World events are preparing us for peace.

Is Peace now possible

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Tony Bristow-Stagg

One Planet One People Please
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That is what I see happening.

The world events are fully reflecting both the promise of a United Future and the destruction of an old dysfunctional Old World Order.

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So when will we get there, the Baha'i Universal House of Justice offered this in the 1985 Peace Message.

"Whether peace is to be reached only after unimaginable horrors precipitated by humanity’s stubborn clinging to old patterns of behaviour, or is to be embraced now by an act of consultative will, is the choice before all who inhabit the earth. At this critical juncture when the intractable problems confronting nations have been fused into one common concern for the whole world, failure to stem the tide of conflict and disorder would be unconscionably irresponsible."

It has been foretold that for peace to become established, it will need this event to unfold.

"The time must come when the imperative necessity for the holding of a vast, an all-embracing assemblage of men will be universally realized. The rulers and kings of the earth must needs attend it, and, participating in its deliberations, must consider such ways and means as will lay the foundations of the world's Great Peace amongst men. Such a peace demandeth that the Great Powers should resolve, for the sake of the tranquillity of the peoples of the earth, to be fully reconciled among themselves. Should any king take up arms against another, all should unitedly arise and prevent him. If this be done, the nations of the world will no longer require any armaments, except for the purpose of preserving the security of their realms and of maintaining internal order within their territories. This will ensure the peace and composure of every people, government and nation."

Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 248

That will reflect what is offered in this passage.

"The time has come when all mankind shall be united, when all races shall be loyal to one fatherland, all religions become one religion, and racial and religious bias pass away. It is a day in which the oneness of humankind shall uplift its standard and international peace, like the true morning, flood the world with its light." – Abdu’l-Baha, The Promulgation of Universal Peace, p. 153.

The world events are giving credence to this statement.

"Unification of the whole of mankind is the hall-mark of the stage which human society is now approaching. Unity of family, of tribe, of city-state, and nation have been successively attempted and fully established. World unity is the goal towards which a harassed humanity is striving. Nation-building has come to an end. The anarchy inherent in state sovereignty is moving towards a climax. A world, growing to maturity, must abandon this fetish, recognize the oneness and wholeness of human relationships, and establish once for all the machinery that can best incarnate this fundamental principle of its life. – Shoghi Effendi, The World Order of Baha’u’llah, p. 202.

Does your path or faith offer such a vision of a path to peace in this age?

If so, please share.

Regards Tony
Does your path or faith offer such a vision of a path to peace in this age?

Civil societies have, after previously failed attempts, set up the United Nations. I view this as a very important and fairly successful first step in the direction of keeping the peace globally.

Of course, it is imperfect and has not worked as designed on multiple occasions. The institution of the veto power of member states of the Security Council, for example, is a major stumbling block, which has caused the UN to be slanted towards favoring the intetests of a few nations over those of many others. The unwillingness of some of the most powerful nations to submit themselves to the UN Tribunal's jurisdiction is another massive problem. But all in all, this is something that has never previously existed, and it is a hopeful thing to me.
But all in all, this is something that has never previously existed, and it is a hopeful thing to me.

The history goes back a but further to after the First World War and the 'League of Nations', which was also not given the required authority to guide the Nations.

Regards Tony
The history goes back a but further to after the First World War and the 'League of Nations', which was also not given the required authority to guide the Nations.

Regards Tony

Yes, there were earlier attempts, as I wrote.

Tsar Nicolas II also proposed something like that, prior to the first world war (disarmament of the great powers). He also suggested the Hague conference in 1898.
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There are people who encourage and wish nuclear armageddon upon the human race, as a prelude to world peace:

I think they're sick in the head

One should never wish for destruction, nor wish any person bad, yet it appears it is a necessary part of the growth of the human condition. We appear to be unable to determine what is best for us, without having this aspect unfold around us.

So maybe God allows the Good and the bad for a reason.

I have found this a good meditation.

Isaiah 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things

Regards Tony
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Yes, there were earlier attempts, as I wrote.

Tsar Nicolas II also proposed something like that, prior to the first world war (disarmament of the great powers). He also suggested the Hague conference in 1898.

Baha'u'llah had Written to Alexander II and in his letter to Queen Victoria had praised her for allowing governance by the people.

In the letter to Alexander Baha'u'llah offered

"... Compose your differences, and reduce your armaments, that the burden of your expenditures may be lightened, and that your minds and hearts may be tranquillized. Heal the dissensions that divide you … We have learned that you are increasing your outlay every year, and are laying the burden thereof on your subjects. This, verily, is more than they can bear, and is a grievous injustice." – Gleanings from the Writings of Baha’u’llah, p. 250.

Alexander the III opposed any reform that limited his autocratic rule, though did try a few reforms and because there was no wars during his reign was even called a peacemaker.

Nicholas II ruled as those before him, and would not let go of autocratic rule. This saw the end of this Monarchy.

This was foretold.

Regards Tony
I don't know what news channel you watch but I see a world on the brink of nuclear war . . . which may bring peace since no one will be left.

The Most Great Peace will come.

The Lesser Peace will come first, but only after these increasing waves of world changing events, it may be nuclear, it may not be.

Regards Tony
I'm thinking that widespread cruelty, violence and oppression will continue to grow and spread for at least three more generations, no matter what anyone does to try to stop them. I can't picture it being any less than that. It might even be five or ten more generations before we hit the bottom. Then gradually over a few more generations, they will mostly disappear, and people will mostly be doing all the best things that people can do, in the arts, crafts, sciences, and services; in friendship and fellowship; and in community life at all levels from local to international. I'm thinking that there are things that anyone can do who wants to, to help move the world in that direction, and doing that is part of living the best life we can here and now.

Meanwhile, I'm thinking that there are things that anyone can do who wants to, to help reduce and counteract the damage, near and far, from all the disasters that are happening now, and doing that is part of living the best life we can here and now.

(later) Looking again, I see that I didn't address the topic of world events preparing us for peace. The words of Jesus come to my mind, about not pouring new wine into old wineskins.
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The topic and the opening post is only a ruse for cut and paste quotes from Bahaollah, the 19th Century uneducated Iranian preacher, who claimed to be a manifestation of Allah without providing any proof of Allah or his own station, and is simply an attempt for proselytization. I wonder if Bahais are paid to hog internet forums to do this, because this happens at nearly all internet forums on religion. Four quotes in one post.

No, my religion is neither so foolish nor so dishonest to offer false platitudes. It says if your duty requires you to fight, do it without considering any other thing.

"sukha-duḥkhe same kṛtvā, lābhālābhau jayājayau;
tato yuddhāya yujyasva, naivaṁ pāpam avāpsyasi." (BhagawadGita 2.38)

Considering happiness or distress, loss or gain, victory or defeat as the same; get ready and engage in war, you shall never incur sin.
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I'm thinking that widespread cruelty, violence and oppression will continue to grow and spread for at least three more generations, no matter what anyone does to try to stop them.

I am encouraged by the discussions happening in the United Nations and also the grassroot responses in places such as Russia and Iran when it comes to war and oppression.

One would hope that these days will be shortened for the sake of the future generations.

Regards Tony
The topic and the opening post is only a ruse for cut and paste quotes from Bahaollah, the 19th Century uneducated Iranian preacher, who claimed to be a manifestation of Allah without providing any proof of Allah or his own station, and is simply an attempt for proselytization. I wonder if Bahais are paid to hog internet forums to do this, because this happens at nearly all internet forums on religion. Four quotes in one post.

The good thing is Aupmanyav, a post on a Forum is not a conversation until another joins in and makes it one. If one does not like the content then there was no need to join in the post.

The world is looking for a solution to embrace peace across all Nations. The United Nations are not hoodwinked by the dishonesty of Nations that come to the table to justify unlawful actions. The issue is, they are yet to receive the power of enforcement.

On offer in this OP is a way to acheive that Goal of international reconciliation.

I am sure we can also find that path in what was offered by Lord Kṛṣṇa

Would you like to share those?

Regards Tony
If one does not like the content then there was no need to join in the post.
The issue is, they are yet to receive the power of enforcement.
On offer in this OP is a way to acheive that Goal of international reconciliation.
I am sure we can also find that path in what was offered by Lord Kṛṣṇa
Or give his/her views on the topic.
And the power of enforcement will not be given to them. Who will part with power? USA, Russia, China, India, North Korea, Pakistan, France, Britain?
Are there any takers for the offer among the nations?
Krishna is a Hindu myth, no evidence that Krishna is historical.
No, peace and brotherhood is a Bahai invention.You need to hand it over to Bahais. Bahais and their militia will put the things right.
Bahais? If that happens I'll find a rock big enough for self, wifey and little dachshunds and get under it.
At present I'm reading about terrible things that are happening in Iran, while Bahai moans about convicted Bahais having jail sentences reduced and being house gated.

Anyway, a Bahai world would be a rather frightening place, I think.
Civil societies have, after previously failed attempts, set up the United Nations. I view this as a very important and fairly successful first step in the direction of keeping the peace globally.

Of course, it is imperfect and has not worked as designed on multiple occasions.

The UK and French governments during the closure of the Suez canal by Nasser. Outrageous discarding of an agreed policy in favour of our own ideas. A British Prime Minister who wanted to be remembered as a successful war PM....... That's the problem for the UN, governments just discarding the agreed rules and procedures when it suits them.

Our PM, Eden, should have faced an international court over that, imo. The UN needs to be a bit more heavy on leaders who chuck the agreement in the toilet when it suits them.
Or give his/her views on the topic.
And the power of enforcement will not be given to them. Who will part with power? USA, Russia, China, India, North Korea, Pakistan, France, Britain?
Are there any takers for the offer among the nations?
Krishna is a Hindu myth, no evidence that Krishna is historical.

I see it will be a majority decision. Backed by the majority of humanity. Those that see the need for a change.

Those that do not want change, are really supporting all that is wrong about the world. This is a self realisation that will come about by either a free will choice or by events that compel them to reconsider what life is all about.

Personally I am a work in progress, always looking for ways to change myself, but always struggling with this material world, a world pulling us back into a darker self.

Regards Tony