The supposed earthquake at the death of Jesus.

The Anointed

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It is recorded in the Christian scriptures that Jesus was nailed to the cross at 9AM, and three hours later at the stroke of mid-day, 12 PM, Darkness covered the city for three hours. This was not a normal eclipse of the sun, the longest of which lasts for only about 7 minutes.

This had to be an incoming heavenly object, which remained between the sun and Jerusalem, blanketing the city in darkness for three hours. Then at 3 PM, immediately before the sun appeared once again, there was a terrific blast that rocked the mountains and the temple in Jerusalem, which was built by Herod the Great, breaking the lintel from which hung the great Curtain that was torn from top to bottom, behind which curtain was the innermost sanctuary of the temple, ‘The Holy of Holies,’ where, in the temple built by Solomon, the two Greater golden cherubs, beneath whose outstretched wings the covenant box with the two lesser cherubs on its lid once stood, before that temple was sacked and burned in 587/586 B.C.E. by Nebuchadnezzar’s troops

IMO, this was not an earthquake as most Christians are asked to believe, but an air blast, high above Jerusalem over the desert country on the eastern side of the Jordan, which was consistent with the Tunguska-like fireball over Russia, but unlike Siberia, that desert country does not have any forests, and like the air blast over Russia, did not create any crater as evidence of that event.

Apparently, air blasts such as those which occurred over Russia, on June 30, 1908, and over Jerusalem in the early part of the first century C.E., are not that uncommon throughout history, as Archaeologists have come up with a theory that in a region just north of the Dead Sea, the towns and population in that area, may have been obliterated by a Tunguska style airburst, some 3,700 years ago.

The theory is, that some 3,700 years ago, a meteor or comet exploded over the Middle East, annihilating all human life across a wide area of land north of the Dead Sea. Archaeologists who have found evidence of the cosmic airburst, say that this event was the cause of the destruction of Sodom and its surrounding cities, leaving the land unfit to be reoccupied for 500-600 years.

Tall el Hammam, is believed by archaeologists who have recently worked on that site to be the ancient City of the biblical Sodom, excavation of that site makes this absolutely clear that it was completely destroyed by a singular event. The archaeologist Steven Collins, in his book; “Discovering the city of Sodom” claims that Tall el-Hammam is the site of the ancient city of Sodom, whose destruction is part of an important Biblical episode related to the life of patriarch Abraham.

Was the story of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah a miraculous event, or an historical event that the three men who appeared to Abraham, knew was going to happen at that point in time? Is the miracle in that story, to be found in the visitation of those men?

Who were those men, who accepted Abraham’s invitation to have their feet washed, and to sit in the shade of a tree and be fed with fresh bread baked by Sarah, and the meat of a fatted calf, killed especially for them, plus cream and milk supplied by Abraham? Can spiritual beings eat and drink, and from where did they come?
The eclipse is always interesting scenario specially the moment that he got stabbed and blood came out.
The eclipse is always interesting scenario specially the moment that he got stabbed and blood came out.

The totality of a solar eclipse can range from a few seconds to 7.5 minutes. The longest total solar eclipse of the 21st century took place on July 22, 2009, when totality lasted 6 minutes and 39 seconds!

From midday to 3 pm would be too long for a normal solar eclipse, one needs to find another explanation for the three hours of darkness followed immediately by a terrific blast that shook the very mountains.

it was, as you say, at that time that Jesus was stabbed and blood and water flowed from his side.

Crucifixion resulted in death through anyone of two ways. one way was hypovolemic shock, which can cause fluid to gather in the area around the heart. This is called pericardial effusion..

Another way that death would occur during crucifixion was due to asphyxiation, which occurs when the person is unable to breathe in enough oxygen to survive.

The victim’s weight was inhibiting him to breath and he had to keep pulling himself up with his hands which were nailed to the wooden beam, or pushing up with his feet which were also nailed to the stake.

Eventually, he would no longer be able to push up and due to the lack of Oxygen would pass out and die.

Because the Jewish authorities wanted the three who were crucified removed from their stakes before sunset, Roman guards were sent to make sure they were dead. Jesus was unconscious when the Roman soldier came to check. The other two who were crucified with Jesus, were still trying to push themselves up in their attempt to breath, so their legs were broken, and being no longer able to breath they died within minutes, but the guard believing that Jesus was dead, didn’t bother to break his legs, but instead, shoved a spear into his side, most likely under his ribs, which ruptured the pericardial sack, releasing the water with the blood that was still flowing through his body.

