Something wrong with Christianity?


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If we look at Hebrews 7:1-28 we can understand that Christians are no longer to have anything to do with the lesser covenant, that it cannot perfect us while Jesus can...

If we look at 2 Corinthians 3:1-18 this is driven home, going so far as to say relying on texts - especially those of Moses - dulls the mind and veils the heart...

If we look at Ephesians 2:11-22 we find that by dropping Jewish commandments and regulations we are bridging the divide between peoples...

Essentially the whole of Galatians is nothing but commentary on this topic...

Why is all of this ignored today?

Why is Christianity not about perfecting love, but rather continues to cling to condemnation?

We see in places like John 17:20-26 that the goal is complete unity, the same glory Jesus had.

We see in 1 John 4:7-21 how to prepare for judgement, becoming as he was.

Where is any of this in modern Christianity?
Welcome to interfaith discussion forums, @FrankSophia ! Glad you found us.

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Have fun, and here's to many good discusdions!
Welcome to interfaith discussion forums, @FrankSophia ! Glad you found us.

Why don't you write an introduction post about yourself in the "Introductions" forum, let us know a little bit about you.

While you're at it, make sure to read our Code of Conduct.

Have fun, and here's to many good discusdions!

I don't really have anything to say about me, I will be talking about the flesh.

I should not need to read the Code of Conduct but the internet is not a democracy so I can be removed for any reason.

I will not change my own behavior to comply with etiquette, but I do not set out to transgress either.

Romans 13:9-10
If we look at Hebrews 7:1-28 we can understand that Christians are no longer to have anything to do with the lesser covenant, that it cannot perfect us while Jesus can...

If we look at 2 Corinthians 3:1-18 this is driven home, going so far as to say relying on texts - especially those of Moses - dulls the mind and veils the heart...

If we look at Ephesians 2:11-22 we find that by dropping Jewish commandments and regulations we are bridging the divide between peoples...

Essentially the whole of Galatians is nothing but commentary on this topic...

Why is all of this ignored today?

Why is Christianity not about perfecting love, but rather continues to cling to condemnation?

We see in places like John 17:20-26 that the goal is complete unity, the same glory Jesus had.

We see in 1 John 4:7-21 how to prepare for judgement, becoming as he was.

Where is any of this in modern Christianity?
Ive been feeling the same way as of late. I know the enemy preys and as the end draws closer he is attacking the core belief. Which is Jesus as the only begotten Son and His sacrifice. Past presence and future for all time and for all people if they will just believe. I'm seeing more and more that He is either denied or conditions placed on this. It's breaking my heart because the simplicity is being mucked up and I blame places like you tube and social media as they have itchy ears and seek after teachers teaching a false gospel when in fact these false teachers are monetized and get paid to spread lies.

The true gospel is so simple. Just believe.
Ive been feeling the same way as of late. I know the enemy preys and as the end draws closer he is attacking the core belief. Which is Jesus as the only begotten Son and His sacrifice. Past presence and future for all time and for all people if they will just believe. I'm seeing more and more that He is either denied or conditions placed on this. It's breaking my heart because the simplicity is being mucked up and I blame places like you tube and social media as they have itchy ears and seek after teachers teaching a false gospel when in fact these false teachers are monetized and get paid to spread lies.

The true gospel is so simple. Just believe.

John 17:20-26 addresses belief...

Acts 19:1-7 also shows belief is not enough...

Further, recall the verse about those saying "Lord, Lord" but never knew Jesus...

If they didn't believe they wouldn't call him that.

Ephesians 3:16-19 talks about knowing a love that surpasses knowledge, that reveals the fullness of God.

Why would you just believe when you can know?
Is there.Something wrong with Christianity?

I don't know, why do you ask?
Where is any of this in modern Christianity?
Where is it not? We have over 3k denominations...something for every Christian to find a home.
I don't really have anything to say about me, I will be talking about the flesh.
Always good to know where one comes easier to understand..

Which of the 3k do you ascribe? Which Bible version is to your liking?
Is there.Something wrong with Christianity?

I don't know, why do you ask?
Where is it not? We have over 3k denominations...something for every Christian to find a home.
Always good to know where one comes easier to understand..

