The Christian Godhead (Trinity) is What Science Calls the Atom

Outside of our Universe, God is 'Waves'.
Inside of our Universe, God is 'Particles'.
The above applies to the New Heavens and New Earth as well.

God, in his highest form, is still outside of the New Heavens and New Earth. This is something I do not think Christians understand. They think the Throne Room is the Highest Heaven. It is not...

Revelation 4:2
"And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne."

The Throne is a representation of the Godhead. The 'One' sitting on the Throne represents the Father. The Slain Lamb represents the Blood of Jesus, the Word of God. The Rainbow around the Throne represents the Holy Ghost. The 'three are one'.

Yet at the same time...

God exists as the Infinite Unified Field of Information and Energy that is 'projecting' (like a hologram) the physical Throne Room...

Zechariah 2:5
"For I, saith the LORD, will be unto her a wall of fire round about, and will be the glory in the midst of her."

God is without the New Heavens and New Earth (Waves), as well as within it (Particles).
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Another rule I go by is that whatever interpretation I come up with, it has to be found elsewhere in the Bible. In addition, it cannot contradict anything.

The OP suggests that the Holy Ghost is associated with the Electron and Electromagnetism. Is this found elsewhere in Scripture? Yes!

One location is in the Book of Ezekiel...

Ezekiel 1:20
"Whithersoever the spirit was to go, they went, thither was their spirit to go; and the wheels were lifted up over against them: for the spirit of the living creature was in the wheels."

If the Spirit of God is the Electron, then the Wheels of Ezekiel must also be filled with Electrons. Let us examine this further...

Ezekiel 1:18
"As for their rings, they were so high that they were dreadful; and their rings were full of eyes round about them four."

Rings with Electron 'Eyes' in them is something that any Chemist would recognize...
A 'wheel within a wheel' would be an Atom consisting of two Orbitals or 'Shells'. This would include Elements that make up Life such as Oxygen (888), Carbon (666) and Nitrogen (777). Since the Creatures were 'Living' this would make sense that they would be made of the building blocks of Life.

If we compare our theory to artist renderings, we find an almost perfect match...


The Holy Spirit has guided many artists to draw something they may not even be aware of.

Now that we have some more evidence built up, can we find even more? Of course...

Ezekiel 1:4
"And I looked, and, behold, a whirlwind came out of the north, a great cloud, and a fire infolding itself, and a brightness was about it, and out of the midst thereof as the colour of amber, out of the midst of the fire."

Look at all of the clues in the above verse. Just how literal are they? Very!

Electrons 'whirl' about a Nucleus.
Electrons make Electron 'Clouds'.
A 'Fire Infolding Itself' is a perfect description of Electron Orbitals.
Electrons are 'Bright'.
'Fire' is Light which is Electromagnetism.

What about Amber? Amber is where we get the word 'Electron' from. ;)

"Both electric and electricity are derived from the Latin ēlectrum (also the root of the alloy of the same name), which came from the Greek word for amber, (ēlektron)."

Thus, the Bible is teaching that Ezekiel literally saw Electrons, and that they were the Spirit of God. See how the Bible is defining all of this for us?

One more...

Acts 8:19
"Saying, Give me also this power, that on whomsoever I lay hands, he may receive the Holy Ghost."

Every Christian knows that the Holy Ghost is Power. Power is the Biblical term for Electromagnetism. It is literal. See that? The connections are all throughout the Bible. This is how I double, triple, quadruple check everything. It is a consistent pattern that surpasses 'coincidence'.

There is even a bit of an inside joke in the Acts 8:19 verse as to how obvious this all is. Everyone knows that Static Electricity can be passed to someone by touching or 'laying hands' on them. It is a transfer of Energy. It is all literal!

There is way more to this BTW. Think of the Stone with Seven Eyes. :)
We are now able to unlock the Mystery of the Stone with Seven Eyes...

Zechariah 3:9
"For behold the stone that I have laid before Joshua; upon one stone shall be seven eyes: behold, I will engrave the graving thereof, saith the LORD of hosts, and I will remove the iniquity of that land in one day."

SW7E - Sm.png

If Eyes in the Bible represent Electrons, then 'Seven Eyes' would represent seven Electrons.

This would be the element Nitrogen. This is a major building block of Life. Earth's atmosphere is mostly Nitrogen. Every breath we take is filled with it...

Job 27:3
"All the while my breath is in me, and the spirit of God is in my nostrils"

Most importantly, DNA is made of Nitrogenous Bases. It is the Word of God made flesh...

John 1:14
"And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth."

