What is your thoughts on furries and q&a

Too much western privilege and nothing real to occupy my human existence?
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The term furry describes a diverse community of fans, artists, writers, gamers, and role players. Most furries create for themselves an anthropomorphized animal character (fursona) with whom they identify and can function as an avatar within the community. Some furries wear elaborate costumes (called fursuits) , or represent themselves as anthropomorphic animals in online communities such as Second life
Lol do I want to? This is your thread asking what we think
Also https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/chlorine-gas-sickens-19-at-furries-convention-1.2863783
This act of terrorism made people not only furries but regular people cough up blood
When you are out camping at a festival, and a pack, flock, herd, gaggle or whatever the group of them are called comes cruising g thru staying in character, it is an experience.
I’ve accidentally stumbled in to one on my way to an nfl game through a convention center
In my time 😂 we were labeled as strange for wearing black fingernail polish. I don't have any opinion on furries as I have not encountered one personally. As long as no one is getting hurt I'm ok with it. My one concern is if someone becomes too obsessed and loses grasp of reality and maybe identifies as a cat or something? I've seen pictures of ppl transforming and disfiguring their bodies into vampires or Barbie and Ken.. that's scary to me.
In my time 😂 we were labeled as strange for wearing black fingernail polish. I don't have any opinion on furries as I have not encountered one personally. As long as no one is getting hurt I'm ok with it. My one concern is if someone becomes too obsessed and loses grasp of reality and maybe identifies as a cat or something? I've seen pictures of ppl transforming and disfiguring their bodies into vampires or Barbie and Ken.. that's scary to me.
Alr people identify as animals but only a small percentage
About the getting hurt part
The furries have been gassed by people
Also it weirds me out in some corners of the fandom
Too much western privelige and nothing real to occupy my human existence?
In my time 😂 we were labeled as strange for wearing black fingernail polish. I don't have any opinion on furries as I have not encountered one personally. As long as no one is getting hurt I'm ok with it. My one concern is if someone becomes too obsessed and loses grasp of reality and maybe identifies as a cat or something? I've seen pictures of ppl transforming and disfiguring their bodies into vampires or Barbie and Ken.. that's scary to me.
Your moniker could indicate a techie furrie
I can always answer any questions you give me
Welcome to the forums, @Cyberwolf !

The quick janitorial info spot: It would be lovely of you to post an introduction to our introductions forum, giving as much or as little background about yourself ad you're comfortable presenting. Also give our code of conduct a read - by posting here, you agree to abide by it. Finally, as you may have noticed, new members can't post links without the post going into the moderation queue - and then it can take a bit of time for one of the mods to wake up and klick the right buttons. Thank you for your patience, it is unfortunately a necessary precaution.

Have fun, and good to have you here!

End of janitorial housekeeping chore.

Chlorine gas attacks on furry convention: That's unacceptable. Words fail me.

ObQuestion: Are there furry-specific belief systems?
Blair White, lol:

Welcome to the forums, @Cyberwolf !

The quick janitorial info spot: It would be lovely of you to post an introduction to our introductions forum, giving as much or as little background about yourself ad you're comfortable presenting. Also give our code of conduct a read - by posting here, you agree to abide by it. Finally, as you may have noticed, new members can't post links without the post going into the moderation queue - and then it can take a bit of time for one of the mods to wake up and klick the right buttons. Thank you for your patience, it is unfortunately a necessary precaution.

Have fun, and good to have you here!

End of janitorial housekeeping chore.

Chlorine gas attacks on furry convention: That's unacceptable. Words fail me.

ObQuestion: Are there furry-specific belief systems?
I actually dont know
I made good with my "promise" to discuss this topic with my friend, and boy was there a discussion! The others in my Sunday video conference joined in, plus we all saw different examples of furries (including an interesting roleplaying game that revolves around anthropomorphic animals who have become intergalactic space colonizers/travelers.) Plus there's an entire artistic subgenre involving furries!

According to him, there are at least ten different major categories of furries! He's surprised that the Christian furries don't see themselves as sheep (they see/represent themselves as lions, which is supposed to be Christ [from what I understand]) while Wiccan furries see/represent themselves as snakes (iirc.) I should've taken notes...

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine