Hi from Longfellow


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here and there around the world
I’m just copying and pasting what I wrote in my profile, because I don’t know what else to say about me.

I don't believe in the reality or existence of any god or gods, but I'm not crusading against god beliefs, or any other beliefs. I think that religious beliefs and some other kinds of beliefs are and always have been used a lot to excuse the worst kinds of cruelty, violence and oppression, but I don't blame that on the beliefs.

My responses to current issues and what the world needs are trying to help train children in ways that will help improve the world for future generations, and trying to learn to be a safe, easy, fun and helpful person to talk to for all kinds of people in all kinds of circumstances.
My responses to current issues and what the world needs are trying to help train children in ways that will help improve the world for future generations, and trying to learn to be a safe, easy, fun and helpful person to talk to for all kinds of people in all kinds of circumstances
My responses to current issues and what the world needs are trying to help train children in ways that will help improve the world for future generations, and trying to learn to be a safe, easy, fun and helpful person to talk to for all kinds of people in all kinds of circumstances.

Welcome Longfellow. That is indeed the path needed to change the world, to educate our children in virtues and morals.

Regards Tony
Do people ever post in these forums about what they’re learning to do, to live the best life they can, for themselves and/or for the world?

Interfaith.org is a freely available and independent online publication, providing information and discussion on a comprehensive range of religion, faith, and spiritual matters.

Our group seeks to fulfill a mission of interfaith dialogue and exploration of others beliefs while being a place to discuss the intricacies of our own belief in a safe format.

That being said, we have an entire area devoted to sub-forums on politics, literature, film etc. You might want to check these out to see if your topic fits there, @Longfellow.

The general "Spirituality" forum (first in the list) is also a bit of a catch-all, might be a good place for the type of discussion you're asking about.
bolding mine:


Interfaith.org is a freely available and independent online publication, providing information and discussion on a comprehensive range of religion, faith, and spiritual matters.

Our group seeks to fulfill a mission of interfaith dialogue and exploration of others beliefs while being a place to discuss the intricacies of our own belief in a safe format.

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bolding mine:
Ah, I see. I've been trying to get straight answers to straight questions, and failing at every turn (about a figure claiming to be the second coming of Christ) so I apologise if that makes anyone uncomfortable. I will stop asking now
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Do people ever post in these forums about what they’re learning to do, to live the best life they can, for themselves and/or for the world?
People post what they desire to post which meets our code of conduct.

Similar with responses and comments.

Some find this place as a great place to discuss a variety of topics relating to exactly what you asked...others...not so much.

The further folks go out on a limb the more they will have to defend their treatise...but that is to be expected.
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People post what they desire to post which meets our code of conduct.

Similar with responses and comments.

Some find this place as a great place to discuss a variety of topics relating to exactly what you asked...others...not so much.

The further folks go out on a lumb the more they will have to defend their treatise...but that is to be expected.
Bingo. Thanks @wil
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Or even any evidence at all, in this case ...
Now I’m seeing what I tried to do here as a kind of apologetics. I see people discrediting and defaming my spiritual teachers and my community of practice, using the community’s name as a label for their personal religious/political belief systems or for imaginary straw-man belief systems that they are projecting onto other people. I learned a long time ago that it’s worse than useless to respond to that in any way, but I fell into temptation again.
I would be interested in conversations with people to learn about their spiritual path and/or for them to learn about mine if they want to. Along with what I said in my first post above about helping to train children and learning to be a better friend, I've been trying help with the growth and spread of healthier, happier and more loving community life at the level of neighborhoods and villages, all around the world.
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I would like to post some information about a worldwide religious community with no creed and no political agenda, but I can't find any forum where that would be on topic, and there might not be any interest in that here anyway.

(later) Currently it revolves around people learning and working together to improve the community life at the level of neighborhoods and villages all around the world.
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I would like to post some information about a worldwide religious community with no creed and no political agenda, but I can't find any forum where that would be on topic, and there might not be any interest in that here anyway.

If it is a newer community that came into existence in the last 200 years, give or take a few, then the "Modern Religions" forum would be a good place.