Which of the 3k do you ascribe? Which Bible version is to your liking?

My favorite bible translation seems to be the NIV.

I don't actually think any sect actually complies with the bible.

I also think the plethora of sects shows we don't actually care about truth as a faith, we don't seem to recognize there are correct answers and just choose whichever best aligns with what we already wanted... this seems like an ineffective path to truth.

I lean towards mystical interpretations because 1 Corinthians 4:1-13 tells us this the true apostle.

I do not think many actually understand the Christian message and that is sad.

For instance Mark 3:1-6 has the Pharisee want to kill Jesus for breaking the Sabbath in line with Exodus 31:15 but somehow we still think we're supposed to uphold all these laws.

We are too busy condemning others to ever perfect love.
So what is the Christian message that we all have missed?

And not one of the 3k variations has it right?

Thank G!d you and I are here to set them all straight after 2k years!

I have already discussed them in the original post of this thread...

We are basically following the people who killed Jesus while pretending to love him. one another? You think all 3k miss this...or just ain't that good at it?

2 Corinthians 3:1-18 tells us the letter kills, that Spirit brings life... then explains that Moses brought condemnation and a glory that is rendered obsolete by Christ... then tells us that reading the Torah at all dulls the mind and veils the heart.

Hebrews 7:1-28 distinguishes us very clearly from the lesser covenant that cannot perfect.

Galatians starts out by telling us this is the Gospel that we should never accept the contrary of, then tells us Jewish customs are sneaking back in because of hypocrites like James and Peter then explains that while we're not under the law the Spirit simply doesn't want the same as the flesh so we won't sin if we have this love and light.

I cannot find a sect that actually complies with this, we even deny things like John 17:20-26 and 1 John 4:7-21 which describe how we are to be like Christ, or 1 Corinthians 2:12-16 and 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 which go even further in this, none of this seems to be talked about in Christian circles but it is the message as such.
So, I'm suggesting there are no actual Christians anymore...

I use Luke 14:26 and Galatians 5:4 to justify the statement...

Are you actually a Christian at all if you're in it for yourself and inflict the law on everyone?

That is all I see in the churches.
I should not need to read the Code of Conduct but the internet is not a democracy so I can be removed for any reason.

I will not change my own behavior to comply with etiquette, but I do not set out to transgress either.

Forget about the internet for a minute.

With that attitude, do you get on well in real life?
Forget about the internet for a minute.

With that attitude, do you get on well in real life?

It's a strange question...

Do you give a lot of value to pointless interactions?

Most are basically selfish, it makes me sick.
So you consider basic manners as "pointless interactions"?

And yet you expect your fellow human beings to treat you to the basic courtesy of listening to, or reading, your thoughts, to even provide a stage for you to do so.

This place is run by volunteers, and you snub your nose at our request that you at least show interest in the house rules?

Does this not strike you as a double standard?

Or are you just an entitled brat?
So you consider basic manners as "pointless interactions"?

And yet you expect your neighbors to treat you to the basic courtesy of listening to, or readong, your thoughts, to even provide a stage for you to do so. This place is run by volunteers, and you snub your nose at our request that you at least show interest in the house rules?

Does this not strike you as a double standard?

Or are you just an entitled brat?

I consider most efforts to socialize pointless interactions...

You are offended as the admin because you want me to buckle under, but hidden in this is the expectation that I not be myself...

Somehow this isn't considered rude.

I want people to take my views at face value and respond honestly, I don't want them to fake respect for something stupid I say because it's in the rules.

Do you think your tone is respectful here?
I consider most efforts to socialize pointless interactions...
Then goodness gracious, what are you doing here? This is a forum, the very place to socialize. Serious question, respectfully asked.
Then goodness gracious, what are you doing here? This is a forum, the very place to socialize. Serious question, respectfully asked.

You have not even hinted at respect, and it's clear this has none either.

My intention here is to talk on topics that interest me, but you apparently haven't even noticed there is a topic here.
This thread is specific to Christianity but I am familiar with most listed on this site...

As I find those interesting I will participate using their language.

Mostly my journey into each of those has been guided by the Spirit showing me the true intention of oneness so I tend to gravitate towards those interpretations.