Yes, the above verse is a prophecy of DNA thousands of years before its discovery. ;)

What Zechariah 3:9 is teaching is that there will be a new 'engraving' on the Stone with Seven Eyes. This is synonymous to what we would call Genetic Engineering. Yes, the Saved will recieve a new Genome or a New Name. This is the White Stone. It is Abraham's Seed. It is the Blood of Christ...

Revelation 5:6
"And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth."

Did you catch that? The Eyes are the Holy Ghost! Electrons!!!


The Slain Lamb represents the Blood of Christ. The Blood represents DNA. In other words, the Slain Lamb is a picture of a Nitrogenous Base!

Note that Horns in the Bible represent Power as well. I believe this is representative of the Proton.
Again, Eyes in the Bible are often synonymous with Electrons...

Matthew 6:22
"The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light."

Light is Electromagnetism. The verse is teaching that the Holy Ghost is the Light and the Electromagnetism that makes our hearts beat and sends Electricity throughout our bodies to keep us alive. It is also Wisdom.

The Spirit/Electromagnetism of God is what 'quickens' us...

John 6:63
"It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life."

The Word of God is energized by the Power of Electromagnetism. It is Spirit and Life.

Remember the infinite unified energy field that powers our Universe from outside of it...

Hebrews 12:29
"For our God is a consuming fire."

It is the so called 'nothing' that the Big Bang came from... lol.
Remember that Protons and Neutrons are composed each of three quarks: the proton is two up and one down quark; the neutron is two down and one up quark. And of course, this is just a human perception of 'energy' organised into 'standing waves' that will almost certainly be extended as time goes on.

The Big Bang too is really only a working consensus, with many problems such as inflation and dark matter and dark energy. There are other theories besides the BB, and the BB theory will obviously be modified and extended as time goes on? It's not definite, cast in stone, nor are quarks definite -- they are really just working ideas that will do for the time being?

I like your 'quantum gravity' explanation of the relationship between Spirit and nature very much. I find the detailed attempt to explain the Trinity as an atom to be a bit limiting, but I like your overview very much.

Thank you for posting your ideas here

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The forces that define the action of sub atomic particles are surely of equal importance as the particles themselves?

The strong force
The weak force
The electromagnetic force

And 'outside' the above three 'natural' forces is the force of gravity that contains and surrounds and permeates their timespace 'dimension of action'?

Just some of my own thoughts, triggered by your very interesting posts.
Thanks again :)
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Ever since Galleleo told the church no, the sun does not revolve around the earth the apologetics have been striving to align a religious text of beautiful allegory and prose into something it isn't.
Well, remember the first people to say 'no' were his fellow scientists and astronomers, who firmly believed the Aristotelian geocentric model, and who did not much like Einstein because he was a smart-arse and nowhere near as infallible as he thought he was.

The Church had received the heliocentric model prior to Galileo, without any kerfuffle, so his information was not his discovery, but a proof based on observation – he had better telescopes – than the theory proposed by his predecessors.

Galileo's error was in writing a proof that obviously characterised the then pope – just about his only defender – as an idiot. He lost his one, strong supporter, and discovered he was neither as infallible or as inviolate as he thought he was.

It's generally agreed by scholars that his subsequent 'house arrest' was, by the standards of the day, a remarkable sign of benevolence.

But, tragically, yes – as ever the debate gets drowned out by fundamentalists on both camps and everything gets blown up out of proportion. Do remember that `religious' scientists have been at the forefront of their fields, then and now ...
Nothing was 'stretched',
But it is, and only is, an analogy. an atom is not what the Trinity is, and the Trinity is not an electromagnetic wave/particle.

So an analogy, not the best, I'd say, not most useful ...

... but as one who sees the Cosmos as 'Trinity-shaped', another example.
The distinctness you describe reminds me of the Mormon concept of the trinity rather than the classical Christian concept.
Is that your theology?
Actually the process @Faithfulservant describes is 'catholic' in the universal sense — it was an aphorism of the Patristic Fathers that the Spirit reveals the Son, the Son reveals the Father, based on key NT texts (Mark and Paul).

I'm not conversant with Mormon theology.
Remember that Protons and Neutrons are composed each of three quarks: the proton is two up and one down quark; the neutron is two down and one up quark.

The Standard Model of Particle Physics shows there are a total of twelve particles that make up the Universe. There are different ways in which the Standard Model is portrayed. Usually, it is depicted as three columns and four rows. I have found that this arrangement matches with what the Bible teaches...

Standard Model.png

If we compare the above chart to the High Priest Breastplate, we find a perfect match...

The Tribe of Judah (Sardius) matches with the Up Quark. The Tribe of Reuben (Emerald) matches with the Down Quark. As you have stated, depending on the quantities of each, they can make either a Neutron or a Proton.

The High Priest Breastplate acts as a type of 'Particle Rosetta Stone'. Using the KJV, all One needs to do is look up the verses with the name of the Gemstone and it will reveal information about its corresponding particle. I mentioned earlier that the Throne in Revelation is a representation of the Godhead. This means that if we use the Particle Rosetta Stone, we may be able to gain more insight as to what the Throne is all about...

Revelation 4:3
"And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald."

The Sardine Stone is the same as the Sardius. This matches with the Up Quark. The Emerald matches with the Down Quark. Thus, the Throne of God is comprised of the very particles that make Neutrons and Protons. The Jasper matches with the Tau Lepton. Of course, the word Tau is rich in meaning.

The Big Bang too is really only a working consensus, with many problems such as inflation and dark matter and dark energy. There are other theories besides the BB, and the BB theory will obviously be modified and extended as time goes on? It's not definite, cast in stone, nor are quarks definite -- they are really just working ideas that will do for the time being?

I personally believe that Wheeler's 'Participatory Anthropic Principle' theory is closest to solving the riddle of the Big Bang...

"Many don't agree with John Wheeler, but if he's right then we and presumably other conscious observers throughout the universe, are the creators — or at least the minds that make the universe manifest."

Basically, our Universe was created by the act of a conscious observer collapsing the Wave Function into Particles. I believe the conscious observers were Adam and Eve. The Forbidden Fruit was a type of 'Cosmic Egg' that helped make this happen...

"Typically, the world egg is a beginning of some sort, and the universe or some primordial being comes into existence by "hatching" from the egg, sometimes lain on the primordial waters of the Earth."

When Adam and Eve partook of the World Egg, their 'eyes were opened' and the Spirit World of the Wave collapsed into Particles. Science calls that the Big Bang.

I like your 'quantum gravity' explanation of the relationship between Spirit and nature very much. I find the detailed attempt to explain the Trinity as an atom to be a bit limiting, but I like your overview very much.

Thank you for posting your ideas here

Thanks RJM. :)
The forces that define the action of sub atomic particles are surely of equal importance as the particles themselves?

The strong force
The weak force
The electromagnetic force

And 'outside' the above three 'natural' forces is the force of gravity that contains and surrounds and permeates their timespace 'dimension of action'?

Just some of my own thoughts, triggered by your very interesting posts.
Thanks again :)

Absolutely. In the Book of Ezekiel, the Four Forces of Nature are shown in the four faces of the Four Living Creatures...

Ezekiel 1:10
"As for the likeness of their faces, they four had the face of a man, and the face of a lion, on the right side: and they four had the face of an ox on the left side; they four also had the face of an eagle."

If we study the various verses that describe a Man, Lion, Ox and Eagle, we find that they are a perfect match for the Four Forces...

Man is described as being 'weak' compared to the other animals. Thus, Man represents the Weak Force.
The Lion is described as being very 'powerful', thus, the Lion represents Power or Electromagnetism.
The Ox is described as being 'strong', thus the Ox represents the Strong Force.
The Eagle is described as 'going up and coming down', thus the Eagle represents Gravity.

Interestingly, the Eagle is described as being 'swift'. This means that Gravity, whatever it is, is somehow very 'fast'. Maybe Science will catch up to the Bible someday.
So an analogy, not the best, I'd say, not most useful ...

It is not really an analogy though. Again, Romans 1:20 teaches that the 'things that are made' is made of the Godhead...

Romans 1:20
"For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse"

We now know what things are made of. The generic Atom is a Trinity.

What you are basically saying is that the Godhead is whatever *you* say it is, rather than just believing the above verse. And, because you do not like what the Bible teaches, you reject it. That is your choice.

Colossians 2:9 is basically teaching that Jesus is made of Atoms...

Colossians 2:9
"For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily."
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What Ezekiel was being shown was the 'Word Made Flesh' through the lens of Particle Physics and Quantum Mechanics.

Ultimately, the Four Living Creatures represent the four Nitrogen Bases of DNA...


The Rings represent Electron Orbitals/Shells. The Eyes represent Electrons. The Four Faces represent the Four Forces of Nature. The Four Living Creatures represent DNA. The entire scene is showing how God goes from wave to particle to flesh...

Word Made Flesh.jpg

Above the Firmament, we see the Godhead as the generic Atom. Below the Firmament, we see the Atom manifest as the four bases of DNA. It is a form of Teleportation/manifestation from the spirit world into our physical world. The Star Trek 'Teleporter' portrays similar concept, except God does it without the use of technology.

