Good heavens woman, when will you ever get it through your head ...

I'm a man, actually.

But you made your attitude toward women very clear.

... that the entire Israeli book of the law which included the Torah was destroyed when the temple was sacked and burned by Nebuchadnezzar’s troops and the entire book of the law, which included the Torah was rewritten (not changed] according to the Jewish Oral Tradition. THE ENTIRE BOOK OF THE LAW NOT PASSAGES, I REPEAT, NOT PASSAGES

I was asking for the quote (with a reference) from the very oral tradition you are constantly referring to, which says that the Torah was rewritten (if not changed).
Do you believe that Ezra is the one who rewrote the Torah? This is a subject I'm currently researching. It finally explains why Ramses was mentioned during the time of Joseph and of Moses.

I believe the rewriting of the Hebrew bible that was destroyed when the temple was sacked and burned, was rewritten according to the Jewish oral tradition, which was a process that involved multiple authors guided by the Holy Spirit over an extended period of time and that Ezra coordinated the entire process. No one person had committed the entire Tanakh to memory, many members of the Jewish community would have each been given a certain portion to memorize and protect and these, under Ezra's watch would have transferred those memories to parchment, which I assume Ezra would have collated and edited.
As get Genesis 1, Bs take 2, those with ADHD you get Enoch...

The Oral Tradition handed down from generation to generation and not through one single line.

From the epistle of Jude a brethren of Jesus, verse 14-15; It was Enoch, the seventhv.14 Seventh: This numbering includes both the first and the last in the series of seven names from Adam to Enoch. direct descendant from Adam, who long ago prophesied this about them: “The Lord will come with many thousands of his holy angels to bring judgement on all, to condemn them all for the godless deeds they have performed and for all the terrible words that godless sinners have spoken against him!”
The Aleppo Codex, is the oldest Hebrew Bible in existence today and was written by scribes called Masoretes in Tiberias around 930 C.E. The Aleppo Codex is considered to be the most authoritative copy of the Hebrew Bible.

I believe the first sentence in the Bible to be an absolute truth. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth. If God has the power of creation, he also has the power of editing the Bible. To me this means the Bible I read today, is the Bible that God intends me to read. I know the Bible has many unknown authors, I know translations can be an issue.

I am not a scholar, so I will never understand all the controversies about the way the Bible has come to me. I trust in God and know that he would not mislead me.
So all versions are.created equal and edited by the hand of humans with.the oversight of G!d for whoever picks it up to read?

Basically, yes. There are themes that run throughout the Bible, 'do not worry, do not be afraid'. Apparently these quotes are mentioned 365 times, in slightly different ways. The Gospel writers talk about an event, each from a different perception. There are over two thousand passages that refer to justice for the poor, oppressed, widows, orphans and refugees. Even if you only read a hundred of those passages, you would have an understanding of what the Bible says about justice.

I prefer the NIV version, because the writing flows in a way that I find easier to read. I have read Catholic Bibles. I struggle with the way the King James version is written, but I see the same overall message.
I believe the word is a living thing and inspired by God. I also believe that God supernaturally protects it. That is my faith in action. I believe God put it together and was with the church as they put it together.

So all versions are.created equal and edited by the hand of humans with.the oversight of G!d for whoever picks it up to read?

If God has the knowledge and the power to create the universe and life, he would know in advance the problems of language, translations and time. God would have had the Bible written in a way that would take all these problems into account. Even if some all powerful Roman emperor wanted to corrupt the Bible, he would have to fight against God, so no contest.

My belief and faith hangs and depends on the power of God, not on man.
I believe the word is a living thing and inspired by God. I also believe that God supernaturally protects it. That is my faith in action. I believe God put it together and was with the church as they put it together.

Amen, agreed in full.