The One Name


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How hard is it to convert so Sikhism? Does the person have to move to a place with a temple?
If you FEEL that you are a sikh, then you are. if you dont FEEL that you are a sikh, then even if yu officially are, you are not a sikh. So it is very easy to convert to sikhism. it is a matter of inner feeling, not outward convention and rituals.
How hard is it to convert so Sikhism? Does the person have to move to a place with a temple?
Converting to Dharmic religions, Sikhism among them, is the easiest thing. As Saurab said, it is a matter of feeling. For a Sikh, the book (Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji) is the temple and the teacher. It is not necessary to move to a place where there may be a Gurudwara (what you will term as a Sikh temple). Have you read the translation of the book? What has attracted you to Sikhism? They have a very nice system of 'Langar' (free food to all visitors, not restricted to just the Sikhs).
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