John the beloved disciple was still there and later recorded and EMPHASISED the fact that both blood and water flowed from the body of Jesus: if Jesus were not already dead, the Roman soldier may have actually saved his life by releasing the water around his heart? Shortly after that, Joseph and Nicodemus took the body down and buried it in the cave Just as the sun was setting on Wednesday afternoon.

How long after the heart stops beating does the blood stop flowing? It only takes three to four minutes for the person to become brain dead due to a lack of oxygen.
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It is recorded in the Christian scriptures that Jesus was nailed to the cross at 9AM, and three hours later at the stroke of mid-day, 12 PM,
Hang on a minute ... you need to look closer at time-keeping in the era. Daylight was roughly divided into 'hours' but these don't really correspond to 60 minutes our time. Each 'hour' can cover up to three hours as we would record it.

To say Jesus died at the stroke of midday is one of those fancies that everything about Him must necessarily be 'perfect'. My great aunt used to tell me that Jesus was, and only He was, exactly six feet tall! Both that, the the death at the stroke of midday is a fancy.

John's account – which I favour – differs from the Synoptics, as John has Pilate presented to the Jews 'about the sixth hour' (cf John 19:14) – a period covering roughly 10:30am-1:30pm.

From then, we have the chanting of the mob, the carrying of the cross to Golgotha, the crucifixion, and so on ... that's a lot to cram in, if Jesus is to die in the middle of the sixth hour, at noon exactly.

Darkness covered the city for three hours. This was not a normal eclipse of the sun, the longest of which lasts for only about 7 minutes.
And nor do any astronomical observations support that theory.

... breaking the lintel from which hung the great Curtain that was torn from top to bottom ...
There is a profound spiritual sense of the meaning of this, which is a favourite topic of mine and one I've covered extensively. That is should rather be the result of something more mundane, I would find somewhat disappointing.

IMO, this was not an earthquake as most Christians are asked to believe, but an air blast, high above Jerusalem over the desert country on the eastern side of the Jordan, which was consistent with the Tunguska-like fireball over Russia, but unlike Siberia, that desert country does not have any forests, and like the air blast over Russia, did not create any crater as evidence of that event.
OK: a number of points –
1 An airblast similarly does not last three hours.
2 There are trees, and man-made structures, if not forests.

Tall el Hammam ...
I'm sorry, but that explanation has been scientifically challenged. Steven Collins is a Young Earth Creationist, and the Comet Research Group, which published its findings, has been accused of pseudoscientific and pseudoarchaeology. There's certainly no evidence that Tall el Hammam is in any way Sodom.
Was the story of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah a miraculous event, or an historical event that the three men who appeared to Abraham, knew was going to happen at that point in time? Is the miracle in that story, to be found in the visitation of those men?

Who were those men, who accepted Abraham’s invitation to have their feet washed, and to sit in the shade of a tree and be fed with fresh bread baked by Sarah, and the meat of a fatted calf, killed especially for them, plus cream and milk supplied by Abraham? Can spiritual beings eat and drink, and from where did they come?
Are you suggesting aliens?

Back to the plot – an old esoterist once told me the darkness at noon was all the collective evil in the world gathering to witness the death of the one they assumed was their greatest living enemy – He'd bested demons, He'd bested Satan himself – it was to be a great victory.
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Hang on a minute ... you need to look closer at time-keeping in the era. Daylight was roughly divided into 'hours' but these don't really correspond to 60 minutes our time. Each 'hour' can cover up to three hours as we would record it.

John 11; 9, Jesus said, “A day has twelve hours, doesn't it? So those who walk in broad daylight do not stumble, for they see the light of this world. 12 hours of daylight according to Jesus.

Mark 15; 25, And it was the 3rd hour [9 AM] when they crucified him.

Mark 15; 33. And when the 6th hour had come [midday] there was darkness over the whole land until the 9th hour [3 P M] when Jesus died
To say Jesus died at the stroke of midday is one of those fancies that everything about Him must necessarily be 'perfect'. My great aunt used to tell me that Jesus was, and only He was, exactly six feet tall! Both that, the the death at the stroke of midday is a fancy.

Well considering that I said that darkness covered the land at the 6th hour [midday] and that he died at 3 PM, then I must ask you if you have a problem comprehending that which you read.

John's account – which I favour – differs from the Synoptics, as John has Pilate presented to the Jews 'about the sixth hour' (cf John 19:14) – a period covering roughly 10:30am-1:30pm.

