Pope's remarks...

IMO many do not appreciate the true depth of the Catholic religion
I believe that can be said about any religion.

I admire the intricacies that thousands of years of questioning and ammending belief and interpretation brought to our ancient religions.

From the outside perspective, he's doing PR for us nonbelievers.

The problem as I see it for most is the initial axiom or postulate that there is a supernatural creator being in control.

I see a very natural TOE which fits macro micro math and our sciences....one that is beyond our current understanding... like sunrise and gravity and planetary movements and rain...once were.

I believe we all have similar threads in our belief...hence my reason to be here.
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The problem as I see it for most is the initial axiom or postulate that there is a supernatural creator being in control.

To be really honest, most believers with whom I discuss my lack of belief in such a being will say things along the lines of, "but what about hope?" And when asked to be more specific, it almost always comes down to hope about evading death. God being in control of this universe seems less of an issue than god enabling these believers to deny the reality of death.

That's my experience. I know that many believers have a more life-affirming (rather than death-denying) faith, I just seem to often meet the other kind. Present company explicitly excluded!
To be really honest, most believers with whom I discuss my lack of belief in such a being will say things along the lines of, "but what about hope?" And when asked to be more specific, it almost always comes down to hope about evading death. God being in control of this universe seems less of an issue than god enabling these believers to deny the reality of death.

That's my experience. I know that many believers have a more life-affirming (rather than death-denying) faith, I just seem to often meet the other kind. Present company explicitly excluded!
The Benedictine monks end each of their six daily prayer services with the words: "May the divine assistance remain always with us, and with our absent brethren"

That's what it is for me -- real and active daily help. It sustains me. Small miracles every day. I have no doubt about it. The afterlife is down the list, for me.

Just my own thoughts
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Ordination to the Catholic priesthood


IMO many do not appreciate the true depth of the Catholic religion

It may be the depth of our faith lays within our ability to serve each other and help all those that are in need, free of all predudices. The examples of service we were given, was Jesus and the Disciples.

I see this is the purpose of the Pope's Message, to give a vision that Faith is truly reflected in our ability to be as Jesus asked us to be, and not our views of faith.

Regards Tony
It may be the depth of our faith lays within our ability to serve each other and help all those that are in need, free of all predudices. The examples of service we were given, was Jesus and the Disciples.

I see this is the purpose of the Pope's Message, to give a vision that Faith is truly reflected in our ability to be as Jesus asked us to be, and not our views of faith.

Regards Tony
Did you watch it? Did you read the Pope Francis quotes posted above?
@Tone Bristow-Stagg

If you think Baha'u'llah is Jesus, start another thread. Don't try to proselytize Baha'u'llah here.
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Maybe you need to go back and see what I offered in this OP and then what you offered and reassess the statement you made in this post.

Regards Tony
It's all just words. Words upon words, imo
No I did not watch the video.

I read the quotes.
Fair enough

Pope Francis means what he says. He speaks plainly It's not about how anybody cherry-picks what he says, to make it mean what they would like it to mean, imo
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God being in control of this universe seems less of an issue than god enabling these believers to deny the reality of death.
It appears there comes a time in many folks lives....as their lives wain....they grasp at anything that will tell them their life will not.end with death or their pain will go away.

The average age in most churches supports.that.
The average age in most churches supports.that.
The American fundamentalist churches seem to be doing a roaring trade of working age people?