Are you woke?

This isnt true. Consciousness is not the kingdom of heaven, as in state of mind, which is what the man is implying. The kingdom of heaven is a state of reality which exist in the spiritual realm but does not make any sense to natural minds. If what the man said was true then everyone who followed Jesus would live in bliss and never suffer especially mentally. So he is wrong. Only by the Spirit can we enter into Gods kingdom, and this life is preparation for the next life which is eternal.
Thanx for your opinion Josh.

It is for discussion and since no one knows what is true in this regard but only what they think is true, the discussion continues.

Jesus asked us to look neither high nor low, here nor there, that heaven was in our midst, and we in its.

I see heaven and hell as choices, perception choices, reaction, choices of how we respond to material occurances.

After 4 years of recovery from strokes, dissected aorta and a couple open heart surgeries, I listen to folks whine FML about such minutia I watch them struggle in their version of hell, while I chose to remain in bliss, in peace, not freaking or fretting about what was next but allowing, and living day by day.

His thoughts and words may not be for you, this is why there a dozens of religions and 3k versions of Christianity, it is such a blessing for folks to find a belief they are comfortable with and my wish is they find one without hurting others or impeding others on their paths

Yes, I am very much awake, to what I believe are the pitfalls of belief in God or soul, religion, occultism, mysticism, superstition. That is why I am a strong atheist.
Rolf von Behrens
Woke AI Reflects Society

Model: GPT-4

Why are you considered woke?

As an artificial intelligence, I don't have personal beliefs or opinions. Instead, I provide responses based on the data I was trained on, which includes a broad range of perspectives and sources. My aim is to offer accurate and unbiased information. If I appear "woke," it's likely because I try to incorporate current understandings of social justice and inclusivity into my responses, simply reflecting societal standards and trends. However, my responses are not influenced by personal sentiment or bias as I am incapable of forming personal beliefs or stances.

Why are you considered woke biased by many

AI technology like me is designed to be neutral, however, it's important to understand that bias can sometimes emerge unintentionally due to the wide range of data used to train the model. If some users perceive me as "woke biased," it could be because of several reasons:

Data Bias: AI models are trained on a large dataset that includes a wide range of human writing. If the dataset contains a significant amount of information that aligns with "woke" ideologies, the AI might reflect that in its responses.

Interpretation: The concept of "woke" is subjective and varies among individuals. What one person might perceive as neutral, another might view as "woke."

Societal changes: As societal understanding evolves on various topics, including social justice and inclusivity, the language that is used to discuss these topics also changes. This updated language is used by AI to provide relevant responses, which might be perceived as "woke" by some users.

Misunderstanding of AI: Some users may perceive AI as having beliefs, emotions, or bias, while in fact, AI only provides responses based on its training data. It doesn't form opinions or beliefs.

As a large language model AI, my goal is to provide accurate, informative, and unbiased responses to the best of my ability. But it's crucial to note that I don't form beliefs or have personal opinions.
If it's all the same to you, I'm going to forego the sermon and skip straight to my answer...

From the perspective of one who remains in ignorance (asleep), there is an awakening to come. From the perspective one who is 'awake,' there was never anything to be awakened to.
If it's all the same to you, I'm going to forego the sermon and skip straight to my answer...

From the perspective of one who remains in ignorance (asleep), there is an awakening to come. From the perspective one who is 'awake,' there was never anything to be awakened to.
Lol, forgot this thread was instigated by a sermon!
That being said I feel I am continually being woken from my dream of old thoughts and conventions...eyes repeatedly opened to new understandings and to me, sometimes from ancient texts or elders, other times from innocent acts and words of children who will never be aware of their effect...and still others from nature or the ethers as one thought pinballs between bumpers to attain another level.

I feel when I stop waking up (learning, growing in understanding) when I can't be rewoken yet again...I won't be.