditioned to adopt. The Deity of an æon is a spiritual creature encompassing the total majiqal and philosophical energy of material beings who are initiates of that æon, i.e. who are aware that they are "components of the deity".
aka 'judgement'
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Not sure what you mean by 'false' prophets, but an aeon is an attitude that one chooses or is conditioned to adopt. The Deity of an æon is a spiritual creature encompassing the total majiqal and philosophical energy of material beings who are initiates of that æon, i.e. who are aware that they are "components of the deity".
Ah, I was thinking in terms of public proclamation of the global beginning of a new aeon. Like Crowley with the Aeon of Horus, which he claimed marged a global shift in attitude (the Aeon being chosen by a defining majority). Used without the global claims, I can see your point. Thanks!

Edited to add:

In your opinion, are all aeons equally available at all times, or do you see a predominance of one or a few, in terms of accessibility, for periods if time?

What functions does the Iblis Pentagram fulfill? You presented it as a teaching aid, does play a role in ritual? Or as an identifying symbol, on stationery and websites?
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In your opinion, are all aeons equally available at all times, or do you see a predominance of one or a few, in terms of accessibility, for periods if time?
I would they are all accessible at any given time, though some are much more global and dominating at times.

What functions does the Iblis Pentagram fulfill? You presented it as a teaching aid, does play a role in ritual? Or as an identifying symbol, on stationery and websites?
The Sufi Science of Letters ( ‘Ilm al-Huruf ) assigns metaphysical attributes to the ABJAD alphabet. The word IBLIS ا ب ل ی ش (alif ba laam ya shin) holds many mysteries in each letter and when combined into Iblīs even more so.

In the words of Ibn Arabi, Iblīs “The Greatest Shaykh”, does not supplement himself before the intellect, for Iblis is the Imagination". The powers of man, both spiritual and physical become obedient to the spirit, but the imagination does not. The Arabic term is ‘Wahm’ and may be interpreted as the ‘imaginal faculty’, he continues, "without images, there will be no spiritual realization for Reality can only be experienced through its manifestation".

So, in addition to the calligraphy and esoteric philosophy of the Iblīs Pentagram, it is used as a focal point during ritual and meditation. It may also function as the Bæytl to which the consciousness of a summoned spiritual creature can be transferred. As a simple Icon, the Pentagram of Iblīs can function as a Talisman ( Talsam طلسم ).
This Levi's Baphomet.

These images are always interesting to me. I know we will not agree on why they are depicted or seen this way, but I will explain how it was shown to me.

When this first started for me, eight years ago I was laying down in my living room with my eyes closed. I remember opening my eyes and seeing this half woman half cat moving towards me, she stooped down and looked me in the eyes then moved past and into me.

For several days my eyes were sensitive and my inner world started to change. After a time I was able to read thoughts and see things that I couldn’t see before, a new tool to figure things out with.

This cat woman got me to start asking questions and trying to figure out why she took on this form, something that can’t become something again. I started to look around the internet and through forums and started to notice many people depicted gods and angels being of this type of mind.

I see this type of understanding a lot in Hinduism, Sumerian, Egyptian and Naga peoples artwork and depictions. I have been shown several of these people also. Basically what I am told is that to become something inside of nothing here you have to become a mind that can not become something again. If you are a person or anything else, then there are minds here that will try to become you and you will never become anything again.

Hinduism explains it best with their art work many of the answers needed to explain this could be found there. There art work depicts, evolution, those that cannot become something again and those that have become something many times to become themselves only, they even show god or at least the understanding of everything here.

Just my two cents worth.

What are the differences between LaVey's concept of Baphomet, and Lévy's?
Ya know, I should have nixed this thread right here . . . this is not about the sigil of Baphomet it's about the pentagram of Iblīs
Fair enough.

What does the inner circle represent, the one which is touched by the star's points?