It is not a 'UFO' as in a type of metallic 'spacecraft'. Again, God does not need a UFO to manifest into physical reality.

The so called 'Chariot' is the living body itself. Look at some of the teachings of the Merkabah...

"Hasidic thought explains Kabbalah in terms of human psychology. Through this, the merkabah is a multi-layered analogy that offers insight into the nature of man, the ecosystem, the world, and teaches self-refinement."

"However, when one looks at the way that earth, wind, fire and water (for instance) which all oppose each other are able to work together and coexist in complete harmony in the world, this shows that there is really a higher power (God) telling these elements how to act."

"Ultimately, we should strive to realize how all of the forces in the world, though they may seem to conflict, can unite when one knows how to use them all to fulfill a higher purpose; namely to serve God."

This one is spot on...

"Similarly, Alan Segal and Daniel Boyarin regard Paul the Apostle's accounts of his conversion experience and his ascent to the heavens (2 Corinthians 12:2–4) as the earliest first person accounts we have of a merkabah mystic in Jewish or Christian literature."

Paul traveled to the 'Third Heaven'. This is the Throne Room.
if you didn't know the interpretation the culture the traditions etc one might never, on one's own, develop the theory of the trinity based on the verse. It's not self-evident as such.
Isn't that a very Protestant view, though, "Sola Scripture" and all that? Protestant Christianity is very unusual among religions in that it holds oral tradition, or extra-canonical teachings, in such low regard.

There's this joke (from the Talmud I think) about a prospective convert approaching a rabbi, but saying he did not want to learn oral Thorah, only written Torah. The rabbi taught him the first three letters of the Hebrew alphabet and told him to come back the next day. When the would-be convert returned, they reviewed the first lesson, but to his confusion, the letters he had learned now meant entirely different sounds! To his complaints about the rabbi having switched the letters around, the reply was something like, "what are you complaining about, teaching the alphabet is oral tradition, you didn't want to learn that anyway!"

(apologies if I mangled this tale, and please put me straight in that case)

Getting back to the original point, oral traditions, interpretations, cultural context, commentaries, and all that goodness, are inseparable from the core scriptures, in all religions I know. Even Calvin created a massive work of commentary, Sola Scriptura notwithstanding 😁

I am totally on board with your analogy of the relationship between Spirit and matter as a sort of quantum wave/particle movement. To me the dimension of nature is like a room bound by walls of time and space, but contained and permeated by a greater house of Spirit, which contains many other -- perhaps infinite other -- different sorts of rooms (dimensions). I believe the walls that limit the house of Spirit are not walls of time and space but of Love -- in the greater spiritual sense that all things are one, and return to the One.

The wheel of Spirit turns the wheel of nature, but is not turned by it. It's Plato's cave. Light is the shadow of God, imo. We see only the shadows on the walls of our timespace dimension of nature, of the true reality that casts those shadows.

However I don't really agree with all your reductions. There are only nine numbers and a zero, and there are only a limited number of three dimensional shapes, so to say that because this consists of three or 12 and that also consists of three or 12 -- means they have a direct relationship, is taking the analogy too far, imo

Also as I said quantum physics, the standard model and the Big Bang are really just a working consensus that does the job for the time being. There are a lot of holes and inconsistencies and there are other theories besides the Standard Model. I believe the BB Standard Model will eventually be superseded, as Newton by Einstein.

However I do find your overview quantum gravity analogy of the relationship between Spirit and nature to be quite interesting

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It is not really an analogy though. Again, Romans 1:20 teaches that the 'things that are made' is made of the Godhead...
Ah, no, sadly you've misconstrued that text. Romans 1:20 is part of an argument:

Read in context, St Paul is saying that contemplation of the created order should lead to a contemplation of its source, its cause and origin.
He's talking about 'natural law', those universal moral principles of right and wrong. It was a common element of Jewish speculation that creation points to the creator. Not that creation is made of the same stuff as the creator.

And, furthermore, the things that are made are not made 'of' the Godhead, but 'by' the Godhead.

What you are basically saying is that the Godhead is whatever *you* say it is, rather than just believing the above verse.
No, what I'm saying is you're taking the verse out of context and making it fit what you want it to say.

Colossians 2:9 is basically teaching that Jesus is made of Atoms...
Colossians 2:9
"For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily."
Oh my ...

By your thesis, you and I are made of atoms, and if the Trinity is what the atom is, then we are Trinity. and if we are the Godhead, then how can it be that we do not know that?