Correct, it was about the 6th hour of the night of the 14th of Nisan [midnight] when Pilate passed judgement on Jesus.

From then, we have the chanting of the mob, the carrying of the cross to Golgotha, the crucifixion, and so on ... that's a lot to cram in, if Jesus is to die in the middle of the sixth hour, at noon exactly.

Mark 15, 15-20; Then the soldiers led Jesus away into the palace (that is, the Praetorium) and called together the whole company of soldiers. They put a purple robe on him, then twisted together a crown of thorns and set it on him. And they began to call out to him, “Hail, king of the Jews!” Again and again they struck him on the head with a staff and spit on him. Falling on their knees, they paid homage to him. And when they had mocked him, they took off the purple robe and put his own clothes on him. Then they led him out to crucify him. by then the sun was beginning to rise.

The Anointed said:

Darkness covered the city for three hours. This was not a normal eclipse of the sun, the longest of which lasts for only about 7 minutes.

And nor do any astronomical observations support that theory.

check out any astronomical table on the solar eclipses and their durations in the 20 and 21st centuries

There is a profound spiritual sense of the meaning of this, which is a favourite topic of mine and one I've covered extensively. That is should rather be the result of something more mundane, I would find somewhat disappointing.

It reveals to me that the death of Christ opened the way for us to enter into the Holy of Holies.

OK: a number of points –
1 An airblast similarly does not last three hours.
2 There are trees, and man-made structures, if not forests.
The incoming heavenly object that blocked the sunlight from shining on Jerusalem had to be between the sun and Jerusalem for three hours for the city to be in it's shadow for 3 hours.

I'm sorry, but that explanation has been scientifically challenged. Steven Collins is a Young Earth Creationist, and the Comet Research Group, which published its findings, has been accused of pseudoscientific and pseudoarchaeology. There's certainly no evidence that Tall el Hammam is in any way Sodom.

Challenged but not proven and Tall el Hammam is certainly in the same vicinity as Sodom according to the scriptures and it was destroyed by one single event.

Are you suggesting aliens?

If they were not human descendants of Adam and of this earth, then they were aliens.

Back to the plot – an old esoterist once told me the darkness at noon was all the collective evil in the world gathering to witness the death of the one they assumed was their greatest living enemy – He'd bested demons, He'd bested Satan himself – it was to be a great victory.

Yea, I've had people like that talk to me also.

nice talking to you Thomas, goodnight.
John 11; 9, Jesus said, “A day has twelve hours, doesn't it? So those who walk in broad daylight do not stumble, for they see the light of this world. 12 hours of daylight according to Jesus.
But He's talking metaphorically, obviously, because a temporal day is not perfectly divided into 2 twelve hour periods, is it, the length of a day/night depends on season. and He would have known that, and so would His audience.

First off, apologies, because I mis-read your post. I somehow thought you meant that Jesus died at 12 noon precisely ... so mea culpa for that error.

But I still think you're fixing the sixth hour too precisely, that was all.

As for the crucifixion generally, I follow John's as the more accurate timeline.

It reveals to me that the death of Christ opened the way for us to enter into the Holy of Holies.
Same for me. An 'explanatory' event seems unncessary to me ...

The incoming heavenly object that blocked the sunlight from shining on Jerusalem had to be between the sun and Jerusalem for three hours for the city to be in it's shadow for 3 hours.
Well that's a supposition, but nothing to support it, really. There are more logical reasons – a khamsin for one. I'm not sure how anyone can explain a three-hour astronomical event?

Challenged but not proven and Tall el Hammam is certainly in the same vicinity as Sodom according to the scriptures and it was destroyed by one single event.
The fall of Tall el Hammam has been discredited as a cometary event as it doesn't match the criteria. The whole thesis, put forward primarily by Collins, doesn't hold water. They even faked photographic imagery to show evidence of an event, and were later obliged to print a retraction.

If they were not human descendants of Adam and of this earth, then they were aliens.
LOL. Could have been priests ... prophets ... aliens is a real outsider, and opens up a whole can of doo-dah ... was Jesus an alien? Was everyone who was supposedly taken up, etc., Elijah, Enoch, Moses, Jesus ... aliens?
Whew, it is like going to the amusement park and not having to stand in line for the rollercoaster.

The twists turns and loop d loops were so severe I had to hold on with all my might!

I have no clue how many times Thomas had to take the ride before his head stopped spinning to respond.